58 research outputs found

    Diversity and Abundance of Beetle (Coleoptera) Functional Groups in a Range of Land Use System in Jambi, Sumatra

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    Degradation of tropical rain forest might exert impacts on biodiversity loss and affect the function and stability of the related ecosystems. The objective of this study was to study the impact of land use systems (LUS) on the diversity and abundance of beetle functional groups in Jambi area, Sumatra. This research was carried out during the rainy season (May-June) of 2004. Inventory and collection of beetles have been conducted using winkler method across six land use systems, i.e. primary forest, secondary forest, Imperata grassland, rubber plantation, oilpalm plantation, and cassava garden. The result showed that a total of 47 families and subfamilies of beetles was found in the study area, and they were classified into four major functional groups, i.e. herbivore, predator, scavenger, and fungivore. There were apparent changes in proportion, diversity, and abundance of beetle functional groups from forests to other land use systems. The bulk of beetle diversity and abundance appeared to converge in primary forest and secondary forest and predatory beetles were the most diverse and the most abundant of the four major functional groups

    Diversity and Abundance of Ant (Formicidae) Functional Groups in Range of Land Use Systems in Jambi, Sumatra

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    Kerusakan hutan tropika basah dapat menimbulkan dampak lingkungan berupa penurunan keanekaragaman hayati dan terganggunya fungsi serta stabilitas ekosistem. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mendapatkan bukti apakah perubahan hutan tropika basah menjadi bentuk penggunaan lahan lain berakibat pada penurunan keragaman dan kelimpahan semut, dan untuk menunjukkan apakah semut dapat dijadikan sebagai bio-indikator perubahan sistem penggunaan lahan (SPL). Penelitian ini dilakukan di Jambi Sumatra pada akhir musim penghujan (Mei−Juni) 2004 pada berbagai taraf intensifikasi SPL. Inventarisasi dan koleksi semut dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode “Winkler” pada enam SPL, yaitu: hutan primer, hutan sekunder, perkebunan karet, perkebunan kelapa sawit, ladang ketela pohon, dan padang alang-alang. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ditemukan 50 genus semut pada 6 SPL tersebut. SPL tidak berpengaruh secara nyata terhadap keragaman dan kelimpahan seluruh semut tetapi berpengaruh secara nyata terhadap kelompok semut pesaba dan semut predator. Keragaman jenis dan kelimpahan yang tinggi dari semut predator ditemukan pada SPL hutan primer dan hutan sekunder. Keragaman jenis dan kelimpahan menjadi rendah apabila SPL hutan diubah menjadi SPL ladang ketela pohon. Kelimpahan semut pesaba tertinggi diketemukan pada SPL perkebunan kelapa sawit. Data yang diperoleh menunjukkan bahwa semut dapat digunakan sebagai bio-indikator dalam perubahan SPL di kawasan Jambi, Sumatra

    Penerapan Pola Agroforestri Berbasis Kelapa dan Pendapatan Petani di Desa Samuda, Kabupaten Halmahera Utara

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    This study aims to determine the application of agroforestry patterns and their contribution to the income of farmers in the village of Samuda, North Halmahera Regency. The research method used was a purposive sampling method, with 30 respondent farmers who had coconut-based agroforestry land. Data collection and analysis are done descriptively and quantitatively. The results showed that two patterns of agroforestry application, the Agrisilvikultur Tress Along with Borders pattern and the Agrisilvikultur Random Mixture pattern, we're able to make many ecological and economic contributions. From the ecological point of view, mixed agroforestry patterns can increase resistance to plant diseases, and economically, agroforestry patterns can increase farmers' average income. Completion of coconut-based agroforestry in the form of copra increased the average annual income of IDR 35,633,333.3/year and the average income from secondary crops by IDR. 1,249,637,500/year. While the average income from non-agroforestry products is IDR 34,550,000/year. Comparison of income and expenditure shows that the average income of farmers is greater than the expenditure, so the application of agroforestry patterns has a significant influence on the level of welfare of farmers in the study area

