38 research outputs found


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    Active learning is the participation of students in an ongoing learning process where students actively interact with learning resources, other students and teachers. IPAS is a combination subject between Natural and Social Sciences contained in the independent curriculum. This research aims to describe the steps for implementing the experimental method in science learning to increase students' active learning and to find out whether the implementation of the experimental method can increase students' active learning. Based on the discussion, it can be concluded that the operational stages of implementing the experimental method to increase the active learning of students at SD Negeri 01 Wanarejan Pemalang include: a. Conduct context analysis; b. Analyzing teaching aids and practicum materials in the laboratory; c. Completing the need for tools and practicum materials needed; d. Implementing experiment-based learning; e. Carry out reflection and follow-up. And the results of the implementation of the experimental method on science concepts can increase the activeness of learning for students at SD Negeri 01 Wanarejan Pemalang


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    ABSTRACTEfforts to improve and improve the quality of education in Indonesia have longbeen carried out, including the quality of mathematics education in elementary schools.However, these efforts have not shown satisfactory results. The low achievement ofstudent achievement is due to learning that involves students actively not beingimplemented. Conventional learning that has been carried out until now, teachersdominate learning so much that student involvement in the learning process is stilllacking. In conventional learning, students are no longer the subject of learning but theobject of learning. The initial reflection on the level of students' understanding of theconcept of calculating fractions of class V in SDN 01 Wanarejan Pemalang was still lowwhen compared to other mathematical concepts, this is evidenced by the low averagevalue of the results of the daily calculation of fraction counting concepts, where studentswho get grades under the Minimum completeness Criteria there are still 73.9%, and theclass average is only 57.65 still far below the national completeness limit. This studyapplies learning activities using the STAD type Cooperative Approach. In cycle I andcycle II, the improvement in learning the concept of fraction calculation has succeededin increasing students' affective value in the components of discussion activity, questionactiveness, and question answering activity. The results of the assessment of cognitiveaspects also occurred a significant increase from the initial average value of 57.65 to67.09 in the first cycle and 70.22 in the second cycle. And when viewed from thepercentage of completeness also an increase from 26.1% to 69.6% in the first cycle and87.0% in the second cycle.Keywords: cooperative approach, STAD, fraction calculation

    Penerapan Metode Penginderaan Jauh Dan Sistem Informasi Geografis Untuk Analisa Perubahan Penggunaan Lahan (Studi Kasus: Wilayah Kali Surabaya)

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    Application of Remote Sensing and Geographic Information System Methods for Land Using Difference. Landusing difference analysis has been done using remote sensing and Geographic Information System (GIS) methods.Identification of land using difference was conducted using map overlaying process of 1990s (digitized scalling1:50.000) and 1997s land using map (interpreted from Landsat TM (Thematic Mapper) Image 1997) with UTM(Universal Transverse Mercator) coordinate. Image enhancement was done through histogram equalization withsupervised classification devided into 7 classes: rice field, settlement, dry field, industry, pond, sport field and bush.Land using difference and river pollution BOD (Biological Oxygen Demand), COD (Chemical Oxygen Demand) andTSS (Total Suspended Solid) analysis were done through GIS to get database in spasial link and tabular format. Landusing difference was done based on division segment of Kali Surabaya contour as reference. The result shows thatthere were changes on land using from 1990 until 1997 that rice field reduced by 5.72 %; settlement increased by15,16 %; dry field increased by 0.54 %; industry increased by 36.67 % and bush reduced by 26.67 %. Waterpollution analysis results which was done using multiple linier regression show both BOD (determinant coefficient 56%) and TSS (determinant coefficient 65 %) are affected by difference in land using, but COD (determinant coefficient24 %) is not affected


