651 research outputs found

    Protocol for a Wnt reporter assay to measure its activity in human neural stem cells derived from induced pluripotent stem cells

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    The canonical Wnt signaling is an essential pathway that regulates cellular proliferation, maturation, and differentiation during neurodevelopment and maintenance of adult tissue homeostasis. This pathway has been implicated with the pathophysiology of neuropsychiatric disorders and was associated with cognitive processes, such as learning and memory. However, the molecular investigation of the Wnt signaling in functional human neural cell lines might be challenging since brain biopsies are not possible and animal models may not represent the polygenic profile of some neurological and neurodevelopmental disorders. In this context, using induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) has become a powerful tool to model disorders that affect the Central Nervous System (CNS) in vitro, by maintaining patients' genetic backgrounds. In this method paper, we report the development of a virus-free Wnt reporter assay in neural stem cells (NSCs) derived from human iPSCs from two healthy individuals, by using a vector containing a reporter gene (luc2P) under the control of a TCF/LEF (T-cell factor/lymphoid enhancer factor) responsive element. Dose-response curve analysis from this luciferase-based method might be useful when testing the activity of the Wnt signaling pathway after agonists (e.g. Wnt3a) or antagonists (e.g. DKK1) administration, comparing activity between cases and controls in distinct disorders. Using such a reporter assay method may help to elucidate whether neurological or neurodevelopmental mental disorders show alterations in this pathway, and testing whether targeted treatment may reverse these. Therefore, our established assay aims to help researchers on the functional and molecular investigation of the Wnt pathway in patient-specific cell types comprising several neuropsychiatric disorders

    100 Years of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry in the Canton of Zurich, Switzerland

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    Generation of induced pluripotent stem cells from two ADHD patients and two healthy controls

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    Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder is a neurodevelopmental disorder which prevalence has been increasing in the past decades, affecting more than 5% of children, adolescents worldwide. Regarding etiology, polygenic, environmental factors contribute to the occurrence of ADHD even though molecular mechanisms are not known. Understanding the pathophysiology in patient-specific cells is crucial for the discovery of potential predictive markers, the establishment of new therapeutic targets. In this study, we generated further lines from ADHD patients, healthy controls using Sendai virus transduction, which may help on the study of ADHD at the molecular, cellular levels

    Mismatch negativity generation in subjects at risk for psychosis: source analysis is more sensitive than surface electrodes in risk prediction

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    Background: Deficits of mismatch negativity (MMN) in patients with schizophrenia have been demonstrated many times and there is growing evidence that alterations of MMN already exist in individuals at risk for psychosis. The present study examines differences in MMN between subjects fulfilling ultra-high risk (UHR) or only basic symptoms criteria and it addresses the question, if MMN source analysis can improve prediction of transition to psychosis. Methods: The MMN to duration, frequency, and intensity deviants was recorded in 50 healthy controls and 161 individuals at risk for psychosis classified into three subgroups: only basic symptoms (n = 74), only ultra-high risk (n = 13) and persons who fulfill both risk criteria (n = 74). Based on a three-source model of MMN generation, we conducted an MMN source analysis and compared the amplitudes of surface electrodes and sources among the three groups. Results: Significant differences in MMN generation among the four groups were revealed at surface electrodes Cz and C4 (p < 0.05) and at the frontal source (p < 0.001) for duration deviant stimuli. The 15 subjects from the risk groups who subsequently developed a manifest psychosis had a significantly lower MMN amplitude at frontal source (p = 0.019) without showing significant differences at surface electrodes. Low activity at frontal MMN source increased the risk of transition to manifest disease by the factor 3.12 in UHR subjects. Conclusion: MMN activity differed significantly between subjects presenting only basic symptoms and subjects which additionally meet UHR criteria. The largest differences between groups as well as between individuals with and without transition were observed at the frontal source. The present results suggest that source analysis is more sensitive than surface electrodes in psychosis risk prediction by MMN

    Early intervention for obsessive compulsive disorder : An expert consensus statement