    Leaf Litter Decomposition and Nutrient Release of Three Native Tree Species in a Drained Tropical Peatland in Riau, Indonesia

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    The decomposition and its nutrient release were the key ecological process that had a broad role in the forest ecosystem. This study aimed to investigate the leaf litter decomposition rate and its nutrient release of three native tree species of tropical peat swamp forest, namely Macaranga pruinosa, Macaranga gigantea, and Cratoxylum arborescens and one exotic species i.e Acacia crassicarpa. The decomposition and nutrient release were monitored in an experimental plot using litter bag technique. The initial litter quality of each litter and micro-environment properties were also observed. The result showed that the decomposition and its nutrient release were insignificantly different among native tree species and also between native species and Acacia crasssicarpa. The litter decomposition of all tree species was slow; with the range of k was 0.98-1.19 year-1. However, the P and K release from the decomposition of native species litter after four months of incubation were quickly, ranging 70-74% and 88-93%. We were suggested that the high of lignin content in the leaf litter (36-39%) was the main factor that made slow decomposition. These findings could be used as one of the tools in tree species selection for peat swamp forest rehabilitation

    Tingkat ketahanan dan proses regenerasi vegetasi setelah letusan Gunung Merapi (Survival Rates and Regeneration Process of Vegetation After the Eruption of Mount Merapi)

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    Letusan Gunung Merapi pada tanggal 22 November 1994 telah menimbulkan awan panas dan kebakaran hutan yang mengakibatkan kerusakan vegetasi di Hutan Lindung Kaliurang. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui tingkat ketahanan dan kemampuan regenerasi alamiah vegetasi satu tahun setelah terjadi bencana awan panas tersebut. Dalam studi ini vegetasi diklasiftkasikan menjadi empat tingkatan, yaitu: tingkat pohon, tiang, sapihan dan semai. Analisis vegetasi yang terdapat pada kawasan hutan yang terkena awan panas dilakukan dengan menggunakan parameter-parameter ekologi, yaitu kerapatan, frekuensi, dominasi dan nilai penting. Bencana tersebut mengakibatkan sebagian besar (66%) vegetasi tingkat pohon mati. Pinus merkusii yang merupakan jenis dominan ternyata mempunyai tingkat ketahanan sangat rendah, yaitu hanya 4.26%. Jenis-jenis lain yang mempunyai tingkat ketahanan rendah adalah: Altingia excelsa (28.57%), Erythrina vareigala (10.00%), Acacia decurrens (0.00%), Albizia chinensis (0.00%) dan Caliandra callothyrsus (0.00%). Jenis-jenis yang mempunyai tingkat ketahanan cukup tinggi adalah Schima walichii (78.95%), Agathis alba (76.92%) dan Cinchona succirubra (57.14%). Vegetasi tingkat tiang ternyata didominasi oleh jenis-jenis yang mempunyai tingkat ketahanan cukup tinggi, yaitu: Schima walichii (dengan tingkat ketahanan 76.32%) dan Chinchona succirubra (52.17%), sehingga tingkat ketahanan vegetasi tingkat tiang ini secara umum lebih tinggi dibanding dengan vegetasi tingkat pohon, yaitu : 58.09%. Berdasarkan indeks nilai penting vegetasi tingkat semai, maka jenis-jenis yang mempunyai kemampuan tinggi untuk mengadakan proses regenerasi secara alamiah adalah : Calliandra callothyrsus (INP = 71.08%), Macaranga rhizinoides (22.47%) dan Acacia decurrens (20.01%). Jenis-jenis lain yang mempunyai kemampuan regenerasi cukup tinggi adalah : Albizia chinensis (16.61%), Dalbergia latifolia (12.01%), Albizia lebbeckoides (11.44%), Eugenia javanica (10.75%), dan Macaranga sp. (10.34). Jenis-jenis yang mampu dengan balk untuk beradaptasi dengan lingkungan dan mampu tumbuh cepat sehingga mencapai tingkat sapihan adalah : Acacia decurrens (INP 64.49%), Macaranga rhizinoides (29.43%), Calliandra callothyrsus (23.84%), Chinchona succirubra (12.86%) dan Eugenia javcmica (11.05%). Kata kunci: regenerasi vegetasi, letusan merapi, analisis vegetas

