174 research outputs found

    Itse hoksattu reitti:vanhempien kokemuksia vanhemmuuden matalan kynnyksen tuesta

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    TiivistelmĂ€. TĂ€mĂ€ pro gradu -tutkielma kĂ€sittelee vanhempien kokemuksia vanhemmuudesta ja vanhemmuuden tuesta. Lasten ja nuorten pahoinvoinnin polarisaatiokehityksen voimistumisen takia julkisessa keskustelussa ollaan 2000-luvulla oltu huolissaan vanhemmuuden tilasta. 1990-luvun taloudellisen laman seurauksena lapsi- ja perhepalveluista karsittiin voimakkaasti ennaltaehkĂ€iseviĂ€ palveluja ja resurssit ovat menneet paljolti korjaavaan työhön. Se on nĂ€kynyt muun muassa lastensuojelun tarpeen lisÀÀntymisenĂ€. Monet jĂ€rjestöt ovatkin paikanneet julkisen puolen resurssipulaa tarjoamalla tĂ€llaista varhaista tukea erilaisten hankkeiden turvin. Yksi esimerkki tĂ€llaisen hankkeen kautta aloittaneesta toiminnasta on Nuorten YstĂ€vien Vanhempien Akatemia, jonka asiakkaita olen haastatellut. Tutkimuksen lĂ€hestymistapa aiheeseen on fenomenologinen niin tieteenteoreettiselta perustaltaan kuin metodiltaankin. Kasvatuspsykologisen kokemuksen tutkimuksen subjektitieteellinen nĂ€kökulma ja arkipĂ€ivĂ€n tutkimus (conduct of everyday life) tarjoavat teoriamallin tarkastella vanhemmuutta yksilöiden vĂ€listen suhteiden lisĂ€ksi laajemmassa kontekstissa ottaen huomioon kulttuurin ja yhteiskunnan vaikutuksen ihmisten vuorovaikutukseen. Tutkimustulokset piirtĂ€vĂ€t kuvan vanhemmuudesta, jonka keskeiset haasteet muodostavat riittĂ€mĂ€ttömyyden kokemukset, ajankĂ€ytön haasteet sekĂ€ kasvatustilanteisiin liittyvĂ€t tunteiden sÀÀtelyn ongelmat. Apua saatiin vertaistuesta ja oman toiminnan kriittisestĂ€ arvioinnista. Vanhemmuuden tuessa keskeiseksi vaikuttavaksi tekijĂ€ksi nousi itseymmĂ€rryksen ja oman oppimisprosessin kehittyminen, työntekijĂ€n ammattimaisuus ja lĂ€mmin ja empaattinen persoona sekĂ€ asiakkaan itseymmĂ€rrystĂ€ ja oppimisprosessia tukevat menetelmĂ€t. Matalan kynnyksen periaatteet toteutuivat vanhempien mielestĂ€ erittĂ€in hyvin: palveluun oli helppo pÀÀstĂ€ ja se oli joustavaa ja asiakasta huomioivaa. Tutkimuksen johtopÀÀtöksinĂ€ voidaan todeta, ettĂ€ matalan kynnyksen palveluita kannattaa kehittÀÀ laajamittaisemmin Suomessa myös julkisiin palveluihin ja ettĂ€ Vanhempien akatemian vanhemmuuden tuki on vaikuttavaa ja tĂ€rkeÀÀ ennaltaehkĂ€isevÀÀ työtĂ€.When you yourself find the route : parents’ experiences of low threshold parenthood support. Abstract. This master’s thesis concerns with parents experiences of low threshold parenthood support and of parenthood. There has been discussion of stead of parenthood in respect of increasing problems, and polarization of youth and children in Finland in the 21st century. Because of economic depression in the 90s there has cut a lot of preventive services and the resources has targeted only to remedial work. Consequently, the need of child welfare work has increased. The public sector hasn’t been able to serve preventive and low threshold service enough. Because of this, there has been many projects in many associations in which they have ordered many kind of service to families and parents. The good example of this kind of service is the work in “Parent’s academy”. I have interviewed the parents who have visited in Parent’s Academy. The methodology of this thesis is phenomenology, both as approach and material collecting. The research of experience in educational psychology and the conduct of everyday life offer the theoretical model, by which you can regard parenthood except as interaction between ones but also in societal and cultural context. The main results tell that there are challenges in parenthood. The experiences of insufficiency, the challenges in schedule, and emotion regulation in rearing were the main challenges. The peer support and self-reflection helped parents. The central effective matter in support was improvement of self-understanding. Parents thought that the vocational touch of employee, his/her warmth and empathy and the professional methods that support parent’s own process of learning, was effective, also. The idea of low threshold service actualized very well: parents told that it was very easy to get in service, which was very flexible and the welcome was very nice and mindful. Conclusion of this thesis is that it is worth of to develop to low threshold parenthood support also in the public sector in Finland. We can also say, that the work of Parent’s Academy is very important and effective preventive parenting support

