150 research outputs found

    Los programas de formación ocupacional: una alternativa al término de la educación obligatoria

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    This paper analyzes the knowledge of pupils finishing the compulsory education about the program of professional qualification. We present some results and conclusions from a study carried out in the Principality of Asturias, with 2,260 pupils, who are in the 4th year of Secondary Compulsory Education, about their academic and professional expectations for the future. The results obtained allow us to conclude that pupils haven’t got enough information about these programs, regardless of where they live. So we believe that this situation would be able to change if both school centres and local agents together develop a proposal of vocational counselling

    La comunicación oral como competencia transversal de los estudiantes de Pedagogía y Magisterio: presentación del diseño metodológico de una innovación para su trabajo en el aula

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    El presente trabajo pretende dar a conocer la experiencia de innovación desarrollada por el grupo de investigación ASOCED del Departamento de Ciencias de la Educación de la Univer - sidad de Oviedo en varias asignaturas de las titulaciones de Pedagogía y diversas especialidades de la Diplomatura de Magisterio, con el objetivo de trabajar dentro de las aulas la competencia de la comunicación oral. Se presentan para ello las diferentes fases llevadas a cabo en el desarrollo del proyecto, así como los instrumentos y el tipo de evaluación previstaThe present work presents the innovation experience developed by the research group ASOCED. This group has been constituted by several teachers of the Educational Sciences Department at the University of Oviedo. The project has affected several subjects with the aim to promote oral communication competence inside the classrooms. This paper copes with the different phases carried out in the development of the project, as well as with the instruments and the type of foreseen evaluatio

    Dominant logics at the policy making and services organization that affect the access to comprehensive rehabilitation

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    Introduction: The health sector reform in Colombia, generated inequities in access to services, including rehabilitation; poor identification of population needs and low sectorial response to their problems. Metodology: An exploratory, descriptive-interpretative qualitative study was carried out. Individual semi-structured interviews and focus group were conducted to policy makers, providers, rehabilitation professionals, professors, social organizations, persons with disabilities and caregivers. Results: The absence of a rights approach, targeting and the model of health insurance, as dominant logics policy stands. There is a reductionist view of rehabilitation and services organization models with low response to the needs of people with disabilities. Conclusion: The need to reconceptualize access to services arises; rehabilitation is claimed as a right that demands redesign of services and organization models

    Quantitative characterisation of contourite deposits using medical CT

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    Five sediment cores, retrieved from four different depositional contouritic morphological settings (a sheeted drift, a confined mounded drift, a mounded elongated drift and a plastered drift) from the Northern Gulf of Cadiz and the Alboran Sea have been analysed using medical X-ray computed tomography (medical CT). A quantitative approach has been used, resulting in a workflow that delineates several radio-density ranges based on the Hounsfield Unit (HU) histogram of each core and tracks these ranges throughout the cores. In order to derive the geological significance, the radio-density ranges of all cores have been compared to non-destructive, continuous chemical and physical proxies as well as grain size measurements. The highest correlations occurred between high HU and proxies indicating elevated bottom currents, such as Zr/Al and sortable silt. Additionally, a continuous increase in average HU and inferred bottom current velocities, needed for the creation of the specific contourite setting, could be observed throughout the five cores. Despite imperfections and the requirement of additional research, promising results have been obtained which could improve the detection of diagnostic criteria for contourites. Moreover, the CT data can give more conclusive evidence on the nature of the (contourite) sedimentary sequence boundaries.Royal Holloway University of London | Ref. de Ciencia e Innovación | Ref. CTM 2012-39599-C03Ministerio de Economía | Ref. CGL2016-80445-RMinisterio de Economía | Ref. CTM2016-75129-C3-1-RMinisterio de Ciencia e Innovación | Ref. CTM2008-06399-CO4-02/MA

    Quantitative characterisation of contourite deposits using medical CT

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    Five sediment cores, retrieved from four different depositional contouritic morphological settings (a sheeted drift, a confined mounded drift, a mounded elongated drift and a plastered drift) from the Northern Gulf of Cadiz and the Alboran Sea have been analysed using medical X-ray computed tomography (medical CT). A quantitative approach has been used, resulting in a workflow that delineates several radio-density ranges based on the Hounsfield Unit (HU) histogram of each core and tracks these ranges throughout the cores. In order to derive the geological significance, the radio-density ranges of all cores have been compared to non-destructive, continuous chemical and physical proxies as well as grain size measurements. The highest correlations occurred between high HU and proxies indicating elevated bottom currents, such as Zr/Al and sortable silt. Additionally, a continuous increase in average HU and inferred bottom current velocities, needed for the creation of the specific contourite setting, could be observed throughout the five cores. Despite imperfections and the requirement of additional research, promising results have been obtained which could improve the detection of diagnostic criteria for contourites. Moreover, the CT data can give more conclusive evidence on the nature of the (contourite) sedimentary sequence boundaries