    Pengaruh Sifat Kimia Terhadap Tingkat Dekomposisi

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    Abstrak Dekomposisi seresah adalah salah satu dari tingkatan proses terpenting daur biogeokimia dalam ekosistem hutan. Penelitian tentang \u27Pengaruh sifat kimia terhadap tingkat dekomposisi beberapa jenis daun tanaman hutan ini dilaksanakan dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui tingkat dekomposisi seresah daun (tujuh jenis) tanaman hutan di bawah tegakan yang didomisai oleh jenis legum, dan hubungan antara beberapa sifat kimia, .seperti kandungan awal (initial content) selulose, lignin, â¢karbohidrat, karbon (C), nitrogen (N), nisbah C)N, fosfor (P) dan kalium (K), kalsium (Ca), dan magnesium (Mg) dengan tingkat dekomposisinya Hasil penelitian inr menunjukkan bahwa: daun Pinus merkusli (Pm) paling lambat proses dekomposisinya, dengan tingkat dekomposisi hanya 20,95%. setelah terdekomposisi selama 6 bulan. Tingkat dekomposisi jenis daun non-legum (Pm, .MI, Eu dan Ga) dipengaruhi secara nyata (P 0,01) oleh kandungan awal lignin (r = -0,99), karbohidrat (r = 0,99) dan selulose (r = -0,95). Tingkat dekomposisi jenis daun legum (Am, Pf dan Gm) dipengaruhi secara nyata (P 0,05) ()WI lignin (r = nisbah C/N (r = 0,99), kalsium (r = 0,99) dan magnesium (r - 0,99). Secara keseluruhan jenis daun non-legum dan legum tingkat dekomposisinya dipengaruhi secara nyata (P 0,05) oleh kandungan awal kalium (r = 0,981, kalsium (r = 0,94) dan magnesium (r = 0,88). Curah hujan yang terjadi selama proses dekomposisi berlangsung telah mempercepat tingkat dekomposisi daun

    IMPACT OF TROPICAL RAIN FOREST CONVERSION ON THE DIVERSITY AND ABUNDANCE OF TERMITES IN JAMBI PROVINCE (Dampak Konversi Hutan Tropika Basah Terhadap Keragaman Jenis dan Kelimpahan Rayap di Provinsi Jambi)

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    ABSTRACTThe degradation of tropical rain forest might exert impacts on biodiversity loss and affect the function and stability of the ecosystems. The objective of this study was to clarify the impacts of tropical rain forests conversion into other land-uses on the diversity and abundance of termites in Jambi, Sumatera. Six land use types used in this study were primary forest, secondary forest, rubber plantation, oil-palm plantation, cassava cultivation and Imperata grassland. The result showed that a total of 30 termite species were found in the six land use types, with highest species richness and abundance in the forests. The species richness and the relative abundance of termites decreased significantly when the tropical rain forests were converted to rubber plantation and oil-palm plantation. The loss of species richness was much greater when the forests were changed to cassava cultivation and Imperata grassland, while their abundance greatly decreased when the forests were degraded to Imperata grassland. Termite species which had high relative abundances in primary and secondary forests were Dicuspiditermes nemorosus, Schedorhinotermes medioobscurus, Nasutitermes longinasus and Procapritermes setiger. ABSTRAK Kerusakan hutan tropika basah dapat menimbulkan dampak lingkungan berupa penurunan keanekaragaman hayati serta terganggunya fungsi dan stabilitas ekosistem. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui dampak konversi hutan tropika basah  menjadi bentuk penggunaan lahan lain di Jambi Sumatra terhadap keragaman jenis dan kelimpahan rayap. Enam tipe penggunaan lahan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah hutan primer, hutan sekunder, tanaman karet, tanaman kelapa sawit, kebun ketela pohon dan padang alang-alang. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ditemukan 30 jenis rayap pada 6 tipe penggunaan lahan tersebut, dengan keragaman jenis dan kelimpahan individu rayap tertinggi pada lahan hutan. Kekayaan jenis dan kelimpahan relatif rayap menurun secara nyata apabila ekosistem hutan dikonversi menjadi tanaman karet dan kelapa sawit. Penurunan kekayaan jenis menjadi jauh lebih besar ketika hutan dikonversi menjadi kebun ketela pohon dan padang alang-alang. Kelimpahan individu rayap akan sangat menurun apabila terjadi perubahan ekosistem hutan menjadi padang alang-alang. Jenis-jenis rayap yang mempunyai kelimpahan tinggi pada ekosistem hutan adalah Dicuspiditermes nemorosus, Schedorhinotermes medioobscurus, Nasutitermes langinasus dan Procapritermes stiger