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    Application of Remote Sensing and Geographic Information System Methods for Land Using Difference. Landusing difference analysis has been done using remote sensing and Geographic Information System (GIS) methods.Identification of land using difference was conducted using map overlaying process of 1990s (digitized scalling1:50.000) and 1997s land using map (interpreted from Landsat TM (Thematic Mapper) Image 1997) with UTM(Universal Transverse Mercator) coordinate. Image enhancement was done through histogram equalization withsupervised classification devided into 7 classes: rice field, settlement, dry field, industry, pond, sport field and bush.Land using difference and river pollution BOD (Biological Oxygen Demand), COD (Chemical Oxygen Demand) andTSS (Total Suspended Solid) analysis were done through GIS to get database in spasial link and tabular format. Landusing difference was done based on division segment of Kali Surabaya contour as reference. The result shows thatthere were changes on land using from 1990 until 1997 that rice field reduced by 5.72 %; settlement increased by15,16 %; dry field increased by 0.54 %; industry increased by 36.67 % and bush reduced by 26.67 %. Waterpollution analysis results which was done using multiple linier regression show both BOD (determinant coefficient 56%) and TSS (determinant coefficient 65 %) are affected by difference in land using, but COD (determinant coefficient24 %) is not affected.Keywords: land use, water pollution, Landsat TM, supervised classificatio

    Yoga untuk Mengurangi Nyeri Punggung pada Ibu Hamil Trimester III

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    Pregnancy is a natural and normal process. During pregnancy a mother experiences changes that occur both physically and psychologically. These changes cause pregnant women to experience discomfort (Manuaba, 2010). The discomfort felt by pregnant women is usually different in each trimester of pregnancy. Changes that occur during pregnancy are often a complaint for pregnant women including nausea and vomiting in early pregnancy, constipation, varicose veins (veins), urinary disorders, hemorrhoids, and swelling of the legs and feet and back pain (Bobak, 2010). The purpose of this activity report is to provide complementary yoga therapy to reduce back pain in third trimester pregnancy online and through online methods using WhatsApp groups as a liaison between the implementers and the respondents. Through power point media and videos of yoga movements that are shared through the WA group, respondents will then observe and practice it at home by paying attention to the videos that have been shared. From the data, it can be concluded that there is an increase in pregnant women after counseling and on average, mothers with upper secondary education have better knowledge with a percentage of 91.6% and mothers with low education with a percentage ratio of 8.4%.AbstrakKehamilan merupakan suatu proses yang alami dan normal. Selama hamil seorang ibu mengalami perubahan-perubahan yang terjadi baik fisik maupun psikologis. Perubahan-perubahan tersebut menyebabkan ibu hamil mengalami ketidaknyamanan (Manuaba, 2010). Rasa tidak nyaman yang dirasakan oleh ibu hamil biasanya berbeda-beda pada setiap trimester kehamilan. Perubahan yang terjadi selama kehamilan sering kali menjadi keluhan bagi ibu hamil diantaranya adalah mual muntah pada awal kehamilan, konstipasi, varises vena (pembuluh balik), gangguan berkemih, hemoroid, dan pembengkakan pada tungkai dan kaki serta nyeri punggung (Bobak, 2010). Tujuan laporan kegiatan ini untuk memberikan  terapi komplementer yoga untuk mengurangi nyeri punggung pada kehamilan Trimester III secara daring dan melalui metode daring menggunakan grup WhatsApp sebagai penghubung antara pelaksana dengan responden yang mempunyai keluhan nyri punggung pada kehamilan TM III. Melalui media power point dan video gerakan yoga yang dibagikan melalui grup WA kemudian akan dicermati dan dipraktikkan di rumah oleh responden dengan memperhatikan video yang telah dibagikan. Dari data dapat disimpulkan bahwa ada peningkatan pada ibu hamil setelah dilakukan penyuluhan dan rata – rata ibu dengan pendidikan menengah atas memiliki pengetahuan lebih baik dengan persentase 91,6% dan ibu dengan pendidikan rendah dengan perbandingan persentase 8,4%

    Influence of Sodium Carbonate Activator Concentration and Activated Carbon Size on The Reduction of Total Dissolved Solid (TDS) and Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) of Water

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    Report published in 2018 by Indonesian Ministry of Agriculture suggests that Indonesia’s production of coconut is the biggest in the world. This come with some side effects concerning on its waste management, particularly for its shell wastes. In response, this research aims to use coconut shell as the raw materials of the adsorbent, previously being activated using Sodium Carbonate (Na2CO3) activator, for later being used to reduce water impurities. Further than that, two parameters, of which activator’s concentration ranging from 2.5 to 12.5% b/v and the size of activated carbon between 177 and 2380 µm, have been investigated. Once material prepared, by carbonization process and chemical activation, the activated carbon is immersed in poor quality water having qualitatively high turbidity and distinctive odor. Total Dissolved Solid (TDS) and Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) of the water have then been tested in which the results suggest the reduction of TDS and COD with the presence of activated carbon. It is reported that agglomeration of micro-sizes activated carbon upon activation with Na2CO3 resulted in poor screening performance. That causes the size parameter seems to have no influence on TDS. Meanwhile, the optimum activator’s concentration is reached for 5% b/v of Na2CO3 addition, with a decrease in TDS of 12,7% and COD of 45,93%

