97 research outputs found

    KAJIAN MOTIF BATIK PADA FASADE BANGUNAN MODERN Studi Kasus Beberapa Bangunan dengan Fasade Motif Batik di Jakarta

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    Abstract Batik motifs are used as facades on several buildings, indicating an attempt to characterize a local identity through the building. This is in line with the international recognition of batik as the work of the Indonesian nation. This research will look at the potential of batik motifs to represent and unite the diverse tribal and ethnic cultures in Indenosia and other values, in their function as building facades. To find out the visual message of the batik motif, a phenomenological approach is used, where through emotions, history and symbols, it is used to determine whether the facade used is recognized by the community as a batik motif and the relationship between the meaning of the motif with the function and philosophy of the building. The values of the facade with batik motifsin other functions such as aesthetics, climate protection, capital investment, behavior modifier, are seen through the architectural science approach. Fasades with batik motifs have the potential to become landmarks that give value to their environment, become tourism assets, help shape the character and behavior of people to love culture morethrough its architecture.  AbstrakPenggunaan motif batik sebagai fasade pada beberapa bangunan, menunjukkan adanya usaha memberi ciri untuk mencitrakan identitas lokal melalui bangunannya. Hal ini sejalan dengan pengakuan batik secara internasional sebagai karya bangsa Indonesia. Penelitian ini akan melihat potensi motif batik dapat dianggap mewakili dan menyatukan beragamnya budaya suku dan etnik di Indenosia dan nilai-nilai lainnya, dalam fungsinya sebagai fasade bangunan. Untuk mengetahui pesan visual dari motif batik, digunakan pendekatan fenomenology, dimana melalui emosi, histori dan symbol, digunakan untuk mengetahui apakah fasade yang digunakan dikenali masyarakat sebagai motifbatik dan adakah kaitannya antara pemilihan makna motif dengan fungsidan filosofi bangunannya. Nilai-nilai fasade dengan motif batik dalam fungsi fungsi lain seperti estetika, pelindung iklim, capital investment, pembentuk perilaku, dilihat melalui pendekatan ilmu arsitektur. Fasade dengan motif batik berpotensi sebagai landmark yang memberi nilai pada lingkungannya, menjadi aset kepariwisataan, membantu pembentukan watak dan perilaku masyarakat untuk lebih mencintai budaya melalui arsitekturnya

    Poverty reduction models : Indonesian agricultural economic approach

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    The geographic conditions of the Indonesian archipelago vary greatly, causing differences in climate, soil fertility, compatibility with plant species and productivity and its availability. Differences in cultivation techniques and staple food among regions also affect people's choices in meeting the dietary and food. Panel data from 33 provinces for 10 years (2007-2016) were analyzed by Path Analysis method. In the economics determinant, the decrease of Rice Prices, the decrease of Consumer Prices Indexed on Foodstuff, the increase of Government Expenditure will strengthen Food Security. In the non-economics determinant, the decrease of Food Availability will strengthen Food Security. Food Availability is the dominant factor to Food Security. The findings of this study are to reduce poverty need to strengthen food security. Government policies in spending budgets, rice price stability and inflation, and strengthening of domestic rice production need to be understood within the framework of Indonesia's geographical diversity.peer-reviewe


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    Agricultural production and its implications on economic growth and poverty reduction

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    The objective of the study was to analyze the magnitude of factors affecting Agricultural Production and its implications on Gross Regional Production (GRP) Growth and Poverty Reduction. Panel data from 6 provinces of center production of paddy of Indonesia for 10 years (2007-2016) were analyzed by Path Analysis method. Productivity of Agricultural Land and Wetland Area has a very strong relationship with Agricultural Production. The productivity of Agricultural Land is the dominant factor and has the significant effect on Agricultural Production. Agricultural Production has no significant effect on GRP growth rate. Agricultural Production has not been able to reduce poverty. GRP growth rate has the significant effect and is the dominant factor for poverty reduction. Based on the finding of the research, government policy programs for poverty reduction in rural areas can be done by improving agricultural cultivation technology, the extent of wetland area, increasing of agriculture-based industries and the provision of poverty reduction programs budget.peer-reviewe


