19 research outputs found

    The Effectiveness of Deep Breathing Against Blood Pressure Reduction

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    Elderly is a process of disappearing in the ability of tissues to repair themselves or replace themselves and maintain their normal structure and function. The aims of this study was to find out the effectiveness of deep breathing against decreased blood pressure in the elderly who have hypertension. The study used one group pre-post test design. The sample used as many as 13 people. The study used Purposive Sampling techniques and the tool used to obtain the data. The study used a paired sample t-test with a significance value of α=0.05. The results of this study showed that there was an effect of deep breathing on the decrease in blood pressure in the elderly who had hypertension on day 1 pre and day 3 post with a value of p= 0.000<α = 0.05. There was effect of giving deep breathing to decrease blood pressure in elderly people who have hypertension on the 4th day of pre and day 6 post with a value of p= 0.000<α = 0.05. And there was an effect of giving deep breathing to the decrease in blood pressure in the elderly who have hypertension on day 7 pre and day 9 post with a value of p=0.000<α = 0.05. It was concluded that there was an effect of deep breathing on the decrease in blood pressure in the elderly who experience hypertension on days 1, 4, 7 pre and day 3, 6, 9 postKeywords:  Deep Breathing, Blood pressure, Hipertenson, Elderl

    Logistic Management of Antiretrovirals in Indonesia

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    Background: The escalation of HIV-AIDS epidemic needs a comprehensive control efforts including the treatmentstage. ARV is inevitably needed to control the development of HIV-AIDS infection. The availability and accessibility of ARVis crucial to reach the successful treatment. Objective: To identify the implementation of logistic management process inthe central level. Methods: Conducting in depth interviews with informants from AIDS and Infectious Disease sub divisionof the Directorate General of Disease Prevention and Control-MoH, Directorate General Pharmacy and Medical Devices,GF-ATM, and PT. Kimia Farma as the manufacturer of ARV in Indonesia. Data was collected in Jakarta during May-August2011. Result: Source of fund procurement of ARV drugs in Indonesia comes from the national budget and Global Fund.Kimia Farma is the only national manufacture of 5-drugs firts line of ARV, while second line ARV is import include rawmaterials of ARVs. Logistics management consists of planning, procurement and storage, and distribution. Conclusion:Logistic management of ARV in the central level has run in accordance to drug logistic cycle. Unfortunately, most rawactive materials and final second line of ARVs product were still being imported. The government has planned an exitstrategy to reduce the dependency on the donor funding. The report and coordination process among the government,PT. Kimia Farma and end user (hospitals) has not worked well and synchronized. Recommendation: The governmenthave to encourage the local pharmaceutical industries to be able to produce ARV, especially the second line. All relatedstakeholders should enhance good coordination through periodic monitoring and evaluation in ARV distribution processand human resources capability in reporting mechanism

    Pentingnya Pelabuhan Tanjung Perak Bagi Perekonomian Jawa Timur (Studi Pada PT. Pelindo III Tanjung Perak Surabaya)

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    The theme of this research is the importance of the Port of Tanjung Perak for the Economy in East Java. The port is well aligned with the success of economic growth in a region. This thesis aims to determine (1) The importance of the port of Tanjung Perak in supporting economic growth in East Java. (2) Development of Tanjung Perak port facilities in supporting economic growth in East Java. These results indicate that the port of Tanjung Perak has significance for the economy of East Java, namely as a trade gateway and facilitator distribution of goods both for export and import and for the local. Facilities owned by the port of Tanjung Perak basically good because with the rapid flow of distribution, the Port of Tanjung Perak can be said to be still able to manage it. However, the Port of Tanjung Perak also 3 weakness, namely the location of the port of Tanjung Perak namely access around the area of the port, the port of Tanjung Perak bureaucracy is more complicated and relatively low quality of human resources. Need a long process to solve problems facing the port of Tanjung Perak

    Pengaruh Kualifikasi Akademik dan Prestasi Akademik Dosen terhadap Mutu Pembelajaran

