21 research outputs found
Efektivitas Ekstrak Etanol Buah Makasar (Brucea Javanica) terhadap Penurunan Kadar Asam Urat Mus.Musculus Jantan
This study aims to find out the effectiveness of ethanol extract of makasar fruit (Brucea Javanica) against the decrease in uric acid levels of male Mus Muculus. This research is an experimental study using RAL technique using male mencit test animals, Treatment 4 groups divided into P0 (Aquades), P1 (Allopurinol 10 mg/g BB) P2 (chicken liver extract + 100 mg/kgBB), P3 (chicken liver + extract 200 mg/kgBB). The administration of makasar fruit extract can lower the levels of squeaky uric acid induced by the suspension of chicken liver. The administration of makasar fruit extract based on the average value is better in lowering blood uric acid levels than allopurinol drugs, based on different tests with LSD method of decreasing uric acid levels in the positive control group and the treatment group did not have a meaningful difference (p ≥ 0.05). In conclusion, makasar ethanol extract (Brucea Javanica) effectively significantly lowers the uric acid levels of male Mus Muculus than the drug allopurinol, but has no meaningful difference between the treatment group and the control group.
Keywords: Fruit makasar, Decreased Uric Acid Levels, Mus. Male Musculu
Uji Organoleptik Kopi Biji Salak dengan Varian Waktu Penyangraian
This study aims to see the effect of roasting time on organoleptic tests of banjarnegara zalacca coffee beans (Salacca zalacca var zalacca). The effect of the treatment was determined using the Completely Randomized Design (CRD) method which consisted of six treatments and three replications. The treatments are P0 namely control, P1 with a roasting time of 40 minutes, P2 with a roasting time of 50 minutes, P3 with a roasting time of 60 minutes, P4 with a roasting time of 70 minutes and P5 with a roasting time of 80 minutes. Based on the one way anova test with a significant level of 5%, it showed significant results, namely F-count (6.42)> F-table (3.68), followed by LSD test which obtained significantly different results in the P3 treatment (60 minutes) with BNT number 2.67. The best roasting time for zalacca coffee in P3 treatment with 60 minutes roasting time which has dark brown color criteria, very fragrant aroma, smooth texture, bitter taste, and very acceptability. The results showed that the higher the quality of zalacca coffee the higher the people's acceptance of zalacca coffee.
Keywords: salak banjarnegara seeds, roasting, organolepti
This study aims to understand the importance of metabolis processes in organisms through the development of learning modules for students of SMA Negeri 4 Lubuklinggau. The type of research is development using the Borg and Gall develeopment model which is modified into 4 stages. After validation, the next step is to apply it to clas XII students. The results show that there are differences in student learning outcomes using the modules on fatty acid material and free fatty acid tests between before and after using the module and carrying out experiments, with the average value of the initial test (pre-test) 57,78 smaller than the average values. The final test (post-test) is 80,69 and is greater than the KKM score (70)
Program pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini dilatarbelakangi oleh banyaknya limbah buah dan sayur yang tidak dimanfaatkan dan menjadi sampah baik di sekitar rumah maupun pasar. Selain itu, dampak dari banyaknya limbah tersebut adalah berkurangnya lahan terbuka dan menimbulkan bau busuk dan mendatangkan penyakit. Sampah organik yang setiap hari dihasilkan dan dibuang ini bisa dimanfaatkan untuk dijadikan Ecoenzym. Eco-enzyme merupakan hasil olahan limbah dapur yang difermentasi dengan menggunakan gula. Limbah dapur dan pasar yang diolah adalah yang berupa ampas buah dan sayuran. Oleh karena itu Tim pengabdian Universitas PGRI Silampari mencoba menerapkan pemanfaatan limbah buah dan sayur menjadi eco-enzim. Target luaran yang ingin dicapai oleh tim pengusul adalah perbaikan tata nilai masyarakat serta publikasi di jurnal pengabdian dan media massa. Pada pelaksanaanya menggunakan metode praktek dimulai dengan tahap persiapan, pemberian materi serta praktek pembuatan EcoenzymProgram pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini dilatarbelakangi oleh banyaknya limbah buah dan sayur yang tidak dimanfaatkan dan menjadi sampah baik di sekitar rumah maupun pasar. Selain