16 research outputs found

    Validasi Metode Analisis Formalin dan Aplikasinya Pada Ikan Asin

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    As a Muslim, it must obligatory to consume halal and thayyib food. This is already ALLAH Subhanahu Wa Ta’ala commanded in the Alquran at surah al-maidah verse 168. Salted fish is one of the familiar foods for Indonesian people. Until now formaldehyde is still widely used to preserve salted fish, whereas its use as a food supplement is prohibited. Methods validation is intended to ensure that methods used for formaldehyde analysis in this research are appropriate so that it will produce correct and accurate data. This research aims to validate two methods are chromatropic acid and Nash for formaldehyde analysis and analyze the content of formalin in salted fish. The result shows that R2, LOD, LOQ, and the largest recovery value in chromatropic acid are 0.9985, 0.0926 ppm, 0.3088 ppm, dan 54.21%. The result of method validation on Nash shows that R2, LOD, LOQ, and the largest recovery value are 0.9999, 0.0247 ppm, 0.0822 ppm dan 42.72%. The biggest formaldehyde concentration in salted fish sold at market A and B are 0.4671 ppm dan 0.815 ppm

    Analisis Kualitatif dan Kuantitatif Kandungan Boraks Pada Bakso Menggunakan Kertas Turmerik, FT – IR Spektrometer dan Spektrofotometer Uv -Vis

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    Bakso merupakan salah satu makanan yang banyak dikonsumsi karena penyajiannya yang praktis, memiliki harga yang terjangkau dan banyak tersedia diberbagai tempat seperti pasar tradisional, pasar swalayan dan masih banyak lagi. Banyaknya masyarakat yang mengonsumsi bakso membuat para pedagang berlomba-lomba membuat bakso yang enak, namun dengan alasan kualitas dan awet ada pedagang yang menggunakan boraks sebagai bahan tambahan pangan. Boraks merupakan senyawa kimia yang mengandung unsur Boron (B) dan memiliki nama dagang bleng, pijer atau gendar. Boraks biasa digunakan sebagai bahan solder, pembuatan gelas, bahan pembersih/pelicin porselin, pengawet kayu dan antiseptik kayu. Penelitian terhadap bakso dikota Medan menunjukkan bahwa 8 dari 10 sampel bakso yang diperiksa ternyata mengandung boraks dengan konsentrasi 0,08% - 0,29%. Menurut Peraturan Menteri Kesehatan RI No 033 tahun 2012 tentang bahan tambahan pangan, boraks merupakan salah satu dari jenis bahan tambahan pangan yang dilarang digunakan dalam produk makanan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengidentifikasi adanya boraks pada bakso sapi secara kualitatif maupun kuantitatif. Hasil analisis boraks menggunakan kertas turmerik menunjukkan bahwa perubahan warna pada kertas turmerik hanya terjadi pada kontrol positif saja sedangkan analisis boraks menggunakan FTIR Spektrometer semua sampel dan kontrol positif tidak menunjukkan adanya spektrum sidik jari pada bilangan gelombang 1500 sampai 1000 cm-1. Hasil analisis boraks menggunakan spektrofotometer Uv-Vis menunjukkan bahwa 9 dari 12 positif mengandung boraks dengan konsentrasi terbesar pada sampel B1 sebesar 2414.375 µg/mL

    Pemberdayaan Pelaku Usaha Mikro dan Kecil dalam Sertifikasi Produk Halal di Kabupaten Pandeglang

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    Kabupaten Pandeglang memiliki sekitar 1000 Usaha Mikro dan Kecil (UMK), dimana diantara UMK yang memproduksi makanan dan/atau minuman masih terdapat UMK yang tidak memiliki sertifikat halal. Berdasarkan Undang-Undang Nomor 33 Tahun 2014 tentang Jaminan Produk Halal, semua produk yang masuk, beredar dan diperdagangkan di Indonesia harus memiliki Sertifikat Halal. Ruang lingkup sertifikasi halal berlaku untuk semua kategori, termasuk untuk usaha berskala mikro dan kecil yang menghasilkan barang atau jasa. Universitas YARSI bermaksud memberikan solusi terhadap permasalahan para pelaku UMK di Kabupaten Pandeglang yang masih belum memahami tentang produk halal dan mengalami kesulitan dalam mendaftarkan produknya untuk mendapatkan sertifikasi halal. Pembekalan dilaksanakan melalui edukasi dan simulasi tentang produk halal dan tata cara untuk mendapatkan Sertifikat Halal. Hasil dari kegiatan PKM ini yaitu terjadi peningkatan pengetahuan para peserta terkait pengetahuan tentang produk dan proses sertifikasi halal. Hal ini dapat terlihat dari peningkatan nilai pre-test dan post-test tentang pengetahuan peserta terhadap materi edukasi dan simulasi yang diberikan. Pelaku UMK di Kabupaten Pandeglang telah memahami pentingnya pemahaman tentang produk halal pada produk yang mereka hasilkan dan perjualbelikan. Terjadi peningkatan kemampuan peserta untuk melakukan proses pengajuan Sertifikasi Halal pada Badan Penyelenggara Jaminan Produk Halal (BPJPH).Kata kunci: Halal Produk, Sertifikasi Halal, UM

