187 research outputs found

    Natação para bebés: a necessidade de uma acção conscientemente dirigida

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    A natação para bebés tem sido uma actividade aquática bastante procurada nos nossos dias.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Aportaciones desde la biomecánica de la natación de competición

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    A natação é uma modalidade individual, cíclica e fechada, pelo que, no respectivo quadro de factores determinantes do sucesso competitivo, a optimização do gesto técnico desempenha um papel determinante.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Extreme value and cluster analysis of European daily temperature series

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    Time series of daily mean temperature obtained from the European Climate Assessment data set is analyzed with respect to their extremal properties. A time-series clustering approach which combines Bayesian methodology, extreme value theory and classification techniques is adopted for the analysis of the regional variability of temperature extremes. The daily mean temperature records are clustered on the basis of their corresponding predictive distributions for 25-, 50- and 100-year return values. The results of the cluster analysis showa clear distinction between the highest altitude stations, for which the return values are lowest, and the remaining stations. Furthermore, a clear distinction is also found between the northernmost stations in Scandinavia and the stations in central and southern Europe. This spatial structure of the return period distributions for 25-, 50- and 100-years seems to be consistent with projected changes in the variability of temperature extremes over Europe pointing to a different behavior in central Europe than in northern Europe and the Mediterranean area, possibly related to the effect of soil moisture and land-atmosphere coupling.‘Acções Integradas Luso-Espanholas’ under the grants E-83/09 and HP2008- 008

    Lipid partitioning at the nuclear envelope controls membrane biogenesis.

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    Partitioning of lipid precursors between membranes and storage is crucial for cell growth, and its disruption underlies pathologies such as cancer, obesity, and type 2 diabetes. However, the mechanisms and signals that regulate this process are largely unknown. In yeast, lipid precursors are mainly used for phospholipid synthesis in nutrient-rich conditions in order to sustain rapid proliferation but are redirected to triacylglycerol (TAG) stored in lipid droplets during starvation. Here we investigate how cells reprogram lipid metabolism in the endoplasmic reticulum. We show that the conserved phosphatidate (PA) phosphatase Pah1, which generates diacylglycerol from PA, targets a nuclear membrane subdomain that is in contact with growing lipid droplets and mediates TAG synthesis. We find that cytosol acidification activates the master regulator of Pah1, the Nem1-Spo7 complex, thus linking Pah1 activity to cellular metabolic status. In the absence of TAG storage capacity, Pah1 still binds the nuclear membrane, but lipid precursors are redirected toward phospholipids, resulting in nuclear deformation and a proliferation of endoplasmic reticulum membrane. We propose that, in response to growth signals, activation of Pah1 at the nuclear envelope acts as a switch to control the balance between membrane biogenesis and lipid storage.This work was supported by grants from the Medical Research Council (G0701446) to S.S; a Wellcome Trust Strategic Award (100140) and equipment grant (093026) to the Cambridge Institute for Medical Research; the National Institutes of Health (GM050679) to G.M.C.; a ALW Open Program (822.02.014), DFG-NWO cooperation (DN82-303), SNSF Sinergia (CRSII3_154421) and ZonMW VICI (016.130.606) grants to F.R; and a PhD fellowship from the Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT) to S.A.This is the final version of the article. It first appeared from the American Society for Cell Biology via http://dx.doi.org/10.1091/mbc.E15-03-017

    Time Limit at vV02max and V02max Slow Component in Swimming: a pilot study of University Students

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    The aim oftms study was to measure in swimming-pool conditions, the time to exhaustion at the minimum velocity that elicits maximal oxygen consumption (TLim-vV02max) and to verify the existence of an oxygen uptake slow component (02SC) in freestyle swimming. Ten university students performed a continuous incremental protocol for vV02max assessment. Forty-eight hours later, they swam to exhaustion at vV02max to assess TLim-vV02max and 02SC. V02 was directly measured and swimming velocity was controlled by a visual pacer. Blood lactate concentrations ([La-]) and heart rate (HR) values were also measured. Mean V02max for the incremental test was 54.2±8.2 m1.kg'l.min'l, and the correspondent vV02max was 1.19±O.08 m.S,l The mean duration ofthe TLim-vV02max test was 325±76.5 s. 02SC appeared in the allout swim at VV02max (279.0±195.2 ml.min'l) and it was found to significant1y correlate with the TLim-vV02max (r = .74, p< .05). These results demonstrated that 02SC is observed also in swimming-pool conditions and that TLim-vV02max values are in accordance with typical formulations of aerobic power training sets for swimmers.We wish to thank Prof Dr. José Soares, from the Laboratory of Exercise Physiology of our faculty, for his significant contribution.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Experimental characterization of a microfluidic device based on passive crossflow filters for blood fractionation

