56 research outputs found

    Integrasi Nilai-Nilai Islami dalam Praktik Kepemimpinan Pendidikan: Membangun Lingkungan Pembelajaran yang Berdaya Saing

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    This research analyzes the integration of Islamic values in educational leadership practices and their impact on a competitive learning environment. A qualitative method with a literature study approach was utilized. The objective was to understand how educational leaders integrate Islamic values into their leadership practices and the resulting effects on the learning environment. The findings indicate that the integration of Islamic values creates a holistic learning environment, fostering students' morality, ethics, and social awareness. Educational leaders who integrate Islamic values serve as inspirational role models and strengthen the connection with students' everyday experiences. Additionally, it helps create an inclusive school culture and promotes collaboration among students. The implications of this research provide an understanding of the importance of integrating Islamic values into educational leadership.Penelitian ini menganalisis integrasi nilai-nilai Islami dalam praktik kepemimpinan pendidikan dan dampaknya terhadap lingkungan pembelajaran yang berdaya saing. Metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan studi literatur digunakan. Tujuannya adalah memahami bagaimana pemimpin pendidikan mengintegrasikan nilai-nilai Islami dalam praktik kepemimpinan dan dampaknya pada lingkungan pembelajaran. Hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa integrasi nilai-nilai Islami menciptakan lingkungan pembelajaran yang holistik, mengembangkan moralitas, etika, dan kepedulian sosial siswa. Pemimpin pendidikan yang mengintegrasikan nilai-nilai Islami menjadi teladan inspiratif dan memperkuat ikatan dengan pengalaman sehari-hari siswa. Ini juga membantu menciptakan budaya sekolah inklusif dan mendorong kerjasama antar siswa. Implikasinya memberi pemahaman tentang pentingnya integrasi nilai-nilai Islami dalam kepemimpinan Pendidikan

    Internalisasi Kedisiplinan Guru PAI dalam Mengembangkan Soft Skills Siswa

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    Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui  internalisasi kedisiplinan guru PAI dalam mengembangkan soft skill siswa. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif, karena penelitian ini bermaksud untuk memahami fenomena tentang apa yang dialami oleh subjek penelitian dalam perilaku, pola pikir serta tindakan. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian fenomenologi yang mana disini mengungkapkan fenomena pengalaman yang diperoleh berdasarkan kesadaran pada beberapa individu. Sedangkan dalam teknik pengumpulan datanya menggunakan observasi, wawancara secara mendalam, catatan lapangan, serta dokumentasi. Analisis data yang digunakan adalah metode analisis deskriptif serta dalam pemeriksaan keabsahan data menggunakan  Triangulasi, membercheck , serta audit trail. Hasil penelitian ini adalah mengetahui tentang internalisasi kedisiplinan guru PAI dalam mengembangkan Soft skill Siswa di SMA Plus Nurul Iman Leles, bahwa sebagian besar siswa-siswi SMA Plus Nurul Iman Leles sangat berpotensi untuk mengembangkan soft skill. Namun ada beberapa siswa yang masih perlu dorongan dari orang tua, teman dan lingkungannya, sehingga siswa dapat termotivasi untuk mengembangkan soft skill

    The RNA-binding profile of the splicing factor SRSF6 in immortalized human pancreatic beta-cells

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    In pancreatic beta-cells, the expression of the splicing factor SRSF6 is regulated by GLIS3, a transcription factor encoded by a diabetes susceptibility gene. SRSF6 down-regulation promotes beta-cell demise through splicing dysregulation of central genes for beta-cells function and survival, but how RNAs are targeted by SRSF6 remains poorly understood. Here, we define the SRSF6 binding landscape in the human pancreatic beta-cell line EndoC-beta H1 by integrating individual-nucleotide resolution UV cross-linking and immuno-precipitation (iCLIP) under basal conditions with RNA sequencing after SRSF6 knockdown. We detect thousands of SRSF6 bindings sites in coding sequences. Motif analyses suggest that SRSF6 specifically recognizes a purine-rich consensus motif consisting of GAA triplets and that the number of contiguous GAA triplets correlates with increasing binding site strength. The SRSF6 positioning determines the splicing fate. In line with its role in beta-cell function, we identify SRSF6 binding sites on regulated exons in several diabetes susceptibility genes. In a proof-of-principle, the splicing of the susceptibility gene LMO7 is modulated by antisense oligonucleotides. Our present study unveils the splicing regulatory landscape of SRSF6 in immortalized human pancreatic beta-cells.Functional Genomics of Muscle, Nerve and Brain Disorder

