27 research outputs found

    Edible Plant Database

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    The Edible Plant Database (EPD) is an outcome of the GROW Observatory, a European Citizen Science project on growing food, soil moisture sensing and land monitoring. This dataset was disseminated via a web service hosted by IIASA (Austria) that provides information about suitable plants for locations within Europe, based on climate. The web service was used in the GROW app, this dataset is the base information used for that service. Key growing data, for example, planting and harvesting calendars, suitability of location for growing are either typically dispersed across a plethora of sources or generic and only applicable at large scales. The latter is a significant constraint to the new grower who may be unaware of the impact of local micro-climate on growing. The EPD provides collates key data for one resource, the GROW app, that enables users across Europe to choose what to plant in their location at the time of query. It is a database populated with 15 growing parameters with a supporting database on germination of 146 edible plant species included in EPD. Planting calendars and germination data to all 12 European climate zones are also included with high resolution images purchased under licence. The EPD brings together planting, harvesting and growing requirements for a suite of crops that can be grown in Europe and uses these data to provide locally relevant advice for growers. The Edible Plant Database provides data based on geographical location and growing season to answer questions such as “What can I plant now” and “what can I plant that will yield a crop on some future date”. Further information on GROW Observatory can be found at www.growobservatory.org This data is made available under a CC-BY 4.0 licence https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 690199 Keywords: Growing calendars, edible plants, local differences, climate zone, planting, harvestin

    Nitrogen deficiency in barley (<i>Hordeum vulgare)</i> seedlings induces molecular and metabolic adjustments that trigger aphid resistance

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    Agricultural N2O pollution resulting from the use of synthetic fertilisers represents a significant contribution to anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions, providing a rationale for reduced use of nitrogen fertilisers. Nitrogen limitation results in extensive systems rebalancing that remodels metabolism and defence processes. To analyse the regulation underpinning these responses, barley (Horedeum vulgare) seedlings were grown for seven days under nitrogen-deficient conditions until net photosynthesis was 50% lower than in nitrogen-replete controls. Although shoot growth was decreased there was no evidence for the induction of oxidative stress despite lower total concentrations of nitrogen containing antioxidants. Nitrogen deficient barley leaves were rich in amino acids, sugars and tricarboxylic acid cycle intermediates. In contrast to N-replete leaves one day old nymphs of the green peach aphid (Myzus persicae) failed to reach adulthood when transferred to N-deficient barley leaves. Transcripts encoding cell, sugar and nutrient signalling, protein degradation and secondary metabolism were over-represented in nitrogen-deficient leaves while those associated with hormone metabolism were similar under both nutrient regimes with the exception of mRNAs encoding proteins involved in auxin metabolism and responses. Significant similarities were observed between the N-limited barley leaf transcriptome and that of aphid infested Arabidopsis leaves. These findings not only highlight significant similarities between biotic and abiotic stress signalling cascades but also identify potential targets for increasing aphid resistance with implications for the development of sustainable agriculture

    Restraining Quiescence Release-Related Ageing in Plant Cells: A Case Study in Carrot

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    The blackening of cut carrots causes substantial economic losses to the food industry. Blackening was not observed in carrots that had been stored underground for less than a year, but the susceptibility to blackening increased with the age of the carrots that were stored underground for longer periods. Samples of black, border, and orange tissues from processed carrot batons and slices, prepared under industry standard conditions, were analyzed to identify the molecular and metabolic mechanisms underpinning processing-induced blackening. The black tissues showed substantial molecular and metabolic rewiring and large changes in the cell wall structure, with a decreased abundance of xyloglucan, pectins (homogalacturonan, rhamnogalacturonan-I, galactan and arabinan), and higher levels of lignin and other phenolic compounds when compared to orange tissues. Metabolite profiling analysis showed that there was a major shift from primary to secondary metabolism in the black tissues, which were depleted in sugars, amino acids, and tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle intermediates but were rich in phenolic compounds. These findings suggest that processing triggers a release from quiescence. Transcripts encoding proteins associated with secondary metabolism were less abundant in the black tissues, but there were no increases in transcripts associated with oxidative stress responses, programmed cell death, or senescence. We conclude that restraining quiescence release alters cell wall metabolism and composition, particularly regarding pectin composition, in a manner that increases susceptibility to blackening upon processing

    Physiological, Biochemical, and Transcriptional Responses to Single and Combined Abiotic Stress in Stress-Tolerant and Stress-Sensitive Potato Genotypes

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    Potato production is often constrained by abiotic stresses such as drought and high temperatures which are often present in combination. In the present work, we aimed to identify key mechanisms and processes underlying single and combined abiotic stress tolerance by comparative analysis of tolerant and susceptible cultivars. Physiological data indicated that the cultivars Desiree and Unica were stress tolerant while Agria and Russett Burbank were stress susceptible. Abiotic stress caused a greater reduction of photosynthetic carbon assimilation in the susceptible cultivars which was associated with a lower leaf transpiration rate. Oxidative stress, as estimated by the accumulation of malondialdehyde was not induced by stress treatments in any of the genotypes with the exception of drought stress in Russett Burbank. Stress treatment resulted in increases in ascorbate peroxidase activity in all cultivars except Agria which increased catalase activity in response to stress. Transcript profiling highlighted a decrease in the abundance of transcripts encoding proteins associated with PSII light harvesting complex in stress tolerant cultivars. Furthermore, stress tolerant cultivars accumulated fewer transcripts encoding a type-1 metacaspase implicated in programmed cell death. Stress tolerant cultivars exhibited stronger expression of genes associated with plant growth and development, hormone metabolism and primary and secondary metabolism than stress susceptible cultivars. Metabolite profiling revealed accumulation of proline in all genotypes following drought stress that was partially suppressed in combined heat and drought. On the contrary, the sugar alcohols inositol and mannitol were strongly accumulated under heat and combined heat and drought stress while galactinol was most strongly accumulated under drought. Combined heat and drought also resulted in the accumulation of Valine, isoleucine, and lysine in all genotypes. These data indicate that single and multiple abiotic stress tolerance in potato is associated with a maintenance of CO2 assimilation and protection of PSII by a reduction of light harvesting capacity. The data further suggests that stress tolerant cultivars suppress cell death and maintain growth and development via fine tuning of hormone signaling, and primary and secondary metabolism. This study highlights potential targets for the development of stress tolerant potato cultivars

    Flavonoid profiling and transcriptome analysis reveals new gene–metabolite correlations in tubers of Solanum tuberosum L.

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    Anthocyanin content of potato tubers is a trait that is attracting increasing attention as the potential nutritional benefits of this class of compound become apparent. However, our understanding of potato tuber anthocyanin accumulation is not complete. The aim of this study was to use a potato microarray to investigate gene expression patterns associated with the accumulation of purple tuber anthocyanins. The advanced potato selections, CO97216-3P/PW and CO97227-2P/PW, developed by conventional breeding procedures, produced tubers with incomplete expression of tuber flesh pigmentation. This feature permits sampling pigmented and non-pigmented tissues from the same tubers, in essence, isolating the factors responsible for pigmentation from confounding genetic, environmental, and developmental effects. An examination of the transcriptome, coupled with metabolite data from purple pigmented sectors and from non-pigmented sectors of the same tuber, was undertaken to identify these genes whose expression correlated with elevated or altered polyphenol composition. Combined with a similar study using eight other conventional cultivars and advanced selections with different pigmentation, it was possible to produce a refined list of only 27 genes that were consistently differentially expressed in purple tuber tissues compared with white. Within this list are several new candidate genes that are likely to impact on tuber anthocyanin accumulation, including a gene encoding a novel single domain MYB transcription factor