    Pengembangan Panduan Praktikum Laboratorium Virtual Berbasis Keterampilan Proses Sains Untuk Meningkatkan Pemahaman Konsep Siswa

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    ABSTRACTEfforts to improve understanding of concepts in students can be seen from their academic abilities. Understanding concepts is a term used to mean the extent to which students are able to understand the basic concepts of a material provided by the teacher. One effort to improve the understanding of concepts in students is to do experimental learning models or practicum. Along with the advancement of time where technology can be used as a tool in learning, therefore the implementation of practicum can be done using a virtual laboratory. The use of virtual laboratories can run well and in accordance with procedures when using a virtual laboratory practicum guidelines. The making of practicum guidelines must not be separated from the scientific process skills because it has been regulated in Regulation of the Ministry of Education and Culture No. 22 of2016.The purpose of this study is to find out the development of practical process guidelines based on science process skills using virtual laboratories, to determine the impact of virtual laboratories on students' understanding of concepts, and to determine the strengths and weaknesses of virtual laboratories. After conducting field tests in SMA 1 Metro with a class XII IPA 4 as sample, it is known that the results of the feasibility of using a virtual laboratory practice guidelines based on science process skills, namely expert validation got a percentage of 84.6%, Teacher Response 91.25% and Student Response 88, 4% Based on the average percentage of the three assessments of 88.08%, it is in the very feasible category. As for understanding the concept an increase of 21.4 between the pretest and posttest scores. Based on the results of the study, the virtual laboratory practicum guidelines based on science process skills affect the learning process specifically to improve students' understanding of concepts. Keywords: Development of practicum guides, virtual laboratories, science process skills, conceptual understandin


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    ABSTRACT: The lack of student learning activities has an effect on the low learning outcomes. The purpose of this research is to know the effect of sharing task and jumping task to learning result and advantages and disadvantages of sharing task and jumping task. The sample in this study X IPA.4 experimental class and X IPA.1 control class. Quasi experimental research method with posttest-only control design. Analysis of quantitative data using two difference test of average at 5% significance level obtained tcount (1,6999)> ttabel (1,682). The use of sharing task and jumping task has an effect on student learning outcomes. It can be suggested for teachers to apply the task sharing strategy and jumping task to learning activitiesKeywords: Sharing Task and Jumping Task, Lesson Study, Learning Outcomes

    Pembuatan Standar Operasional Prosedur (SOP) Praktikum Untuk Meningkatkan Efesiensi Pelasanaan Pratikum Fisika SMA

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    ABSTRACTThe problem in this research is that the management of the physics laboratory is still not optimal. Therefore, it is necessary to have a managementsystem or management of laboratory implementation in a good physics laboratoryby creating standard operating procedures (SOP) for practicum implementation. The aim to be achieved in this study is to produce an SOP for practicum implementation in the utilization of physics laboratories in senior high school and to determine the efficiency of the implementation of senior high school physics practicum after using the developed SOP. The development model used in this research is the ADDIE development model, which is an extension of Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation. The product feasibility level is seen from the results of validation from laboratory management experts, the results of the feasibility percentage of practicum SOP are 83.33%, and the percentage of students' responses obtained from the product trial results is91.38%. Thus, it can be concluded that the practicum SOP developed is suitable for use in the process of practical activities. Keywords: standard operational procedure, efficiency, and practicum


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    In eastern part of Indonesia, sago starch is usually used as staple food.  Most of sago starch produced from traditional processing unit which not used clean potable water for its starch extraction, and the starch was kept and stored as wet starch.This causes the spontaneous fermentation of starch to become sour sago starch and contaminated by pathogenic microorganisms; which made the starch not suitable for human consumption and has short product self-life. Fruit water from settling process of starch slurry was used as microbe isolates source. Compared to solid starter, liquid starter showed high adaptation and ability to grow during fermentation, and it caused high acid accumulation in fermentation broth and dried sago starch.  Fermentation process could improve the quality of sago starch, but its viscoamylography characteristic tended to reduce on peak viscosity and end viscosity lower. Sour sago had good quality since it could minimize the microbial contamination, especially pathogenic microorganisms.Keywords: lactic acid bacteria, fermentation, nanoporous sago, sour sago starch, solid starte


