65 research outputs found
Pemilihan Vegetasi Untuk Pengendalian Longsor Lahan
The news of flood and landslide disaster in our country was filled mass-media at all times. The occurance start from Cilacap, Purworejo, Kulonprogo, Aceh, Sumatra Barat, Jawa Timur, Menado, and at the end of 2008 happened in Cianjur and Bali. It taken a lot of victims and properties, so that come up some question why it happend and how to anticipated for reduce the negatif impact.
Indonesia as tropical country have highly rainfall intensity in some region, in others have landform hove, hill and mountain with high potencial lands ide hazard. Majority the people not aware yet for conservation and maintenance the environment for support their livelihood. As a consequence, the people more often destructing the environment, for example illegal logging and land conversion. Beside that, developing community are often not consider the master plan and it need action for avoiding the people from disaster like landslide. There are a lot of factor that have to attention for reduction and friendly with landslide hazard in environmental friendly.
V egetatif selection for prevention landslide become one of important key to success in prevention landslide hazard. The most important factor in landslide are the slope and the rainfall. Landslide could be anticipation with vegetatif selection. The vegetation must have root that could hold the stability of soil, that is deep root.
The root have role in holding soil layer, therefore the vegetation with more multiple roots will more stronger in holding the soil, then the land stability increased. Other component in vegetation that have important role in landslide prevention is crown density. Higher crown density it .means the crown have more capacity to catch rainfall with interseption. In landslide hazard reduction, higher interseption could reduce volume of rainfall and it will
reduce over land flow. In other side, high crown density also could increase soil mechanics weight, it could be cause of landslide. Finally, vegetation could be use for reduce landslide hazard, but it need strategy in vegetatif selection.
Keywords: landslide, raillfall, slope, crown density, root, vegetatif selection
Intensifikasi Lahan Tegalan Untuk Meningkatkan Penghasilan Warga Masyarakat Model Daerah Aliran Sungai (DAS) Mikro Cangkringan
Kerusakan lingkungan di Indonesia semakin meningkat sebagai akibat terjadinya bencana banjir, tanah longsor dan kekeringan yang semakin meningkat. Berbagai upaya perbaikan kondisi DAS sudah dilakukan untuk mewujudkan keseimbangan lingkungan dan tata air DAS serta memberikan manfaat sosial ekonomi yang nyata bagi masyarakat. Kegiatan pengabdian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan, pemahaman dan kesadaran masyarakat terhadap kondisi lingkungan dan upaya pelestariannya; meningkatkan produktivitas lahan melalui pola agroforestri; dan meningkatkan pendapatan masyarakat MDM Cangkringan. Metode yang digunakan adalah melalui pembangunan demplot partisipatif. Dalam hal ini masyarakat terlibat secara aktif sejak dari perencanaan sampai dengan pelaksanaan pembangunan demplot intensifikasi pada lahan tegalan oleh kelompok tani Maju Makmur. Hasil pengabdian dapat disimpulkan bahwa melalui sosialisasi kegiatan maka diperoleh adanya peningkatan pengetahuan, pemahaman dan kesadaran masyarakat terhadap kondisi lingkungan dan upaya pelestariannya. Dalam perencanaan partisipatif, diperoleh bahwa jenis yang dipilih adalah sengon karena memberikan keuntungan ganda yaitu aspek ekologi dan ekonomi. Peningkatan produktivitas lahan pekarangan dilakukan dengan metode yang ramah lingkungan dalam bentuk intensifikasi pekarangan melalui pola agroforestri. Pengembangan agroforestri dilakukan dengan membuat plot percontohan (demplot) oleh kelompok tani Maju Makmur. Selanjutnya, pengembangan agroforestri dapat memberikan hasil berupa berbagai jenis tanaman yang dibudidayakan oleh petani dan dapat dipanen secara berkelanjutan
Tujuan riset ini untuk melihat dampak dan menganalisis penerapan e-system, pemahaman dan kesadaran pada kepatuhan wajib pajak dan kondisi keuangan sebagai pemoderasi saat pandemi. Kajian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif kausalitas dengan sampel pada wajib pajak orang pribadi yang ada di KPP Malang Utara. Tehnik purposive sampling digunakan untuk mendapatkan sampel dengan parameter wajib pajak orang pribadi (WPOP) memiliki usaha setingkat UMKM. Hasil kajian menunjukan bahwa terdapat dampak negatif antara penerapan e-system dan pemahaman wajib pajak terhadap patuh tidaknya dalam memenuhi kewajiban pajaknya. WPOP yang memiliki kesadaran tentang pentingnya pajak dapat meningkatkan kesadaran untuk melakukan kewajiban pajaknya. Kondisi keuangan seseorang dapat memperkuat dampak diterapkannya e-system dan kemampuan memahami perpajakan pada kepatuhan wajib pajak. Kondisi keuangan memperlemah hubungan antara kesadaran wajib pajak pada ketaatan wajib pajak
Stakeholder Analysis on Sungai Wain Protected Forest Management in Balikpapan City, East Kalimantan Province
Sungai Wain Protected Forest is one of the conservation areas in Balikpapan City which has an essential role in supporting the life of the city’s people.Currently, its existence is threatened due to the various activities and overlapping interests of stakeholders involved in managing the forest. Therefore, forest management that is supported by these stakeholders is urgently needed. This study aimed to identify the stakeholders involved and explain their influences, interests,and roles in Sungai Wain Protected Forest management.Data were collected through observation, interviews, and questionnaires. The respondents were selected using the purposive sampling method, and stakeholder mapping was used to analyze it. The results showed that the stakeholders classified as key players include the Balikpapan Protected Forest Management Unit (KPHL Balikpapan), the East Kalimantan Provincial Forestry Office, Pertamina UP V Balikpapan, and the NGO Foundation Pro Natura.Multi-stakeholder management could be an alternative model for managing the Sungai Wain Protected Forest to synchronize stakeholders’ interests. The KPHL Balikpapan could actas a leading playerand become a driving force in the Sungai Wain Protected Forest’s management efforts due to their appropriate main duties and functions. Hence, the coordination, communication, and cooperation between stakeholders could be well-formed to achieve the management objectives.Keywords: forest management, multi-stakeholder management, stakeholders, Sungai Wain Protected Fores
