4 research outputs found

    Pandemi COVID-19: Pengaruh Positif pada Jaminan Kesehatan di Destinasi Pariwisata Super Prioritas

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    Penguatan baru di tengah masyarakat terjadi di tengah pandemi COVID-19 khususnya terkait dengan kesehatan. Jaminan kesehatan lengkap dengan informasi dan layanannya mengalami peningkatan drastis dibanding sebelum masa pandemi. Studi ini berupaya untuk mengkajinya secara lebih lanjut dengan 3 pertanyaan utama: : a) bagaimana posisi dimensi CHSE di tengah elemen vital lain dalam evaluasi DPSP selama COVID-19?; b) bagaimana unsur dimensi CHSE di DPSP berubah selama COVID-19?; dan c) bagaimana pengaruh dimensi CHSE terhadap dinamika wisatawan di DSPS?. Data untuk menjawab pertanyaan tersebut didapatkan dengan menggunakan metode kuisioner, wawancara, dan FGD. Responden dipilih secara purposif, yakni mereka yang sebelum dan semasa pandemi masih melakukan aktivitas kepariwisataan. Mereka terdiri dari pengelola desa wisata dan pemilik usaha-usaha pariwisata. Selain bersumber dari responden, informasi juga didapat dari informan dengan total 2 informan. Dalam forum FGD, juga hadir 2 narasumber yang berasal dari instansi pemerintah daerah, 1 narasumber dari Asita (Asosiasi Perusahaan Perjalanan Wisata Indonesia), 1 narasumber dari PHRI (Perhimpunan Hotel dan Restoran Indonesia, forum komunikasi desa wisata, dan 1 narasumber dari BDOT (Badan Otorita Danau Toba). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa CHSE menjadi satu-satunya dimensi yang mengalami kenaikan dibanding dengan dimensi lain鈥攜akni dimensi produk, dimensi pasar dan pemasaran, dimensi kelembagaan, dimensi investasi, dimensi adaptasi, serta dimensi kebutuhan鈥攄alam merespon kebutuhan wisatawan di era pandemi

    The Contestation of Values in Character Education: Political Interest and School Burden

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    This paper discusses the issue of character education in Indonesia, which has not met expectations. In detail, this paper analyzes how schools' status as subordinate to the state burdens them with specific ideologies that influence how they undertake their educational mission. The contestation of values within schools' curricula deleteriously affects students' character development. Data were obtained through field observations at three schools, as well as interviews with principals, teachers, and students to obtain information regarding the implementation and perception of character education. This study finds that schools have become arenas for the contestation of values, and this contestation of values results in conflict as students develop their character. It recommends that character education accommodate students' perspectives by recognizing their socio-cultural diversity; it should also avoid the undue influence of outside interests. Even though schools are administratively extensions of the state, they should not become propaganda tools that simply promote state interests

    The contestation of values in character education: political interest and school burden

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    This paper discusses the issue of character education in Indonesia, which has not met expectations. In detail, this paper analyzes how schools' status as subordinate to the state burdens them with specific ideologies that influence how they undertake their educational mission. The contestation of values within schools' curricula deleteriously affects students' character development. Data were obtained through field observations at three schools, as well as interviews with principals, teachers, and students to obtain information regarding the implementation and perception of character education. This study finds that schools have become arenas for the contestation of values, and this contestation of values results in conflict as students develop their character. It recommends that character education accommodate students' perspectives by recognizing their socio-cultural diversity; it should also avoid the undue influence of outside interests. Even though schools are administratively extensions of the state, they should not become propaganda tools that simply promote state interests.Este documento discute el tema de la educaci贸n del car谩cter en Indonesia, que no ha cumplido con las expectativas. En detalle, este art铆culo analiza c贸mo el estatus de las escuelas como subordinadas al estado las carga con ideolog铆as espec铆ficas que influyen en c贸mo llevan a cabo su misi贸n educativa. La disputa de valores dentro de los planes de estudio de las escuelas afecta negativamente el desarrollo del car谩cter de los estudiantes. Los datos se obtuvieron a trav茅s de observaciones de campo en tres escuelas, as铆 como entrevistas con directores, maestros y estudiantes para obtener informaci贸n sobre la implementaci贸n y la percepci贸n de la educaci贸n del car谩cter. Este estudio encuentra que las escuelas se han convertido en escenarios para la disputa de valores, y esta disputa de valores genera conflictos a medida que los estudiantes desarrollan su car谩cter. Recomienda que la educaci贸n del car谩cter acomode las perspectivas de los estudiantes al reconocer su diversidad sociocultural; Tambi茅n debe evitar la influencia indebida de intereses externos. Aunque las escuelas son extensiones administrativas del estado, no deber铆an convertirse en herramientas de propaganda que simplemente promuevan los intereses estatales

    A nation-building perspective for character education in Indonesia

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    The issue of character becomes the mainstream of education along with the moral crisis experienced by teenagers, such as delinquency, pornography, and drugs. At the same time, demoralization became the striking face found in the educational, familial, and community-based institution, and even government agencies. This indicates that education does not have positive impacts on encouraging good behavior that lead to character building as expected. This paper aims to conduct a critical evaluation of the archipelagic outlook approach which is used as a fundamental instrument in shaping the youth character in the heterogeneous and plural Indonesian society. Observations and interviews show that the concept of nationalism can be an effective approach in instilling the values of a good character based on the nation鈥檚 characteristics, such as multicultural, diverse, plurality, and relative. The translation of these characteristics into the values accommodated in the curriculum makes a major contribution to the achievement of the expected competencies