1,355 research outputs found

    Effects of the Jigsaw and Teams Game Tournament (TGT) Cooperative Learning on the Learning Motivation and Mathematical Skills of Junior High School Students

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    This study aims to: 1) describe the effectiveness of the jigsaw and TGT cooperative learning in the learning motivation and mathematical skills of junior high school (JHS) students, and 2) investigate the significant difference in the learning motivation and mathematical skills between the JHS students learning through the jigsaw cooperative learning and those learning through the TGT cooperative learning. This study was a quasi-experimental study using the non-equivalent pretest and posttest group design. This study involved two experimental classes. The research population comprised Year VII students of SMP Pembangunan Piyungan and the research sample consisted of two classes selected from all Year VII groups, with Year VII.A receiving a treatment of the jigsaw cooperative learning and Year VII.B receiving a treatment of the TGT cooperative learning. The instruments consisted of a test, i.e. a mathematical skill test, and a non-test, i.e. a questionnaire of mathematics learning motivation. To investigate the effectiveness of the jigsaw and TGT cooperative learning in the learning motivation and mathematical skills of JHS students, the data were analyzed using the one sample test. To investigate the significant difference in the learning motivation and mathematical skills between the students learning through the jigsaw cooperative learning and those learning through the TGT cooperative learning, the data were analyzed using the T2 Hotelling. To compare the effectiveness of the jigsaw and TGT cooperative learning in the learning motivation and mathematical skills of the students, the data were analyzed using the t-test. The normality was tested using the univariate approach, namely the Kolmogorov Smirnov, the homogeneity using the Box' M test, and the equivalence of the variance-covariance matrix using the Levene's test. The results of the study show that: 1) the jigsaw cooperative learning is effective for the JHS students’ mathematical skills and mathematics learning motivation; 2) the TGT cooperative learning is effective for the JHS students’ mathematical skills and mathematics learning motivation; 3) there is a difference in the effectiveness of the jigsaw and TGT cooperative learning in the JHS students’ mathematical skills and mathematics learning motivation; 4) the jigsaw cooperative learning method is more effective than the TGT cooperative learning method for the JHS students’ mathematics learning motivation; and 5) the jigsaw cooperative learning method is more effective than the TGT cooperative learning method for the JHS students’ mathematical skills. Keyword: Cooperative Learning, Jigsaw, Teams Game Turnament, Learning Motivation, Mathematics Skill

    Designing a Virtual Laboratory Using Android-Based Virtual Reality (Case Study: Laboratory of Basic Measurement and Electrical Engineering Instrumentation)

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    The existence of a laboratory in an engineering department is very important. The reality is that not all students can use existing laboratories in the engineering department due to limited laboratory space, tools and time constraints. The very rapid development of technology cannot be avoided. Active smartphone users in Indonesia reach over 100 million users. This proves that today's technological developments are very influential in everyday life. There are various kinds of technological developments that have occurred to date. One of these very rapid developments has led to digital technology which is increasingly favored by the community such as VR ( Virtual Reality ) technology which is able to provide the worldvirtual. Therefore, VR technology is used to solve student’s problems in accessing the laboratory. Where the VR technology takes a laboratory background. The utilization is in the form of virtual laboratory applications as digital educational media using VR technology which can later interact directly with practicum tools in the virtual laboratory application

    Analisis Pengetahuan dengan Kemampuan Keluarga Merawat Pasien Dalam Mengontrol Halusinasi Dirumah

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    For the patient's hallucinations to be interrupted, family support is needed, where family support is one of the interventions that can be done to increase patient compliance in treatment; of course, family support can be done if the family knows how to treat sick family members. This study aims to identify knowledge of families' ability to care for patients with hallucinatory problems. The research design used in this study is an analytical survey with a cross-sectional approach. The population is a family of 78 patients, with a total sample of 47 respondents taken by consecutive sampling. Data were processed using Fisher's Exact Test statistical test. The results obtained a test value between knowledge and family motivation p = 0.000, showing the p-value < α (0.05). It was concluded that there is a relationship between knowledge and the ability of families to care for patients to control hallucinations at home. So that families are expected to be able to apply the knowledge and information obtained at the hospital related to procedures for caring for family members who experience hallucinations and try to find information related to hallucinatory diseases and immediately seek help if there is no relapseAgar halusinasi pasien dapat terputus, maka diperlukan dukungan keluarga, dimana dukungan keluarga merupakan salah satu intervensi yang dapat dilakukan dalam meningkatkan kepatuhan penderita dalam melakukan pengobatan tentunya dukungan keluarga dapat dilakukan jika keluarga mengetahui cara melakukan perawatan pada anggota keluarganya yang sakit. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengidentifikasi pengetahuan dengan kemampuan keluarga merawat pasien dengan masalah halusinasi. Desain penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah survey analitik dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Populasi merupakan keluarga pasien sebanyak 78 orang, dengan jumlah sampel sebanyak 47 responden yang diambil secara consecutive sampling. Data diolah menggunakan uji statistik Fisher's Exact Test. Hasil penelitian diperoleh nilai uji antara pengetahuan dengan motivasi keluarga p= 0,000 menunjukan bahwa nilai p < α (0,05). Disimpulkan bahwa terdapat hubungan pengetahuan dengan kemampuan keluarga merawat pasien dalam mengontrol halusinasi dirumah. Sehingga keluarga diharapkan mampu menerapkan pengetahuan dan informasi yang diperoleh di rumah sakit terkait dengan tatacara merawat anggota keluaganya yang mengalami halusinasi dan berusaha mencari informasi terkait penyakit halusinasi dan segera mencari pertolongan ketidak terjadi relap

