19 research outputs found

    Improving the Processing of Dried Brown Algae of the Northern Basin Seas

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    Dried brown algae, abundant in the seas of the Northern basin, are additional sources of iodine, the lack of which affects more than two thirds of Russians. Brown algae of the Northern basin seas: sugar wrack and bady wrack, harvested in the Barents Sea were chosen as the object of the study. The use of cryoextrusion and freeze-drying will allow expanding the possibilities of brown algae processing. The use of frozen raw material allows processing it industrially far from the harvesting areas. The results presented in the paper confirm the possibility and expediency of applying cryoextrusion and freeze drying since they are advanced methods of resource-saving technology for the processing of the North basin brown algae. The modes for grinding of the frozen brown algae were developed on the basis of cryoextrusion with the use of dies with holes of ”cone-cone” type; the design of the unit is protected by a patent. The yield of ground semi-finished product obtained at different modes varies from 98.57 to 99.80% from the weight of the raw material. The resulting semi-finished product is of homogeneous structure. The use of freeze-drying, depending on the type, allows achieving the final content of product moisture from 5.24 to 10.6%

    Speech development of older preschoolers in play at the preschool

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    Kvalifikācijas darba tēma “Vecāka pirmsskolas vecuma bērnu runas attīstība rotaļu darbībā pirmsskolā” Darba autore: Svetlana Golubeva Zinātniskā vadītāja: Kvalifikācijas darba apjoms: 59 lapas, 9 tabulas, 13 diagrammas, 5 pielikumi, izmantoti 43 literatūras avoti. Kvalifikācijas darba mērķis ir izpētīt vecāka pirmsskolas vecuma bērnu runas attīstības iespējas rotaļu darbībā. Kvalifikācijas darbs sastāv no trim daļām. Pirmajā daļā ir analizēta pedagoģiski psiholoģiskā literatūra par bērnu runas attīstību, raksturotas runas funkcijas un veidi. Tāpat, darba 1.daļā tika dots pedagoģiski psiholoģiskais raksturojums vecākajam pirmsskolas vecumam, pētāmās tēmas kontekstā. Otrā daļa tika veltīta runas attīstībai rotaļu darbībā. Šajā daļā tika analizēta rotaļu nozīme, iedalījums un funkcijas dažādu autoru skatījumā. Tāpat, kvalifikācijas darba 2.daļā tika raksturoti rotaļu organizēšanas principi pirmsskolā runas attīstībā. Darba 3.daļā tika organizēts un veikts empīriskais pētījums par rotaļu darbību iespējām bērnu runas attīstībā. Empīriskā pētījuma rezultātā tika apstiprināta hipotēze, ka, vecākā pirmsskolas vecuma bērnu, runas attīstība būs sekmīgāka, ja: ja pedagogs iesaistīs bērnus rotaļu darbībās; rotaļu darbībā bērni tiks pastāvīgi iesaistīti; tiks izvēlēti vecumam atbilstoši un bērnam interesantas rotaļas. Tāpat, kvalifikācijas darba 3.daļā tika noskaidrots pirmsskolas pedagogu viedoklis par bērnu runas attīstības iespējām rotaļu darbībā. Pētījuma materiālus ir iespējams praktiski izmantot pirmsskolas izglītības pedagogu darbā vecākā pirmsskolas vecuma bērnu runas attīstībā rotaļu darbībā. Atslēgas vārdi: RUNA, RUNAS ATTĪSTĪBA, ROTAĻAS, ROTAĻU DARBĪBA, VECĀKAIS PIRMSSKOLAS VECUMS.Qualification paper “Speech development of older preschoolers in play at the preschool” Author: Svetlana Golubeva Scientific supervisor: Volume of the qualification thesis: 59 pages, 9 tables, 13 diagrams, 5 annexes, 43 literature sources. The qualification thesis consists of three parts. The first part examines the pedagogical and psychological literature on children’s speech development, describing the speech functions and types. Likewise, the first part of the thesis provides the pedagogically-psychological characterization of the older preschool age in the context of the researched topic. The second part is devoted to the speech development in play activity. This part analyzes the importance, types and functions of play in the view of variety of authors. In addition, the second part of the qualification thesis describes the principles of organization of play in preschool speech development. Part three of the thesis describes the empirical research on possibilities of play activities in the speech development of children. The results of the empirical research confirmed the hypothesis that the speech development of older preschoolers is more successful, when: the teacher engages them in play activities; children are continuously engaged in the play activity; the play activities suit the age and interested of the child. In addition, the third part of the qualification thesis compiles the views of the preschool teachers regarding the possibilities of children’s speech development in play. The study materials may have practical applications in the work of preschool teachers in promoting the speech development in play of older preschoolers. Key words: SPEECH, SPEECH DEVELOPMENT, PLAY, PLAY ACTIVITY, OLDER PRESCHOOLER