    Careers of highly educated self-initiated expatriates : observations from studies among Finnish business professionals

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    This chapter reviews existing literature about the careers of self-initiated expatriates and analyzes the different studies carried out among university level educated Finnish business professionals. A series of studies carried out among members of the Finnish Association of Business School Graduates during the last 15 years was cross-analyzed. The studies are based on three surveys and further interviews among their expatriate members (1999, 2004 and a follow-up study in 2012) also involving SIEs. Therefore, this chapter provide an overview of what we know about the careers of Finnish SIEs and show evidence of (1) their career motives, (2) the role of family considerations in the career decision making of SIEs, (3) the development of career capital and social capital during SIE-experiences, and also (4) longer-term career impacts of SIE-experiences. Based on the literature review and analysis of above mentioned studies we highlight the gaps in in the knowledge about SIEs and suggest areas where further research is needed.fi=vertaisarvioitu|en=peerReviewed

    Pollen productivity estimates of key European plant taxa for quantitative reconstruction of past vegetation: a review

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    International audienceInformation on the spatial distribution of past vegetation on local, regional and global scales is increasingly used within climate modelling, nature conservancy and archaeology. It is possible to obtain such information from fossil pollen records in lakes and bogs using the landscape reconstruction algorithm (LRA) and its two models, REVEALS and LOVE. These models assume that reliable pollen productivity estimates (PPEs) are available for the plant taxa involved in the quantitative reconstruc -tions of past vegetation, and that PPEs are constant through time. This paper presents and discusses the PPEs for 15 tree and 18 herb taxa obtained in nine study areas of Europe. Observed differences in PPEs between regions may be explained by methodological issues and environmental variables, of which climate and related factors such as reproduction strategies and growth forms appear to be the most important. An evaluation of the PPEs at hand so far suggests that they can be used in modelling applications and quantitative reconstructions of pastvegetation, provided that consideration of past environmental variability within the region is used to inform selection of PPEs, and bearing in mind that PPEs might have changed through time as a response to climate change. Application of a range of possible PPEs will allow a better evaluation of the results

    Biomonitoring of selected persistent organic pollutants (PCDD/Fs, PCBs and PBDEs) in Finnish and Russian terrestrial and aquatic animal species

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    Background: The Finnish and Russian animal species (semi-domesticated reindeer, Finnish wild moose, Baltic grey seal and Baltic herring) samples were biomonitored in terrestrial and aquatic environments for polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and dibenzofurans (PCDD/Fs), polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and polybrominated diphenylethers (PBDEs). Results: Grey seal (Halichoerus grypus) was clearly the most contaminated species. The mean PBDE concentration in grey seal was 115 ng/g fat, and the highest WHO-PCDD/F-PCB-TEQ (toxic equivalent set by WHO) was 327 pg/g fat. In Finnish, reindeer WHO-PCDD/F-TEQ varied from 0.92 pg/g fat in muscle to 90.8 pg/g fat in liver. WHO-PCDD/F-TEQ in moose liver samples was in the range of 0.7–4.26 pg/g fat, and WHO-PCB-TEQ in the range of 0.42–3.34 pg/g fat. Overall moose had clearly lower PCDD/F and DL-PCB concentrations in their liver than reindeer. Conclusions: Terrestrial animals generally had low POP concentrations, but in reindeer liver dioxin levels were quite high. All Finnish and Russian reindeer liver

    Metabolic Variation during Development in Culture of Leishmania donovani Promastigotes

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    The genome sequencing of several Leishmania species has provided immense amounts of data and allowed the prediction of the metabolic pathways potentially operating. Subsequent genetic and proteomic studies have identified stage-specific proteins and putative virulence factors but many aspects of the metabolic adaptations of Leishmania remain to be elucidated. In this study, we have used an untargeted metabolomics approach to analyze changes in the metabolite profile as promastigotes of L. donovani develop during in vitro cultures from logarithmic to stationary phase. The results show that the metabolomes of promastigotes on days 3–6 of culture differ significantly from each other, consistent with there being distinct developmental changes. Most notable were the structural changes in glycerophospholipids and increase in the abundance of sphingolipids and glycerolipids as cells progress from logarithmic to stationary phase

    Anaerobic digestion and gasification of seaweed

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    The potential of algal biomass as a source of liquid and gaseous biofuels is a highly topical theme, with over 70 years of sometimes intensive research and considerable financial investment. A wide range of unit operations can be combined to produce algal biofuel, but as yet there is no successful commercial system producing such biofuel. This suggests that there are major technical and engineering difficulties to be resolved before economically viable algal biofuel production can be achieved. Both gasification and anaerobic digestion have been suggested as promising methods for exploiting bioenergy from biomass, and two major projects have been funded in the UK on the gasification and anaerobic digestion of seaweed, MacroBioCrude and SeaGas. This chapter discusses the use of gasification and anaerobic digestion of seaweed for the production of biofuel