    Decoding a cancer-relevant splicing decision in the RON proto-oncogene using high-throughput mutagenesis

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    Mutations causing aberrant splicing are frequently implicated in human diseases including cancer. Here, we establish a high-throughput screen of randomly mutated minigenes to decode the cis-regulatory landscape that determines alternative splicing of exon 11 in the proto-oncogene MST1R (RON). Mathematical modelling of splicing kinetics enables us to identify more than 1000 mutations affecting RON exon 11 skipping, which corresponds to the pathological isoform RON Delta 165. Importantly, the effects correlate with RON alternative splicing in cancer patients bearing the same mutations. Moreover, we highlight heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein H (HNRNPH) as a key regulator of RON splicing in healthy tissues and cancer. Using iCLIP and synergy analysis, we pinpoint the functionally most relevant HNRNPH binding sites and demonstrate how cooperative HNRNPH binding facilitates a splicing switch of RON exon 11. Our results thereby offer insights into splicing regulation and the impact of mutations on alternative splicing in cancer.Institute of Molecular Biology Core Facilities; DFG [ZA 881/2-1, KO 4566/4-1, LE 3473/2-1]; LOEWE program Ubiquitin Networks (Ub-Net) of the State of Hesse (Germany); Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft [SFB902 B13]; EMBO [3057]; Fundacao para a Ciencia e a Tecnologia, Portugal (FCT Investigator Starting Grant) [IF/00595/2014]; German Federal Ministry of Research (BMBF; e:bio junior group program) [FKZ: 0316196]; Boehringer Ingelheim Foundation; [INST 47/870-1 FUGG


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    Pengaruh Entrepreneurial Self-efficacy terhadap Entrepreneur Career Intention pada Kalangan Mahasiswa S1 di Indonesia

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh Entrepreneur Self-Efficacy terhadap entrepreneur career Intention pada kalangan mahasiswa. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian kuantitatif dengan jumlah responden sebesar 226 orang yang merupakan mahasiswa S-1 dari berbagai universitas yang ada di Indonesia. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa entrepreneurial self-efficacy berpengaruh secara signifikan terhadap entrepreneurial career intention dan terdapat keterkaitan antara entrepreneurship education dengan sejumlah dimensi dari entrepreneurial self efficacy seperti marshaling human resource, financial literacy, dan managing uncertainty


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    Kajian Hukum Terhadap Tindak Pidana Pencurian Yang Mengakibatkan Kematin

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    Tindak pidana pencurian oleh pasal 362 KUH Pidana (Kitab Undangundang Hukum Pidana) dirumuskan sebagai berikut, yaitu mengambil barang, seluruhnya atau sebagian milik orang lain, dengan tujuan memilikinya secara melawan hukum. Pencurian dalam klasifikasinya tidak sedemikian saja berarti hilangnya barang atau benda seseorang, tetapi juga dapat memberikan akibat yang sangat begitu merugikan bagi korban pencurian dari segi fisiknya jika sipelaku dalam melakukan aksinya melakukan tindak kekerasan dan mungkin berakibat hilangnya nyawa bagi korban. Hal demikian biasanya terjadi dikarenakan adanya pcrlawanan dari korban

    Deciphering the binding regulation of the core splicing factor U2AF65 using in vitro iCLIP

