34 research outputs found


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    Besarnya bea masuk untuk barang elektronik memang menjadi beban tersendiri bagi para importir karena dengan adanya bea masuk yang besar menyebabkan harga jual dari barang tersebut menjadi naik dan dikhawatirkan pembeli akan mengurungkan niat untuk membeli barang elektronik tersebut. Seperti halnya di Pelabuhan Tanjung Perak Surabaya, dimana setiap harinya di pelabuhan ini digunakan sebagai tempat keluar masuk barang baik untuk ekspor maupun barang impor. Banyaknya arus barang yang masuk dari luar daerah maupun luar negeri menyebabkan ruang yang cukup untuk dimanfaatkan bagi para oknum untuk dapat memanfaatkan kelemahan para petugas untuk meraih keuntungan. Jenis penelitian ini adalah normatif empiris. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan wawancara, observasi dan dokumentasi. Analisis data menggunakan analisis deskriptif kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa (1) pihak Kantor Pabean Surabaya telah menerapkan Standard Operation Procedure (SOP) dengan mengacu pada Undang-undang Nomor 17 Tahun 2006, untuk pelaksanaan layanan di bidang kepabeanan dalam rangka impor barang elektronik maka dibuatlah SOP Layanan Unggulan sehingga setiap barang elektronik yang masuk akan diperiksa dengan jalur masing-masing. Pada jalur prioritas, importir tidak diwajibkan menyerahkan dokumen impor (hardcopy PIB). Melalui jalur ini maka pelayanan administrasi impor akan selesai paling lama 20 menit sejak data diterima secara lengkap. Pelayanan pabean untuk jalur hijau dapat diselesaikan selama 3 hari kerja dan pada pelayanan pabean melalui jalur merah dari kedatangan kapal sampai keluar barang dapat diselesaikan selama 7 hari kerja, (2) SOP yang telah ditetapkan terdapat perbedaan pelaksanaan dengan di lapangan hal tersebut dikarenakan tidak ada janji layanan, larangan pembatasan impor yang tidak disebarluaskan dan tidak ada pelayanan satu atap (3) Akibat adanya perbedaan SOP yang telah ditetapkan tersebut dengan pelaksanaan di lapangan menyebabkan bea masuk yang dikeluarkan untuk impor barang elektronik menjadi lebih mahal, dikarenakan ada biaya-biaya yang harus dibayar agar proses barang dapat diterima menjadi cepat seperti biaya ongkos kuli/bongkar dan ongkos timbun barang yang menimbulkan inefisiensi ekonomi bagi importir. Saran yang dapat diberikan dalam penelitian ini adalah perlu adanya pelayanan satu atap dalam pelayanan bea cukai bagi importir dan pihak bea cukai perlu melakukan sosialisasi mengenai proses pelayanan impor kepada masyarakat. Kata Kunci: Evaluasi, SOP (Standard Operating Procedure), Impor

    Analisis Kepuasan Pengguna Website Manajemen Informatika dengan Metode EUCS Berbasis CMS

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    This study reviews Satisfaction Analysis Website users with the methods EUCS Information Management Framework based CMS (Content Management System). Case Studies in the trial is progdi informatics management at AUB Surakarta. The purpose of this study was to determine how much of the expected value and the value of reality obtained (satisfaction) of the student or student to facilities / features of the website management informatics. Estimated value of the results of this analysis will be used as guidelines for courses in evaluating and developing the quality of education in D3-winning Information Management adi Bhirawa STIE Surakarta to become universities that excel in quality of education and teaching. In this case study, the research instrument that will be used is the End User Computing Satisfaction (EUCS) which means the satisfaction of users who use the software. In the method of analysis of satisfaction with EUCS approach, the variables used to measure satisfaction there are 5 dimensions to be studied to measure satisfaction, namely: Content, Format, Accuracy, Ease of Use, Save time. The test instrument used in this study using SEM methods, and data analysis are also using SEM. Data were used to analyze user satisfaction is a student information management that are still active, will pass and that has alumni. The results of the analysis of these variables to calculate how high student satisfaction and student of the website features information management

    Mendeteksi Hardware Yang Masih Berfungsi Baik Dan Hardware Yang Sudah Rusak Dengan Knoppix Live Linux

