286 research outputs found

    Psychomotor Development of Preschool Children By Means of Musical Improvisation

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    This article is a fragment of a research project devoted to the study of the impact of the systematical musical influence on the integrated mental development of children. In this paper, we present an unique approach to the use of a criteria-oriented system for assessing the levels of psychomotor development of preschool children. Three estimated levels (from high to low) of child’s psychomotor development have been singled out. The range of characteristics of each level reflects the varying formation degree of the main indicators of the child’s psychomotor development and allows to establish both actual features of this development and to predict potential opportunities. The analysis of the results of the ascertaining experiment revealed some motor failures in a significant number of children aged 6-7 years. The failures manifested themselves in: difficulties of performing movements in accordance with instructions; violation of motor coordination, motor memory, inability to perform movements in accordance with spatial, temporal and dynamic characteristics, in thedistortion of tempo, rhythm and amplitude of movements (32.15%). The development program ”Music of My Body” presented in the article is aimed at overcoming the psychomotor underdevelopment of children and bringing them to the level of optimally realized age opportunities by means of musical improvisation plastics.As a result of the program, the following tasks are solved: developing a sense of rhythm and motor skills, the formation of correct posture and expressiveness of the movements, and facial expressions of children. The results of the program revealed positive changes in the psychomotor development of children. As a result of the program, the number of preschool children who demonstrated the first level in the development of motor skills almost doubled (from 13.82% to 38.09% at the control stage). The number of children with a low level of psychomotor development decreased (from 32.15% to 13.09% at the control stage). The dynamics of development based on the results of the control phase was statistically significant at a high level of reliability (p <0.001). Keywords: psychomotor development, emotional and physical comprehension of music, ”sounding gestures”, improvisation, mimic intonation of music

    Possibilities for a Positive Change in the Body Image of Students in Dance-Motor Training

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    This article presents a study on the effectiveness evaluation of the author’s program of dance-motor training aimed at developing a positive image of the physical self in adolescence. The authors used a comprehensive approach to assess the effectiveness of training: the types of psychological problems, the characteristics of the image of the physical self, and the functional state of the participants in the training were monitored. The study involved 96 students from Nizhny Novgorod universities aging from 18 to 25. The researchers used the methods of the drawing test ‘Human figure’ (K. Mahover, F. Gudinaf); the test of twenty statements ‘Who Am I’ (M. Kun, T. McPartland); and the method of computer campimetry for assessing the functionalstate of the body by the function of color-diffusion (SA Polevaya). The self-body image of the subjects in the experiment was characterized by weak integration and awareness; negative and disharmonious deep self-esteem; low values of awareness of one’s own uniqueness; and the maximum limit of the green color was detected in more than half of the subjects (61.45%). Dance-motor training was based on themethodological principles of the integrative-holistic and syndrome-factor approach to mental disorders, developed by A.R. Luria. The development of the psychomotor sphere of a personality was considered as a trigger mechanism for restoring the interaction between the psychological and physiological sub-systems of mental activity. The dependence of the content and structure of mental processes on sociocultural experience (i.e., world artistic culture) was actualized. The mechanism of the regulating role of an image and speech in building the movement has become more active. Dance-motor trainings with students were conducted over the course of a year. We used methods of body-oriented psychotherapy, vegetotherapy, and dance-motor therapy, including contact improvisation. The dance-motor training included warm-ups (aerobic and anaerobic exercises, muscle-stretching exercises); the thematic study of muscle clamps; and choreographic performances (learning movement stereotypes, free and contact improvisation). In the control experiment, a statistically significant conjugate dynamics was observed for the majority of the studied parameters (0.001). Keywords: body image, dance-motor training, student

    Шляхи забезпечення ефективного оподаткування як форми державної підтримки розвитку морегосподарського комплексу України

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    Суворова О. Л. Шляхи забезпечення ефективного оподаткування як форми державної підтримки розвитку морегосподарського комплексу України / О. Л. Суворова // Правове життя сучасної України : матеріали Міжнар. наук. конф. проф.-викл. та аспірант. складу (м. Одеса, 16-17 травня 2013 р.) / відп. за вип. В. М. Дрьомін ; НУ "ОЮА". Півд. регіон. центр НАПрН України. - Одеса : Фенікс, 2013. - Т. 1. - С. 508-510