Effects of Selective Logging Methods on Runoff Characteristics in Paired Small Headwater Catchment
AbstractReduction of vegetative cover by forest harvesting generally increases the average surface runoff volume and peak discharge for a given area of land. Forest harvesting in tropical Indonesian rainforest is managed using a selective logging system. The purpose of this study is to find the effect of controlled selective logging technique to reduce the hydrological effect on runoff. This study was conducted in three paired small headwater catchments in natural tropical rainforest area of Central Kalimantan, Indonesia. Catchment A was an undisturbed catchment for control. Catchment B and C were treated with reduce impact logging technique in selective logging activities. Controlled selective logging activities in the catchment B and C reduced canopy cover to 30% of natural cover. Discharging hydrograph response in the logged catchment produced higher peak discharge as consequences of high surface runoff. The runoff hydrograph parameter in the three catchments showed similar response to rainfall event, and the highest response of peak discharge was in the catchment B which had largest opened area. The average of direct runoff ratio in the catchment A, B and C were 31.35%; 46.12% and 44.83%, respectively. Implementation of reduce impact logging technique was effective to control the impact of logging on the runoff responses
Analysis of Community Adaptation Strategies Factors for Ecosystem-Based Disaster Risk Reduction in the Upper Merawu Watershed
The Merawu Watershed is one of the critical watersheds in Indonesia. This watershed is located in Banjarnegara Regency which has an altitude of 1000 meters above sea level with high rainfall intensity. The type of soil in Banjarnegara Regency is mostly ultisol and inceptisol soil, making the area vulnerable to landslides. Under these conditions, intensive agriculture is mostly carried out by the surrounding community, with the main commodity being planted is potatoes. Planting without paying attention to soil and water conservation techniques on steep land and spraying pesticides with high intensity can trigger erosion, landslides, and environmental pollution. The hamlets of Tamansari and Penanggungan are prone to erosion, landslides, and environmental pollution due to intensive agriculture. But, the adaptation strategy adopted by the community is still lacking. Therefore, it is necessary to research the factors that influence community adaptation strategies in ecosystem-based disaster risk reduction. This study aims to identify the factors that influence the adaptation strategy. The method used in this research is the logit model method. The respondents used in this study were 30 from the Tamansari Hamlet and the Penanggungan Hamlet. The results showed that the adaptation strategies factors for erosion are land area and household income, while landslides are assets and location. There are no variables that have a significant effect on the community's adaptation strategy to environmental pollution
Pengamatan tekanan darah pada stroke akut
Stroke is one of neurology emergencies and the principal treatment are as fast as posible and acurately. Stroke management in the acute phase influencing prognosis. In the acute phase blood pressure become raised temporare. There is still opposite opinion about hipertension management in acute phase of stroke. The objectve of this study is to determine when and how much pressure could be reduced in acute phase. This is observational prospective study. The subjects are 102 acute stroke patients who admitted in Sardjito General Hospital and Bethesda Hospital. Subjects were taken consecutively from November 1993 until April 1994. Blood pressure measurements were done 3 times a day. In rest and active time statistical analysis using univariate analysis to find mean, t-test and ANOVA. The result seveded that hypertension was found in 67,12% patients. Blood pressure in ischaemic stroke spontaneously decreased significantly begin in the 3\u27d day 1p
Kata kunci: tekanan darah, stroke aku
Assessing the sustainability of traditional agroforestry practices: a case of Mamar agroforestry in Kupang-Indonesia
A traditional agroforestry of West Timor, namely Mamar, produces important ecosystem services to the people of this arid region, however, its management tends to change, thereby disrupting its sustainability. This study aims to assess the sustainability of Mamar agroforestry by analyzing the livelihood assests of the community, the biophysical land performance of the soil, and the value of ecosystem services. Furthermore, data, on perception and livelihood assets; the level of soil damage, the importance value index, and diversity index, the value of ecosystem services based on the opinion of experts and community leaders, as well as change in land use were collected in five villages in Kupang district using surveys with a qualitative and quantitative approach. The results showed a change of perspective in Mamar's management; the decrease in the important value index of cultural crops, the diversity index is classified as declining, there is soil damage in several parameters, and the value of ecosystem services does not focus on cultural services. Considering this result, there is a socio-ecological trade-off that reduces support for the sustainability of Mamar as traditional agroforestry that emphasizes socio-cultural functions
Penilaian Skala Koma Glasgow (SKG) pada penderita dengan penurunan kesadaran
Background: Since its introduction in 1974, the Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) has gained widespread acceptance around the world as a means of assessing the level of consciousness of patients with head injury. The reports have been widely accepted as evidence that the GCS is reliable when used by physicians and nurses.
