20 research outputs found

    Perluasan Teori Maqashid Al-Syari’ah: Kaji Ulang Wacana Hifdz Al-‘Ummah A. Djuzuli

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    This paper wasdone the discourse of “hifdz al-'ummah/the savior of nation” of A. Djazuli in the theory of “maqashid al-shari'ah”. Because the benefit is the essence or substance of Islamic law.Mentioning the essence or substance of Islamic law intended to mean that the beneficiaries are a key element of the building of Islamic law, which binds other related ones. The data presented in this paper comes from primary sources directly related to A. Djazuli thought. This study found that the study of “maqashid al-shari'ah/the purpose of law” which is now developing emphasize to people as individual and less offset by humans as members of the community. The concept of people becomes important in life togetherwhether people within the scope of the first, second, or third which are well aligned with the economic, political, and social-culture aspects of a nation or the international community. In the era of globalization, the roles of aspects become very strong and their interaction becomes very intensive


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    The experts of the Islamic law methodology (Ushuliyyin) have inherited the ta'wil method; a method of discovering the esoteric meaning in the textual disclosure.  The application of ta'wil method must be exactly based on predetermined rules of play. The mistake of understanding a method will have negative impact toward the law product. This phenomena was worried about by the ushuliyyin very much. This research is a library study with content analysis method. This study concludes that ta'wil according to ushuliyyin that is, the abrogation of a pronouncement of the meaning of zhahir to another meaning which is not quickly captured, because there is a proposition that the meaning is meant by the pronouncement. Evidence of ta'wil in the form of nash, qiyas, luhgawiyyah, 'aqliyyah, and' adad ('urf), and the argument disputed is the wisdom of al-tasyri' (maqashid al-syari'ah) which is practiced only by ulama ushul al-Hanafiyyah. Ta'wil covers the furu' problems. Ushuliyyin finds some form of ta'wil, among which specializes in general pronouncing (takhshish al-'am), limiting the mutlaq (taqyyid al-mutlaq), transfer the utterance from the essential meaning to the majazi, or from the obligatory meaning of the sunnah. Generally the ta'wil method is still considered relevant to the renewal of Islamic law

    NIKAH MISYAR (Analisis Maqashid asy-Syari’ah)

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    The marriage misyar is a marriage contract conducted by husband and wife in syar'i and meet all the terms of marriage in islamic law. But the wife sincerely gave up her right not to be fulfilled by her husband, such as living in the house and the material right as usual of marriage. This marriage has been widely studied by Muslim intellectuals from various aspects such as, such as sociological, legal, and maqashid asy-syari'ah. Among the studies of the highlights maqashid ay-syari'ah concluded that marriage misyar in line with maqashid shari'ah at the level of dharuriyah, hajjiyah and tahsiniyah. The marriage misyar just to meet the biological needs, what can be said that this marriage is compatible with maqashid asy-syari'ah especially at the level of dharuriyah? At last it can be concluded marriage misyar irrelevant to maqashid asy-syari'ah padal level dharuriyah


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    The experts of the Islamic law methodology (Ushuliyyin) have inherited the ta'wil method; a method of discovering the esoteric meaning in the textual disclosure.  The application of ta'wil method must be exactly based on predetermined rules of play. The mistake of understanding a method will have negative impact toward the law product. This phenomena was worried about by the ushuliyyin very much. This research is a library study with content analysis method. This study concludes that ta'wil according to ushuliyyin that is, the abrogation of a pronouncement of the meaning of zhahir to another meaning which is not quickly captured, because there is a proposition that the meaning is meant by the pronouncement. Evidence of ta'wil in the form of nash, qiyas, luhgawiyyah, 'aqliyyah, and' adad ('urf), and the argument disputed is the wisdom of al-tasyri' (maqashid al-syari'ah) which is practiced only by ulama ushul al-Hanafiyyah. Ta'wil covers the furu' problems. Ushuliyyin finds some form of ta'wil, among which specializes in general pronouncing (takhshish al-'am), limiting the mutlaq (taqyyid al-mutlaq), transfer the utterance from the essential meaning to the majazi, or from the obligatory meaning of the sunnah. Generally the ta'wil method is still considered relevant to the renewal of Islamic law

    The Application of Social Change and Ta’wil Theories in Understanding Musykil al-Ahadiths and Their Constribution to Shariah Economic Law Development in Indonesia