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    Many types of computer components is sometimes difficult for users to detect whether or not worthy of such components can be reused or disposed of must alias is not used anymore. Of course, if a component fails. Users must purchase a new component to replace the faulty component. However, many of the users sometimes do not know how to find these components is still proper to use or not and how to detect the condition of the component. So that computer users are forced to pay for the check which component is faulty? Of course this is a field for businesses that sell services teknics computer to check the hardware problem. This type of qualitative research is descriptive. Data collection technique used observation and documentation. Analysis of data using qualitative analysis. The results showed that (1) Actually, there are approximately 12 processes in the detection of computer hardware in the knoppix live linux. Under the category of computer hardware can be divided into 3 parts: RAM, Memory, and Input devices (input) and output (output). (2) Criteria for the hardware components in a computer works with the normal specification is detected by a knoppix live linux distro, the device serves as the destination device is created. For example, if the "sound card" detected but could not hear the sound from the speakers when playing a song. Then most likely the device is damaged. If not, the possibility of such devices are not compatible with the knoppix distro. (3) In outline, the detection of damage to the hardware on linux knoppix live quite easily. The first, the device must be detected by the distro knoppix specifications at the time of the automatic device detection. When the console displays "not found" means the device is damaged and must be replaced. Meanwhile, when the console displays "undefined" then it could be updated in order to identify distro knoppixnya devices. Then if the device successfully detected. Continue to the next stage, the device is fine. In the second stage after successfully detected its specifications. When functioning as it should mean the device is still fit for use. Whereas when there is interference at the time the device is functioning, it means the device is not functioning optimally. Then if it does not work at all, it means the hardware has to be replaced, because it is damaged. Key word: Hardware Detection, Knoppix Live Linux, Error in Hardwar

    Time And Cost Efficiency Analysis With Fast Track Method On Samarinda-Anggana Road Improvement Project

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    On Samarinda-Anggana Road Improvement Project, in estimating the time and cost of a project, an acceleration process is needed. Acceleration is usually done to optimize the duration of existing activities and to minimize risk but it still gets optimal results. One of the ways to achieve time and cost efficiency is by using the method of "Fast Track" with modification of CPM model scheduling on the activities of the critical path. The objectives of this research are: 1) Determining the optimal result with the Fast Track process on the project, 2) Determining the cost plan for the time acceleration, 3) Calculating the amount of time difference of optimum acceleration in the completion of road improvement project and cost caused by acceleration. This research uses fast track method. From the calculation of the project duration using fast track method, the following results are obtained: 1) road improvement project of Samarinda - Anggana calculated with the CPM model with normal duration in the contract time is 210 days, so the project needs to be accelerated by Fast Track method that produces acceleration duration to 171 days, 2) the optimum cost incurred in the normal duration or the project budget plan is Rp.16.677.156.783,43 and costs gained after Fast Track method is Rp. 16.522.297.470,44, 3) the difference in duration between normal time and after fast track is 39 days. While, the difference in cost between normal time and after using Fast Track is Rp.154.859.312,99, it can be concluded that it saves 0.93% from the normal cost

    Sistem Informasi Pengaduan Mahasiswa Stie Adhi Unggul Bhirawa Surakarta Berbasis Web

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    Abstract - The purpose of the author in making the title of this thesis is to make it easier for students to communicate with the campus, with the website based complaint both students can convery their opinion, aspiration, suggestions, and criticms wherever they are and whenever.In production this final project the writer uses analysis and observation methods as a media to obtain accurate information, the analysis method is used to find out whether the problems that occur in the object of research, while the observation method is used by the writer to observe the campus environment to determine the patterns of studens and the campus.From all of that, an idea to create a complaint system is obtained STIE Adhi Unggul Bhirawa website based. Keywords : Information System, Student’s Complain, web, STIE AUB Surakarta Abstrak – Tujuan penulis membuat judul tugas akhir ini ialah memudahkan mahasiswa/mahasiswi dalam berkomunikasi dengan pihak kampus, dengan adanya pengaduan berbasis websiste ini baik mahasiswa/mahasiswi akan bisa menyampaikan pendapat, aspirasi, saran, dan kritiknya dimanapun berada dan kapanpun.Dalam pembuatan tugas akhir ini, penulis menggunakan metode analisis dan obeservasi sebagai media untuk mendapatkan informasi yang akurat, metode analisis dipakai untuk mengetahui apakah permasalahan yang terjadi pada objek penelitian tersebut sedangkan metode observasi dipakai penulis untuk mengamati dalam lingkungan kampus guna mengetahui pola mahasiswa dengan pihak kampus.Dari semua itu maka diperoleh idea tau gagasan untuk membuat Sistem Informasi Pengaduan Mahasiswa STIE Adhi Unggul Bhirawa berbasis website. Kata Kunci : Sistem Informasi, Pengaduan Mahasiswa, web, STIE AUB Surakart