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    © 2019 Elsevier B.V.and ECNP. All rights reserved.Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is common, emerges early in life and tends to run a chronic, impairing course. Despite the availability of effective treatments, the duration of untreated illness (DUI) is high (up to around 10 years in adults) and is associated with considerable suffering for the individual and their families. This consensus statement represents the views of an international group of expert clinicians, including child and adult psychiatrists, psychologists and neuroscientists, working both in high and low and middle income countries, as well as those with the experience of living with OCD. The statement draws together evidence from epidemiological, clinical, health economic and brain imaging studies documenting the negative impact associated with treatment delay on clinical outcomes, and supporting the importance of early clinical intervention. It draws parallels between OCD and other disorders for which early intervention is recognized as beneficial, such as psychotic disorders and impulsive-compulsive disorders associated with problematic usage of the Internet, for which early intervention may prevent the development of later addictive disorders. It also generates new heuristics for exploring the brain-based mechanisms moderating the ‘toxic’ effect of an extended DUI in OCD. The statement concludes that there is a global unmet need for early intervention services for OC related disorders to reduce the unnecessary suffering and costly disability associated with under-treatment. New clinical staging models for OCD that may be used to facilitate primary, secondary and tertiary prevention within this context are proposed.Peer reviewe

    Family Relationships in Selective Mutism-A Comparison Group Study of Children and Adolescents

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    Selective mutism (SM) mostly develops early in childhood and this has led to interest into whether there could be differences in relationships in families with SM compared to a control group without SM. Currently, there are merely few empirical studies examining family relationships in SM. A sample of 28 children and adolescents with SM was compared to 33 controls without SM. The groups were investigated using self-report questionnaires (Selective Mutism Questionnaire, Child-Parent Relationship Test—Child Version) for the assessment of SM and family relationships. Children with SM did not report a significantly different relationship to their mothers compared with the control group without SM. However, the scores in respect to the relationship to their fathers were significantly lower in cohesion, identification and autonomy compared with children without SM. Relationships in families with SM should be considered more in therapy

    Weakened effective connectivity between salience network and default mode network during resting state in adolescent depression

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    Adolescent major depressive disorder (MDD) is associated with altered resting-state connectivity between the default mode network (DMN) and the salience network (SN), which are involved in self-referential processing and detecting and filtering salient stimuli, respectively. Using spectral dynamical causal modelling, we investigated the effective connectivity and input sensitivity between key nodes of these networks in 30 adolescents with MDD and 32 healthy controls while undergoing resting-state fMRI. We found that the DMN received weaker inhibition from the SN and that the medial prefrontal cortex and the anterior cingulate cortex showed reduced self-inhibition in MDD, making them more prone to external influences. Moreover, we found that selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) intake was associated with decreased and increased self-inhibition of the SN and DMN, respectively, in patients. Our findings suggest that adolescent MDD is characterized by a hierarchical imbalance between the DMN and the SN, which could affect the integration of emotional and self-related information. We propose that SSRIs may help restore network function by modulating excitatory/inhibitory balance in the DMN and the SN. Our study highlights the potential of prefrontal-amygdala interactions as a biomarker and a therapeutic target for adolescent depression

    Different Whole-Brain Functional Connectivity Correlates of Reactive-Proactive Aggression and Callous-Unemotional Traits in Children and Adolescents with Disruptive Behaviors

