143 research outputs found

    During COVID Sickle Cell Continues: Coping Among Young Adults

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    To culminate a virtual photovoice research project, artists created a photo exhibition. During this photo exhibition, you will hear from those living with sickle cell disease as they share their realities and experiences of navigating the COVID-19 pandemic. The title carries great significance: \u27During COVID, Sickle Cell Continues.\u27 It echoes the fact that despite civil unrest, a global pandemic, and political shifts, sickle cell disease persists. Our artists share photographs that capture their experiences, and a Q&A session with some of the artists takes place at the end

    Symptomatologie des morsures d'ophidiens d'après le papyrus Brooklyn n<sup>os</sup> 47.218.48 et 85 : aspects épistémologiques d’un texte égyptien ancien recopié au IV<sup>e</sup> siècle avant notre ère

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    Cet article reconsidère le contenu du Papyrus ophiologique de Brooklyn, édité par Serge Sauneron (1989), document exceptionnel qui contient deux traités. Le premier, *(Traité intitulé) symptomatologie des morsures (Wp.t-dm.t), consiste en un catalogue de trente-huit reptiles (le caméléon y compris) dont les morsures sont soit considérées comme mortelles, soit dangereuses, soit sans conséquences. Les notices incluent une description et une analyse des morsures. Le second est intitulé Recueil pour faire que les hommes extraient le venin de tout serpent mâle, de tout serpent femelle, de tout scorpion, de tout animal j(n)tš et de tout reptile, qui est à la disposition du dompteur-de-Selkis, et qui sert aussi à écarter tous les reptiles et à sceller leur gueule. Il s’agit d’un ensemble de prescriptions pour soigner les morsures non létales. L’auteur s’interroge sur la date à laquelle ce document (IVe siècle av. J.-C.) a été copié, sur la personnalité de son rédacteur et sur le milieu sacerdotal dans lequel il a pu émerger. Il insiste sur le premier traité (traduction complète), mais en mettant ce dernier en regard du second au moyen de plusieurs tableaux afin de donner un aperçu objectif des connaissances ophiologiques de l’Égypte ancienne et de la façon dont les soins pouvaient être administrés aux morsures. L’article ouvre sur des perspectives iatromagiques et mythologiques, qui montrent que l’on supposait l’existence d’un lien spécifique entre l’Égypte et le monde des Ophidiens dans l’Antiquité.This paper reconsiders the content of the ophiological Papyrus Brooklyn Museum no 47.218.48 and 85, edited by Serge Sauneron (1989), a remarkable document containing two treatises. The first one — *(Treatise entitled) symptomatology of snakes bites — consists of a catalogue of thirty-eight reptiles (including the Chameleon) whose bites are considered either as lethal, dangerous or having no consequences. The items include both a description and an analysis of bites. The second one is entitled Collection for making men extract venom of any male or female snake, of any scorpion, of any animal j(n)tš and any reptile, which is at the exorcist-of-Selkis’ disposal, and which is used to expel any reptile as well as to seal their mouth. It consists of a group of prescriptions for treating non lethal bites. Moreover the author wonders about when this document has been copied (IVth Century B.C.), the personality of its writer and the priestly background within which it was created. He specially puts the emphasis on the first treatise (complete translation), yet with regard to the second treatise by means of several tables so as to give an objective general survey concerning ancient Egyptian ophiological knowledge and how treatments were applied to snakes bites. The paper opens iatromagical and mythological perspectives showing that a specific link between Egypt and the Ophidian world was supposed to exist in Antiquity.</p

    Trans-Golgi protein TVP23B regulates host-microbe interactions via Paneth cell homeostasis and Goblet cell glycosylation

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    Abstract A key feature in intestinal immunity is the dynamic intestinal barrier, which separates the host from resident and pathogenic microbiota through a mucus gel impregnated with antimicrobial peptides. Using a forward genetic screen, we have found a mutation in Tvp23b, which conferred susceptibility to chemically induced and infectious colitis. Trans-Golgi apparatus membrane protein TVP23 homolog B (TVP23B) is a transmembrane protein conserved from yeast to humans. We found that TVP23B controls the homeostasis of Paneth cells and function of goblet cells, leading to a decrease in antimicrobial peptides and more penetrable mucus layer. TVP23B binds with another Golgi protein, YIPF6, which is similarly critical for intestinal homeostasis. The Golgi proteomes of YIPF6 and TVP23B-deficient colonocytes have a common deficiency of several critical glycosylation enzymes. TVP23B is necessary for the formation of the sterile mucin layer of the intestine and its absence disturbs the balance of host and microbe in vivo