    Yoga untuk Mengurangi Nyeri Punggung pada Ibu Hamil Trimester III

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    Pregnancy is a natural and normal process. During pregnancy a mother experiences changes that occur both physically and psychologically. These changes cause pregnant women to experience discomfort (Manuaba, 2010). The discomfort felt by pregnant women is usually different in each trimester of pregnancy. Changes that occur during pregnancy are often a complaint for pregnant women including nausea and vomiting in early pregnancy, constipation, varicose veins (veins), urinary disorders, hemorrhoids, and swelling of the legs and feet and back pain (Bobak, 2010). The purpose of this activity report is to provide complementary yoga therapy to reduce back pain in third trimester pregnancy online and through online methods using WhatsApp groups as a liaison between the implementers and the respondents. Through power point media and videos of yoga movements that are shared through the WA group, respondents will then observe and practice it at home by paying attention to the videos that have been shared. From the data, it can be concluded that there is an increase in pregnant women after counseling and on average, mothers with upper secondary education have better knowledge with a percentage of 91.6% and mothers with low education with a percentage ratio of 8.4%.AbstrakKehamilan merupakan suatu proses yang alami dan normal. Selama hamil seorang ibu mengalami perubahan-perubahan yang terjadi baik fisik maupun psikologis. Perubahan-perubahan tersebut menyebabkan ibu hamil mengalami ketidaknyamanan (Manuaba, 2010). Rasa tidak nyaman yang dirasakan oleh ibu hamil biasanya berbeda-beda pada setiap trimester kehamilan. Perubahan yang terjadi selama kehamilan sering kali menjadi keluhan bagi ibu hamil diantaranya adalah mual muntah pada awal kehamilan, konstipasi, varises vena (pembuluh balik), gangguan berkemih, hemoroid, dan pembengkakan pada tungkai dan kaki serta nyeri punggung (Bobak, 2010). Tujuan laporan kegiatan ini untuk memberikan  terapi komplementer yoga untuk mengurangi nyeri punggung pada kehamilan Trimester III secara daring dan melalui metode daring menggunakan grup WhatsApp sebagai penghubung antara pelaksana dengan responden yang mempunyai keluhan nyri punggung pada kehamilan TM III. Melalui media power point dan video gerakan yoga yang dibagikan melalui grup WA kemudian akan dicermati dan dipraktikkan di rumah oleh responden dengan memperhatikan video yang telah dibagikan. Dari data dapat disimpulkan bahwa ada peningkatan pada ibu hamil setelah dilakukan penyuluhan dan rata – rata ibu dengan pendidikan menengah atas memiliki pengetahuan lebih baik dengan persentase 91,6% dan ibu dengan pendidikan rendah dengan perbandingan persentase 8,4%

    Influence of Sodium Carbonate Activator Concentration and Activated Carbon Size on The Reduction of Total Dissolved Solid (TDS) and Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) of Water

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    Report published in 2018 by Indonesian Ministry of Agriculture suggests that Indonesia’s production of coconut is the biggest in the world. This come with some side effects concerning on its waste management, particularly for its shell wastes. In response, this research aims to use coconut shell as the raw materials of the adsorbent, previously being activated using Sodium Carbonate (Na2CO3) activator, for later being used to reduce water impurities. Further than that, two parameters, of which activator’s concentration ranging from 2.5 to 12.5% b/v and the size of activated carbon between 177 and 2380 µm, have been investigated. Once material prepared, by carbonization process and chemical activation, the activated carbon is immersed in poor quality water having qualitatively high turbidity and distinctive odor. Total Dissolved Solid (TDS) and Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) of the water have then been tested in which the results suggest the reduction of TDS and COD with the presence of activated carbon. It is reported that agglomeration of micro-sizes activated carbon upon activation with Na2CO3 resulted in poor screening performance. That causes the size parameter seems to have no influence on TDS. Meanwhile, the optimum activator’s concentration is reached for 5% b/v of Na2CO3 addition, with a decrease in TDS of 12,7% and COD of 45,93%