    Mediterranean Overflow Over the Last 250 kyr:Freshwater Forcing From the Tropics to the Ice Sheets

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    To investigate past changes in the Mediterranean Overflow Water (MOW) to the Atlantic, we analyzed the strength of the MOW and benthic δ13C along the last 250 kyr at Integrated Ocean Drilling Program (IODP) Site U1389 in the Gulf of Cadiz, near the Strait of Gibraltar. Both the strength of the MOW and the benthic δ13C were mainly driven by precession-controlled fluctuations in the Mediterranean hydrologic budget. Reduced/enhanced Nile discharge and lower/higher Mediterranean annual rainfall at precession maxima/minima resulted in higher/lower MOW strengths at Gibraltar and stronger/weaker Mediterranean overturning circulation. At millennial scale, the higher heat and freshwater loss to the atmosphere during Greenland stadials increased buoyancy loss in the eastern Mediterranean. This enhanced the density gradient with Atlantic water, resulting in a higher MOW velocity in the Gulf of Cadiz. Unlike non-Heinrich stadials, a lower-amplitude increase in velocity was seen during Heinrich stadials (HSs), and a significant drop in velocity was recorded in the middle phase. This weak MOW was especially recognized in Termination I and II during HS1 and HS11. These lower velocities at the depth of Site U1389 were triggered by MOW deepening due to the lower densities of Atlantic intermediate water caused by freshwater released from the Laurentide and Eurasian ice sheets. The intrusion of salt and heat at deeper depths in the Atlantic during HSs and its shoaling at the end could have contributed to drive the changes in the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation during Terminations

    Influence of previous mental state on psychological outcomes of Spanish out-of-hospital professionals during the COVID-19 pandemic

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    Producción CientíficaThis study aimed to describe factors relating to the psychological distress of healthcare workers (HCWs) in Spanish out-of-hospital emergency medical services (EMS), according to the previous or non-use of psychotropic drugs or psychotherapy. A multicentre, cross-sectional descriptive study was designed. The study population were all physicians, nurses, and emergency medical technicians (EMTs) working in any Spanish out-of-hospital EMS between February and April 2021. The main outcomes were the levels of stress, anxiety, depression, and self-efficacy, assessed by DASS-21 and G-SES. Differences in levels of stress, anxiety, depression, and self-efficacy, according to sex, age, previous use of psychotropic drug or psychotherapy, work experience, professional category, type of work, and modification of working conditions were measured using the Student’s t-test for independent samples, one-way ANOVA, Pearson’s correlation, or 2-factor analysis of covariance. A total of 1636 HCWs were included, of whom one in three had severe mental disorders because of the pandemic. The interaction of the previous or non-use of psychotropic drugs or psychotherapy with the rest of the factors considered did not modify the levels of stress, anxiety, depression, and self-efficacy. However, HCWs with a history of psychotropic drug or psychotherapy use had a more intense negative emotional response and lower self-efficacy, regardless of their sex, professional category, type of work, or change in the working conditions. These HCWs are considered particularly vulnerable to the development or recurrence of new disorders or other comorbidities; therefore, the implementation of monitoring and follow-up strategies should be a priority

    Análisis cualitativo del concepto y praxis de rehabilitación integral percibido por distintos actores involucrados

