408 research outputs found

    Assessing benefits and risks of online shopping in Spain and Scotland

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    The use of the Internet for shopping is increasing worldwide. Therefore, it has become very important to understand how consumers perceive its benefits and risks. In this paper, we address perceived benefits and risks of online shopping in Spain and Scotland. Building upon previous work done by others, a three-factor scale of perceived benefits and a four-factor scale of perceived risks were estimated. Women tend to perceive the enjoyment and adventure of online shopping more and are also more concerned with risks than men. Frequency of online searching correlates with perceived benefits and risks but its impact is different in the two countries. It is urgent to research the roles of emotion, interpersonal relationships and social involvement in conducting purchases online- an effort that will certainly require new models of consumer behavior and methodologies beyond the traditional quantitative techniques

    Stresse profissional e estratégias de coping em consultores externos

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    Tese de mestrado, Psicologia (Secção de Psicologia dos Recursos Humanos, do Trabalho e das Organizações), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Psicologia, 2012O presente estudo incide sobre a caracterização do stresse profissional e estratégias de coping de um grupo profissional muito pouco estudado: os Consultores Externos. Para tal, utilizaram-se dois instrumentos de medição – Inventário sobre o Stresse Profissional (Spielberger & Vagg, 1999) e Questionário de Estratégias de Coping (Folkman, & Lazarus, 1988), obtendo-se a participação voluntária de 36 Consultores. Para averiguar se os Consultores apresentam níveis superiores de stresse, recorreu-se à comparação com grupos profissionais previamente estudados: Administrativos e Gestores (Vaz, 2010) e Professores e Bancários (Rafael, 2001). Os Consultores demonstraram um nível global de stresse mais elevado, sendo os stressores mais significativos o “”Trabalho para além do horário”, o “Cumprimento de prazos” e o “Tempo pessoal insuficiente”. Para lidar com o stresse, os Consultores recorrem mais à estratégia de coping “Resolução planeada do problema” e em seguida às estratégias “Assumir responsabilidades” e “Suporte social”. As correlações entre as respostas dos itens do Inventário e as estratégias de coping atingiram alguns níveis significativos, apresentando o valor máximo de .57 entre “Sentir atitudes negativas contra a organização” no domínio do stresse (Severidade) e a subescala “Reavaliação Positiva” e entre a subescala “Coping Confrontativo” e “Interrupções frequentes”, também no âmbito do stresse (Frequência).The present study focus on the characterization of the occupational stress and coping strategies of an understudied professional group: the External Consultants. For that, two instruments of measurement were used – Job Stress Survey (Spielberger & Vagg, 1999) and the Ways of Coping Questionnaire (Folkman, & Lazarus, 1988) - from which 36 Consultant’s voluntary contributions were attained. In order to inquire if Consultants’ possess superior levels of stress, a comparison between previously studied professional groups was made: Administrative workers and Managers (Vaz, 2010) and Teachers and Bankers (Rafael, 2001). The Consultants showed a higher general stress level, with the most significant events being “Working overtime”, the “Meeting of deadlines” and “Lack of personal time”. To cope with stress, Consultants resort most to the “Planed resolution of the problem” coping strategy, followed by “Owning responsibilities” and “Social support”. The correlations between the Inventory’s items and the coping strategies reached some significant levels, being .57 the highest result, between “Feeling negative attitudes towards the organization” on the stress domain (Severity) and the subscale “Positive Reevaluation”, and between the subscale “Confrontational Coping” and “Frequent Interruptions”, also pertaining to stress (Frequency)

    Hemoglobinopatias: a que casais oferecer o diagnóstico pré-natal?

