21 research outputs found


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    Bakgrund: Diabetes är en vanligt förekommande sjukdom. Personer som insjuknar i diabetes löper stor risk att drabbas av problem i den sexuella hälsan. Sjuksköterskan har ett ansvar att undervisa patienten i korrekt egenvård, men ämnet sex kan vara svårt att ta upp. Syfte: Att undersöka orsaker till sexuell dysfunktion (SD) hos personer med diabetes och hur SD uttrycks hos drabbade personer. Metod: En litteraturstudie med granskning av kvantitativa studier valdes. Artiklarna analyserades och sammanfattande teman togs fram. Resultat: Personer med diabetes har minskad sexuell aktivitet, svårighet till orgasm och njutning, minskad upphetsning och lust. Fysiska faktorer som ålder och övervikt bidrar till att sänka personernas sexuella hälsa. Depressiva symtom, bristande egenvård, låg samhällsstatus och sjukdomskomplikationer sänker personernas sexuellt upplevda hälsa. Slutsats: Det är viktigt att som sjuksköterska förmedla information till patient och närstående så att deras egenvård värnar om den sexuella hälsan

    Load following with a passive reactor core using the SPARC design

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    This thesis is a follow up on "SPARC fast reactor design: Design of two passively metal-fuelled sodium-cooled pool-type small modular fast reactors with Autonomous Reactivity Control" by Tobias Lindström (2015). In this thesis the two reactors designed by Lindström in said thesis were evaluated. The goal was to determine the reactors ability to load follow as well as the burnup of the neutron absorber used in the passive control system. To be able to determine the dynamic behaviour of the reactors the reactivity feedbacks of the cores were modelled using Serpent, a Monte Carlo simulation software for 3D neutron transport calculations. These feedbacks were then implemented into a dynamic simulation of the core, primary and secondary circulation and steam generator. The secondary circulation and feedwater flow were used to regulate steam temperature and turbine power. The core was left at constant coolant flow and no control rods were used. The simulations showed that the reactor was able to load follow between 100 % and 40 % of rated power at a speed of 6 % per minute. It was also shown that the reactor could safely adjust its power between 100 % and 10 % of rated power suggesting that load following is possible below 40 % of rated power but at a lower speed. Finally the reactors were allowed compensate for the variations in a week of the Latvian wind power production in order to show one possible application of the reactor

    Perovskiters liv och död : En studie av funktionen och degrationen i blyhalidperovskiters gränsskikt med fotoelektronspektroskopi

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    Lead halide perovskite solar cells are a promising new technology which could soon see widespread commercial application but is partly held back by poor long-term stability. In this thesis, photoelectron spectroscopy (PES) is used to study the dynamical processes at the surface or interfaces of lead halide perovskite materials. Some of these processes are responsible for the different types of degradation while others are essential for the function of the solar cell. The work includes a range of lead perovskite compositions with the general formula APbX3, in which A is a monovalent cation, and often organic (e.g. formamidinium or methylammonium), and X is a halide anion, typically Br- or I-. The compositions can also include mixtures of cations at the A and anions at the X site. Part of this thesis is dedicated to investigating the degradation of the perovskite surface in response to both intense visible light and X-ray irradiation. The results show that intense illumination induces the decomposition of the perovskite into metallic lead, halide gas and organic halide salt, but also indicate how this process can be suppressed by the addition of small amounts of Cs+ ions and by adjusting the relative amounts of halides. A different process, induced by the X-ray radiolysis of the organic cation, is shown to consume rather than form metallic lead. Another part of this thesis is dedicated to the investigation of the reactions at the interfaces between the perovskite and silver, copper or SnOx. The results show that both copper and silver react rapidly with the perovskite forming metal halides and that the metal can diffuse into the perovskite. Copper is particularly reactive, leading to the formation of two new compounds and the bulk degradation of the perovskite. The SnOx is significantly more stable but material intermixing results in the formation of a thin interface layer that may hinder charge extraction.  Finally, a method for measuring both interfacial photovoltage and band alignment in a fully functional perovskite solar cell using hard X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (HAXPES) is demonstrated. The results showcase the design considerations for the samples and the measurement setup and the potential of this technique.  In summary, this thesis shows the suitability of PES for studying both the function and degradation of surfaces and interfaces of complex dynamical systems. It serves as a guide for future studies by highlighting challenges and possibilities faced when working with these systems

