193 research outputs found

    En ny teoris framvÀxt : en studie om teoriutvecklingen inom barndomssociologin

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    This essay aims to examine how theories within childhood sociology have evolved. The main questions are: Who are the central scientists within the field, what are their objects of study and who are the intended recipients of their work? How can the origin of the theories be described? Which elements are central in the theories and have they changed over time? How can the theories be evaluated based on criteria of valid theories? The study was based on a qualitative literature review. Six scientists' publications were examined, ranging from the time of the theories establishment to present time. In the analysis hermeneutics and theories of scientific development were used to seek explanations. The main results show that the central elements in the theories describe childhood as a social phenomenon and a structural category. Children are viewed as social actors and as the basic scientific unit. Childhood is understood in the context of distribution of power and the societal development. The earlier theories are marked by unity and a provocative view on childhood, this might be due to a common strive to establish the scientific field. The scientists succeeded in their aim, supported by a growing interest in children in society. Later this unity dwindled and opposing theories emerged that viewed childhood as a more complex and diverse phenomenon. This diversity provides the field with new perspectives which might promote further development of new theories

    Bevattningsvattnets kvalitet i orkidéodling

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    Tropiska orkidéer har odlats i mer Àn 2000 Är och alltsedan det första exemplaret fördes med upptÀcktsresande till Europa sÄ har intresset för vÀxten exploderat/vuxit explosionsartat. Idag Àr det en av de vanligast förekommande pÄ vÄra fönsterbrÀdor. I denna studie har bevattningsvattnets kvalitet studerats och legat i fokus i syftet om att finna de bÀsta förutsÀttningarna för optimal tillvÀxt. Den information som behandlas i arbetet baseras pÄ litteratur, framförallt frÄn forskning samt rapporter frÄn olika institutioner och myndigheter. Resultatet av studien pekar pÄ att vattenkvalitetens betydelse för orkidéer liksom andra vÀxters utveckling Àr svÄrt att isolera frÄn övriga faktorers inverkan. Att bevattningsvattnets kvalitet har betydelse stÄr dock klart.Tropical orchids have been cultivated for more than 2000 years and since the first specimen was brought on expeditions to Europe, interest in the plant has exploded. Today it is one of the most common plant on our windowsills. In this study, the quality of irrigation water has been examined and set in focus in order to find the best conditions for optimal growth. The information in the study is based on literature, primarily from research and reports from various institutions and authorities. The results of the study indicate that the importance of water quality for orchids, as well as the development of other plants, is difficult to isolate from the impact of other factors. It is clear, however, that the quality of irrigation water is important

    Processes controlling the vertical aerosol distribution in marine stratocumulus regions - a sensitivity study using the climate model NorESM1-M

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    The vertical distribution of aerosols plays an important role in determining the effective radiative forcing from aerosol–radiation and aerosol–cloud interactions. Here, a number of processes controlling the vertical distribution of aerosol in five subtropical marine stratocumulus regions in the climate model NorESM1-M are investigated, with a focus on the total aerosol extinction. A comparison with satellite lidar data (CALIOP, Cloud–Aerosol Lidar with Orthogonal Polarization) shows that the model underestimates aerosol extinction throughout the troposphere, especially elevated aerosol layers in the two regions where they are seen in observations. It is found that the shape of the vertical aerosol distribution is largely determined by the aerosol emission and removal processes in the model, primarily through the injection height, emitted particle size, and wet scavenging. In addition, the representation of vertical transport related to shallow convection and entrainment is found to be important, whereas alterations in aerosol optical properties and cloud microphysics parameterizations have smaller effects on the vertical aerosol extinction distribution. However, none of the alterations made are sufficient for reproducing the observed vertical distribution of aerosol extinction, neither in magnitude nor in shape. Interpolating the vertical levels of CALIOP to the corresponding model levels leads to better agreement in the boundary layer and highlights the importance of the vertical resolution

    ”Sportnörd vs Mobilnörd” : En kvantitativ studie om ungdomars fritidsvanor kopplat till anvĂ€ndningen av skĂ€rmbaserad media.