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    Introducción. La rehabilitación integral es un concepto de difícil consenso, dado que es resultado de una evolución histórica. Objetivo. Presentar los hallazgos del estudio “Acceso a los servicios de rehabilitación integral en Colombia: una aproximación desde los conceptos y las prácticas de distintos actores sociales” y describir las comprensiones de la rehabilitación integral de parte de diversos actores desde una perspectiva comprensiva de la discapacidad. Materiales y métodos. Se realizó un estudio descriptivo-exploratorio, cualitativo y de múltiples fuentes de evidencia para identificar las percepciones de actores responsables de formular e implementar políticas públicas (FP), académicos (A), profesionales (P), representantes de organizaciones sociales (OS), gestores de servicios (GS), gestores y profesionales de servicios de educación inclusiva (EI), personas con discapacidad (PCD) y cuidadores (C), involucrados en la rehabilitación integral en una ciudad colombiana. Se realizaron entrevistas a 18 actores y se desarrollaron seis grupos focales. Para el análisis de datos, se usó el Atlas ti®, el acuerdo entre jueces y el análisis de las narrativas. Resultados. La rehabilitación integral es percibida de distintas maneras por los actores, entre las que priman tres concepciones de ella: como resultado de un proceso de rehabilitación funcional, como derecho y como garante de inclusión social. Conclusiones. Mientras exista diversidad y dispersión acerca de la rehabilitación integral, será difícil concebir, implementar, evaluar y participar activamente en dicho proceso. En consecuencia, las barreras de acceso a ella se incrementarán y estará lejos de entenderse como un derecho que se ejerce desde una visión integral de ser humano. Dicho esto, se enuncian implicaciones para la academia, los prestadores de servicios y las políticas públicas.Introduction: Comprehensive rehabilitation is a difficult concept since it is the result of historical evolution.Objective: To present the findings of the study “Access to comprehensive rehabilitation services in Colombia: an approach from the concepts and practices of different social actors”, and to describe the perception of comprehensive rehabilitation based on the opinions of different actors from a comprehensive perspective of disability.Material and methods: A descriptive and exploratory, qualitative study was conducted, taking into account multiple sources of evidence to identify the perceptions of actors responsible for formulating and implementing public policies (PP), academicians (A), professionals (P), representatives of social organizations (SO), service managers (SM), service managers and professionals in inclusive education (IE), persons with disabilities (PWD) and caregivers (C), involved in comprehensive rehabilitation in a Colombian city. 18 interviews with actors were conducted; six focus groups were developed. For data analysis, the Atlas ti® software, the agreement between judges and the analysis of narratives were considered.Results: Comprehensive rehabilitation is perceived differently by the actors, and three conceptions are relevant: it is a result of a functional rehabilitation process; it is a right, and it is also a guarantor of social inclusion.Conclusions: While there is diversity and dispersion in opinions on comprehensive rehabilitation, it will be difficult to conceive, implement, evaluate and actively participate in this process. Consequently, access barriers will increase and it will be far from understood as a right exercised from an integral vision of the human being. With this in mind, implications for academia, service providers and public policies are set

    The ellagic acid derivative 4,4′-Di-O-methylellagic acid efficiently inhibits colon cancer cell growth through a mechanism involving WNT16

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    Producción CientíficaEllagic acid (EA) and some derivatives have been reported to inhibit cancer cell proliferation, induce cell cycle arrest, and modulate some important cellular processes related to cancer. This study aimed to identify possible structure-activity relationships of EA and some in vivo derivatives in their antiproliferative effect on both human colon cancer and normal cells, and to compare this activity with that of other polyphenols. Our results showed that 4,4′-di-O-methylellagic acid (4,4′-DiOMEA) was the most effective compound in the inhibition of colon cancer cell proliferation. 4,4′-DiOMEA was 13-fold more effective than other compounds of the same family. In addition, 4,4′-DiOMEA was very active against colon cancer cells resistant to the chemotherapeutic agent 5-fluoracil, whereas no effect was observed in nonmalignant colon cells. Moreover, no correlation between antiproliferative and antioxidant activities was found, further supporting that structure differences might result in dissimilar molecular targets involved in their differential effects. Finally, microarray analysis revealed that 4,4′-DiOMEA modulated Wnt signaling, which might be involved in the potential antitumor action of this compound. Our results suggest that structural-activity differences between EA and 4,4′-DiOMEA might constitute the basis for a new strategy in anticancer drug discovery based on these chemical modifications.Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad (AGL2013-48943-C2-2-R and IPT-2011-1248-060000)Comunidad de Madrid [Grant P2013/ABI-2728 ALIBIRD-CM

    Psychological impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on out-of-hospital health professionals: A living systematic review

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    Producción CientíficaHealth professionals (HPs), especially those working in the front line, have been one of the groups most affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. The objective of this study is to identify the best available scientific evidence on the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the mental health of out-of-hospital HPs in terms of stress, anxiety, depression, and self-efficacy. A living systematic review of the literature was designed, consulting the electronic online versions of the CINHAL, Cochrane Library, Cuiden, IBECS, JBI, LILACS, Medline PyscoDoc, PsycoINFO, Scopus, and Web of Science databases in November 2021. Original research was selected, published in either English, Spanish, French, Italian, or Portuguese. In total, 2082 publications were identified, of which 16 were included in this review. The mental health of out-of-hospital HPs was affected. Being a woman or having direct contact with patients showing suspicious signs of COVID-19 or confirmed cases were the factors related to a greater risk of developing high levels of stress and anxiety; in the case of depressive symptoms, it was having a clinical history of illnesses that could weaken their defenses against infection. Stopping unpleasant emotions and thoughts was the coping strategy most frequently used by these HPs