15 research outputs found

    Casimir acoustics

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    When the indirect manifestations of the electromagnetic ZPF are interpreted as due to radiation pressure, acoustic noise can render an excellent analog to probe previous as well as recently proposed behavior. An acoustic chamber for isotropic and homogeneous acoustic noise of controllable spectral shape has been built. The noise can be driven up to levels of 130 dB (re 20 microPa) in a band of frequencies up to 50 kHz wide. When driving the system with broadband noise, it will be used (1) to test the Galilean invariance of a spectral shape proportional to the square of the frequency, (2) the force of attraction between parallel plates (analog to Casimir force), (3) the acoustic radiation emitted by a cavity that is made to oscillate at high frequencies (analog to the proposed Casimir radiation), (4) the change in the frequency of oscillation of a pendulum as the noise intensity is varied (analog to the proposed origin of inertia), and (5) the force of attraction between two spheres due to the acoustic shadow that each one casts onto the other (analog to van der Waals force and the proposed origin of gravitation).http://archive.org/details/casimiracoustics00susbLieutenant Commander, United States Navy .Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited

    Data from: Of poisons and parasites: the defensive role of tetrodotoxin against infections in newts

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    1. Classical research on animal toxicity has focused on the role of toxins in protection against predators, but recent studies suggest these same compounds can offer a powerful defense against parasites and infectious diseases. 2. Newts in the genus Taricha are brightly colored and contain the potent neurotoxin, tetrodotoxin (TTX), which is hypothesized to have evolved as a defense against vertebrate predators such as garter snakes. However, newt populations often vary dramatically in toxicity, which is only partially explained by predation pressure. 3. The primary aim of this study was to evaluate the relationships between individual-level TTX concentration and infection by parasites. By systematically assessing micro- and macroparasite infections among 345 adult newts (sympatric populations of Taricha granulosa and T. torosa), we detected 18 unique taxa of helminths, fungi, viruses, and protozoans. 4. For both newt species, per-host concentrations of TTX, which varied from undetectable to >60 µg cm-2 skin, negatively predicted overall parasite richness as well as the likelihood of infection by the chytrid fungus, Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis, and ranavirus. No such effect was found on infection load among infected hosts. Despite commonly occurring at the same wetlands, T. torosa supported higher parasite richness and average infection load than T. granulosa. Host body size and sex (females > males) tended to positively predict infection levels in both species. For hosts in which we quantified leukocyte profiles, total white blood cell count correlated positively with both parasite richness and total infection load. 5. By coupling data on host toxicity and infection by a broad range of micro- and macroparasites, these results suggest that – alongside its effects on predators – tetrodotoxin may help protect newts against parasitic infections, highlighting the importance of integrative research on animal chemistry, immunological defenses, and natural enemy ecology

    Efeito da restrição alimentar inicial e da temperatura ambiente sobre o desenvolvimento de vísceras e ganho compensatório em frangos de corte Effect of early quantitative feed restriction and environmental temperature on viscera growth and compensatory gain of broiler chickens

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    O presente trabalho teve como objetivo estudar o efeito da restrição alimentar quantitativa inicial e da temperatura ambiente sobre o desenvolvimento de vísceras e ganho compensatório em frangos de corte. Foram utilizados 540 frangos machos, em um delineamento inteiramente ao acaso, segundo esquema fatorial 2 x 3, com os fatores programa alimentar (ad libitum e restrito do 7° ao 14° dia de idade) e temperatura ambiente (quente, termoneutra e fria). A restrição alimentar não afetou o peso relativo do fígado e do coração, mas reduziu significativamente o peso e o comprimento dos intestinos ao final do período de restrição (14 dias de idade). Não foi observado efeito significativo da restrição alimentar sobre o desenvolvimento das vísceras estudadas aos 42 dias de idade. Peso vivo, ganho de peso e consumo de ração dos frangos com restrição alimentar foram significativamente menores aos 28 dias de idade, porém não foram observadas diferenças entre essas variáveis aos 42 dias de idade, demonstrando ganho compensatório durante o período de realimentação. O peso relativo das vísceras não foi afetado pela temperatura de criação aos 42 dias de idade, exceto o coração. Consumo de ração, ganho de peso e peso vivo aos 42 dias de idade foram significativamente menores nas aves mantidas em altas temperaturas.<br>The aim of this investigation was to evaluate the effect of feed restriction and environmental temperature on viscera development and compensatory gain of broiler chickens. Five hundred and forty male chickens were used, in a completely randomized design in a factorial arrangement 2×3 (two feeding programs - ad libitum and feed restriction from 7 to 14 days) and three environmental temperatures - hot, thermoneutral and cold), Feed restriction did not affect the liver and heart relative weight, but significantly decreased intestine weight and length by the end of restriction period (14 days of age). No significant differences were observed between feeding program for viscera relative weight at 42 days of age. Broiler early restrictedly fed showed lower body weight, body weight gain and feed consumption at 28 days, but no differences were found among these variables at 42 days, as a consequence of the compensatory gain during the refeeding period. The viscera relative weights were not affected by environmental temperature at 42 days, except the heart. Birds growing in high environmental temperatures had lower feed consumption, body weight and body weight gain at 42 days of age