55 research outputs found

    Emic and Ethic Knowledge of Bamboo’s Characteristic in Process of Making Angklung

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    Bamboo as raw material of angklung has not received special attention yet, whereas the quality of angklung will be highly influenced by the quality of bamboo as its main material. Only bamboo with certain character can produce angklung with the quality of good sound and proper tone. Unfortunately the knowledge of the local community regarding the characteristics of bamboo is still qualitative hence that the process of knowledge inheritance was obstructed. Therefore in this research, society knowledge (emic knowledge) will be translated scientifically in order to obtain the quantitative data of bamboo characteristic for angklung. The methods used was a qualitative and quantitative descriptive. The emic data was collected with deep interview with the selected informants in purposive. The key informant on this research was the owner of Bale Angklung Bandung. Quantifying emic data was conducting by the measurement and laboratory test of physical properties (the water content), chemical properties (the concentration of sugar reducing/Luff Schoorl) and anatomy (the density of vascular bundles). The measurement aimed to determine the reed diameter, the minimum length of internode, the physical condition of drying, the reed uprightness, the reed roundness, and the depreciation. The result showed that the scope of local knowledge regarding making angklung was varying. Not all of the craftsmen understood the steps and the characteristics of bamboo that used in the main material selection process. Some of bamboo characteristic for angklung could be quantifying, including the chosen bamboo which having 44 cm of minimum length, the reed uprightness was 45-90Ëš above the ground, and the circles reed round with the maximum diameter change tolerate outside the reed is 0,15 cm. But there are still many more local knowledge that could not be construed scientifically so it needs further excavation. In main material selection process, the most treatment and bamboo characteristic selection was conducted to gather bamboo in the low water and sugar level at average 7.5% and 0.54%. The low water level will prevent the reed shrinks after drying process. After drying, the bamboo will be compact with the average of density vascular bundles is 142.63 number/mm

    Mini-Review Mengenai Pemanfaatan Material Berbasis Polimer Koordinasi Berpori untuk Penyimpanan Hidrogen

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    This review aims to summarize the various types of Metal-Organic Frameworks (MOFs) and their utilization for hydrogen storage. MOFs have high surface area, flexibility, good stability and tunability, various active sites, and abundant raw materials. These characteristics make MOFs worthy of being considered as a new material in hydrogen storage applications. The potential for using MOFs is very broad because its properties can be determined from the choice of metal and linker. Hydrogen gas storage commonly requires high pressure tanks whereas in liquid form, it requires cryogenic temperatures due to its very low boiling point, the challenge is to synthesize MOF with high hydrogen adsorption capacity under mild conditions. Moreover, it is crucial to learn about the relationship among the pore volume and surface area of MOFs, physisorption of hydrogen, and adsorption condition

    Volatilitas Harga Kedelai Dan Integrasi Pasar Kedelai Sebelum dan Sesudah Pandemi Covid 19

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    Soybean is one of the main food commodity in Indonesia beside rice and corn, so it is necessary to maintain price stabilization. This study aims analyze the volatility of soybean prices and the integration of Indonesian and international soybean markets before and after the COVID-19 pandemic.The ARCH/GARCH model is used in the analysis of soybean price volatility and the VAR/VECM model is used to analyze the market integration between the Indonesian soybean market and the international market. The result of research show that local retail soybean price have a higher price volatility than international soybean price and imported soybean price. Soybean price volatility after the COVID-19 pandemic also showed a higher level of price volatility compared to conditions before the COVID-19 pandemic. Meanwhile, the result of market integration show that there is market integration between the Indonesian soybean market and the American market, and the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the formation of local soybean prices at the producer level.Kedelai adalah satu dari komoditas pangan utama di Indonesia selain beras dan jagung, sehingga perlu dijaga stabilisasi harganya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji sistem agribisnis kedelai, menganalisis volatilitas harga kedelai dan integrasi pasar kedelai Indonesia dan internasional sebelum dan sesudah pandemi covid-19. Kajian sistem agribisnis kedelai dianalisis secara deskriptif yang menunjukkan bahwa sistem agribisnis di Indonesia belum seluruhnya terintegrasi dan saling terikat. Model ARCH/GARCH digunakan dalam analisis volatilitas harga kedelai, yang menunjukkan harga kedelai lokal tingkat pengecer memiliki tingkat volatilitas harga yang lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan harga kedelai internasional dan harga kedelai impor. Sementara, model VAR/VECM digunakan untuk menganalisis integrasi pasar antara pasar kedelai Indonesia dan pasar internasional, yang menunjukkan terdapat integrasi pasar antara pasar kedelai Indonesia dengan pasar Amerika Kata kunci : Volatilitas, Integrasi pasar, Kedelai