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    As hemoglobinopatias (alfa-talassémia, beta-talassémia, drepanocitose e talassodrepanocitose) constituem anemias hereditárias, de transmissão autossómica recessiva, que nas suas formas mais graves são altamente incapacitantes. Dada a impossibilidade de cura, aos casais em risco de terem descendência afetada com as formas mais graves da doença deve ser disponibilizada a realização de diagnóstico pré-natal (DPN) molecular. Anteriormente à disponibilização do DPN já deve conhecer-se a alteração molecular de cada progenitor, uma vez que isto permite: i) a classificação de cada mutação quanto às suas consequências funcionais; ii) o conhecimento dos possíveis genótipos do feto; e iii) inferir o respetivo fenótipo clínico/sintomatologia associado a cada genótipo do futuro descendente. Assim, se um dos genótipos possíveis do descendente corresponder a uma forma grave de hemoglobinopatia (drepanocitose, talassémia major/intermédia, talassodrepanocitose, doença da hemoglobina H ou síndrome de Hb Bart’s Hydrops Foetalis) é mandatório oferecer ao casal o DPN, contrariamente aos casais que possuam mutações suaves não está indicada esta disponibilização. As alterações moleculares mais frequentemente associadas às hemoglobinopatias em Portugal são bem conhecidas assim como a sua distribuição geográficaa,b. Contudo, face aos fluxos migratórios recentes, têm sido introduzidas em Portugal novas mutações que interessa identificar e caracterizar. Assim, o diagnóstico clínico, hematológico e bioquímico, a investigação molecular, o estabelecimento de testes genéticos fiáveis e o aconselhamento genético deverão continuar a contribuir de forma concertada e continuada para a identificação de portadores e de casais em risco, para identificar as novas alterações moleculares e respetiva correlação genótipo/fenótipo. Nos últimos 16 anos realizámos 224 DPNs de hemoglobinopatias, sendo 43 fetos afetados e dos 181 restantes, 107 eram portadores/heterozigóticos e 74 apresentavam um genótipo normal. Estes resultados são reveladores do impacto que o rastreio de portadores de hemoglobinopatias tem tido na nossa população, refletindo a identificação de casais em risco e a efetiva prevenção das hemoglobinopatias em Portugal. a) Martins MC, et al (1993). J Med Genet 30:235-239. b) Faustino P, et al (1992). Hum Genet 89:573-576

    Perspectiva temporal e rendimento académico

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    Dissertação de Mestrado em Psicologia Clínica, apresentada ao ISPA - Instituto UniversitárioPerspectiva Temporal (TP) emergiu recentemente como uma importante linha na investigação em psicologia, confirmando a sua importância ao estudo da compreensão dos comportamentos e cognições humanas. Esta linha de investigação está preocupada com a forma como os sujeitos percebem e expressam a sua relação com o tempo Passado, Presente e Futuro. A Literatura não é ainda totalmente clara relativamente à articulação entre a Perspectiva Temporal e o rendimento Académico. O Presente Estudo tem por objetivo determinar as diferenças da Perspectiva Temporal com o Rendimento Académico. Os instrumentos utilizados foram: Zimbardo Time Perspective Inventory – ZTPI na versão Portuguesa (Ortuño & Gamboa, 2009) e subescala Inventario de Perspectiva Temporal – IPT (Janeiro, 2006). Participaram 150 estudantes universitários, com idades entre os 19 e 40 anos. Os resultados mostram algumas diferenças significativas entre a Perspectiva temporal e o Rendimento Académico nos diferentes grupos.ABSTRACT: Temporal Perspective (TP) has recently emerged as an important online research in psychology, confirming its importance to the study of understanding human behaviors and cognitions. This line of research is concerned with how subjects perceive and express their relationship with time Past, Present and Future. Literature is not yet entirely clear concerning the link between income and Temporal Perspective Scholar. The present study aims to determine the differences of Temporal Perspective on the Academic Performance. The instruments used were: Zimbardo Time Perspective Inventory - ZTPI version in Portuguese (Ortuño & Gamboa, 2009) and Time Perspective Inventory subscale - IPT (January, 2006). Participants were 150 university students aged between 19 and 40 years. The results show some significant differences between the temporal perspective and Academic Performance in different groups

