84 research outputs found


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    RINGKASANManajemen lanskap pada skala bio-regional pada unit Daerah Aliran Sungai merupakan isu  penting dalam penanganan permasalahan lingkungan, terlebih terkait dengan masalah manajemen sumberdaya air.  Selanjutnya, dalam praktek manajemen lanskap akan difokuskan terhadap wilayah tepian sungai atau yang disebut lanskap riparian.  Masalah utama lingkungan dipicu dengan kondisi kesemrawutan transportasi darat, rendahnya penanganan sampah dan buruknya pengelolaan ruang terbuka biru sehingga memunculkan bahaya banjir. Diduga perubahan paradigma pembangunan yang berorientasi di darat telah menyebakan perubahan cara pandang masyarakat terhadap sumberdaya air, yang semula berorientasi pada lanskap muka air atau 'water front landscape' beralih menjadi lanskap belakang air atau 'water back landscape'.  Dari hasil penelitian berdasarkan analisis citra yang mengkaji perubahan penutupan lahan selama 3 dekade 1980-an sampai 2010-an telah terindikasi menurunnya jumlah badan air atau RTB di DAS Ciliwung.  Dengan pelaksanaan 'focus group discussion' ditelusuri cara pandang dan persepsi masyarakat, pemerintah, swasta pelaku bisnis property dan jurnalis.  Hasil kajian yang merupakan temuan-temuan penelitian ini dimanfaatkan melalui rekayasa sosial dalam bentuk leaflet, poster dan buku saku yang bisa didiseminasikan kembali kepada para pihak yang terlibat langsung atau tidak langsung dengan manajemen daerah aliran sungai dari bagian hulu sampai dengan bagian hilir.Kata kunci : daerah aliran sungai, focus group discussion, hulu dan hilir, lanskap belakang air, lanskap muka air, rekayasa sosia

    Pekarangan Model for Supporting Food Resiliency on Household Level in Transmigration Area, East Lampung

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    Pekarangan as one of the potential natural resources and closest to the family can be the right and strategic choice to be used in realizing family-scale food resiliency. The research was conducted in Transmigration area of ​​East Lampung from June 2021 to December 2021. The determination of the pekarangan sample by purposive sampling was carried out on four transmigration ethnics, i.e., the Javanese (100 samples), the Sundanese (100 samples), the Balinese (100 samples) , and the Madurese (13 population), as well as local transmigration, i.e., the Lampungnese (100 samples). Pekarangan model is determined from species diversities on agroforestry system and its plant multistorey condition. The results of identification found three agroforestry systems as a pekarangan model, i.e., the agroforest system (Maduranese pekarangan), agrosilvopastoral (Balinese, Javanese, and Lampungnese pekarangans), and agrosilvopastoralfishery (Sundanese pekarangan). Each agroforestry system contributed to food sources by 54.54% (agroforest), 46.15% to 65.51% (agrosilvopastoral), and 89.28% (agrosilvopastoralfishery)

    Tourist’s Willingness to Pay toward Waste Management in Mount Salak Endah Tourism Area, Bogor District

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    Kawasan Wisata Alam Gunung Salak Endah (GSE) merupakan salah satu destinasi wisata di kawasan konservasi Taman Nasional Gunung Halimun Salak (TNGHS), Kabupaten Bogor. GSE mudah dijangkau baik dari Bogor maupun dari Jakarta. GSE memiliki berbagai destinasi alam yang indah seperti Curug Cigamea, Curug Kondang, dan pemandian air panas yang menarik banyak wisatawan. Jumlah wisatawan terus meningkat setiap tahun yang berdampak pada masalah lingkungan, yaitu berupa timbulan sampah. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk: (1) Mengetahui dan mengeksplorasi persepsi wisatawan terhadap rencana kelola sampah kawasan wisata GSE berbasis wisatawan menggunakan mekanisme deposit refund dan (2) Menghitung willingness to pay wisatawan terhadap besaran uang jaminan dari potensi sampah yang dihasilkannya. Metode pengumpulan data skala likert dan Contingent Valuation Method (CVM) telah digunakan pada penelitian ini. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa wisatawan mendukung dan bersedia membayar uang jaminan, jika kelola sampah sistem deposit refund diberlakukan dengan berbasis wisatawan di kawasan wisata alam GSE.Mount Salak Endah (GSE) Natural Tourism Area is one of the tourism destinations in the conservation area of Mount Halimun Salak National Park, which is located in Bogor District. GSE is easy to reached, whether from Bogor or Jakarta. GSE has various beautiful natural destinations such as Cigamea Waterfalls, Kondang Waterfalls and hot spring attracting many visitors. The numbers of visitors keep increasing every year, but it is impacted to environmental problem, i.e. and in the end, it causes environmental problem: waste generation. The objectives of this study are (1) to identify and explore tourist perceptions regarding current and future waste management in the GSE natural tourism area and (2) Calculating the tourist’s willingness to pay related to the implementation of tourist-based waste management in GSE natural tourism area. This study used a Likert scale data collection method and Contingent Valuation Method (CVM). The tourist’s perception regarding waste management in the GSE natural tourism area shows positive result where tourists are willing to manage their waste with deposit refund