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    Pemanfaatan sumber daya lokal pada Urban Farming (pertanian perkotaan) berupa bahan tumbuhan menjadi produk input pertanian akan meningkatkan produktivitas, efisiensi, kelestarian dan keberlanjutanya. Intergrasi produk pada pertanian terpadu perkotaan memadukan kegiatan pertanian, perikanan, peternakan dan lainnya dengan konsep zero waste.   Petani, Karang Taruna RW 01 Cipinang Melayu bersama Ibu-Ibu PKK telah mempunyai kegiatan pertanian di area kolong jalan tol Becakayu  antara lain hidroponik,  ikan lele dan nila, ternak ayam, burung dara, hortikultura dan tanaman pangan dan tahunan dan diantaranya adalah tanaman turi sebagai tanaman pembatas (barrier) dengan jalan raya.  Usaha tersebut dilakukan pada lahan sekitar 1600m2 dengan berbagai tananam sumber daya lokal termasuk turi.  Usahanya masih parsial, konvensional, tidak pruduktif pada lahan urugan yang tidak subur dan belum memanfaatkan sumber daya lokal sebagai produk input pertanian.Tujuan kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini adalah untuk mewujudkan pengelola pertanian perkotaan terpadu yang produktif  dengan memanfaatkan sumber daya lokal. Hasil pelaksanaannya adalah  peningkatan pemahaman pertanian terpadu, pemanfaatan sumber daya lokal yaitu daun turi dan lainnya menjadi pupuk cair organik (POC), pestisida nabati dan suplemen pakan telah nyata meningkatkan hasil, hemat dan mempercepat panen. Pemanfaatan sumber daya lokal telah mewujudkan pertanian perkotaan terpadu, produktif, ramah lingkungan dan mensejahterakan. Kata Kunci: Sumber daya lokal; urban farming;  Pupuk organik cair; pestisida nabati; suplemen pakan

    Kebebasan Pers Pasca Orde Baru

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    Freedom of the press suprisingly, demand the existence of controlling capacity of the press. The idea, however, is not to restraint the exercise of the freedom. Rather it is ment to keep thepress maintain its fairness and accuracy, and its commitment to ethical code and law

    Efektivitas Media Tangram Berpetak Terhadap Hasil Belajar Matematika Siswa Sekolah Dasar

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    This study aims to determine the effect of square-grid tangram media on student learning result, especially on polygon material. This research is a quasi-experimental study with the design of one group pre-test post-test conducted at one of the Elementary Schools in Bandung Regency. The samples from this study were 32 students with learning using square-grid tangram media. The data was processed with the help of IBM SPSS version 26. The test steps are 1) The Normality Test, and 2) T-Test.  The conclusions of this study are 1) Achieving the ability of students in many facets using tangram media better, 2) The use of tangram media is more effective when used in polygon material, 3) Students more quickly understand the material and students feel motivated


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    Breastfeeding is an infant feeding method recommended by health practitioners. Many women see it as an advantageous infant feeding method. Moreover, they perceive it as their right to provide the best for their children, and it has been legally protected. Unfortunately, not everybody looks at breastfeeding in public in a positive light. The United States of America is the bastion of individual rights.  Ironically women who exercise their right to breastfeed in public often experiment objections from others. Those who protest against breastfeeding in public argue that the act is inappropriate as it involves breasts. Indeed, breasts have two functions: biological and sexual, but breasts’ sexual function often overshadows its biological function. The objection to breastfeeding in public puts women in an uncomfortable position that is fraught with disagreements. According to the theory of intimate citizenship, multiple voices regarding breastfeeding in public breed conflict. There is a tension between personal concerns of breastfeeding mothers and discomfort of some elements of the public. In addition, there is a silent agreement that breastfeeding mothers are expected to resolve these competing needs

    The Political Socialization For Gay Young Adults (A Case Study On Legislative Election In Yogyakarta)

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    Political socialization, actually, is an investment of political values from one generation to the next generations. The purpose is to increase the political participation. Political socialization must take place continuously to all groups of societies. Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender (LGBT) group is a one of minority groups in our society, usually they are not accepted by the society, and they used to be forgotten in political socialization. However, in 2014 legislative election in Yogyakarta City of Indonesia, that elects Local Parliament (DPRD), House of Representatives (DPR) and Regional Councils (DPD) members; the LGBT people becomes a spotlight for the general election commissions (KPU) in Yogyakarta City. KPU has many methods to attract them in legislative election. One of their methods is doing political socialization. So, in this research we want to see how LGBT people think about the political socialization. The research method is focus group discussion to gay young adults as part of LGBT group. We pick those gay young adults as our informant because of their participation in general election and their knowledge about politics. Based on the research using descriptive analysis, it found that political socialization to LGBT group by KPU is not optimal; KPU cannot optimize the participation of LGBT group to become voter in legislative election. The reasons are: (1) LGBT group is unorganized group, because there is no data about them; (2) The socialization is not maximal because the political message is limited to call of their suffrage not to enlarge the political participation; (3) The candidates have no intention to create a program dedicated to the LGBT group. Based on the results, this political socialization method cannot be applied. The FGD results show that political socialization must start from political education to open the frame of view about LGBT group because their presence is needed for the sustainability of the nation