40 research outputs found


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    The textbook is designed to serve the basic principles or aspects containing in the medium of instruction. At SDN Kwagean II Loceret Nganjuk, the textbook becomes the most dominant medium in the instructional process. Another problem in the utilization of the textbook, the textbook has not met the feasibility aspect due to the theory, model, students’ need and the improvement of the students’ motivation. Therefore, the developer aims at developing a product of Social Science (IPS) instructional package for IV graders of Elementary School to solve the existing problem concerning the textbook at SDN Kwagean II Loceret Nganjuk. Regarding the problems, the developer considers the importance for reorganizing the social science material for the fourth graders of elementary school by designing, trying out and producing it in the form of complete instructional package. The conclusion of the field test done after going through expert analysis, individual and small group tests can be said that the textbook has fulfilled the students’ need even though there are some matters to be revised. It is expected that IPS Textbook for IV graders is able to solve the problems concerning the instructional package development that comply with the theory and learning model, so it can generate a learning source that is proper with the students’ characteristics, assist the students’ learning and create such learning condition that may improve the students’ motivation

    Enhancing Reading Comprehension through Collaborative Strategic Reading

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    This study aims at improving learners’ reading comprehension through collaborative strategic reading. This study is implemented in the first semester of the accounting study program of Universitas Muhammadiyah Ponorogo. The investigator got two matters in the teaching and learning of learners in the first semester: (1) The learners’ attainment scores were poor in reading skills. (2) The English lecturer generally recited the story first and then he just requested the learners to go over after him. To overcome these problems, the researcher applied the classroom action research design. The subject of this research is class A consisting of 30 students. The researcher utilized some instruments such as an observation, checklist, field notes, and reading comprehension tests. The result shows that the students’ achievement score improved from 30% (9 students) of 30 students in the preliminary study to 53.3% (16 students) in Cycle 1 and then improved to 77% (23 students) in Cycle 2. From this, It can be concluded that the students could understand the texts comprehensively and they found a progressive enhancement in their attainment scores in reading comprehension


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    Writing skill has an important role in the English teaching program in Islamic Junior High School. However, the ability of the eighth-graders of this school in writing is still dissatisfactory. The students feel still difficulties how to start writing and they don’t have an idea to write. This research is intended to progress the writing skill of the eighth graders by implementing a writing process approach with pictures. This strategy is chosen since it can lead the students to generate their ideas into a useful composition. The findings in the preliminary study show that the students need to learn how to start their writing and they do not have ideas to write. Only 8 of 31 students achieve the average score of writing skill equal to or above 70. To get the purpose, the researcher conducted action research following four steps: planning, implementing, observing, and reflecting. The subject of the study were 31 students of the eighth grade. The findings show that implementing a writing process approach with pictures has progressed the writing skill of students. In cycle one, the students’ average score was 15 of 31 failed and 16 of 31 students passed or got the score equal or greater than 70. In cycle two, the average score for the final product was 6 of 31 students failed and 25 of 31 students passed or got the score equal or greater than 70. Also, the findings of students revealed that the students’ participation was active and motivated using pictures in the teaching and learning activities. Based on the results, it can be summarized that implementing a writing process approach with pictures is very beneficial not only in progressing the students’ writing skill but also in motivating the students in the learning activities.Keywords: using pictures, writing skill, recount tex

    Using Online Short to Improve the Reading Comprehension Ability

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    BACK and DRAW activities for improving writing skills

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    This present paper addresses the issue of writing as an important aspect of EFL instruction. Writing as one of the four basic language skills plays a pivotal role in the context of English teaching as a foreign language in Indonesia. Considering these problems, it is important to modify the writing process in such a way to cope the writing. The process of writing the writer means is BACK and DRAW activities. What the writer termed as BACK and DRAW is a set of writing activities involving students’ active participation in the process, their intense learning experience in producing a required text, as well as their interactive work with peers and the teacher. BACK and DRAW stands for Brainstorming, Attaching, Correcting, Keeping, Developing, Revising, Arranging, and Wow! Or Wonderful! Or Well done!. These activities are good ways to improve the writing Ability