    Effect of halide ratio and Cs+ addition on the photochemical stability of lead halide perovskites

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    Lead halide perovskite solar cells with multi-cation/mixed halide materials now give power conversion efficiencies of more than 20%. The stability of these mixed materials has been significantly improved through the addition of Cs+ compared to the original methylammonium lead iodide. However, it remains one of the most significant challenges for commercialisation. In this study, we use photoelectron spectroscopy (PES) in combination with visible laser illumination to study the photo-stability of perovskite films with different compositions. These include Br : I ratios of 50 : 50 and 17 : 83 and compositions with and without Cs+. For the samples without Cs and the 50 : 50 samples, we found that the surface was enriched in Br and depleted in I during illumination and that some of the perovskite decomposed into Pb0, organic halide salts, and iodine. After illumination, both of these reactions were partially reversible. Furthermore, the surfaces of the films were enriched in organic halide salts indicating that the cations were not degraded into volatile products. With the addition of Cs+ to the samples, photo-induced changes were significantly suppressed for a 50 : 50 bromide to iodide ratio and completely suppressed for perovskites with a 17 : 83 ratio at light intensities exceeding 1 sun equivalent

    Simple Method for Efficient Slot-Die Coating of MAPbI(3) Perovskite Thin Films in Ambient Air Conditions

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    Scalable methods for deposition of lead halide perovskite thin films are required to enable commercialization of the highly promising perovskite photovoltaics. Here, we have developed a slot-die coating process under ambient conditions for methylammonium lead iodide (MAPbI(3)) perovskite on heated substrates (about 90 degrees C on the substrate surface). Dense, highly crystalline perovskite films with large grains (100-200 mu m) were obtained by careful adjustment of the deposition parameters, using solutions that are similar but more dilute than those used in typical spin-coating procedures. Without any further after treatments, such as antisolvent treatment or vapor annealing, we achieved power conversion efficiencies up of 14.5% for devices with the following structure: conducting tin oxide glass (FTO)/TiO2/MAPbI(3)/spiro-MeOTAD/Au. The performance was limited by the significant roughness of the deposited films, resulting from the hot-casting method, and the relatively high deposition temperature, which led to a defect-rich surface due to loss of MAI

    Femtosecond and Attosecond Electron-Transfer Dynamics in PCPDTBT : PCBM Bulk Heterojunctions

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    Charge separation efficiency is a crucial parameter for photovoltaic devices-polymers consisting of alternating electron-rich and electron-deficient parts can achieve high such efficiencies, for instance, together with a fullerene electron acceptor. This offers a viable path toward solar cells with organic bulk heterojunctions. Here, we measured the charge-transfer times in the femtosecond and attosecond regimes via the decay of sulfur is X-ray core excited states (with the core-hole clock method) in blends of a low-band gap polymer {PCPDTBT [poly[2,6-(4,4-bis (2-ethylhexyl)-4H-cyclopenta [2,1-b;3,4-1/1 dithiophene)-alt-4,7- (2,1,3-benzothiadiazole)]]} consisting of a cyclopentadithiophene electron-rich part and a benzothiadiazole electron-deficient part. The constituting parts of the bulk heterojunction were varied by adding the fullerene derivative PCBM ([6,6]-phenyl-C-61-butyric acid methyl ester) (weight ratio of polymer/PCBM as 1:0, 1:1, 1:2, and 1:3). For low-energy excitations, the charge-transfer time varies to the largest extent for the thiophene donor part. The charge-transfer time in the 1:2 blend is reduced by 86% compared to that of pristine PCPDTBT. At higher energy excitations, the charge-transfer time does not vary with the chemical environment, as this regime is dominated by intramolecular conduction that yields ultrafast charge-transfer times for all blends, approaching 170 as. We thus demonstrate that the core-hole clock method applied to a series with changing composition can give information about local electron dynamics (with chemical specificity) at interfaces between the constituting parts the crucial part of a bulk heterojunction where the initial charge separation occurs

    The impact of chemical composition of halide surface ligands on the electronic structure and stability of lead sulfide quantum dot materials