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    Durch Bildung unterschiedlicher reifer mRNAs aus einzelnen Genen erhöht alternatives Spleißen die proteomische Vielfalt in Eukaryonten. RNA-Protein Interaktionen organisieren die Regulation des alternativen Spleißens in einem mehrstufigen Prozess, der die Regulation der Bindung des essentiellen Spleiß-Faktors U2AF65 im Rahmen der Definition der 3‘ Spleißstelle umfasst. Zur Untersuchung der U2AF65-Bindung und deren Regulation durch andere RNA bindende Proteine (RBP) haben wir ‘in vitro iCLIP’ entwickelt, das ermöglicht RNA-Protein Interaktionen im definierten System zu erfassen. Mit Hilfe von rekombinanten Proteinen und einer Reihe von in vitro Transkripten wurde in vitro iCLIP zur Transkriptweiten Messung von U2AF65 Bindungsaffinitäten verwendet. Auf den Affinitätsdaten basierende Mathematische Modellierung ermöglichte den Vergleich der in vitro und in vivo U2AF65 Bindungs-Muster und verschaffte uns umfangreiche Informationen über die Transkript-weite in vivo Regulation der Bindung. Wir haben herausgefunden, dass U2AF65 Bindung umfassend reguliert ist, einschließlich der Stabilisierung von U2AF65 an 3‘ Spleißstellen und Entfernung des Proteins von intronischen Regionen. Darüber hinaus wurde auf RBP Sequenzmotiven basiertes, maschinelles Lernen verwendet um RBP zu identifizieren, die die U2AF65 Bindung an regulierten Bindestellen potentiell modulieren. Dadurch haben wir eine Handvoll bekannter und neuer Interaktoren der U2AF65 Bindung identifiziert. Zusätzliche in vitro Validierung offenbarte, dass hnRNPC, PTBP1 und PCBP1 hauptsächlich als Binde-Suppressoren in Erscheinung treten, während FUBP1 und CELF6 die Bindung von U2AF65 verstärken. Knock-down Experimente dieser RBP deuteten darauf hin, dass die in vitro Modulierung der U2AF65 Bindung durch diese RBP den Ausgang des alternativen Spleißens in vivo beeinflusst. Zusammenfassend betrachtet liefert in vitro iCLIP eine Plattform, welche die Charakterisierung von RNA-Protein Interaktionen im vereinfachten System ermöglicht und zur Unterstützung der Interpretation komplexer in vivo Binde-Daten genutzt werden kann.Alternative splicing increases proteome diversity in eukaryotes by generating different variants of mature mRNA from single genes. RNA-protein interactions orchestrate the regulation of alternative splicing in a multi-step manner, including binding modulation of the core-splicing factor U2AF65 in 3’ splice site definition. To study U2AF65 binding and its modulation by other RNA binding proteins (RBPs), we developed ‘in vitro iCLIP’ that enables capturing RNA-protein interactions in a defined system. By using recombinant proteins and a set of in vitro transcripts, we applied in vitro iCLIP to measure U2AF65 binding site affinities in a transcript-wide manner. Mathematical modeling based on the affinity data allowed comparison of the in vitro and in vivo U2AF65 binding landscapes, and provided us with comprehensive information on the transcript-wide in vivo binding regulation. We found that U2AF65 binding is extensively regulated, including stabilization at 3’ splice sites and clearance of binding in intronic regions. Furthermore, a machine learning approach based on RBP sequence motifs was used to identify RBPs that potentially modulate U2AF65 binding at the differentially regulated sites. As a result, we identified a handful of known and novel regulators of U2AF65 binding. Further in vitro validation revealed that hnRNPC, PTBP1, and PCBP1 mainly act as suppressors, whereas FUBP1 and CELF6 enhance U2AF65 binding. Knockdown experiments of the RBPs indicated that in vitro U2AF65 binding modulations by these RBPs affect the alternative splicing outcome in vivo. In conclusion, in vitro iCLIP provides a platform that allows characterization of RNA-protein interactions in a simplified system and can be used to aid in the interpretation of complex in vivo binding data
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