    Prospects of Indonesian Rice Self-sufficiency As a Food Security Effort Using a Dynamic System Model

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    Problems at the level of rice production faced include reduced agricultural land due to land conversion, damage to irrigation networks, pests and diseases in production and not yet maximizing productivity because the use of seeds and fertilizers has not been optimal. Meanwhile, at the consumer level, the need for rice continues to increase, both to meet industrial needs, to meet household (RT) and non-RT needs. The purpose of this research is to simulate a scenario of achieving self-sufficiency in rice in the dynamic system model, to find out the key factors that determine the achievement of self-sufficiency in rice in Indonesia and to develop policy recommendations needed to achieve self-sufficiency in rice towards food security. The research method used is a system dynamic approach using secondary data to build a simulation model. The simulation results show that the paddy field printing program contributes the most to increasing rice self-sufficiency. Furthermore, the intensification and reduction of rice consumption, but these two policies did not have a major impact on self-sufficiency in rice, in contrast to the results of achieving self-sufficiency in the extensification program. But unfortunately, creating paddy fields, intensification in the form of using certified seeds and decreasing consumption are the biggest obstacles currently facing agricultural development


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    SYAIMA PITRIANA(2021):SURVEI INSENTIF PAJAK PENJUALAN ATAS BARANG MEWAH (PPnBM) BAGI KONSUMEN PADA PT. AGUNG AUTOMALL SOEKARNO-HATTA PEKANBARU Penelitian ini dilakukan di Pekanbaru yang berlangsung pada 31 Maret 2021 sampai 21 April 2021 di PT Agung Automall Soekarno-Hatta Pekanbaru. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui insentif PPnBM bagi konsumen pada PT. Agung Automall Soekarno-Hatta Pekanbaru dan untuk mengetahui pengaruh adanya insentif PPnBM terhadap penjualan pada PT. Agung Automall Soekarno-Hatta Pekanbaru. Hasil penelitian ini berdasarkan wawancara dengan narasumber. Manfaat dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui dan menambah wawasan tentang insentif PPnBM dan sebagai referensi untuk penelitian berikutnya di PT. Agung Automall Soekarno-Hatta Pekanbaru yaitu untuk mengetahui insentif PPnBM yang diterapkan oleh pemerintah yaitu dengan tarif insentif PPnBM 100% pada Maret-Mei 2021, 50% pada Juni-Agustus 2021 dan 25% pada September-Desember 2021. Kata kunci :Insentif PPnBM, PT. Agung Automall Soekarno-Hatta Pekanbar


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    The current study aimed at investigating the factors that cause students’ anxiety in speaking English and finding any correlation between the anxiety and the students’ speaking performance. A case study was employed as the research design of this study. The participants of the study were 33 students of Science program class in one senior high school in Bandung. The data were obtained from questionnaires, interviews, and one speaking test. The results showed that self-perception, low proficiency in speaking English, learners’ beliefs about language learning, teachers’ beliefs about language learning, and classroom procedure were considered as the main factors that caused students to be anxious in speaking English. It is also found that there is a negative correlation between students’ speaking anxiety and their speaking performance. The findings indicated that students were anxious in speaking English. The five factors and their anxiety can predict the quality of the students’ speaking performance. The higher the students’ anxiety, the lower the students’ speaking performance