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    Although many studies have focussed on the application of social change and ta’wil theories; none of them have concentrated on the use of both theories simultaneously in understanding musykil al-ahadiths. This paper analyzed the application of social change and ta’wil theories in understanding musykil al-ahadiths and their contribution to the development of Shariah Economic Law (SEL) reform in Indonesia. Data were gained through indepth interview with some members of National Shariah Board (DSN) of Indonesian Council of Ulama (MUI) and literature study of Shariah Legislation Regulations and the DSN Fatwa (Legal Advice) on some issues of SEL reform such as Current Account, Savings, and Deposits. This study revealed that social change and ta’wil theories have been strong driver and technically played important role in understanding musykil al-ahadiths in giving significant contribution to the development of SEL in Indonesia. Ta’wil, especially in the Ushul al-Syafi’iyyah school which preferred what the word probably means in its context, has become very popular theory among the members of DSN in understanding musykil al-ahadiths. This finding gives a clear picture on how using social change and ta’wil theories in understanding sacred texts, the Holy Qur’an, Hadiths, Bible, Torah, and others in order to practice their teaching in the real life

    Manajemen Kepala Madrasah dalam Meningkatkan Kompetensi Profesional Guru Pendidikan Agama Islam

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    The purpose of this study was to determine the management of madrasa principals in improving the professional competence of Islamic religious education teachers. In this study, the authors used a type of qualitative research with a descriptive approach that is research that describes or illustrates the state or status of phenomena. The results of the study, several things that need to be done by the madrasa head include: 1) Knowing the condition / condition of the teacher in the background of environmental, social and economic life, 2) stimulating the teacher's work spirit in various ways, 3) maintaining the availability of facilities needed to develop the ability teacher, 4) increasing teacher participation in the school environment, 5) fostering a sense of family within the school environment, 6) strengthening the relationship of the school with the community, committee and student guardians. Conclusions, the management of madrasas in improving the professional competence of Islamic religious education teachers (PAI) are: 1) involving teachers in training activities, 2) promoting discipline, 3) motivating teachers, 4) supervision. Conclusion, The application of the management of the madrasa head at the MA Al-Manshuriyah Sungai Baung has already been implemented, the professional competence of PAI teachers at the Al-Manshuriyah MA has been very good Keywords: Principal Management, PAI Teacher Competenc

    Pola Pengembangan Karakter Religius Aspek Ibadah dan Akhlak pada Siswa di SMPIT Rabbi Radhiyya Rejang Lebong

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    Abstract: Pattern of Religious Character Development Aspects of Worship in Students at SMP IT Rabbi Radhiyya Rejang Lebong.This study aims to explore patterns of religious character development in aspects of worship and morals in SMP IT Rabbi Radhiyya Rejang Lebong students. This research is qualitative research with a phenomenological approach. Technique data obtained from interviews and observations. The data obtained were analyzed by four steps, namely data, data reduction, data presentation, leveraging, or pulling. The results showed that the development of religious character in the aspect of worship is carried out through obligatory prayers and sunnah (dhuha, rawatib) and tahfidz Qur'an. Development of religious character in the moral aspects including morals for teachers, morals towards others, and morals towards oneself. The development of religious character is carried out through a pattern of habituation, giving advice, guidance, control, and supervision, guidance, reward, and punishment, which includes knowledge, feelings, and actions.Abstract: Pola Pengembangan Karakter Religius Aspek Ibadah pada Siswa di SMP IT Rabbi Radhiyya Rejang Lebong.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengeksplorasi pola pengembangan karakter religius pada aspek ibadah dan akhlak pada siswa SMPIT Rabbi Radhiyya Rejang Lebong. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kulitatif dengan pendekatan fenomenologi. Tehnik pengumpulan data diperoleh dari wawancara dan observasi. Data yang diperoleh dianalisis dengan empat langkah yaitu pengumpulan data, reduksi data, penyajian  data, verifikasi atau menarik kesimpulan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa, Pengembangan karakter religius pada aspek ibadah dilakukan melalui ibadah sholat wajib dan sunnah (dhuha, rawatib) dan tahfidz Qur’an. Pengembangan karakter religius pada aspek akhlak meliputi akhlak kepada guru, akhlak kepada sesama maupun akhlak kepada dirinya sendiri. Pengembangan karakter religius dilakukan melalui pola pembiasaan, pemberian nasihat, mentoring, kontrol dan pengawasan, ketauladanana, pemberian reward dan punisment, yang  mencakup knowing, feeling dan  doing


