47 research outputs found

    Acemoglu Joins Mankiw: Effect of Institutions in Growth Through Human Capital

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    Starting from the Augmented Solow Model developed by Mankiw, Romer, & Weil (1992), the present paper considered new perspectives in which institutions are considered “fundamental determinants” to explain economic growth. Through the data panel methodology, and with information for the years 2000, 2005 and 2010 from 87 countries, we used the interactive variables mechanism to verify whether the relationship between human capital and GDP per capita is encouraged by the institutions. The results indicate a positive relationship between economic and political institutions with the effect of education on per capita growth of countries, with greater influence of the former

    Is there a relationship between the use of motorcycles and the level of development of countries?

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    Our paper aims to analyse the hypothesis that locations with a higher Human Development Index (HDI) present lower rates of motorcycle use. For this we use an econometric model for 117 countries on five continents for the years 2013, 2015 and 2018. We assume that when a country reaches a higher level of development, its population is more likely to experience improvements in the quality of life, which also affects the quality of individual transportation, public transport and roads. Increases in income discourage the use of motorcycles, mainly due to their low safety and comfort features. Our results indicate that rates of motorcycle use in countries increase as HDI rises, before reaching a maximum point and then declining. Therefore, this evidence suggests that a certain degree of development discourages the use of this means of transport in favour of others

    Ambiente institucional e renda individual: uma aplicação multinível

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    The purpose of this article is to assess how institutions, whether at the level of the individual or at the more aggregate level (institutional environment of countries), relate to a categorical measure of individual income. To serve you, given that variables at different levels are included, the hierarchical logistic regression model is used, with individual income as a dependent variable. The results indicate that institutional dimensions such as family, trust, gender equality, interest in politics and democracy, competition and size of government, are positively related to higher income. Otherwise, institutional dimensions such as religion, obedience, authority and income equality are inversely related to the highest income category. In addition, regarding formal institutions at the aggregate level (countries), the positive association between better guarantee of property rights, smaller government size and high category for measuring individual income was corroborated. These results reveal that institutional environments that value trust, democracy and property rights can positively influence the determination of individual’s income.El propósito de este artículo es evaluar cómo las instituciones, ya sea a nivel individual o al nivel más agregado (entorno institucional de los países), se relacionan con una medida categórica del ingreso individual. Para servirle, dado que se incluyen variables en diferentes niveles, se utiliza el modelo jerárquico de regresión logística, con la categoría de ingreso individual como variable dependiente. Los resultados indican que las dimensiones institucionales, como la familia, la confianza, la igualdad de género, el interés en la política y la democracia, la competencia y el tamaño del gobierno, están positivamente relacionados con mayores ingresos. De lo contrario, las dimensiones institucionales como la religión, la obediencia, la autoridad y la igualdad de ingresos están inversamente relacionadas con la categoría de ingresos más altos. Además, con respecto a las instituciones formales a nivel agregado (países), se corroboró la asociación positiva entre una mejor garantía de los derechos de propiedad, un tamaño de gobierno más pequeño y una categoría alta para medir el ingreso individual. Estos resultados revelan que los entornos institucionales que valoran la confianza, la democracia y los derechos de propiedad pueden influir positivamente en la determinación del nivel de ingreso de las personas.O objetivo deste artigo é avaliar como as instituições, seja no nível do indivíduo ou no nível mais agregado (países), se relacionam com uma medida categórica de renda individual. Para atendê-lo, dado que se incluem variáveis em diferentes níveis, lança-se mão do modelo de regressão logística hierárquico, tendo a categoria de renda individual como variável dependente. Os resultados indicam que dimensões institucionais como família, confiança, igualdade de gênero, interesse por política e democracia, competição e tamanho de governo, apresentam-se positivamente relacionadas à renda mais alta. De outra forma, dimensões institucionais como religião, obediência, autoridade e igualdade de renda apresentam-se inversamente relacionados à categoria de renda mais alta. Além disso, sobre as instituições formais no nível agregado (países), sugere-se a associação positiva entre melhores garantia de direito de propriedade, menor tamanho do governo e alta medida de renda individual. Esses resultados revelam que ambientes institucionais que valorizam a confiança, a democracia e os direitos de propriedade podem influenciar diretamente na determinação do nível de renda per capita

    Interdependência e encadeamentos das exportações setoriais e os modais de transporte: um enfoque de insumo-produto

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    The main aim of this paper is to construct a complete analysis of exports and the mains transportation modals in the Brazilian economy. In order to implement this analysis we will use na inter-sectoral hybrid input-output matrix for the Brazilian economy. We will incorporate the modals of transport as a sector in this matrix. The global analysis will be based on the followed indicators: a) requirement coefficients, b) Rasmussem-Hirshman linkages, c) variability indexes and d) Field of Influence. The main results show that the road, rail and maritime models represent the key-modal for the Brazilian export. Moreover, the Steel sector exerts the strongest pressure on the rail and maritime modals demand and also represents the most important sector in the Brazil, because the linkages (forward and backward) of this activity affect and influence a great number of economic sectors.input-output model, requirements coefficients, linkages, modals of transports, exports.

    Systemic analysis of Brazilian industrial sector: 1995-2009

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    O presente artigo busca avaliar o setor industrial sob uma ótica distinta da que tem sido utilizada quando se trata de industrialização/desindustrialização. O objetivo é analisar o caráter sistêmico do setor industrial a partir do método de insumo-produto, por meio de indicadores de intensidade direta e intensidade direta mais indireta da indústria. Por esta medida, é possível deixar mais clara a contribuição do artigo, ou seja, fornecer uma medida de integração produtiva do setor industrial com os demais setores, de modo a verificar se a indústria tem ganhado importância relativa como setor articulador das atividades produtivas.  This article aims to evaluate the industrial sector in a different perspective from the common view used when we analyze industrialization/deindustrialization. The goal is to analyze the systemic character of the industrial sector from the input-output method using indicators of direct intensity and indirect plus direct intensity of industry. By this measure, you can make clearer the article contribution, ie, provide a productive integration measure in the industrial sector with other sectors in order to check whether the industry has gained importance as a articulator sector of productive activities