    Stress oxidativo e oxidação proteíca : caracterização estrutural da a-amilase

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    Mestrado em Métodos BiomolecularesA α-amilase de Bacillus amyloliquefaciens (α-1,4-D-glucano glucanohidrolase, EC catalisa a hidrólise das ligações α-1,4-glucosídicas em oligossacarídeos e polissacarídeos. A α-amilase humana é uma proteína secretora que é produzida tanto nas glândulas pancreáticas como salivares, constituindo uma porção significativa da saliva e desempenhando um papel importante na digestão inicial do amido, glicogénio e outros polissacarídeos. A oxidação catalisada por metais (MCO) das proteínas possui um papel importante durante o stress oxidativo. O objectivo principal da realização deste trabalho foi a caracterização e identificação das modificações sofridas pela α-amilase quando oxidada pelo peróxido de hidrogénio (10, 1 e 0,1mM) numa reacção catalisada por metais num sistema in vitro. A espectrometria de massa combinada com a cromatografia líquida foi usada para identificar as modificações sofridas por cada uma das α-amilases em estudo. Relativamente à actividade enzimática, após sujeito a processo oxidativo, a α-amilase de Bacillus amyloliquefaciens sofre menor perda de actividade enzimática do que a α-amilase salivar humana. Quando se utiliza uma concentração de H2O2 de 10mM observa-se uma maior diminuição da actividade enzimática para cada uma das α-amilases quando comparado com uma concentração de H2O2 de 1mM e 0,1mM. Quando comparamos os resultados das modificações sofridas por cada uma das α-amilases verificamos que a α-amilase salivar humana, quando sujeita a uma concentração de H2O2 de 10mM possui um menor número de resíduos modificados (23) quando comparada com a α-amilase de Bacillus amyloliquefaciens (26). Para uma concentração de reagente de H2O2 de 1mM, a α-amilase salivar humana apresenta também um menor número de resíduos oxidados (26) ao fim de 4 horas quando comparado o número dos resíduos oxidados observados para a α-amilase de Bacillus amyloliquefaciens (44). Os resultados sugerem que o processo de oxidação na α-amilase de Bacillus amyloliquefaciens progride mais rapidamente do que na α-amilase humana. Isto apesar de a actividade do Bacillus amyloliquefaciens se manter, em termos relativos, mais elevada. O número de resíduos de cisteína é significativamente superior na α-amilase salivar humana, não existindo outras diferenças significativas que permitam justificar a diferença de resíduos oxidados observados. A observação da oxidação da cisteína na posição 399 aos 30 minutos pode justificar a perda mais rápida da actividade enzimática, observada no caso da α-amilase salivar humana. O número diferente de resíduos observados resíde muito provavelmente no facto de o processo oxidativo ser mais lento no caso da α-amilase salivar humana. Este facto pode ser justificado pela presença de inumeras pontes dissulfureto nesta proteína, o que a torna mais compacta e portanto o acesso do radical hidroxilo aos resíduos mais difícil. É importante notar que estes resíduos de cisteína se verificaram ser, em grande medida, resistentes ao processo oxidativo. ABSTRACT: The α-amylase from Bacillus amyloliquefaciens (α-1,4-D-glucan glucanohidrolase, EC catalyzes the hydrolysis of α-1,4-glucosidic links in oligosaccharides and polysaccharides. The human α-amylase is a secretory protein that is produced both in pancreatic and salivary gland, and is a significant constituent of saliva, playing an important role in the initial digestion of starch, glycogen and other polysaccharides. The oxidation catalyzed by metals (MCO) of the protein has an important role during oxidative stress. The main purpose of this work is the characterization and identification of α-amylase oxidative modifications by hydrogen peroxide catalyzed by metals in a system in vitro Fenton system. Mass spectrometry, combined with liquid chromatography, was used to identify the oxidative changes of each of the α-amylase under study. Regarding enzyme activity, after the oxidative process, the α-amylase from Bacillus amyloliquefaciens suffers less loss of enzyme activity than the human salivary α-amylase. When using a concentration of H2O2 of 10mM there is a greater decrease in enzyme activity for each of the α-amylase when compared to a concentration of 1mM and 0.1mM of H2O2. When comparing the results of the changes of each of the α-amylases we found that the human salivary α-amylase, when subjected to a concentration of 10mM of H2O2.has a smaller number of modified residues (23) when compared with α-amylase of Bacillus amyloliquefaciens (26). For a concentration of 1 mM of H2O2.the human salivary α-amylase also has a smaller number of oxidized residues (26) after 4 hours of oxidation when compared the number of oxidized residues observed for α-amylase from Bacillus amyloliquefaciens (44). The results suggest that the oxidation process in α-amylase from Bacillus amyloliquefaciens progresses more rapidly than in human salivary α-amylase. This occurs despite the fact that the activity of Bacillus amyloliquefaciens remains relatively higher. The number of cysteine residues is significantly higher in human salivary α-amylase and no other significant differences justify the difference observed in the number of oxidized residues. The observation of oxidation of cysteine at position 399 at 30 minutes, observed for the human salivary α-amylase, can justify the faster loss of enzyme activity. The different number of residues observed is very likely to be the result of the slower oxidative process in the case of human salivary α-amylase. This can be justified by the presence of numerous disulfide bridges in this protein, which makes it more compact and therefore the access of the hydroxyl radical to the amino acid residues is more difficult. It is important to note that these cysteine residues were found to be very resistant to the oxidative process