    Formulasi dan Pengujian Aktivitas Antibakteri Sediaan Gel Hand Sanitizer Berbahan Aktif Kitooligosakarida

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    Kitooligosakarida merupakan derivat dari kitosan yang memiliki sifat antimikroba dan dijadikan bahan aktif dalam cairan hand sanitizer. Hand sanitizer bebas alkohol dapat menghindari terjadinya toleransi bakteri terhadap bahan kimia seperti alkohol dan mengurangi efek buruk alkohol bagi kulit. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui karakteristik sediaan hand sanitizer kitooligosakarida dan efektivitasnya dalam membunuh mikroba. Serbuk kitooligosakarida ditambahkan dalam formulasi hand sanitizer dengan variasi berat 1 g (formula 1), 1,5 g (formula 2), dan 2 g (formula 3) menggunakan basis NaCMC, propilenglikol, essens, dan metil paraben. Evaluasi stabilitas fisik hand sanitizer berdasarkan warna, tekstur, aroma, pH, homogenitas, dan daya sebar. Uji daya hambat hand sanitizer diuji melalui metode disc diffusion dilanjutkan dengan perbandingan daya hambat melalui pengukuran diameter zona penghambatan dan uji one-way ANOVA. Uji penurunan angka koloni mikroba dengan metode swabbing dan dilanjutkan perbandingan rerata penurunan koloni mikroba melalui uji T berpasangan. Hasil evaluasi stabilitas fisik hand sanitizer memenuhi kriteria gel yang baik. Hasil uji formula 1 memiliki kriteria angka diameter zona hambat yang lemah pada S. aureus (14,33 cm) dan daya hambat sedang pada E. coli (17,33 cm), Formula 2 memiliki angka diameter zona hambat kuat sebesar 21,33 cm pada S. aureus dan 20,33 cm pada E. coli. Formula 3 menghasilkan zona hambat kuat, yaitu 20,67 cm pada S. aureus dan 22,33 cm pada E. coli. Hasil penurunan angka koloni mikroba sediaan hand sanitizer paling besar yaitu formula 3 sebesar 80,22%. Hand sanitizer kitooligosakarida menunjukkan kemampuan penurunan angka koloni mikroba dan dapat digunakan sebagai formulasi alternatif hand sanitizer


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    Pandemi Covid-19 memiliki dampak positif terhadap lingkungan, khususnya udara. Surabaya merupakan kota yang terdampak Covid-19 dan memiliki tingkat pencemaran udara yang cukup tinggi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dampak pandemi Covid-19 terhadap kualitas udara di Surabaya melalui respon masyarakat dan tinjauan literatur, serta menghasilkan contoh aplikatif dalam menjaga kualitas udara setelah pandemi. Penelitian menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan pandemi Covid-19 sebagai variabel independen dan kualitas udara di Surabaya menjadi variabel dependen. Pengumpulan data dilakukan menggunakan instrumen berupa kuisioner dan wawancara mendalam terhadap responden. Data yang terkumpul diberi skor dan dianalisis menggunakan aplikasi SPSS dengan uji regresi linear sederhana untuk mengetahui hubungan antar variabel. Hasil analisis menunjukkan nilai signifikasi sebesar <0.05 yang berarti adanya hubungan antara pandemi Covid-19 dengan kualitas udara di Surabaya. 75% dari 44 responden yang tersebar di 31 kecamatan di Surabaya, setuju bahwa terjadi perbedaan kualitas udara di Surabaya setelah adanya pandemi. Data ISPU di Surabaya per tanggal 6 Juni 2020 terdapat pada angka 21 yang berarti Baik. Adanya peningkatan kualitas udara harus terus dijaga oleh masyarakat, dengan perencanaan SWOT terbentuklah contoh aplikatif yang dapat diambil seperti menanam pohon, menggunakan kendaraan umum, dan tidak membakar sampah.Kata kunci : Covid-19, Pandemi, Kualitas Udar