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    The aim of our study was to quantitatively identify/explore what young people, of age 14-16 years do at their leisure time and how much time they spend on screen-based media. We wanted to find out how young people's social interaction are with other people and examine what they do in their leisure time, with whom and where they perform various leisure activities. Based on this reasoning we wanted to see if there were any gender differences in leisure activities in relation to the use of screen based media. We used questionnaires in which we came up with a result that showed that the girls have a frequent use of theirs mobile phone every day. The result also showed that the boys have a frequent use of theirs mobile phone every day. The big difference between the boys and the girls leisure activities was that the boys were more physically active

    MatlÄdan som "heligt objekt": En sociologisk studie av studenters tankar kring lunchvanor i grupp

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    NĂ€r det talas om lunchvanor Ă€r matlĂ„dan stĂ€ndigt aktuell. MatlĂ„dan Ă€r ett ekonomiskt effektivt alternativ och den innehĂ„ller mat som man sjĂ€lv har tillagat i hemmet. DĂ„ lunchen ofta Ă€ts pĂ„ en arbetsplats eller i skolmiljö kan mĂ€nniskor runt omkring ha en viss pĂ„verkan pĂ„ individens egna lunchvanor. Syftet med denna uppsats Ă€r att undersöka hur studenters anvĂ€ndande av matlĂ„dan pĂ„verkas av gruppinteraktioner. Uppsatsen Ă€r en kvalitativ studie baserad pĂ„ intervjuer med studenter. Materialet analyseras utifrĂ„n ett mikrosociologiskt perspektiv med utgĂ„ngspunkt i begreppen ”gruppjag”, ”ritualer”, ”heliga objekt” och ”spegeljaget”. Resultatet visar att lunchĂ€tandet blir en ritual dĂ€r de studerade grupperna upphöjer matlĂ„dan till ett heligt objekt. De skapar gemensamma vĂ€rderingar och pĂ„ sĂ„ vis formas ett gruppjag. Individerna ser sig sjĂ€lva genom gruppens ögon utifrĂ„n ett spegeljag dĂ„ de anpassar sina egna vanor efter gruppens ritualer. De upplevda förvĂ€ntningarna frĂ„n gruppen resulterar i att individen strĂ€var efter ett ”hushĂ„llsideal” som bland annat innebĂ€r medvetenhet om ekonomi och hĂ€lsa, men framförallt intresse av att laga sin egen mat

    The degree of projectification in organizations, and its impact on strategic flexibility: A quantitative study of the Norwegian economy

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    Master thesis Business Administration - University of Agder 2016In this study, we will explore the plausible relationship between the degree of projectification, and the strategic flexibility in the Norwegian economy. Working in a project-based form is increasing in most industries throughout the western world, and at the same time, strategic flexibility is becoming more and more important. We live in a world of rapid changes, where organizations have to be able to act fast in order to stay "alive". We know that projectification is an increasingly important phenomenon, and that the strategic flexibility of an organization might be the focus of the future - but what remains unanswered is if there is a connection between the two. This is a descriptive study of the Norwegian economy, where we have obtained primary data from 1412 participating organizations, representing different industries and sizes. We have determined a measure of the degree of projectification in the Norwegian economy, as well as establish to which extent organizations consider themselves to have strategic flexibility. We have also been able to estimate the future growth rate of projectification for the next five years in the Norwegian economy. Through this research, we have further established that there is a significant relationship between our two variables, but that it is quite weak. Furthermore, we have found that there is a significant moderating effect to our relationship, by the industry type the organizations belongs to. We have however found that the size of the organization does not have a significant impact on the mentioned relationship, in the Norwegian economy

