118 research outputs found

    Relationship between trait anxiety and health-related factors

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    Growing evidence indicates that anxious individuals are more likely to engage in unhealthy lifestyle behaviors associated with coronary heart disease. We examined the relationship of Trait Anxiety (T-Anx) with lifestyle behaviors and physiological variables in a sample of 34 college undergraduates scoring in the upper/lower quartiles on T-Anx (50% women). Participants were assessed for physiological variables (BP, BMI) and behaviors including cigarette smoking, activity/exercise level, alcohol intake, and sleep. High T-Anx participants smoked significantly more cigarettes, slept significantly fewer hours, and engaged in significantly less vigorous-intensity physical activity than low T-Anx participants. No significant differences between groups were noted on BP, BMI, overall activity level, or alcohol use. These findings provide evidence that high TAnx college-age individuals engage in unhealthy behaviors

    Early Ocean Distribution of Juvenile Chinook Salmon in an Upwelling Ecosystem

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    Extreme variability in abundance of California salmon populations is often ascribed to ocean conditions, yet relatively little is known about their marine life-history. To investigate which ocean conditions influence their distribution and abundance, we surveyed juvenile Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) within the California Current (central California (37o 30’ N) to Newport, Oregon (44o 00’ N)) for a two-week period over three summers (2010-2012). At each station, we measured chlorophyll a as an indicator of primary productivity, acoustic-based metrics of zooplankton density as an indicator of potential prey availability, and physical characteristics such as bottom depth, temperature, and salinity. We also measured fork lengths and collected genetic samples from each salmon that was caught. Genetic stock identification revealed that the majority of juvenile salmon were from the Central Valley and the Klamath Basin (91-98%). We constructed generalized logistic-linear negative binomial hurdle models and chose the best model(s) using AIC to determine which covariates influenced salmon presence and, at locations where salmon were present, determined the variables that influenced their abundance. The probability of salmon presence was highest in shallower waters with high chlorophyll a concentration and close to an individual’s natal river. Catch abundance was primarily influenced by year, mean fork length, and proximity to natal rivers. At the scale of sampling stations, presence and abundance was not related to acoustic indices of zooplankton density. In the weeks to months following ocean entry, California’s juvenile Chinook salmon population appears to be primarily constrained to coastal waters near natal river outlets

    Strengthening confidence in climate change impact science

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    Aim: To assess confidence in conclusions about climate-driven biological change through time, and identify approaches for strengthening confidence scientific conclusions about ecological impacts of climate change. Location: Global. Methods: We outlined a framework for strengthening confidence in inferences drawn from biological climate impact studies through the systematic integration of prior expectations, long-term data and quantitative statistical procedures. We then developed a numerical confidence index (Cindex) and used it to evaluate current practices in 208 studies of marine climate impacts comprising 1735 biological time series. Results: Confidence scores for inferred climate impacts varied widely from 1 to 16 (very low to high confidence). Approximately 35% of analyses were not associated with clearly stated prior expectations and 65% of analyses did not test putative non-climate drivers of biological change. Among the highest-scoring studies, 91% tested prior expectations, 86% formulated expectations for alternative drivers but only 63% statistically tested them. Higher confidence scores observed in studies that did not detect a change or tracked multiple species suggest publication bias favouring impact studies that are consistent with climate change. The number of time series showing climate impacts was a poor predictor of average confidence scores for a given group, reinforcing that vote-counting methodology is not appropriate for determining overall confidence in inferences. Main conclusions: Climate impacts research is expected to attribute biological change to climate change with measurable confidence. Studies with long-term, high-resolution data, appropriate statistics and tests of alternative drivers earn higher Cindex scores, suggesting these should be given greater weight in impact assessments. Together with our proposed framework, the results of our Cindex analysis indicate how the science of detecting and attributing biological impacts to climate change can be strengthened through the use of evidence-based prior expectations and thorough statistical analyses, even when data are limited, maximizing the impact of the diverse and growing climate change ecology literature

    Food limitation of seabirds in the Benguela ecosystem and management of their prey base

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    This is the final version. Available from the Environmental Information Service, Namibia via the URL in this record. Four of seven seabirds that are endemic to the Benguela ecosystem (African Penguin Spheniscus demersus, Cape Gannet Morus capensis, Cape Cormorant Phalacrocorax capensis, Bank Cormorant P. neglectus) compete with fisheries for prey and have an IUCN classification of Endangered. Prey depletion and food resource limitations have been major drivers of recent large population decreases of each of these species. As populations decrease, colony sizes also dwindle rendering them susceptible to Allee effects and higher probabilities of extinction. Therefore, it is necessary to maintain colonies at sizes that minimise their probability of extinction. Means to ensure an adequate availability of food to achieve this goal include closing important seabird foraging areas (often adjacent to key colonies) to relevant fishing, implementing ecosystem thresholds below which such fishing is disallowed (which are also expected to benefit forage resources) and, should there be an altered distribution of prey, attempting to establish seabird colonies close to the new location of forage resources.The Pew Charitable Trust

    The Making of a Productivity Hotspot in the Coastal Ocean

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    Highly productive hotspots in the ocean often occur where complex physical forcing mechanisms lead to aggregation of primary and secondary producers. Understanding how hotspots persist, however, requires combining knowledge of the spatio-temporal linkages between geomorphology, physical forcing, and biological responses with the physiological requirements and movement of top predators.) off the Baja California peninsula, Mexico.We have identified the set of conditions that lead to a persistent top predator hotspot, which increases our understanding of how highly migratory species exploit productive regions of the ocean. These results will aid in the development of spatially and environmentally explicit management strategies for marine species of conservation concern

    Considerations for management strategy evaluation for small pelagic fishes

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    Management strategy evaluation (MSE) is the state-of-the-art approach for testing and comparing management strategies in a way that accounts for multiple sources of uncertainty (e.g. monitoring, estimation, and implementation). Management strategy evaluation can help identify management strategies that are robust to uncertainty about the life history of the target species and its relationship to other species in the food web. Small pelagic fish (e.g. anchovy, herring and sardine) fulfil an important ecological role in marine food webs and present challenges to the use of MSE and other simulation-based evaluation approaches. This is due to considerable stochastic variation in their ecology and life history, which leads to substantial observation and process uncertainty. Here, we summarize the current state of MSE for small pelagic fishes worldwide. We leverage expert input from ecologists and modellers to draw attention to sources of process and observation uncertainty for small pelagic species, providing examples from geographical regions where these species are ecologically, economically and culturally important. Temporal variation in recruitment and other life-history rates, spatial structure and movement, and species interactions are key considerations for small pelagic fishes. We discuss tools for building these into the MSE process, with examples from existing fisheries. We argue that model complexity should be informed by management priorities and whether ecosystem information will be used to generate dynamics or to inform reference points. We recommend that our list of considerations be used in the initial phases of the MSE process for small pelagic fishes or to build complexity on existing single-species models.publishedVersio