    Management of “Pekarangan” in Informal Settlement of Ciliwung River Riparian Landscape

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    Riparian is undefined government land and can be converted to other utilization. Riparian areas have natural connections throughout the watershed; they are particularly sensitive and often degraded by human use. One of them is the informal settlement, such as the residential areas in the Ciliwung River riparian which changed the land function from a conservation area. This research conducted in three sites of the Ciliwung River riparian section that is represented by the upper part (Kelurahan Katulampa); middle part (Kelurahan Babakan Pasar); and the lower part (Kelurahan Kedunghalang). The purposes of this research are: 1) to analyze the riparian settlement yard in upper part, middle part, and lower part, 2) to figure out people’s motivation for the management of land yard, and 3) to calculate the potential of land as water catchment areas and to support household-scale agricultural production. The remaining of land in the informal settlement is upgraded to fulfill the riparian function and to improve local people’s welfare. Data were obtained by doing a literature review on previous research with a systematic literature review method; by analyzing the agroforestry land use; and by analyzing plant production. Plants production for agriculture concept in pekarangan in Ciliwung River riparian, Bogor Municipality have high potency. The result of the study of all sites is combined into an integrated agriculture concept as an alternative to efficient land use. These concepts offer some benefits from the ecological, social and ecological aspect. It can be used to convince the community for improving their welfare, as well as raising public awareness about the primary function of the riparian landscape


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    AbstractThe paper describes a landscape dynamic (Change Index-CI) of Ketapang and Kayong Utara Districs, West Kalimantan, in 1990-2018 and its correlation of peoples’ welfare condition and environmental condition change. Land-based investment has increased sharply in the past 20 years. This condition influences landscape dynamic and climate condition. CI is identified through spatial and temporal analysis by calculating human intervention level to land cover. Meanwhile, the condition of peoples’ welfare at sub-district level is measured from the district’s Human Development Index (HDI) which is analyzed from CI. In this analysis, the HDI is considered a dependent variable and CI level as the independent variable. Landscape environmental condition uses information on annual average temperature of landscape. The study applies simple regression method for the 2000, 2010 and 2018 HDIs with the CI of 1990-2000, 2000-2001 and 2010-2018 periods in 26 sub-districts. The results show that CI has positive correlation with the HDI of 0.086 regression coefficient value. It implies that there is significant correlation of the HDI and CI. The higher the CI value, the higher the HDI will increase. Thus, the regression result is the HDI = 60.103+0.086CI, with <0.05 value (significant). It means every growth by 1% at each sub-district, it will lead the rise of HDI by 0.086% at that sub-district. Meanwhile, the average of annual landscape temperature ascends along the growing CI. The temperature increases significantly by 0.95oC during 1990-2018 periods following the massive land-based investment. On the other hand, prior to the massive land-based investment during 1985-1990, the temperature increase was 0.32oC. Keywords: Change Index, Environmental Condition, Oil Palm, Spatial, Temperature, Welfare AbstrakJurnal ini menggambarkan dinamika lanskap (Change Index – CI) Kabupaten Ketapang dan Kabupaten Kayong Utara, Provinsi Kalimantan Barat pada periode 1990 – 2018 kaitannya dengan kesejahteraan masyarakat dan perubahan kondisi lingkungan. Investasi berbasis lahan mengalami peningkatan secara signifikan dalam 20 tahun terakhir. Kondisi ini mempengaruhi dinamika lanskap dan kondisi iklim. CI dapat diidentifikasi dengan memperhitungkan tekanan manusia terhadap tutupan lahan baik secara spasial dan temporal. Sementara itu, kondisi kesejahteraan masyarakat pada wilayah administrasi kecamatan dihitung dihitung dari Indeks Pembangunan Manusia (IPM) wilayah Kabupaten yang dihasilkan dari analisis menggunakan CI. Pada Analisis ini, IPM merupakan variabel terikat dan indek CI merupakan variabel bebas. Kondisi lingkungan landskap menggunakan informasi suhu rata-rata tahunan.Penelitian ini menggunakan metode regresi sederhana antara nilai IPM tahun 2000, 2010, dan 2018 dengan CI periode tahun 1990-2000, 2000-2001, dan 2010-2018 pada 26 wilayah kecamatan. Hasilnya menunjukkan korelasi positif dengan nilai koefisien regresi IPM sebesar 0.086. Ini berarti bahwa terdapat korelasi signifikan antara IPM dan CI. Kenaikan nilai CI akan meningkatkan nilai IPM. Sehingga, regresi yang dihasilkan adalah IPM = 60.103+0.086CI, dengan nilai <0.05 yang berarti bahwa korelasinya sangat signifikan. Hal ini berarti bahwa setiap kenaikan CI sebesar 1% pada setiap kecamatan, maka ini akan meningkatkan nilai IPM sebesar 0.086% pada kecamatan tersebut. Sementara itu, suhu rata-rata tahunan pada lanskap mengalami kenaikan selama adanya peningkatan CI. Suhu pada lanskap meningkat drastis sebesar 0.95oC selama periode 1990-2018, hal ini sejalan dengan investasi berbasis lahan mengalami peningkatan secara massif. Sementara itu, sebelum investasi berbasis lahan dilakukan secara massif pada periode 1985-1990, kenaikan suhu sebesar 0.31oCKata kunci: Change Index, Kelapa Sawit, Kesejahteraan, Kondisi lingkungan, Suhu, Spasia