Objectives: To determine the interobserver agreement on GCS between doctor and nurse on assessing the altered consciousness.
Methods: Thirty-seven patients with altered consciousness, who were admitted to the Department of Neurology, Dr. Sardjito General Hospital Yogyakarta, were observers by a physician and a nurse. Each patient was assessed separately by the observers. Complete forms were not shown or discussed, but were collected and put in a sealed enveloped. Statistical analysis: The statistics used to measure the levels of agreement was based on the formula developed by Fleiss.
Result: The agreement of all items was almost perfect (K range from 0.74 to 0.90p < 0.0001). Conclusions: The GCS was reliable as an objective tool for assessing altered consciousness.
Key words : inter-rater agreement - Glasgow Coma Scale - consciousness
Latar Belakang: SKG telah digunakan hampir di seluruh dunia sejak tahun 1974 untuk menilai penurunan kesadaran pada penderita trauma kepala. Dilaporkan dari banyak penelitian bahwa SKG reliabel digunakan oleh para dokter dan perawat untuk menilai tingkat penurunan kesadaran.
Tujuan Panelitian: Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menentukan kesepakatan antara dokter dan perawat dalam menggunakan SKG untuk menilai tingkat penurunan kesadaran.
Tiga puluh tujuh pasien dengan penurunan kesadaran yang masuk ke Bagian Ilmu Penyakit Saraf RSUP Dr. Sardjito, Yogyakarta diperiksa oleh 2 orang penilai, yaitu dokter dan perawat. Setiap pasien diperiksa oleh dokter dan perawat secara terpisah. Formulir yang telah diisi tidak diperlihatkan dan didiskusikan oleh pemeriksa dan dikumpulkan masing-masing dalam satu amplop tertutup. Analisis Statistik: Nilai Kappa digunakan untuk mengukur tingkat kesepakatan antara dokter dan perawat dalam menilai penurunan kesadaran yang didasarkan pada rumus Fleiss.
Hasil penelitian: Kesepakatan semua item SKG adalah sangat baiklai Kappa adalah dari 0,74 sampai dengan 0,90
Efektivitas Tutupan Rumput Gajah (Pennisetum purpureum) dalam Mitigasi Erosi Tanah oleh Air Hujan
Aktivitas manusia yang intensif terhadap lahan menyebabkan erosi dipercepat. Dampaknya yaitu tanah dari wilayah hulu terpindahkan ke wilayah hilir menyebabkan dampak serius. Tanaman penutup tanah memiliki peranan penting dalam pengurangan erosi tanah dengan cara mengurangi energi kinetik air. Penelitian ini bertujuan menginvestigasi dan menganalisis rumput gajah (Pennisetum purpureum) dalam mengurangi limpasan permukaan dan erosi tanah. Penelitian ini bersifat ekperimental dengan menggunakan simulator hujan. Simulator hujan yang digunakan memiliki ukuran 200 cm (T) x 120 cm (P) x 120 cm (L) dan memiliki 10 nozzle, dapat mensimulasikan intensitas hujan dan kemiringan lereng. Parameter yang digunakan dalam simulasi ini yaitu intensitas hujan sebesar 54,59 mm/jam, kemiringan lereng sejumlah 5 kelas. Intensitas hujan dipilih dengan pertimbangan simulasi pada intensitas hujan sangat lebat serta keterbatasan alat dalam meproduksi variasi intensitas hujan. Plot uji berukuran 80 cm (P) x 50 cm (L) x 30 cm (T) sebanyak 10 plot yang terdiri dari 2 jenis yaitu dengan rumput dan tanpa rumput. Pengukuran setiap plot dilakukan selama 60 menit dan dilakukan pengambilan data setiap 2 menit. Analisis kuantitatif dilakukan pada limpasan permukaan dan sedimentasi, sedangkan analisis kualitatif dilakukan terhadap bentukan erosi. Temuan dari penelitian ini yaitu tutupan rumput gajah mampu mengurangi akumulasi limpasan permukaan hingga lahan dengan lereng miring (15-25%). Tutupan rumput dapat mengurangi erosi sebesar 98,85% yang didekati menggunakan parameter turbidity. Tanah di lokasi kajian memiliki karakteristik fisik yang rentan terhadap erosi, sehingga tutupan lahan khususnya rumput gajah sangat berperan dalam mengurangi potensi bahaya erosi
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