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    Conventional management has several weaknesses that must be covered so that the company can be grow. Therefore, trading companies try to analyze the constraints in the company’s expansion, namely marketing management with a customer interface approach. The factor that makes a company in using marketing management is the development of technology in this case information technology. With the existence of information technology customers can easily find the desired product in a store or company, customers can also compare expected products with similar products, customers can also request transactions electronically and request delivery of goods to the destination address with certain conditions and amounts. In addition, customers can easily see information about the item without having to go to the store. These advantages make use of information technology for business management so that trading companies can survive and anticipate the threat of similar companies in eroding the turnover of their business. This research will examine how the marketing process has been carried out by computer stores that have run management traditionally and electronically, how to design and develop marketing management to compete with similar companies. The purpose of this study was to find out the results obtained from utilizing information technology in management traditionally and electronically through interviews and surveys and thinking about how to develop marketing management to become the market leader in Central Java Province. The benefits of this research are so that it can be a consideration in determining good online marketing, as well as improving the quality of services that are better in increasing sales and expanding the sales area. The method used is marketing management with customer interfaces


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    The information system is one of the needs that is often used to facilitate human work. Jobs that often use information systems are office jobs, both in government and private agencies. Companies generally need an information system to simplify work such as creating cooperation documents, contract documents with external parties, as well as to help make monitoring and evaluation sheets for internal management. Like a system, to be able to store and display data as it should. Information system testing is needed in order to know the shortcomings of a system. The drawbacks of a system can be in the form of features that don't work properly or there are differences between the features expected and the features available. One of the tests of information systems is testing the Black Box method system by means of Boundary Value Analysis. Boundary Value Analysis is a method of testing by determining the lower and upper limit values ​​of the data to be tested. This test is carried out on the function of adding new goods data to the trade transaction application. The test results are still lacking when validating the data entered into the system, causing the data stored in the database to not match what was expected. The results of this test can be an input to improve the application so that the eligibility requirements of the information system are better in accordance with the expected data entered into the system

    The Effect of Cooling and Temperature in 3D Printing Process with Fused Deposition Modelling Technology on the Mechanical Properties with Polylactic Acid Recycled Material

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    3D printing is one of the most widely used manufacturing methods. However, its popularity also contributes to the worsening of the environment due to waste from leftover 3D print. Luckily, the usage of recycled filament has become more popular recently, but this recycled filament has lower mechanical properties. Because of that, their usage is less desirable. Therefore, this study aims to improve the mechanical properties of the recycled filament, especially Polylactic Acid (PLA), by one of the easiest methods controlling cooling factors on 3d print, such as fan cooling speed, extruder temperature, and bed temperature. This study uses a factorial design method to achieve the best combination level of fan cooling speed, extruder temperature, and bed temperature. From the study, the writers can conclude that the best factor combination based on both tests is fan cooling speed 100% (5 m/s), extruder temperature 190 °C, and bed temperature 50 °C, which is vastly different from the one recommended on PLA non-recycle. Furthermore, using this parameter, tensile strength has been improved as high as 37% and 5.3% on flexural strengt

    Perancangan Buku Concept Art Adaptasi Dari Novel Ancient Realm Karya Michael Chandra

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    Di Indonesia pada saat ini sebenar nya banyak orang kreatif membuat sebuah alur cerita yang baik, hal ini bisa dilihat dari karya – karya Penulis cerita lokal disekitar kita dimana dapat menghasilkan karya yang berkualitas diluar negeri, tetapi kurang terkenal di antara kita lantaran kurang menghargai produk dalam negeri. Tujuan dari Perancangan ini untuk menarik perhatian para Developer industri entertainment lokal maupun luar untuk menggarap cerita novel yang dibuat oleh penulis novel lokal menjadi sebuah produk industri entertainment (videogames, animasi, film, dll). Membuat sebuah buku concept art yang dibuat terlebih dahulu sehingga membuat para developer tersebut tahu bahwa cerita tersebut berpotensi untuk diangkat menjadi produk merek

    A resource sharing (sharing platform) scheme on online taxi services

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    This paper will review the match between single driver and single rider in online taxi services through a resource sharing (sharing platform) for the operators with the objectives to maximize the profit for drivers (operators) and minimize waiting time for passengers so that the matching rate is higher. A low matching rate between rider and driver can cause the consumer to drop the services. The matching between single driver and single rider in online taxi services through a sharing platform scheme is formulated in maximum weighted bipartite matching problem. To solve the proposed model, we use Kuhn Munkres Algorithm, while to solve the shortest path for the driver to pick up the passenger and the shortest path of passenger's origin destination, modified Dijkstra with adaptive algorithm based on Wei Peng et.al (2012) is used. Based on illustrative example with several cases, we found a resource sharing scenario can optimize the matching between driver and rider and moreover can solve the surge pricing problem which is deemed as less transparant to custome