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    There is a high fundamental interest in the surface and bulk chemistry of quantum dot (QD) solids, as they have proven to be very promising materials in optoelectronic devices. The choice of surface ligands for quantum dots in solid devices determines many of the film properties, as the ligands influence for example the doping density, chemical stability and charge transport. Lead halide ligands have developed as the main ligand of choice for lead sulfide quantum dots, as they have been shown to passivate quantum dot surfaces and enhance the chemical stability. In this study, we successfully varied the ligand composition on the surface of PbS quantum dot films from pure lead iodide to pure lead bromide and investigated its influence on the chemical and electronic structure of the QD solids using hard X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (HAXPES). Furthermore, we developed a surface treatment to prevent the surface oxidation of a bulk PbS reference sample. Through measurements of this sample and of lead halide reference samples, we were able to assign the contributions of different chemical bonding to the Pb 4f core level and of different atomic orbitals to the valence band spectral shape of the QD materials. Overall, we found that the valence band edge position was very similar for all different iodide:bromide ratios and that all investigated compositions were able to protect the quantum dot surfaces within solid films from oxidation. However, the ligand composition significantly influences the sample stability under X-rays. The iodide rich QD solids showed the highest stability with very little to no chemical changes over several hours of X-ray exposure, while the bromide rich QD solids changed already within the first hour of exposure

    Interface Energy Alignment between Lead Halide Perovskite Single Crystals and TIPS-Pentacene

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    At present, there is a huge development in optoelectronic applications using lead halide perovskites. Considering that device performance is largely governed by the transport of charges across interfaces and, therefore, the interfacial electronic structure, fundamental investigations of perovskite interfaces are highly necessary. In this study, we use high-resolution soft X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy based on synchrotron radiation to explore the interfacial energetics for the molecular layer of TIPS-pentacene and lead halide perovskite single crystals. We perform ultrahigh vacuum studies on multiple thicknesses of an in situ formed interface of TIPS-pentacene with four different in situ cleaved perovskite single crystals (MAPbI(3), MAPbBr(3), FAPbBr(3), and Cs(x)FA(1-x)PbBr(y)I(3-y)). Our findings reveal a substantial shift of the TIPS-pentacene energy levels toward higher binding energies with increasing thickness, while the perovskite energy levels remain largely unaffected regardless of their composition. These shifts can be interpreted as band bending in the TIPS-pentacene, and such effects should be considered when assessing the energy alignment at perovskite/organic transport material interfaces. Furthermore, we were able to follow a reorganization on the MAPbI3 surface with the transformation of the surface C 1s into bulk C 1s

    Ekonomisk statistik om sektorer som är beroende av havet : Underlag till inledande bedömning 2018 inom havsmiljöförordningen

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    Den totala omsättningen i de maritima näringarna är omkring 160 000 miljoner kronor, vilket utgör cirka 2,2 procent av Sveriges totala omsättning. I dessa näringar uppgår den totala anställningen till omkring 73 000 som utgör 2,8 procent av Sveriges totala anställningar. I en uppdelning av maritima näringar i sektorer är marin turism den största, följt av sjöfart och hamnar och stödtjänster. Vi gav Statistiska centralbyrån (SCB) i uppdrag att identifiera och redovisa den ekonomiska betydelsen av Sveriges maritima näringar. Resultatet redovisas i denna rapport. Det kommer också att användas som en del i vår inledande bedömning för havsmiljöförordningen (havsmiljödirektivet)

    Unravelling the ultrafast charge dynamics in PbS quantum dots through resonant Auger mapping of the sulfur K-edge

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    There is a great fundamental interest in charge dynamics of PbS quantum dots, as they are promising for application in photovoltaics and other optoelectronic devices. The ultrafast charge transport is intriguing, offering insight into the mechanism of electron tunneling processes within the material. In this study, we investigated the charge transfer times of PbS quantum dots of different sizes and non-quantized PbS reference materials by comparing the propensity of localized or delocalized decays of sulfur 1s core hole states excited by X-rays. We show that charge transfer times in PbS quantum dots decrease with excitation energy and are similar at high excitation energy for quantum dots and non-quantized PbS. However, at low excitation energies a distinct difference in charge transfer time is observed with the fastest charge transfer in non-quantized PbS and the slowest in the smallest quantum dots. Our observations can be explained by iodide ligands on the quantum dots creating a barrier for charge transfer, which reduces the probability of interparticle transfer at low excitation energies. The probability of intraparticle charge transfer is limited by the density of available states which we describe according to a wave function in a quantum well model. The stronger quantum confinement effect in smaller PbS quantum dots is manifested as longer charge transfer times relative to the larger quantum dots at low excitation energies