    Goat and Sheep Milk as Raw Material for Yogurt

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    Yogurts are prepared by bacterial fermentation of milk using bacterial cultures composed of a mixture of Streptococcus ssp. thermophilus and Lactobacillus delbrueckii ssp. bulgaricus. In the regions where small ruminants are important to the economy, the development of new products may and the diversification of the offer might represent good strategies to attract new consumers since it allows producers to go beyond the usual cheesemaking. Those were the reasons that led to the production of a yogurt that would include different proportions of sheep and goats milk, a final product with the right physicochemical quality properties and sensory attributes. The addition of sheep milk is meant to attract more and more potential consumers and to additionally improve the nutritional value of the product, mainly with respect to the amount of fatty acid and mineral contents. Consumers tend to prefer yogurts made of cow milk, but this work shows that people enjoy and accept yogurts produced with goat and sheep milk as well. Therefore, it seems evident that the milk produced by these small ruminants can be an alternative and has the potential to become a good food product

    Phytotoxicity of lead on Lactuca sativa: effects on growth, mineral nutrition, photosynthetic activity and oxidant metabolism

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    Pb (lead) contamination in water and soils is increasing and its accumulation in plants may have serious deleterious consequences for environment and human health. Lead effects on plants still remain unclear and, therefore, a selection of Pb sensitive parameters used as biomarkers is required for improvement within the scope of Ecological Risk Assessment. In this study Lactuca sativa L. plants were exposed to Pb to contaminated irrigation solutions (12.5 mg l-1 and 125 mg l-1) for 15 days. Orthogonal analyses (time vs. Pb concentration vs. organ) were carried out after one, seven and fifteen days to elucidate about the effects of this element in plants. During exposure, plant growth, nutritional imbalance, water content, soluble protein content, lipid peroxidation (malondyaldehyde accumulation) and photosynthesis (chlorophyll contents and PSII fluorescence) were assessed in order to find the most adequated parameters for further studies in under realistic environmental conditions. Morphological and growth parameters showed decreases of root and shoot growth and alterations in root branching pattern. Biochemical parameters showed nutritional imbalance mostly concerning Pb, K (potassium) and Fe (iron) contents, changes in chlorophyll content and chlorophyll a:b ratio and malondyaldehyde accumulation. Therefore, such biochemical parameters may be used/ recommended as assessment parameters complementary to morphologic ones (e.g. shoot and root lengths) both in toxicological tests and further studies under realistic environmental conditions.publishe

    Changes in Soil Ecosystem Structure and Functions Due to Soil Contamination

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    Soil ecosystems are nowadays exposed to several physical, chemical and biological stressors, which are directly or indirectly related to anthropogenic activities. This chapter covers how contaminants affect the soil ecosystem structure, changing soil functions and services. Soil ecosystem structure is constituted by dynamic interactive abiotic and biotic compartments, dependent on major key factors like water and light. By changing this balanced system, soil functions are also impaired as they are strictly dependent on this structure and biodiversity. Soil functions include carbon transformations, nutrient cycling, maintenance of the structure itself, and regulation of biological populations. Activities like mining, agriculture, forestry or waste disposal are often responsible for the unbalance of soil structure and functions, by jeopardizing majorly the functional biodiversity compartment of the ecosystem. Therefore, the provision of goods along with ecosystem services will be also affected. Valuing soil ecosystem services is a difficult task and often lacking at the policymaking level, as the costs of services losses can go unnoticed. Therefore new strategies should be implemented to bring the concepts of structure, functions, services and goods on board at the regulation level.publishe

    Padrões de transferência e mecanismos de defesa ao longo do processo psicoterapêutico : Dois estudos de caso sistemáticos