    Analysis of market prospects for bakery products based on the ranking of bakery producers in the region

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    According to the result of the study based on a comprehensive multidimensional comparative assessment and rating of Vologda enterprises – producers of bakery products participating in the system of voluntary certification of food products "Real Vologda Product", the authors have analyzed the prospects for the development of this industry in the region. They used the following research methods: questionnaire survey methods, comparative overall assessment, and rating assessment. The study is based on the results of a specially organized marketing survey of consumer preferences. This article presents key aspects of the authors' comprehensive assessment of commodity producers based on the analysis of economic potential and the position of consumers of products as factors of sustainable development of enterprises. As a validation of the proposed methodology of multidimensional comparative rating, which includes the analysis of the financial condition of the research subjects and assessment of consumer preferences, the researchers carried out a qualitative characterization of the "Real Vologda Product" brand actors engaged in the production of bakery products. The article revealed the structural features of the producers of this commodity group in terms of their influence on the development of the regional bakery market. The study identified the main problems of the economic development of enterprises-producers of bakery products, noted the factors of demand for their products from the local consumer, identified the prospects for sustainable development and stated the ways to solve the problems identified

    The impact of visualization tools in distance english language learning: the experience of the russian university teachers

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    The article is aimed at a detailed examination of the prerequisites for the introduction of visual content into the educational process in the foreign language course during distance learning and at defining a list of prerequisites for its successful processing by students. The article proves that the search for new trends and approaches to education leads to new goals and new types of knowledge. All innovations in higher education contribute to the formation of a new image of future professionals. The relevance of the problems of higher education technologization is associated with the countless number of innovations, among which the authors single out the visualization of educational information in distance learning. The article shows the importance of visualization in distance education. The given technology includes both visual presentations of information and the development of visual thinking during the educational process. Educational material and an effective visual teaching method allow making the educational process interesting and non-standard and increasing students’ motivation to learn English. Thus, the visualization of educational information is a tool for distance learning technology. The article identifies the preferable visualization tools based on the survey of students based on the results of the use of visualization in distance English language learning. According to the summary of the results of distance English language learning, it is proposed to divide the visualization process into several stages.O artigo tem como objetivo um exame detalhado dos pré-requisitos para a introdução do conteúdo visual no processo educacional do curso de línguas estrangeiras durante a educação a distância e definir uma lista de pré-requisitos para o seu processamento com sucesso pelos alunos.O artigo comprova que a busca por novas tendências e abordagens da educação leva a novos objetivos e novos tipos de conhecimento. Todas as inovações no ensino superior contribuem para a formação de uma nova imagem dos futuros profissionais. A relevância dos problemas da tecnologização do ensino superior está associada às inúmeras inovações, entre as quais os autores destacam a visualização de informações educacionais em EAD. O artigo mostra a importância da visualização na educação a distância. A tecnologia fornecida inclui apresentações visuais de informações e o desenvolvimento do pensamento visual durante o processo educacional. O material educacional e um método de ensino visual eficaz permitem tornar o processo educacional interessante e fora do padrão e aumentar a motivação dos alunos para aprender inglês. Assim, a visualização de informações educacionais é uma ferramenta para a tecnologia de ensino a distância. O artigo identifica as ferramentas de visualização preferíveis com base na pesquisa de alunos com base nos resultados do uso da visualização no ensino de inglês à distância. De acordo com o resumo dos resultados do ensino de inglês a distância, propõe-se dividir o processo de visualização em várias etapas.El artículo tiene como objetivo un examen detallado de los requisitos previos para la introducción de contenido visual en el proceso educativo en el curso delengua extranjera durante el aprendizaje a distancia y la definición de una lista de requisitos previos para su procesamiento exitoso por parte de los estudiantes. El artículo demuestra que la búsqueda de nuevas tendencias y enfoques de la educación conduce a nuevas metas y nuevos tipos de conocimiento. Todas las innovaciones en la educación superior contribuyen a la formación de una nueva imagen de los futuros profesionales. La relevancia de los problemas de la tecnificación de la educación superior estáasociada a la innumerable cantidad de innovaciones, entre las que los autores destacan la visualización de la información educativa en la educación a distancia. El artículo muestra la importancia de la visualización en la educación a distancia. La tecnología dada incluye tanto presentaciones visuales de información como el desarrollo del pensamiento visual durante el proceso educativo. El material educativo y un método de enseñanza visual eficaz permiten hacer que el proceso educativo sea interesante y no estándar y aumentar la motivación de los estudiantes para aprender inglés. Así, la visualización de información educativa es una herramienta para la tecnología de educación a distancia. El artículo identifica las herramientas de visualización preferibles basadas en la encuesta a los estudiantes basada en los resultados del uso de la visualización en el aprendizaje del idioma inglés a distancia. Según el resumen de los resultados del aprendizaje del idioma inglés a distancia, se propone dividir el proceso de visualización en varias etapas