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    Abstract. Asy-Syifa Study Group of Rejang Lebong Regency manages the eid savings by paying dues at each study event. If one member needs urgent funds, then the funds raised can be lent. The loan must be returned with a value more than the nominal loaned, so that in the future the group can enjoy the excess given by the group members at the time of repayment of the loan. This kind of advantage in Islam is called riba. The purpose of this devotional activity is to provide knowledge about islamic views in counseling to the Asy-Syifa Study group about the concept of saving and borrowing in accordance with Islamic Sharia, realigning the practice of saving eids that have been practiced to conform to the concept of Islam, and accompanying the Asy-Syifa group in the practice of managing nir-riba eid deposits. So that this devotion will benefit in helping the Local Government of Rejang Lebong Regency realize one of the visions of Rejang Lebong area that is free from riba so that it creates a smart, taqwa and prosperous Rejang Lebong, as well as raising public awareness to stay away from Riba in any form of activity. This service is carried out by counseling, mentoring, and supervision methods. After the implementation of this service, the study of Ash-Syifa has gradually changed the practice of saving and borrowing that has been done to save loans in accordance with Islamic sharia through murabahah, hiwalah bil ujrah, and Qardh.Abstrak. Kelompok Pengajian Asy-Syifa Kabupaten Rejang Lebong melakukan pengelolaan simpanan hari raya dengan membayar iuran di setiap acara pengajian. Jika salah seorang anggota membutuhkan dana mendesak, maka dana yang terkumpul boleh dipinjamkan. Pinjaman harus dikembalikan dengan nilai lebih dari nominal yang dipinjamkan, sehingga dikemudian hari kelompok bisa menikmati kelebihan yang diberikan oleh anggota kelompok pada saat pelunasan pinjaman tersebut. Kelebihan seperti ini dalam Islam dinamakan riba. Tujuan pelaksanaan kegiatan pengabdian ini yaitu untuk memberikan pengetahuan mengenai pandangan Islam dalam penyuluhan kepada kelompok Pengajian Asy-Syifa tentang konsep simpan pinjam sesuai Syariat Islam, meluruskan kembali praktek simpanan hari raya yang selama ini telah dipraktekkan agar sesuai konsep Islam, dan mendampingi kelompok Asy-Syifa dalam praktek mengelola simpanan hari raya yang nir-riba. Sehingga pengabdian ini akan memberi manfaat dalam membantu Pemerintah Daerah Kabupaten Rejang Lebong mewujudkan salah satu visi daerah Rejang Lebong yaitu bebas riba sehingga tercipta Rejang Lebong yang cerdas, taqwa dan sejahtera, serta menumbuhkan kesadaran masyarakat untuk menjauhi Riba dalam bentuk kegiatan apapun. Pengabdian ini dilakukan dengan metode penyuluhan, pendampingan, dan pengawasan. Setelah dilaksanakan pengabdian ini, pengajian Asy-Syifa secara bertahap telah merubah praktik simpan pinjam yang selama ini dilakukan kepada simpan pinjam yang sesuai dengan syariat Islam melalui murabahah, hiwalah bil ujrah, dan Qardh.


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    This research is aimed at finding out to what extent IBL strategy can affect students speaking ability and to find out the significant of IBL strategy on students speaking ability. The populations of this study were all students in second grade at SMAN 7 Bengkulu. The samples of this study were 30 students on one class of second grade at SMAN 7 Bengkulu Selatan. This study used quasi-experimental study with one group design in order to test hypotheses. The study was conducted by pretest, the treatment in three meetings by using IBL strategy and posttest to the students. The instruments of this study were pretest and posttest. The result of this research showed that there were increasing scores of students speaking ability from 40,27 to 51,33, the increasing scores covered in; vocabulary aspect (13,54), grammar aspect (10,67), fluency aspect (7,33), and pronunciation aspect (12,67). The conclusions of the study were: firstly, IBL strategy affected students speaking ability with average increasing score of 11,05 covering the four aspects (vocabulary, gramar, fluency and pronunciation) of speaking. Secondly, IBL strategy affected sufficiently significant ( 0,05) on students speaking ability. This current study contributes to give the teachers an additional strategy on the effective strategy for teaching of speaking