    Space Planting, Competition, and Productivity of a Seven-Year-Old Clonal Teak Plantation in the East Java Monsoon Forest Area

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    Tree breeding of teak results in selected clones with high growth. Intensive silviculture is required to support a large-scale clonal teak plantation. Appropriate spacing is one of the methods to increase forest plantation productivity. Research of teak clone spacing was conducted on a seven-year-old clonal teak plantation with randomized completely block design. The treatments tested in this study were four plant spacing distances, namely, 3 m × 3 m, 6 m × 2 m, 8 m × 2 m, and 10 m × 2 m. Results show that spacing had significantly different effects on diameter, height, bole height, branch angle, crown area, crown projections, volume, and competition index. However, the height growth did not exhibit any significant differences. The 10 m × 2 m spacing produced the best diameter growth, crown area, and competition index, but has a low volume per hectare and the lowest height of free branch and branch angle. Meanwhile, the 3 m × 3 m spacing will increase bole height and stand volume per hectare. This result suggests that spacing could improve the growth of teak clone but must be followed by intensification of proper maintenance to reduce branch angle and increase bole height

    Dinamika Kandungan Unsur Hara Pada Proses Dekomposisi Beberapa Jenis Daun Tanaman Kehutanan

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    ABSTRACT In forest ecosystems, vegetation requires many chemical elements to live and grow. The minerals that are taken up into the forest trees are eventually returned to the surface of the forest soil by litterfall. Leaves are usually major contributor to the litterfall. Decomposition of the litterfall is one of the most important stages in the biogeochemical cycle of forest ecosystems. The decomposition rate determines the rate at which nutrients become available for renewed uptake by the vegetation. During the decomposition process, content of nutrient elements in the litter will increase and/or decrease because of soil organism activities and environmental factors. Therefore it is necessary to carry out research on the decomposition process of plant litter. The research entitled : "dynamics of nutrient element contents during decomposition of leaves of seven tree species" was carried out to clarify the dynamics of such nutrient element contents as nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), potassium (K), calcium (Ca) and magnesium (Mg) during the decomposition process of seven tree species leaves under the forest stand dominated by legume trees. Some results from this research could be summarized as follows : The N contents in leaves of Pinus merkusii and Melaleuca letï´adyndron had a tendency to decrease, while on the other hand, those in leaves of Gmelina arborea, Gkrecidea maculata and Paraserianthesfakataria obviously showed increases. In the leaves of P. merkusii, M. leucadendron and G. arborea, the P contents had inconsistently a tendency of increases and decreases, while in P. falcataria and G. maculata tended to increase. The K contents in P. merkusii, Eucalyptus urophylla, Acacia mangium, and P. faicataria leaves showed a tendency of increases and decreases, and those in M. leucadendron and G. maculata tended to increase, while those in G. maculata had a tendency to decrease. During the decompositio