    Crisis state of forwarding companies as a result of violation of external and internal stability

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    В статье рассматривается процесс возникновения кризисного состояния внутри транспортно-экспедиторских компаний как следствие негативных проявлений неопределенности внешней среды, а также причин внутреннего характера. Прослеживается связь между причинами и последствиями кризисного состояния транспортно-экспедиторских компаний, классифицируются факторы, обуславливающие недополучение финансовых поступлений этими компаниями

    Передумови створення сприятливого податкового середовища розвитку підприємств морегосподарського комплексу

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    Суворова О. Л. Передумови створення сприятливого податкового середовища розвитку підприємств морегосподарського комплексу / О. Л. Суворова // Актуальні проблеми держави і права : зб. наук. пр. / редкол.: С. В. Ківалов (голов. ред.), В. М. Дрьомін (заст. голов. ред.), Ю. П. Аленін [та ін.] ; МОНмолодьспорт України, НУ «ОЮА». – Одеса : Юрид. л-ра, 2012. – Вип. 68. - С. 232-237.Розглянута необхідність реформування сучасної системи оподаткування підприємств морегосподарського комплексу. Запропоновані заходи щодо створення сприятливого податкового середовища розвитку підприємств морегосподарського комплексу

    Оцінка незорової дії джерел світла для промислового освітлення

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    The issues of the visible lights non-visual impact on the human body during work, the circadian efficiency of lighting installations are considered, the analysis of fluorescent lamps used to illuminate industrial facilities according to their circadian characteristics is carried out, the need to take them into account when creating an effective industrial lighting installation is substantiated. Lighting systems design is one of the main components of the electric power systems formation for any industrial facility. When choosing equipment for the projects implementation, it is necessary to be guided not only by electrical parameters, but also by lighting technical parameters, since in addition to the power load, lighting is a means necessary for the successful implementation of the planned technological process. It is important to note that the illiterate implementation of the lighting network is a harmful factor and has a detrimental effect on the work and personnel health. Thus, ensuring light comfort, subject to the observance of the standardized illumination for each room, is one of the key tasks that must be solved when calculating and designing a lighting system. A properly designed lighting system has a direct impact on productivity, fatigue, visibility and visual discomfort during work. When choosing light sources to provide a given standardized illumination, various well-known calculation methods are used, but none of them takes into account the factors affecting the provision of visual comfort. The spectral composition of light is an important parameter of artificial light sources, which affects not only visual function, comfort, but also human health. When developing new lighting standards, standards for light sources and assessment of their quality, it is necessary to take into account the parameters that affect human health and well-being.Розглянуті питання незорового впливу світла на організм людини під час роботи, циркадної ефективності освітлювальних установок, проведено аналіз люмінесцентних ламп, що використовуються для освітлення промислових об’єктів за циркадними характеристиками, обґрунтовано необхідність їх врахування при створенні ефективної освітлювальної установки промислового призначення

    The effect on nitrogen oxide emission from agricultural soils

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    The study investigates the effect of biochar on nitrous oxide emission in Endoargic Anthrosols in the southern territory of the Russian Far East. Biochar (bio-charcoal) was applied in the amounts of 1 kg/m2 and 3 kg/m2 in combination with organic and mineral fertilizers to drained and drain-free fields during the vegetation season, and the five-gas analyzer G2508 (Picarro) was used. Cumulative flows of N2O were estimated. The analysis revealed that biochar reduces the emissions and the cumulative flow of nitrous oxide. The higher the dose of biochar, the lower the emission and cumulative flows of nitrous oxide, regardless of a drainage system. Biochar (1 kg/m2) reduced the cumulative N2O flow from the soil by 52.2% throughout the experiment conducted, while a dose of 3 kg/m2 allowed for 97.8% reduction. The study found that organic and mineral fertilizers can be effectively used in combination with biochar, as N2O emission from the soil with mineral fertilizers is significantly higher than from the soil with organic fertilizers. Biochar (1 kg/m2) combined with organic fertilizers reduces N2O emission by 53.7%, while a dose of 3 kg/m2 can reduce emissions by 88.9%. Biochar (1 kg/m2) combined with mineral fertilizers reduced the flow of N2O by 17.5%, while a 3 kg/m2 dose of biochar used with mineral fertilizers reduced the emission by 85.3%