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    The separation of red blood cells (RBCs) from blood plasma and the analysis of individual RBCs are of great importance, as they provide valuable information regarding the health of their donor. Recent developments in microfluidics and microfabrication have contributed to the fabrication of microsystems with complex features to promote the separation and analysis of RBCs. In this work, the separation capacity of a multi-step crossflow microfluidic device was evaluated by using a blood analogue fluid made by Brij L4 micelles and human RBCs separated from whole blood, suspended in a solution with hematocrits (Ht) of 0.5 and 1%. All the samples collected at the outlets of the device were experimentally analyzed and compared. The absorbance spectrum was also measured for the prepared blood samples. The results indicate that the tested blood analogue fluid has exhibited a flow behavior similar to that of blood. In addition, the optical absorbance spectrophotometry revealed that it was possible to evaluate the separation efficiency of the microfluidic device, concluding that the concentration of cells was lower at the most lateral outside outlets of the microchannel due to the cumulative effect of the multiple cross-flow filters

    Changes in extreme sea-levels in the Baltic Sea

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    In a climate change context, changes in extreme sea-levels rather than changes in the mean are of particular interest from the coastal protection point of view. In this work, extreme sea-levels in the Baltic Sea are investigated based on daily tide gauge records for the period 1916–2005 using the annual block maxima approach. Extreme events are analysed based on the generalised extreme value distribution considering both stationary and time-varying models. The likelihood ratio test is applied to select between stationary and non-stationary models for the maxima and return values are estimated from the final model. As an independent and complementary approach, quantile regression is applied for comparison with the results from the extreme value approach. The rates of change in the uppermost quantiles are in general consistent and most pronounced for the northernmost stations

    Portuguese propolis antitumoral activity in melanoma involves ROS production and induction of apoptosis

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    Melanoma is the most aggressive and life-threatening skin cancer type. The melanoma genome is the most frequently mutated, with the BRAF mutation present in 40–60% of melanoma cases. BRAF-mutated melanomas are characterized by a higher aggressiveness and progression. Adjuvant targeted treatments, such as BRAF and MEK inhibitors, are added to surgical excision in BRAF-mutated metastatic melanomas to maximize treatment effectiveness. However, resistance remains the major therapeutic problem. Interest in natural products, like propolis, for therapeutic applications, has increased in the last years. Propolis healing proprieties offer great potential for the development of novel cancer drugs. As the activity of Portuguese propolis has never been studied in melanoma, we evaluated the antitumoral activity of propolis from Gerês (G18.EE) and its fractions (n-hexane, ethyl acetate (EtOAc), and n-butanol) in A375 and WM9 melanoma cell lines. Results from DPPH•/ABTS• radical scavenging assays indicated that the samples had relevant antioxidant activity, however, this was not confirmed in the cell models. G18.EE and its fractions decreased cell viability (SRB assay) and promoted ROS production (DHE/Mitotracker probes by flow cytometry), leading to activation of apoptotic signaling (expression of apoptosis markers). Our results suggest that the n-BuOH fraction has the potential to be explored in the pharmacological therapy of melanoma.Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT)—projects UIDB/04050/2020, UDBI/04033/2020, UIDB/50026/2020, UIDP/50026/2020, UIDB/50006/2020, UIDP/50006/2020, and by the project NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-000055, supported by the Norte Portugal Regional Operational Programme (NORTE 2020), under the PORTUGAL 2020 Partnership Agreement, through the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). S.P.C., C.B.M. and A.S.F. are recipients of FCT grants (2020.05779.BD, SFRH/BD/145955/2019, and PD/BD/128276/2017, respectively

    Estudo da actividade biológica do pólen do Parque Natural de Montesinho

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    O pólen é o elemento germinal masculino das plantas fanerogâmicas. Encontra-se na forma pulverulenta nas anteras florais situadas na parte terminal dos estames das flores

    Mesenchymal Stromal Cell Secretome: Influencing Therapeutic Potential by Cellular Pre-conditioning

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    Mesenchymal stromal cells (MSCs) are self-renewing, culture-expandable adult stem cells that have been isolated from a variety of tissues, and possess multipotent differentiation capacity, immunomodulatory properties, and are relatively non-immunogenic. Due to this unique set of characteristics, these cells have attracted great interest in the field of regenerative medicine and have been shown to possess pronounced therapeutic potential in many different pathologies. MSCs' mode of action involves a strong paracrine component resulting from the high levels of bioactive molecules they secrete in response to the local microenvironment. For this reason, MSCs' secretome is currently being explored in several clinical contexts, either using MSC-conditioned media (CM) or purified MSC-derived extracellular vesicles (EVs) to modulate tissue response to a wide array of injuries. Rather than being a constant mixture of molecular factors, MSCs' secretome is known to be dependent on the diverse stimuli present in the microenvironment that MSCs encounter. As such, the composition of the MSCs' secretome can be modulated by preconditioning the MSCs during in vitro culture. This manuscript reviews the existent literature on how preconditioning of MSCs affects the therapeutic potential of their secretome, focusing on MSCs' immunomodulatory and regenerative features, thereby providing new insights for the therapeutic use of MSCs' secretome
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