    Circulating antiplatelet antibodies in pregnant women with immune thrombocytopenic purpura as predictors of thrombocytopenia in the newborns

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    Newborns from mothers with immune thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP) have a risk of thrombocytopenia due to passage of maternal antiplatelet antibodies into fetal/neonatal circulation. We looked for predictors of neonatal thrombocytopenia (nTP) in pregnant women with ITP. One hundred pregnant women with platelet count <100 × 109/l, no non-immune causes of thrombocytopenia and increased platelet associated IgG (PA-IgG) were included in the study. Thirty seven and 63 of them gave birth to babies with and without nTP, respectively (nTP+ and nTP− groups). Platelet count, mean platelet volume, PA-IgG, antiplatelet circulating antibodies (cAB), time of ITP onset (before or during pregnancy), and frequency of corticosteroid treatment were compared in these groups. There were no differences in all test parameters between nTP+ and nTP− groups except cAB. These antibodies were detected in 33 out of 37 in nTP+ group and in 2 out of 63 mothers in nTP− group (p < 0.001). The sensitivity of this test was 89% and its specificity was 97%. A strong reverse correlation (r = −0.749, p < 0.001) was established between maternal cAB titer and neonatal platelet count. Antibodies against glycoproteins IIb–IIIa and/or Ib were identified in antigen specific MAIPA (Monoclonal Antibody Immobilization of Platelet Antigen) assay only in 10 out of 19 (53%) test sera with cAB. Antiplatelet cAB in pregnant women with ITP could serve as reliable predictors of nTP in their babies

    Hydroxyapatite Double Substituted with Zinc and Silicate Ions: Possibility of Mechanochemical Synthesis and In Vitro Properties

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    In this study, the mechanochemical synthesis of substituted hydroxyapatite (HA) containing zinc and silicon ions having a chemical formula of Ca10&minus;xZnx(PO4)6&minus;x(SiO4)x(OH)2&minus;x, where x = 0.2, 0.6, 1.0, 1.5, and 2.0, was carried out. The synthesized materials were characterized by powder X-ray diffraction, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, transmission electron microscopy, and inductively coupled plasma spectroscopy. We found that HA co-substituted with zinc and silicate formed up to x = 1.0. At higher concentrations of the substituents, the formation of large amounts of an amorphous phase was observed. The cytotoxicity and biocompatibility of the co-substituted HA was studied in vitro on Hek293 and MG-63 cell lines. The HA co-substituted with zinc and silicate demonstrated high biocompatibility; the lowest cytotoxicity was observed at x = 0.2. For this composition, good proliferation of MG-63 osteoblast-like cells and an increased solubility compared with that of HA were detected. These properties allow us to recommend the synthesized material for medical applications, namely, for the restoration of bone tissue and manufacture of biodegradable implants

    Hydroxyapatite Double Substituted with Zinc and Silicate Ions: Possibility of Mechanochemical Synthesis and In Vitro Properties

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    In this study, the mechanochemical synthesis of substituted hydroxyapatite (HA) containing zinc and silicon ions having a chemical formula of Ca10−xZnx(PO4)6−x(SiO4)x(OH)2−x, where x = 0.2, 0.6, 1.0, 1.5, and 2.0, was carried out. The synthesized materials were characterized by powder X-ray diffraction, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, transmission electron microscopy, and inductively coupled plasma spectroscopy. We found that HA co-substituted with zinc and silicate formed up to x = 1.0. At higher concentrations of the substituents, the formation of large amounts of an amorphous phase was observed. The cytotoxicity and biocompatibility of the co-substituted HA was studied in vitro on Hek293 and MG-63 cell lines. The HA co-substituted with zinc and silicate demonstrated high biocompatibility; the lowest cytotoxicity was observed at x = 0.2. For this composition, good proliferation of MG-63 osteoblast-like cells and an increased solubility compared with that of HA were detected. These properties allow us to recommend the synthesized material for medical applications, namely, for the restoration of bone tissue and manufacture of biodegradable implants