    Brandteknisk RiskvÀrdering Sveaplan Köpcentrum

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    Abstract The main purpose of the report is to examine the egress safety at Sveaplan köpcentrum in Eskilstuna in case of fire. Sveaplan köpcentrum is a shopping mall with different kinds of shops and a restaurant. When visiting the shopping centre two of the compartments were empty and two fictitious companies were therefore pursued. Three different fire scenarios were analyzed and simulated in the programs FDS and Simulex. The total evacuation time was compared with the time for critical conditions to develop, to see if the requirements were fulfilled or not. The conclusion for Sveaplan köpcentrum is that they have a good egress safety in case of fire but that some minor measurement should be done to secure the safety. Following measurement shall be done ‱ Objects that block the emergency exits shall be removed. ‱ Optical alarms shall be installed in restrooms ‱ Emergency exits where people with disabilities can evacuate shall be well marked. ‱ Installation of fire safe glass in the opening between the two decks and installation of fire smoke vents. ‱ Remove the shopping carts. ‱ Installation of more smoke detectors at the upper floor. ‱ At the places where egress signs are missing or insufficient shall complement be done.Sammanfattning Rapporten utgör en brandteknisk riskvĂ€rdering av Sveaplan köpcentrum och Ă€r framtagen i studiesyfte i kursen VBR054, Brandteknisk RiskvĂ€rdering, pĂ„ brandingenjörsprogrammet vid Lunds Tekniska Högskola. AnlĂ€ggningen omfattar cirka 8700 m2 och bestĂ„r av diverse butiker samt en enklare restaurang. Vid platsbesöket stod tvĂ„ lokaler tomma och dĂ„ information gĂ€llande framtida hyresgĂ€ster var sekretessbelagd vid denna tidpunkt fick gruppen ansĂ€tta tvĂ„ fiktiva verksamheter. Dessa valdes med utgĂ„ngspunkt att utmana brandskyddet men utan att för den sakens skull vara orimliga hyresgĂ€ster i en sĂ„dan typ av byggnad. I en grovanalys sammanstĂ€lls möjliga brandscenarier med en kvalitativt uppskattad skala av sannolikhet och konsekvens. DĂ€refter jĂ€mförs scenarierna inbördes med hjĂ€lp av en riskmatris. De tre scenarier som bedöms utgöra störst risk för personsĂ€kerheten analyseras sedan djupare genom att brand- och utrymningsförlopp jĂ€mförs. Detta görs med hjĂ€lp av simuleringar i datorprogrammen FDS samt Simulex, dĂ€r tiden till kritiska förhĂ„llanden jĂ€mförs med utrymningstiden. Kriterier för kritiska förhĂ„llanden Ă€r hĂ€mtade frĂ„n Boverkets allmĂ€nna rĂ„d om analytisk dimensionering av byggnaders brandskydd och berör parametrar som brandgaslagrets höjd, sikt, temperatur, strĂ„lning samt toxicitet. I de fall dĂ€r utrymningstiden Ă€r lĂ€ngre Ă€n tiden tills kritiska förhĂ„llanden uppstĂ„r, bedöms personsĂ€kerheten inte vara tillfredsstĂ€llande och Ă„tgĂ€rder skall vidtas. Efter rĂ„dande förutsĂ€ttningar vid platsbesöket bedöms Sveaplan köpcentrums personsĂ€kerhet vara god med ett mindre antal brister. Genom införande av de tvĂ„ fiktiva verksamheterna erhölls dock en mer komplex situation vilket Ă€r viktigt att vara medveten om nĂ€r nedan listade Ă„tgĂ€rdsförslag lĂ€ses. De kursivt markerade punkterna Ă€r scenariospecifika, det vill sĂ€ga direkt knutna till nĂ„got av de tre valda brandscenarierna. ÅtgĂ€rder som skall genomföras ‱ FöremĂ„l som blockerar utrymningsdörrar skall avlĂ€gsnas. ‱ PĂ„ de stĂ€llen dĂ€r vĂ€gledande markeringar saknas eller Ă€r bristande skall kompletteringar genomföras. ‱ Optiska larmdon skall installeras i hygienutrymmen. ‱ Det skall tydligt markeras var personer med funktionshinder kan utrymma. ‱ Utrymningsövningar bör genomföras kontinuerligt. ‱ All personal bör fortlöpande erbjudas brandskyddsrelaterad utbildning. ‱ Montering av brandsĂ€kert glas i öppningen mellan de tvĂ„ planen samt installation av brandgasflĂ€ktar. ‱ Borttagande av kundvagnar samt tillhörande stĂ€llning. ‱ Installation av fler rökdetektorer pĂ„ ovanvĂ„ningen. ÅtgĂ€rder som bör genomföras ‱ Specifika evakueringsplatser för personer med rörelsehinder bör ordnas pĂ„ ovanvĂ„ningens trappavsats. ‱ Installation av fler rökdetektorer pĂ„ bottenplan

