63,987 research outputs found

    Linearizing N = 3 nonlinear supersymmetry in two dimensions

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    We investigate for N = 3 supersymmetry (SUSY) in D = 2 the algebraic relation between the Volkov-Akulov (VA) model of nonlinear (NL) SUSY and a (renormalizable) SO(3) vector supermultiplet of linear (L) SUSY. We derive SUSY and SO(3) invariant relations between component fields of the vector supermultiplet and Nambu-Goldstone (NG) fermions of the VA model at leading orders by using three arbitrary dimensionless parameters which can be recasted as the vacuum expectation values of auxiliary fields in the vector supermultiplet. Two different irreducible representations of SO(3) super-Poincar\'e symmetry which appear in the same massless state are compatible with each other in the linearization of NL SUSY. The equivalence of a NL SUSY VA action to a free L SUSY action containing the Fayet-Iliopoulos (FI) D term which indicates a spontaneously SUSY breaking is also discussed explicitly according to the SUSY invariant relations.Comment: 7 pages, Late

    BRST gauge fixing and the algebra of global supersymmetry

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    A global supersymmetry (SUSY) in supersymmetric gauge theory is generally broken by gauge fixing. A prescription to extract physical information from such SUSY algebra broken by gauge fixing is analyzed in path integral framework. If δSUSYδBRSTΨ=δBRSTδSUSYΨ\delta_{SUSY}\delta_{BRST}\Psi = \delta_{BRST}\delta_{SUSY}\Psi for a gauge fixing ``fermion'' Ψ\Psi, the SUSY charge density is written as a sum of the piece which is naively expected without gauge fixing and a BRST exact piece. If δSUSYδSUSYδBRSTΨ=δBRSTδSUSYδSUSYΨ\delta_{SUSY}\delta_{SUSY}\delta_{BRST}\Psi = \delta_{BRST}\delta_{SUSY}\delta_{SUSY}\Psi, the equal-time anti-commutator of SUSY charge is written as a sum of a physical piece and a BRST exact piece. We illustrate these properties for N=1 and N=2 supersymmetric Yang-Mills theories and for a D=10 massive superparticle (or ``D-particle'') where the κ\kappa-symmetry provides extra complications.Comment: 18 pages, Latex, analysis of N=2 SYM is adde

    Conformal Gauge Mediation

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    We propose a one-parameter theory for gauge mediation of supersymmetry (SUSY) breaking. The spectrum of SUSY particles such as squarks and sleptons in the SUSY standard-model and the dynamics of SUSY-breaking sector are, in principle, determined only by one parameter in the theory, that is, the mass of messengers. Above the messenger threshold all gauge coupling and Yukawa coupling constants in the SUSY-breaking sector are on the infrared fixed point. We find that the present theory may predict a split spectrum of the standard-model SUSY particles, m_{gaugino} < m_{sfermion}, where m_{gaugino} and m_{sfermion} are SUSY-breaking masses for gauginos and squarks/sleptons, respectively.Comment: 17 page

    Self-adjoint extensions and SUSY breaking in Supersymmetric Quantum Mechanics

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    We consider the self-adjoint extensions (SAE) of the symmetric supercharges and Hamiltonian for a model of SUSY Quantum Mechanics in R+\mathbb{R}^+ with a singular superpotential. We show that only for two particular SAE, whose domains are scale invariant, the algebra of N=2 SUSY is realized, one with manifest SUSY and the other with spontaneously broken SUSY. Otherwise, only the N=1 SUSY algebra is obtained, with spontaneously broken SUSY and non degenerate energy spectrum.Comment: LaTeX. 23 pages and 1 figure (minor changes). Version to appear in the Journal of Physics A: Mat. and Ge

    Search for Supersymmetry Signatures at the LHC

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    Supersymmetry (SUSY) is one of the most interesting and comprehensively studied models for new physics beyond the Standard Model. If SUSY exists in nature the Large Hadron Collider will provide excellent opportunities to search for SUSY. SUSY discovery strategies of the ATLAS and CMS experiments are presented with a focus on early data. SUSY mass measurement techniques and determination of SUSY model parameters are also demonstrated.Comment: To be published in the proceedings of DPF-2009, Detroit, MI, July 2009, eConf C09072

    Unification of Laughlin and Moore-Read States in SUSY Quantum Hall Effect

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    Based on the recently proposed SUSY quantum Hall effect, we show that Laughlin and Moore-Read states are related by a hidden SUSY transformation. Regarding the SUSY Laughlin wavefunction as a master wavefunction, Laughlin and Moore-Read states appear as two extreme limits of component wavefunctions. Realizations of topological excitations on Laughlin and Moore-Read states are also discussed in the SUSY formalism. We develop a streographically projected formulation of the SUSY quantum Hall effect. With appropriate interpretation of Grassmann odd coordinates, we illustrate striking analogies between SUSY quantum Hall effect and superfluidity.Comment: 5 pages, 1 figure, typos fixe
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