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    Introduction: Self-medication is an attempt to treat minor ailments independently before consulting to a doctor. In Indonesia, self-medication is always increasing every year. Based on data from the Central Statistics Agency (BPS), the percentage of the Indonesian population who self-medicated in 2020-2022 is 72.19%, 84.23%, and 84.34% respectively. Self-medication that is carried out has the potential for errors in disease diagnosis, delays in searching for the necessary treatment, inaccurate doses, and wrong administration methods. Therefore, knowledge is needed to carry out self-medication so as to prevent medication errors. Methods: The method used in this research is a literature study from various journals and websites using Mendeley and Harzing's Publish or Perish as sources (digital libraries). Result: The focus group discussion (FGD) method has a significant effect on increasing public knowledge about self-medication with the posttest scores of all respondents experiencing an increase indicating the range of assessments is in the good category. Then in the second article using online media there is a sufficient percentage of 4.48%. However, this education can contribute to increasing public knowledge about self-medication. Education using leaflet media and the Active Individual Learning Method (CBIA) method can increase public knowledge about self-medication. Conclusion: Education to the public can increase knowledge about self-medication. Of the three methods used, the method that most increased public knowledge about self-medication was focus group discussions (FGD) by holding discussions so that participants could be more active and understand the material more easily.    Pendahuluan: Swamedikasi merupakan upaya untuk mengobati penyakit ringan secara mandiri sebelum periksa ke dokter. Di Indonesia, upaya swamedikasi selalu melangalami peningkatan setiap tahunnya. Berdasarkan data dari Badan Pusat Statistik (BPS), persentase penduduk Indonesia yang melakukan pengobatan sendiri pada tahun 2020-2022 berturut-turut sebesar 72,19%, 84,23%, dan 84,34%. Swamedikasi yang dilakukan dapat berpotensi kesalahan dalam diagnosis penyakit, keterlambatan dalam mencari pengobatan yang diperlukan, dosis yang kurang tepat, dan cara pemberian yang salah. Oleh karena itu dibutuhkan sebuah pengetahuan untuk melakukan swamedikasi sehingga mencegah adanya medication error. Metode: Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah studi literatur dari berbagai jurnal dan website dengan menggunakan Mendeley dan Harzing’s Publish or Perish sebagai sumber (digital library). Hasil: Metode focus group discussion (FGD) memiliki pengaruh signifikan terhadap peningkatan pengetahuan masyarakat mengenai swamedikasi dengan nilai posttest semua responden mengalami peningkatan yang menunjukkan range penilaian masuk dalam kategori baik. Kemudian pada artikel kedua menggunakan media online terdapat persentase nilai cukup sebesar 4,48%. Akan tetapi, edukasi tersebut dapat menyumbangsih peningkatan pengetahuan masyarakat mengenai swamedikasi. Edukasi dengan menggunakan media leaflet dan metode Cara Belajar Insan Aktif (CBIA) dapat meningkatkan pengetahuan masyarakat mengenai swamedikas Kesimpulan: Edukasi kepada masyarakat dapat meningkatkan pengetahuan mengenai swamedikasi. Dari ketiga metode yang digunakan, metode yang paling meningkatkan pengetahuan masyarakat mengenai swamedikasi adalah focus group discussion (FGD) dengan mengadakan diskusi sehingga peserta dapat lebih aktif dan mudah dalam memahami materi.     &nbsp

    Kecenderungan keusahawanan dalam kalangan banduan sabitan Penjara Kajang

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    This study aimed to explore entrepreneurial intention among convict conviction from Kajang prison. Accordingly, researcher has put forward six variables namely entrepreneurial characteristic, training skills, financial support, family support and public perception as variables that influenced entrepreneurship intention among convicts of Kajang prison. Data was collected using the questionnaire distributed to 300 convicts from Kajang prison as respondents. This survey was analysed via Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS). The t-test and ANOVA analysis were uses to explore the difference of entrepreneurship intention according to demographic factors. Correlation test was used to identify the relationship between entrepreneurial characteristic, training skills, financial support, family support, public perception and entrepreneurial intention. The Regression analysis was conducted to determine the influence of six variables towards the entrepreneurship intention of convicts. The finding showed that the level of entrepreneurship intention, training skills and family support were high. However, entrepreneurial characteristic and financial support were moderately high. The finding also revealed public perception at moderately low level. This study showed significant differences in entrepreneuship intention based on gender. However, there was no significant difference in entrepreneurship intention based on age, numbers of siblings and marriage status. Pearson correlation analysis showed significant relationship between entrepreneurial chracteristic, training skills, financial support, family support and public perception towards entrepreneurial intention among convicts. Multiple regression analysis showed that entrepreneurial chracteristic has the highest influence on the entrepreneurial intention among the convict conviction, followed by the training skills and family support

    Gambaran Kualitas Hidup Pasien Long Covid Syndrome di Kelurahan Sumampir dan Karangwangkal, Purwokerto Utara