    Accurate quantification of pulmonary perfusion ratio in children with congenital heart disease using partial volume corrected 4D flow cardiac magnetic resonance

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    BackgroundIn children with congenital heart disease (CHD), lung scintigraphy is the reference standard for evaluation of pulmonary perfusion. 4D flow CMR offers a non-ionizing alternative. Due to the intrinsic limitation in the spatial resolution, however, 4D flow may display clinically unacceptable differences compared to the reference standard. This case study aims to highlight the importance of correcting for such partial volume errors to accurately evaluate pulmonary perfusion in small pulmonary arteries.MethodsChildren with CHD, mainly those with transposition of the great arteries or tetralogy-of-Fallot, referred to CMR from 2020 to 2022 at our clinic, were retrospectively reviewed; n = 37. All patients had been examined with a free breathing, motion-corrected 4D flow protocol. Comparison in pulmonary perfusion (PPR: relative flow through right and left pulmonary arteries) with scintigraphy were performed both for 4D flow before and after partial volume correction.ResultsPatients with large pulmonary arteries, 76%, displayed small differences in PPR between modalities (<20%), while patients with arteries of only a few pixels, 24%, displayed differences up to 178%, depending on the relative difference in size between the right and left pulmonary artery. Differences were effectively reduced after partial volume correction (<21%).ConclusionThe present report shows that 4D flow is a promising tool to accurately evaluate the pulmonary perfusion in children with CHD, but that partial volume correction is warranted to overcome its limitation in the spatial resolution. Without such correction, lung scintigraphy is still recommended to ensure high diagnostic certainty in children with small pulmonary arteries

    Bis 4,5-diazafluoren-9-one silver(I) nitrate: synthesis, X-ray structures, solution chemistry, hydrogel loading, DNA coupling and anti-bacterial screening

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    Synthesis of bis-4,5-diazafluoren-9-one silver(I) nitrate I (dafone = 4,5-diazafluoren-9-one) and the low temperature X-ray single crystal structure of [Ag(4,5-diazafluoren-9-one)<sub>2</sub>NO<sub>3</sub>], crystal form 1, and a re-determination of [Ag(4,5-diazafluoren-9-one)<sub>2</sub>]NO<sub>3</sub> . H<sub>2</sub>O, crystal form 2 are presented. Crystal form 1 has a distorted trigonal planar coordination geometry around Ag(I) with an N-Ag-N bond angle of 123.45(7)<sup>o</sup>. Crystal form 2 has a perfect linear coordination around Ag, with N-Ag-N 180.0<sup>o</sup>. Compound I was characterized by <sup>1</sup>H-NMR, biological activity and ESI-MS in DMSO at room temperature. The biological activity was determined against 6 different resistant clinical isolates; two Gram-positive (Staphylococcus aureus and Streptococcus pyogenes) and four Gram-negative (Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Proteus mirabilis, and Salmonella sp.) in comparison with 15 known antibiotics used in the treatment of diabetic foot infections. Compound I showed broad spectrum activity against all the test organisms. P. mirabilis and S. aureus and K. pneumoniae were the most sensitive clinical isolates (MIC = 4, 6 and 4 &mu;g ml<sup>-1</sup>, respectively). Three different hydrogels containing I or Ag<sub>2</sub>SO<sub>4</sub> were prepared and the antimicrobial activity against Ps. aeruginosa (ATCC 15442) compared, showing more or less equal activity on a weight basis, but I seems to have a significant better performance per silver ion. The Ag(I) complex also binds more effectively to calf thymus DNA than the dafone ligand itself