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    In eastern part of Indonesia, sago starch is usually used as staple food.  Most of sago starch produced from traditional processing unit which not used clean potable water for its starch extraction, and the starch was kept and stored as wet starch.This causes the spontaneous fermentation of starch to become sour sago starch and contaminated by pathogenic microorganisms; which made the starch not suitable for human consumption and has short product self-life. Fruit water from settling process of starch slurry was used as microbe isolates source. Compared to solid starter, liquid starter showed high adaptation and ability to grow during fermentation, and it caused high acid accumulation in fermentation broth and dried sago starch.  Fermentation process could improve the quality of sago starch, but its viscoamylography characteristic tended to reduce on peak viscosity and end viscosity lower. Sour sago had good quality since it could minimize the microbial contamination, especially pathogenic microorganisms.Keywords: lactic acid bacteria, fermentation, nanoporous sago, sour sago starch, solid starte


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    Produk halal umumnya dapat dilihat dari Sertifikat Halal dan atau Label Halal di kemasan produk. Namun, produk halal seringkali masih dijual bersama dengan produk yang belum dijamin kehalalannya dalam satu tempat pajangan seperti di supermarket atau di pasar, sehingga belum dapat diketahui kehalalan dari produk tersebut. Untuk mengetahui kehalalan dan kethoyyibanan dari produk tersebut tentunya diperlukan pengetahuan tentang bahan–bahan makanan yang tergolong halal dan thayyib. Tujuan dari kegiatan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat (PKM) ini adalah mensosialisasi dan mengedukasi terkait produk halal dan thayyib, bahan-bahan yang digunakan dalam proses pembuatan produk, serta titik kritis kehalalan dari masing–masing bahan dan atau produk. Bentuk kegiatan berupa edukasi dan sosialisasi tentang kehalalan dan kethayyibanan bahan dan atau produk yang masuk, beredar dan diperdagangkan di wilayah Indonesia. Untuk melihat tingkat keberhasilan dan kepuasan peserta kegiatan PKM ini dilakukan melalui pretest, posttest dan kuesioner. Hasil dari PKM ini adalah para peserta dapat memahami bahwa produk-produk yang masuk, beredar dan diperdagangkan di wilayah Indonesia banyak yang syubhat, sehingga wajib bersertifikat halal. Selain daripada itu, para peserta program PKM tersebut dapat mengetahui dan atau membedakan bahan atau produk apa saja yang halal atau yang haram, juga mana yang thayyib dan mana yang tidak thayyib.Halal products generally can be seen from the Halal Certificate and or Halal Label on the product packaging. However, halal products often are sold with products that have not been guaranteed to the Halal in one place of display such as in supermarkets or the market, so it can’t be known the halalness of the product. To know halal and thayyib products, knowledge of foodstuffs are classified as halal and thayyib is needed. The purpose of this Community Service (PKM) activity is to socialize and educate related halal and thayyib products, the ingredients used in the product manufacturing process, and the halal critical point of each ingredient and or product. This form of activity is in the form of education and socialization about halal and thayyib materials and or products that enter, circulate, and be traded in the territory of Indonesia. To see the success rate and satisfaction of participants in this PKM activity are done through pretest, posttest, and questionnaire. The result of this PKM is that the participants can understand that the products that enter, circulate, and are traded in the territory of Indonesia are syubhat, so they must be halal certified. In addition, the participants of the PKM program can know and or distinguish what ingredients or products are halal or haram, as well as which are thayyib and which are not thayyib


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    Pengabdian kepada masyarakat (PkM) ini berorientasi pada peningkatan pendapatan warga Desa Borong Pa’La’La melalui pemanfaatan ikan nila yang pembudidayaannya cukup banyak dilakukan warga di desa tersebut. Kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini dilakukan kurang lebih 30 hari (sebulan) dan dilakukan bekerja sama dengan pemerintah desa serta beberapa Usaha Mikro Kecil dan Menengah (kelompok masyarakat pembudidaya ikan nila dan kelompok usaha warga desa Borong Pa’La‘La). Salah satu alasan pembuatan keripik ikan nila ini adalah sebagai salah satu upaya untuk meningkatkan pendapatan pelaku budidaya dan warga desa. Hasil dari PkM ini menunjukkan bahwa modal yang dibutuhkan untuk 10 pcs keripik ikan nila dengan varian rasa (crispy original, keju dan balado) membutuhkan biaya modal sebesar Rp.82.500,00 - dengan harga jual sebesar Rp.100.000,00- maka besaran margin yang dapat dihasilkan = Rp.17.500,00- sehingga untuk setiap pcs keuntungan yang dapat diraih = Rp.1.750,00-. Nilai tersebut diperoleh dari proses uji coba pemasaran dilakukan dengan cara menitipkan keripik tersebut kepada sejumlah warung yang lokasinya di Kota Makassar dan untuk 10 pcs keripik yang terjual maka pemilik warung diberikan biaya penitipan = Rp.6.500,- sehingga pendapatan yang dapat diperoleh warga = Rp.17.500,00 - Rp.6.500,00 = Rp.11.000,00. Hasil tersebut diyakini dapat digunakan sebagai solusi dalam upaya peningkatan pendapatan warg