    Pekarangan Model for Supporting Food Resiliency on Household Level in Transmigration Area, East Lampung

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    Pekarangan as one of the potential natural resources and closest to the family can be the right and strategic choice to be used in realizing family-scale food resiliency. The research was conducted in Transmigration area of ​​East Lampung from June 2021 to December 2021. The determination of the pekarangan sample by purposive sampling was carried out on four transmigration ethnics, i.e., the Javanese (100 samples), the Sundanese (100 samples), the Balinese (100 samples) , and the Madurese (13 population), as well as local transmigration, i.e., the Lampungnese (100 samples). Pekarangan model is determined from species diversities on agroforestry system and its plant multistorey condition. The results of identification found three agroforestry systems as a pekarangan model, i.e., the agroforest system (Maduranese pekarangan), agrosilvopastoral (Balinese, Javanese, and Lampungnese pekarangans), and agrosilvopastoralfishery (Sundanese pekarangan). Each agroforestry system contributed to food sources by 54.54% (agroforest), 46.15% to 65.51% (agrosilvopastoral), and 89.28% (agrosilvopastoralfishery)

    Manajemen Pekarangan Ramah Lebah Tanpa Sengat sebagai Upaya Peningkatan Jasa Lanskap Perkotaan

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    The concept of "Stingless Bee-Friendly Local Home Garden" can be an alternative for urban landscape conservation through home gardens, especially in Depok City, which has a rapid flow of development. For this reason, a management strategy is needed as part of an effort to improve the landscape services of Depok City.&nbsp; This study aims to analyze the characteristics of home gardens and the potential for developing stingless bee-friendly home gardens to support the optimization of urban landscape services. The research was conducted using a field survey on sample of home gardens selected through purposive sampling methods, interviews, questionnaires, and literature studies. Based on the conditions of climate, weather, ecology, 90 samples of home gardens and respondents, Depok City has the potential to develop the concept of a honey bee-friendly home garden. These conditions can support the activity of stingless bees and provide a source of available food throughout the year. The concept of a stingless bee-friendly home garden can be achieved by presenting a diversity of food plant sources, providing bee hives, and proper home garden management. Therefore, it is necessary to conduct socialization and training on stingless-bee keeping in the yard starting from farmers group, making an example of a honey bee-friendly home garden, and increasing green space connections in the city &nbsp; Keywords: home garden management, landscape services, stingless bee-friendly home garden, urban landscap