itu, dampak dari banyaknya limbah tersebut adalah berkurangnya lahan terbuka dan menimbulkan bau busuk dan mendatangkan penyakit. Sampah organik yang setiap hari dihasilkan dan dibuang ini bisa dimanfaatkan untuk dijadikan Ecoenzym. Eco-enzyme merupakan hasil olahan limbah dapur yang difermentasi dengan menggunakan gula. Limbah dapur dan pasar yang diolah adalah yang berupa ampas buah dan sayuran. Oleh karena itu Tim pengabdian Universitas PGRI Silampari mencoba menerapkan pemanfaatan limbah buah dan sayur menjadi eco-enzim. Target luaran yang ingin dicapai oleh tim pengusul adalah perbaikan tata nilai masyarakat serta publikasi di jurnal pengabdian dan media massa. Pada pelaksanaanya menggunakan metode praktek dimulai dengan tahap persiapan, pemberian materi serta praktek pembuatan Ecoenzy
This study aims to determine the type of butterfly (Lepidoptera) in Bukit Gatan Waterfall, STL Ulu Terawas District, Musi Rawas Regency. Inventory is an activity carried out by data collection, observation, recording and compilation of data to be analyzed, both in the form of data and goods. Data collection techniques such as observation, interviews and documentation of butterfly types. Inventory data analysis techniques using qualitative descriptive techniques. Butterflies are divided into six families namely Nymphalidae, Hesperiidae, Papilionidae, Riodinidae, Lycaenidae and Pieridae families. The butterflies obtained were collected by direct capture carried out by cruising techniques and then identified based on the species and their respective families
Diabetes Mellitus (DM) is a disease caused by a lack of the hormone insulin and generally consumes medication using chemical drugs due to the fast response in lowering blood sugar levels. However, the use of chemical drugs in the long term can have a negative impact on kidney performance. The way to minimize the negative impact is to use plants as medicine with the following considerations, that is: easy to obtain and minimal side effects. The tribe in Musi Rawas Utara Regency who still maintains the use of plants as medicine as a hereditary inheritance from their ancestors, namely the Anak Dalam Sungai Kijang Tribe in Sungai Kijang Village, Rawas Ulu District, so it is important to inform the wider community regarding this matter. The specific objectives of the study were to describe the types of medicinal plants, to describe the parts of the plants used, and to describe the processing methods for medicinal plants that have anti-diabetic potential. This research method focuses on the types, parts used, and ways of processing medicinal plants with potential anti-dibates for the Anak Dalam Sungai Kijang Tribe. Retrieval of data using observation sheets, questionnaires, interviews, and documentation. The data analysis used is descriptive with a qualitative approach. The results showed 14 types, namely Marasi, Plant Risih, Akar Timah, Pasak Bumi, Kratom, Akar Kuning, Sekubung, Mendururat, Kemeran, Lenteman, Passion, Okinawa Spinach, Kerisan, and Gembili. The organs used are stems, leaves, tubers, and roots. The processing method is washed, eaten immediately, cut, boiled, dropped into the eyes, drunk, and cleaned of the skin. Based on these results it can be concluded that nature always provides what is needed and that is the main principle of the Anak Dalam Sungai Kijang Tribe.Diabetes Mellitus (DM) is a disease caused by a lack of the hormone insulin and generally consumes medication using chemical drugs due to the fast response in lowering blood sugar levels. However, the use of chemical drugs in the long term can have a negative impact on kidney performance. The way to minimize the negative impact is to use plants as medicine with the following considerations, that is: easy to obtain and minimal side effects. The tribe in Musi Rawas Utara Regency who still maintains the use of plants as medicine as a hereditary inheritance from their ancestors, namely the Anak Dalam Sungai Kijang Tribe in Sungai Kijang Village, Rawas Ulu District, so it is important to inform the wider community regarding this matter. The specific objectives of the study were (a) to describe the types of medicinal plants, b) to describe the parts of the plants used, and (c) to describe the processing methods for medicinal plants that have anti-diabetic potential. This research method focuses on the types, parts used, and ways of processing medicinal plants with potential anti-dibates for