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    Background: Disruptive behavior in children and adolescents can manifest as reactive aggression and proactive aggression and is modulated by callous-unemotional traits and other comorbidities. Neural correlates of these aggression dimensions or subtypes and comorbid symptoms remain largely unknown. This multi-center study investigated the relationship between resting state functional connectivity (rsFC) and aggression subtypes considering comorbidities. Methods: The large sample of children and adolescents aged 8–18 years (n = 207; mean age = 13.30 ± 2.60 years, 150 males) included 118 cases with disruptive behavior (80 with Oppositional Defiant Disorder and/or Conduct Disorder) and 89 controls. Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and anxiety symptom scores were analyzed as covariates when assessing group differences and dimensional aggression effects on hypothesis-free global and local voxel-to-voxel whole-brain rsFC based on functional magnetic resonance imaging at 3 Tesla. Results: Compared to controls, the cases demonstrated altered rsFC in frontal areas, when anxiety but not ADHD symptoms were controlled. For cases, reactive and proactive aggression scores related to global and local rsFC in the central gyrus and precuneus, regions linked to aggression-related impairments. Callous-unemotional trait severity was correlated with ICC in the inferior and middle temporal regions implicated in empathy, emotion, and reward processing. Most observed aggression subtype-specific patterns could only be identified when ADHD and anxiety were controlled for. Conclusions: This study clarifies that hypothesis-free brain connectivity measures can disentangle distinct though overlapping dimensions of aggression in youths. Moreover, our results highlight the importance of considering comorbid symptoms to detect aggression-related rsFC alterations in youths

    The validity of conduct disorder symptom profiles in high-risk male youth.

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    Conduct disorder (CD) is a heterogeneous pattern of rule-breaking and aggressive symptoms. Until now it has been unclear whether valid, clinically useful symptom profiles can be defined for populations in youth at high-risk of CD. Interview-based psychiatric disorders, CD symptoms and officially recorded offences were assessed in boys from a detention facility and a forensic psychiatric hospital (N = 281; age 11.2-21.3 years). We used latent class analyses (LCA) to examine CD subtypes and their relationships with comorbid psychiatric disorders, suicidality, and criminal recidivism. LCA revealed five CD subtypes: no CD, mild aggressive CD, mild covert CD, moderate CD, and severe CD. The severe and, to a lesser degree, the moderate CD subtype were related to comorbid attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, substance use disorder, affective disorder, and suicidality. Time to violent criminal re-offending was predicted by severe CD (OR 5.98, CI 2.5-13.80) and moderate CD (OR 4.18, CI 1.89-9.21), but not by any other CD subtype in multivariate Cox regressions (controlling for age, low socioeconomic status and foreign nationality). These results confirm the existence of different CD symptom profiles in a high-risk group. Additional variable-oriented analyses with CD symptom count and aggressive/rule-breaking CD-dimensions further supported a dimensional view and a dose-response relationship of CD and criminal recidivism. Classifying high-risk young people according to the number of aggressive and rule-breaking CD symptoms is of major clinical importance and may provide information about risk of violent recidivism

    Betrayed by the nervous system: a comparison group study to investigate the 'unsafe world' model of selective mutism

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    The study presented in the following verifies some assumptions of the novel 'unsafe world' model of selective mutism (SM). According to this model, SM is a stress reaction to situations erroneously experienced via cognition without awareness as 'unsafe'. It assumes a high sensitivity to unsafety, whereby the nervous system triggers dissociation or freeze mode at relatively low thresholds. We examine whether there is a correlation between SM, sensory-processing sensitivity and dissociation. We compared a sample of 28 children and adolescents with SM (mean age 12.66 years; 18 females) to 33 controls without SM (mean age 12.45 years; 21 females). Both groups were compared using a medical history sheet, the 'Selective Mutism Questionnaire' (SMQ), a 'Checklist for Speaking Behaviour' (CheckS), the 'Highly Sensitive Person Scale' (HSPS), the 'Child Dissociative Checklist' (CDC), the 'Adolescent Dissociative Experience Scale' (A-DES) and the 'Social Phobia and Anxiety Inventory for Children' (SPAIK). Appropriate parametric and non-parametric tests were conducted to examine differences between groups. The results indicate that sensory-processing sensitivity was significantly higher in the group of children and adolescents with SM [X2(1) = 7.224, p = 0.0007; d = 1.092]. Furthermore, dissociative symptoms were more common in children and adolescents with SM than in controls [F(1, 33) = 13.004, p = 0.001; d = 0.986]. The results indicate that sensory-processing sensitivity and dissociation are important factors of SM that may hold important implications for the treatment. TRIAL REGISTRATION: This study is registered with the ClinicalTrials.gov number NCT04233905