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    Latar Belakang : Individu yang telah pulih dari COVID 19 melaporkan masih mengalami gejala lanjutan atau gejala sisa pada kondisi pasca-COVID dan sering disebut dengan istilah Long Covid Syndrome. Gejala LCS memberikan dampak pada penurunan kemampuan fisik dan mental seseorang. Hal tersebut akan memengaruhi kualitas hidup meskipun telah dinyatakan sembuh dari COVID 19. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui gambaran kualitas hidup pasien dengan Long Covid Syndrome. Metodologi : Desain penelitian yang digunakan adalah cross sectional. Penelitian menggunakan total sampling sebanyak 32 sampel dengan menggunakan kuesioner WHOQOL-BREF dan dilakukan analisis univariat. Hasil Penelitian : Hasil penelitian menunjukkan kualitas hidup pasien LCS digambarkan dalam 4 domain. Domain kesehatan fisik mayoritas berada pada kategori sedang (68,8%). Domain psikologis setengah dari responden dalam kategori baik (50%). Kualitas hidup pada domain hubungan sosial mayoritas dalam kategori sedang (65,6%). Domain lingkungan untuk kualitas hidup pasien LCS ada 2 kategori yang memiliki persentase yang sama yaitu pada kategori sedang (40,6%) dan kategori baik (40,6%). Kesimpulan : Penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa kualitas hidup digambarkan pada empat domain dengan kategori yang berbeda-beda. Kata Kunci : Kualitas hidup, LCS, Pasca Covi


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    ABSTRAK Proses pembelajaran tematik di SDN Gandamekar disinyalir belum berorientasi pada pembelajaran yang aktif, efektif, serta menyenangkankan. Pembelajaran diduga dijalankan terpusat pada aktivitas guru sehingga mengakibatkan aktivitas siswa untuk terlibat langsung selama pembelajaran disinyalir masih rendah dan kurangnya guru dalam memanfaatkan prasarana pendukung pembelajaran dengan baik, serta kurangnya dalam mengkolaborasikan model-model pembelajaran. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui aktivitas mengajar guru, aktivitas belajar siswa, penggunaan prasarana pendukung pembelajaran, dan pemahaman konsep siswa melalui penerapan model Numbered Head Together (NHT) pada tema keselamatan di rumah dan perjalanan. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah Penelitian Tindakan Kelas (PTK) dengan model tiga siklus Suharsimi Arikunto. Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui tes, observasi dan dokumentasi. Subjek penelitian adalah siswa kelas II SDN Gandamekar. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa aktivitas mengajar guru dari siklus 1 sampai siklus 3 mengalami peningkatan yang signifikan. Sedemikian itu dengan aktivitas belajar siswa dari siklus 1 sampai dengan siklus 3 mengalami peningkatan yang sangat baik. Beserta aktivitas guru mulai dari siklus 1 sampai dengan siklus 3 mengalami peningkatan dengan baik. Bersama penggunaan prasarana pendukung pembelajaran dari siklus 1 sampai dengan siklus 3 mengalami peningkatan yang optimal. Dan dengan pemahaman konsep siswa pada siklus 1 termasuk kategori baik. Pada siklus 2 setelah di refleksi mengalami peningkatan dengan kategori sangat baik. Pada siklus 3 bertahan di kategori sangat baik. Artinya model pembelajaran Numbered Head Together (NHT) disinyalir dapat meperbaiki hasil pemahaman konsep siswa dengan sangat baik. Kata Kunci: Pemahaman Konsep, NHT, Pembelajaran Tematik. ----- ABSTRACT The thematic learning process at Gandamekar Elementary School was allegedly not oriented towards learning that was active, effective, and exciting. Learning that is carried out centrally on teacher activities carried out involves students to be directly involved in learning, presumably still low and low teachers in utilizing the supporting infrastructure of learning well, and improving in collaborating learning models. This study discusses teacher teaching learning, student learning activities, the use of infrastructure to support learning, and understanding student concepts through the application of the Numbered Head Together (NHT) model on the theme of safety at home and travel. The research method used was Classroom Action Research (CAR) with three Suharsimi Arikunto cycle models. Data collection is done through tests, collection and implementation. The research subjects were second grade students of Gandamekar Elementary School. The results showed that teacher teaching activities from cycle 1 to cycle 3 increased the acquisition significantly. Such is the case with student learning activities from cycles 1 to 3 cycles which improve very well. Along with teacher activities starting from cycle 1 to cycle 3, correct it. Together using infrastructure supports learning from cycles 1 through 3 cycles to improve optimal improvement. And by understanding the concept of students in the first cycle, including the good category. In the second cycle, after being corrected, improve with a very good category. In cycle 3 it is in the very good category. This means that the Numbered Head Together (NHT) learning model cannot be used. Keywords: Understanding of Concepts, NHT, Thematic Learning
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