the Anak Dalam Sungai Kijang Tribe. Retrieval of data using observation sheets, questionnaires, interviews, and documentation. The data analysis used is descriptive with a qualitative approach. The results showed 14 types, namely Marasi, Plant Risih, Akar Timah, Pasak Bumi, Kratom, Akar Kuning, Sekubung, Mendururat, Kemeran, Lenteman, Passion, Okinawa Spinach, Kerisan, and Gembili. The organs used are stems, leaves, tubers, and roots. The processing method is washed, eaten immediately, cut, boiled, dropped into the eyes, drunk, and cleaned of the skin. Based on these results it can be concluded that nature always provides what is needed and that is the main principle of the Anak Dalam Sungai Kijang Tribe
Berdasarkan hasil observasi dan wawancara diketahui bahwa petani di Desa Air Satan mengatasi hama menggunakan pestisida sintetis yang jika digunakan dalam waktu lama akan berdampak lingkungan. Oleh karena itu, salah satu cara untuk mengurangi dampak negatif tersebut yaitu menggunakan asap cair sekam padi. Sekam padi merupakan lapisan keras dari padi yang umumnya menjadi limbah dan tidak digunakan oleh masyarakat. Untuk mengurangi limbah dari sekam padi, maka diolah menjadi asap cair yang dapat digunakan untuk membasmi hama. Metode pelaksanaan dalam pengabdian ini dimulai dari tahap sosialisasi, tahap pemberian pengetahuan, dan tahap tahap pemberian pelatihan
Pelatihan Pengolahan Limbah Tempe Menjadi Pupuk Cair Di Desa Payo Lebar
Desa Payo Lebar merupakan desa yang terletak di Kabupaten Sarolangun Jambi Provinsi Jambi dimana salah satu mata pencaharian masyarakatnya adalah produksi Tempe. Proses produksi tempe memerlukan banyak air yang digunakan untuk perendaman, perebusan, pencucian, serta pengupasan kulit kedelai. Hasil akhir dari proses pengolahan tersebut berupa limbah yang menimbulkan bau tidak sedap sebagai hasil sampingan dari proses fermentasi limbah. Berdasarkan hal tersebut, kegiatan ini bertujuan untuk memberikan keterampilan kepada masyarakat di Desa Payo Lebar untuk mengolah limbah tempe menjadi pupuk cair. Metode yang digunakan dalam kegiatan ini adalah sosialisasi, pemberian pengetahuan awal, dan tahap pemberian pelatihan kepada masayarakat tentang pengolahan limbah tempe menjadi pupuk cair. Hasil dari kegiatan ini diketahui bahwa masyarakat dapat mengolah limbah tempe menjadi pupuk cair yang dibuktikan dengan 97% masyarakat mengetahui alat dan bahan serta prosedur kerja untuk mengolahnya. Simpulan dalam kegiatan ini adalah pengolahan limbah yang baik dan benar akan menghasilkan produk yang berguna untuk kehidupan sehari-hari
Immune is one of the important systems in the body that can reduce bacteria, viruses, protozoa into the body and cause disease. Anak Dalam etnic in Bendar Bengkulu is one of the tribes in Musi Rawas Regency who need immunity to use medicinal plants. Each plant has a different processing. Therefore, this study aims to study the processing of plants that contain immunomodulators. The method used in this study is research on Anak Dalam etnic in Bendar Bengkulu. The technique of collecting observation data and interviews with the chiefs. Qualitative descriptive data analysis techniques in which the data obtained are then presented and described the most processing techniques. The results showed that the most processing by boiling. Based on research, it was concluded that each plant has a different processing to remove the compounds in it so that it requires medication.   Kata kunci: Tumbuhan Obat, Imunomodulator, Suku Anak Dalam Bendar Bengkul
Eksplorasi Jamur Makroskopis di Perkebunan Kelapa Sawit
The aim of the research was to find out the kinds of macroscopic fungi at oil palm plantations in Rejosari village Megang Sakti subdistrict. The method of the research was qualitative-descriptive. The sampling technique was purposive sampling with exploration method. The result showed that there were 41 kinds of fungi. 38 kinds included in 8 ordo, 17 famili, 32 genus and 3 unidentified macroscopic fungi. The observation results of abiotic environment of macroscopic fungi at oil palm plantations in Rejosari such as the air temperature was between 25-33 C, the air humidity was between 50-97%, the soil humidity was between 40-90%, and the scale of acidity (pH) was between 6,5-7,5. In conclusion, at the three locations, it was found that there were the consumable fungi, non-consumable fungi and medicinal fungi.
Keywords: stocktaking, macroscopic fungi, oil palm plantation