    Model spasial distribusi habitat orangutan kalimantan (Pongo pygmaeus wurmbii) menggunakan logistik regresi di DAS Katingan

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    DAS Katingan merupakan salah satu habitat Orangutan Kalimantan (Pongo pygmaeus wrumbii) yang saat ini berstatus Critically Endangered (IUCN 2016), dilindungi oleh peraturan pemerintah Indonesia (P.106 / 2018), dan termasuk dalam Apendiks 1 (CITES 2017). Kondisi habitat Orangutan Borneo semakin terancam oleh perubahan tutupan lahan. Pengelolaan habitat diperlukan untuk melindungi populasi Orangutan Kalimantan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah membuat model distribusi habitat orangutan kalimantan di DAS Katingan serta memberikan rekomendasi manajemen habitatnya. Model kesesuaian habitat Orangutan Kalimantan menggunakan metode regresi logistik mendapatkan lima variabel lingkungan yang meliputi ketinggian, jarak dari situs budaya, jarak dari jalan, jarak dari pemukiman, dan NDVI. Tes Hosmer-Lemeshow menunjukkan nilai kelayakan sebesar 0.481 dengan Nagelker R2 = 0.866, dan validasi Kappa Accuracy 77%. Total kesesuaian habitat Orangutan Kalimantan di DAS Katingan adalah 1,250,174.35 ha (64.11% dari luas DAS Katingan). Habitat utama Orangutan Borneo teridentifikasi di Taman Nasional (TN), Hutan Lindung (HL), dan Kawasan Suaka Alam/Kawasan Pelestarian Alam (KSA/KPA) dengan luas 395,178.30 ha (31,66% dari total luas habitat). Habitat terisolasi yang diidentifikasi di timur laut DAS Katingan. Manajemen habitat dapat dilakukan dengan membuat koridor dengan lebar minimum 500 meter di areal berhutan.Katingan watershed is a one of Bornean Orangutan (Pongo pygmaeus wrumbii) habitat that currently Critically Endangered status (IUCN 2016), and protected by Indonesian government regulations (P.106/2018), that included in Appendix 1 (CITES 2017). The condition of the Bornean Orangutan habitat is increasingly threatened by land cover changes. Management habitat is needed to protect the populations of Bornean Orangutan. The aim of this research was to develop the spatial distribution model of Bornean Orangutan habitat as a reference to habitat management. Habitat suitability model of Bornean Orangutan develop by logistic regression and based on five environmental variables covering elevation, distance from cultural sites, distance from roads, distance from settlements, and NDVI. The Hosmer-Lemeshow test showing feasibility value was 0.481 with Nagelker R2=0.866, and Kappa Accuracy 77%. The total habitat suitability of Bornean Orangutan in the Katingan watershed was 1,250,174.35 ha (64.11% of the Katingan watershed area). The main habitat of Bornean Orangutan was identify in the National Park (TN), Protection Forest (HL), and Nature Reserve/Nature Conservation Area (KSA/KPA) with area 395,178.30 ha (31.66% of the total habitat area). Isolated habitat identified in the north-eastern of the Katingan watershed. Habitat corridor can be reform with minimum width 500 meters in forest areas


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    Nowadays human settlements are using a large amount of fossil fuels and natural resources that produce pollutions. Environment quality is degrading each year causing many disaster occurring all over the world including Indonesia. Today settlements are continuously being built by new technologies which is advanced in techniques and materials, but lack of environmental consideration. Societies who are concerning in environmental degradation can lead to the unsustainable living in the world has developed a community called Global Ecovillage Network (GEN). GEN concluded that to save the world from an extinction people, way of live need to be changed in a more environmentally friendly manner. This way of live is popularly known as ecovillage. People need to  be more economic, efficient and live harmoniously with all organism in the nature. Global Ecovillage Network (GEN) has developed a tool called Community Sustainability Assessment (CSA) which defined level and ways to be more sustainable in a community.Indigenous people, The Inner Baduy community as an indigenous people, is well known since 16th century and still exists until now. They have developed systems from their longstanding experience as their local wisdoms than can adapt to their environment in a sustainable manner.The aim of this study is to emphasize the importance of traditional knowledge in terms of providing low input energy, water and wastes to the natural resources in a settlement scale. The study results are concept and level of sustainability of Inner Baduy community based on CSA