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    Dissertação de Mestrado apresentada ao ISPA - Instituto UniversitárioO conceito de transferência tem-se mostrado complexo e controverso, tendo este constructo no decorrer dos últimos cem anos sofrido inúmeras alterações. A presente revisão de literatura pretende estabelecer uma melhor compreensão do conceito de transferência e dos tipos de transferência que se revelam e instalam durante o processo terapêutico. A abordagem a este constructo será efetuada numa perspectiva teórica, partindo da perspectiva Freudiana e das contribuições de outros autores para o desenvolvimento e aprofundamento do conceito. Os contributos que os vários autores foram dando em prole da evolução do constructo, foram essencialmente fundamentados na sua perspectiva teórica e observação clínica.The concept of transference revealed to be complex and controversial, this concept in the course of the last one hundred years underwent numerous changes. This literature review want to establish a better understanding of the concept of transference and its types that emerge during the therapeutic process. The approach to this concept will be performed in a theoretical perspective, addressing the Freudian perspective and the contributions of several authors for the development and deepening of the concept. The contributions made by the various authors were given in favor of the evolution of the concept, essentially based on its theoretical perspective and on clinical observation.Enquadramendo: O conceito de transferência tem sido central para a psicanálise e para a psicoterapia psicodinâmica desde de que Freud começou a esrever sobre este tema. Devido ao facto de existir pouca investigação empírica sobre padrões de transferência e ainda menos sobre a relação entre padrões transferenciais e padrões defensivos. O objectivo deste estudo é compreender se existe mudança no padrão transferencial perante mudanças no padrão defensivo. Método: Foram estudadas 2 pacientes com conflitos intrapsíquicos distintos em psicoterapia de orientação dinâmica durante dois anos e avaliadas no início, 6, 12, 18 e 24 meses. Os padrões tranferencias foram identificados através da LTC a partir de quatro sessões gravadas em áudio para cada um dos cinco períodos de avaliação. Os padrões defensivos foram identificados através da DSMR. Resultados: O padrão transferencial não se alterou independentemente do padrão defensivo das pacientes ser mais ou menos maduro. Conclusões: O padrão tranferencial tende a ser mantido, os pacientes “agarram-se” à perceção que têm tanto do terapeuta como do outro mesmo que as evidencias contrariem essa perceção.Aim: The concept of transference has been central to the psychoanalysis and to the psychodynamic psychotherapy since that Freud began to write on this theme. Due to the existence of a lack in research about transference patterns and even less about the relation between transference patterns and defensive patterns, , we established that the main objective of this study was to understand if there is a change in the transferencial pattern when we are faced with changes in defensive pattern. Method: We studied two patients with distinct intrapsychic conflicts in psychodynamic psychotherapy over the course of two years and evaluated at the beginning, 6, 12, 18 and 24 months. Transference patterns were identified from recorded audio sessions using the the LTC for each of the five periods of evaluation. Defensive patterns were identified using the DSMR. Results: The transference pattern has not changed regardless if the defensive pattern of patients is more or less mature. Conclusions: The transference pattern tends to be maintained, the patients hold on to the perception that they have both of the therapist as of the other even if the evidence is contrary to this perception

    Eleven years experience of being under external quality assessment for the molecular genetic diagnosis of hereditary haemochromatosis HFE-associated and accreditation under ISO 15189

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    Laboratory quality is continuously present in our daily practice of molecular diagnosis in human genetics. Our participation in external quality assessment (EQA), specially with EMQN, gave us the opportunity to improve the reports of our genetic tests, to compare our performance/scores with other European laboratories, and to be permanently updated with the most recent recommendations for best practice in human molecular diagnosis. Since 2005, our lab has been participating in the EMQN external quality assessment program for the molecular diagnosis of hereditary haemochromatosis HFE-associated (HH-HFE). Since then, our score regarding the genotyping category has achieved every year the highest marks (2.0), while for the interpretation category, in two years, the mean score was 1.75. These scores lead us to improve the “interpretation section” of our reports in order to give the best result to the physicians and patients. In addition of a correct genotyping, the report “interpretation section” is particularly important, it should include the main suggestions for the best patient’s clinical management: i) immediate impact of the result for the patient, ii) patient’s clinical follow-up and other diagnostic options, iii) long term-impact (specially in predictive tests), iv) relevance of the result for relatives and, v) recommendations of genetic counselling. In accordance with OCDE disease specific guidelines for quality assurance in molecular genetic testing, and with the requirements of ISO 15189, in 2014 we were the first Portuguese laboratory accredited by IPAC, for HH-HFE - variants p.H63D and p.C282Y, and other genetic tests (http://www.ipac.pt/pesquisa/ ficha_15189.asp?id=E0015). Accreditation under the International Standard ISO 15189 is challenging but contributes to introduce improvements in our current practice because it comprises “management requirements” (e.g. quality management system, external services and supplies, preventive and corrective actions, control of records) and “technical requirements” (e.g. accommodation and environmental conditions, laboratory equipment, reagents and consumables, training and qualifications of personnel, examination processes, results reporting). Accreditation enhances laboratory quality at different levels, gives credibility, competency and confidence, but primarily contributes to a better patient’s clinical diagnosis reducing the turnaround time, patient management and treatment, and genetic counselling.N/