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    Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian kuantitatif dengan pendekatan metodologis bercorak positivistic dan pendekatan ilmiah yang meliputi pendekatan pedagogis, psikologis, dan sosiologis. Responden dalam penelitian ini adalah dosen unismuh Makassar yang berjumlah 83 orang dengan teknik pengambilan sampel secara purposive(Purposive Sampling) Metode pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah observasi, dokumentasi dan koesioner. Teknik pengolahan data dilakukan melalui analisis deskriptik dan analisis linear berganda. Hasil penelitian yang diperoleh adalah : 1) Tingkat Kualifikasi akademik Dosen di Unismuh Makassar berkategori baik dengan indicator jenjang pendidikan (74,7%), penguasaan materi (79,55), metode (73,1%), media dan sumber belajar (92,8%), dan kemampuan interaksi edukasi dalam proses belajar mengajar (98,8%) 2) Tingkat Prestasi Akademik Dosen di Unismuh Makassar berdasarkan indikator. kemampuan lisan, kemampuan tulisan, keterampilan , dan kemampuan pemecahan masalah berada pada kategori sedang. 3) Mutu Pembelajaran di Unismuh Makassar berdasarkan indicator input, proses, out put dan outcome berada pada kategori tinggi. 4) Tidak terdapat pengaruh yang signifikan kualifikasi akademik terhadap mutu pembelajaran di unismuh Makassar terbukti dari nilai signifikansi 0, 502F tabel, berarti nilai signifikan lebih kecil dari nilai probabilitas (0,03< 0, 05) yang berarti bahwa kualifikasi akademik dan perstasi akademik Dosen secara simultan berpengaruh signifikan terhadap mutu pembelajaran di Unismuh Makassar

    Potential Drug Cost Saving at Five Government Hospitals in DKI Jakarta

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    Background: The health expenditure increases over time, while drug cost takes 30% of total health expenditure. An alternative to reduce drug cost is by using generic medicines. This research aimed to count the drug cost saving potential by the use of generic drugs. Methods: A cross sectional non intervention study has been conducted in five hospitals in DKI Jakarta province. Result: Showed the total number of prescription prescribed from all hospitals during 6 months was 72,492. From 1600 prescription analyzed there were 5,891 items of drug. Five of ten drugs which were often prescribed had no generic match. The highest price comparison of branded and generic drugs was in antibiotic groups (59 times). The price of prescription can be reduces Rp.28,733 per each and the cost saving potential from 6 months period in 5 hospitals were Rp.2,082,912,636 by using generic drugs. The Conclusionof this research was generic drug use can save drug cost approximately Rp.28,000 per prescription or equal to about 2 billion for 6 months

    Penerapan Strategi Segmenting dan Targeting dalam meningkatkan Kinerja Pemasaran: Literatur review

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    This paper aims to analyze the Implementation of Segmenting and Targeting Strategies in improving Marketing Performance through analysis of literature reviews in the field of marketing management. The method used in this study is a literature study by reviewing some of the results of previous studies. The writing approach in this scientific article is to use qualitative methods and library research with the help of the latest references obtained from Google Schoolers and Mendeley citation searches. The results of the research were analyzed and used as material for discussion to determine the answers to the problems of applying segmentation and targeting strategies in marketing by companies. The results of the literature review show that the existence of a Segmenting and Targeting Strategy implemented by a company can have a positive impact on marketing performance. The implementation of segmenting and targeting strategies is needed by a businessman to increase the marketing value of the products being sold. This is because segmenting and targeting strategies have a positive influence on marketing performance. The better the segmenting and targeting strategies are carried out, the higher the sales that will be generated. Keywords: Marketing Performance, Literature Review, Segmenting, Targeting. &nbsp

    Studi Kinetika Reaksi Metanolisis Pembuatan Metil Ester Sulfonat (MES) Menggunakan Reaktor Batch Berpengaduk

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    Surfaktan merupakan surface active agent yang banyak diaplikasikan dalam bidang industri kimia berkaitan dengan kemampuannya menstabilkan emulsi antara fasa minyak dan fasa air. Surfaktan berbasis minyak nabati merupakan pengembangan teknologi di bidang surfaktan yang selama ini didominasi oleh surfaktan berbahan baku minyak bumi. Metil ester sulfonat (MES) adalah surfaktan anionik yang dihasilkan melalui reaksi antara metil ester asam lemak dengan agen pensulfonasi atau yang lebih dikenal dengan reaksi sulfonasi. MES mengalami proses lanjutan yang disebut dengan reaksi metanolisis dan netralisasi. Penelitian ini mempelajari pengaruh rasio mol reaktan, waktu reaksi dan suhu reaksi terhadap yield MES pada reaksi metanolisis. Yield MES tertinggi yaitu 49,71% dicapai pada suhu reaksi 120°C, waktu reaksi 120 menit dan rasio mol MES terhadap metanol 1:3. Konstanta laju reaksi metanolisis ditentukan dengan mereaksikan reaktan di dalam reaktor batch berpengaduk pada kondisi operasi tersebut