    The Use of Picture Series to Improve Eighth Graders’ Writing Recount Texts

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    This study involved eighth graders’ of MTs Al-Islam Nganjuk and focused on their ability in writing recount text. Based on the result of preliminary study, it was found that the students’ writing ability got unsatisfactory results. Therefore, this classroom action research was conducted. The finding of the study indicated that the implementation of picture series was successful. It showed that the students gained good progress from the first to the second cycle. The data analysis confirmed 71.90%, (in cycle I), 79.50% (in cycle II) students were actively involved. Hence, this study is effective to improve the students’ writin


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    Listening as one of language skills plays significant roles in the teaching English as a foreign language. In line with the importance of listening for the students, teacher has great challenge how to lead the students, as the second language listener, to comprehend the listening effectively. Since the reseracher still finds the students‟ problems and strategies, the descriptive qualitative should be obtained. So, researcher should overcome the problems, explore and develop new strategies to encourage the students to be productive in the task of listening in order that they can identify those problems and apply those strategies in constructing their comprehension in listening independently and autonomously. The problems and strategies in listening comprehension that can trigger the students to attain those purposes are in the form of descriptive qualitative. It used the data obatained from 24 eleventh graders through questionnaire and interview. The results of this study showed that 100% students who got the problems of interpretation, then the strategy used to overcome this problem was that 100% students tried to understand the situation. This will benefit EFL teachers to know the students problems and strategies in learning listening comprehension. Keywords: the problems and strategies, listening comprehensio

    The Use of Picture Series to Improve Eighth Graders’ Writing Recount Texts

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    This study involved eighth graders’ of MTs Al-Islam Nganjuk and focused on their ability in writing recount text. Based on the result of preliminary study, it was found that the students’ writing ability got unsatisfactory results. Therefore, this classroom action research was conducted. The finding of the study indicated that the implementation of picture series was successful. It showed that the students gained good progress from the first to the second cycle. The data analysis confirmed 71.90%, (in cycle I), 79.50% (in cycle II) students were actively involved. Hence, this study is effective to improve the students’ writin

    Using the Think-Pair-Share Strategy to Increase Students' Active Involvement and to Improve Their Speaking Ability

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    ABSTRACTThis study was designed to increase students’ active involvement and to improve their speaking ability using Think-Pair-Share Strategy at Muhammadiyah University of Ponorogo. The study was collaborative action research. This study was conducted in one cycle consisting of five meetings using the following procedures: planning, implementing, observing, and reflecting. The data of the study were collected through the observation checklists, field notes, and questionnaire. The subjects were 26-second semester students of Class A. The increase could be seen from the number of students who were categorized as actively involved from only 7 students (29%) in the preliminary study to 20 students (78%) of 26 at the end of the study. The improvement of students’ speaking ability could be seen from the increasing number of students whose average score was 3, from 7 students (29%) of 24 students in the preliminary test to 17 students (65%) of 26 students in the final test. Therefore, this strategy is appropriate for the students to increase their active involvement and improve the speaking ability.ABSTRAKPenelitian ini dirancang untuk meningkatkan keaktifan dan kemampuan berbicara mahasiswa dengan menggunakan Berfikir-Berpasangan-Berbagi di Universitas Muhammadiyah Ponorogo. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian tindakan kelas yang bersifat kolaboratif. Penelitian ini dilakukan dalam satu siklus yang terdiri dari lima pertemuan dengan menggunakan prosedur sebagai berikut: perencanaan, pelaksanaan, pengamatan dan penghayatan. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan lembar observasi, catatan lapangan, dan kuesioner. Subjek penelitian ini adalah 26 mahasiswa semester 2 kelas A. Peningkatan keterlibatan aktif mahasiswa dapat dilihat dari meningkatnya jumlah mahasiswa yang termasuk dalam kategori aktif yang pada saat penelitian awal hanya 7 mahasiswa (29%) menjadi 20 mahasiswa (78%) dari 26 mahasiswa yang masuk pada saat hari observasi pertemuan terakhir. Peningkatan kemampuan berbicara mahasiswa dapat dilihat dari meningkatnya jumlah mahasiswa yang memiliki nilai rata-rata 3, dari 7 orang menjadi 17 orang. Maka dari itu, strategi ini sesuai bagi mahasiswa untuk meningkatkan keterlibatan aktif dan memperbaiki kemampuan berbicara bahasa inggris mereka. How to Cite: Syafii., M. L. (2018). Using the Think-Pair-Share Strategy to Increase Students’ Active Involvement and to Improve Their Speaking Ability. IJEE (Indonesian Journal of English Education), 5(1), 61-80. doi:10.15408/ijee.v5i1.767