    Pendekatan Non-invasif Untuk Memantau Kadar Glukosa Darah Dengan Jaringan Syaraf Tiruan (JST) menggunakan Gray Level Co-Occurrence Matrix (GLCM) Pada Citra Digital

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    Peningkatan konsentrasi glukosa dalam darah (hiperglikemia), menyebabkan penumpukan glukosa dalam darah karena tidak diserap oleh sel-sel tubuh dengan baik sehingga dapat menimbulkan berbagai gangguan pada organ tubuh. Untuk menghindari masalah, perlu untuk memeriksa kadar gula darah secara teratur. Pemantauan kadar gula darah saat ini masih menggunakan teknik invasif yang bersifat nyeri, diperlukan pemantauan non invasif. Penelitian ini menyajikan pendekatan teknik non-invasif untuk mengidentifikasi dan mendeteksi glukosa darah melalui pengolahan citra kulit tangan. Metode pengembangan ini adalah dengan mengambil gambar tangan dengan glukosa darah invasif dan 40 peserta berusia 20-60 tahun, analisis data dilakukan dengan preprocessing citra, menentukan nilai gray level co-occurrence matrix (GLCM), menggunakan  metode regresi  dan Jaringan syaraf tiruan (JST) dengan algoritma backpropagation untuk melakukan pelatihan dan pengujian data. untuk menentukan model pemantauan glukosa darah. Validasi hasil identifikasi metode GLCM-Regresi menunjukkan error rata-rata 37,7% dan metode GLCM-JST prediksi kadar glukosa darah dengan error rata-rata 10%. Sehingga model PGD (non-invasive) dengan metode GLCM-JST ini layak untuk diterapka


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    The activities and lessons both carried out in the classroom and outside the classroom, and with a variety of methods, such as methods of playing, telling stories, singing and others. Considering the many methods used in the educational process, in this study, the author will limit the problem or focus on the story method in Islamic education the application and influence of story methods in Islamic education implemented and developed in kindergartens in order to form qualified, healthy and skilled children. So what is meant by the title of the story method in Islamic education here is to instill the values of Islamic teachings in the child by using the story method implemented / applied in kindergarten

    Pengawasan Pemerintah Daerah Terhadap Pengelolaan Sumber Daya Alam (Studi Kasus Tambang Pasir Ilegal di Desa Tamalatea Kecamatan Manuju Kabupaten Gowa)

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    This study purposed to find out local government oversight of the management of natural resources associated with illegal sand mining in Taamalatea Village. This study used descriptive qualitative with six informants. Data collection techniques were  observations and interviews with informants. The results of this study showed that the supervision was not running optimally so that it could not minimize the occurrence of miners who could not get permits. Factors affecting supervision were human resources that were still less effective because the community had low education thus they chose to be miners while community participation had cooperated according to what the government wanted to protect the environment to prevent landslides


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh suhu ruang terhadap produksi biogas dari variasi sampah organik rumah tangga dalam digester. Penelitian ini menggunakan sampah organik rumah tangga pada perlakuan I 8:9 So Lt/kg Perlakuan II 7:10 Lt /kg Perlakuan III 6:11 Lt/kg perlakuan IV 5:12 Lt/kg dengan 4 perlakuan menggunakan metode deskriptif dengan percobaan langsung di BTN Residen Kota Mataram. Tujuan Penelitian ini mengetahui pengaruh suhu ruang, dan karakteristik fisik nyala api. Data dianalisis menggunakan pendekatan matematis yang dibuat dengan program Microsoft excel. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Suhu ruang sangat berpengaruh terhadap Tekanan produksi biogas, jika suhu ruang semakin dinaikkan maka Tekanan yang dimiliki produksi biogas akan ikut meningkat begitupun sebaliknya, jika suhu diturunkan maka Tekanan yang dimiliki akan menurun. Karakter fisik nyala api dari sampah organik rumah tangga ada berbagai macam ada nyala api campuran, non campuran, tidak beraturan/acak (Api Turbulen) dan api biru. Hal ini dipengaruhi oleh variasi sampah organik rumah tangga yang digunakan pada perlakuan I, II, III, dan IV sehingga membentuk karakter nyala api yang berbeda-beda pada perlakuan tersebut
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