    Quality and Storability of Mango During Zero Energy Cool Chamber (ZECC)

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    Many researchhavefound thatthe use of zero energy coolchamber (ZECC) extend the shelf life of stored fruits and vegetables. There is a lack of study conducted in Indonesia about the use of ZECC to keep mangos after harvesting though. The present study, therefore, was aimed to understand the quality and storability of stored mangos in ZECC. Three different storage containers, a ZECC, ambient, and refrigerator with different average RH and temperature, were used to place selected ripe mangos (Mangifera indica L) that were manually harvested from farmers’ field nearby. The ZECC was set up at the residential complex for lecturer of Hasanuddin University as the experiment site. Results showed that mangos inside ZECC were acceptable until eleven days of storage after considering both quality and sensory evaluation. The result suggests that ZECC can maintain mango’s quality and extend its shelf life, which reveals that ZECC seems promisingfor commercial applicatio


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    Indonesia is the third largest cocoa producer in the world, where South Sulawesi, West Sulawesi, Center Sulawesi and East Java Provinces as main contributor. On the other hand, there are several government policies and international trade commitments such as Uruguay Round affects the Indonesian cocoa exports and production as an important issue in this research. Therefore, the research objectives were (1) assessing factors responsible for the cocoa exports, (2) analyzing the impact of fertilizer subsidy and the export tax polices on Indonesian cocoa exports and production post Uruguay Round. The estimation of the model used time series data 1983-2002 by 2SLS Method. The key findings of the research are; (1) Indonesian cocoa exports are determined by the export price, production growth, exchange rate and time trend, (2) post-Uruguay Round, the government policy in term of fertilizer price subsidy could be strongly expected in increasing the Indonesian cocoa exports and production, where as the export tax policy has negative impact to the decreasing of export and productio


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    Pengabdian ini bertujuan untuk memantapkan karakter siswa dalam mengembangkan jiwa wirausaha digital yang berkarakter. Pendidikan yang berorientasi pada karakter menjadi penting dalam menghadapi era digital yang penuh dengan perubahan dan tantangan. Edukasi yang fokus pada pengembangan keterampilan berwirausaha dan karakter yang kuat dapat membantu siswa untuk menjadi edupreneur (entrepreneur pendidikan) digital yang sukses dan berintegritas. Dalam pengabdian ini, metode yang digunakan adalah melalui pelatihan, workshop, dan pendampingan siswa dalam mengembangkan ide-ide bisnis digital mereka sendiri. Siswa diajak untuk mengidentifikasi masalah sosial atau ekonomi yang relevan dalam konteks digital, dan mereka didorong untuk menciptakan solusi berbasis teknologi yang inovatif. Selain itu, pendekatan ini juga menitikberatkan pada pengembangan karakter seperti integritas, ketekunan, kreativitas, kepemimpinan, dan kolaborasi. Hasil dari pengabdian ini menunjukkan peningkatan signifikan dalam pemahaman siswa tentang wirausaha digital dan karakter yang diperlukan dalam berwirausaha. Siswa tidak hanya mampu mengembangkan ide bisnis digital yang inovatif, tetapi juga memiliki kesadaran yang lebih tinggi tentang pentingnya etika dan tanggung jawab sosial dalam dunia digital. Selain itu, mereka juga mampu bekerja sama dalam tim dan memimpin dengan integritas. Pengabdian ini diharapkan dapat menjadi contoh bagi institusi pendidikan lainnya dalam memantapkan karakter siswa menuju edupreneurship digital yang berkarakter. Melalui pendekatan ini, kita dapat menciptakan generasi muda yang siap menghadapi perubahan dunia digital dengan keyakinan diri dan integritas yang tinggi