74 research outputs found

    Perspektif bimbingan dan konseling karir dalam era globalisasi

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    Career guidance is to prepare students to enter the selection process of interest and talent in the process of education, including college. On the other hand, career guidance also handles the process of choice and one's future career prospects to achieve a better futur

    Pendekatan Teknik Johari Window dalam Menangani Kesulitan Belajar Siswa Di SMP Al-Hidayah Medan

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    Abstrack: The problem in this study is the condition of learning difficulties experienced by students with research subjects of Medan Al-Hidayah Middle School students. This study aims to determine the implementation of the johari window engineering approach in dealing with student learning difficulties in Al-Hidayah Middle School Medan. This study used a qualitative method with the subject of the research counseling guidance teacher and 3 students of Al-Hidayah Medan Middle School. This study gives meaning that through the johari window technique approach can find out how the factors causing learning difficulties are either observed or experienced by students. The conclusion was proven through the results of observations and interviews obtained from 3 students and BK teachers. The result is students can provide an explanation of the level of learning difficulties experienced by students after being given a student approach shows a better attitude towards the approach that has been given by the teacher for guidance and counseling in overcoming student learning difficulties.Keywords: johari window technique, learning difficultie


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    ABSTRACTChildren are born with nature, parents are obliged to maintain and save this nature. so what is the value of education contained in the hadith of al-Bukhari, so that we can know the value of education in this hadith is in terms of the value of faith education, children who are born have the nature of the religion of monotheism, namely Islam

    Human Capital dan Tata Kelola Terhadap Tingkat Keberhasilan BUMDes Dengan Kinerja Keuangan Sebagai Variabel Mediasi

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    The government's efforts to realize people's welfare are carried out evenly in various fields, one of which is the welfare of the economic community both in urban and rural areas. As a follow-up to efforts to increase the economic welfare of rural communities, the government initiated the Establishment of Village Owned Enterprises or commonly known as BUMDesa. As the basis for the establishment of BUMDes, namely in the framework of launching village community initiatives, developing village potential, managing and utilizing the village's natural resource potential, human resources that have the potential to manage, and with capital participation from the village government in the form of village wealth financing handed over to be borne as part of BUMDes business. This study aims to determine the effect of human capital, governance on the success rate of BUMDes with financial performance as a mediating variable. This study used quantitative research methods, while data collection techniques were carried out using documentation and questionnaires. The sample used in this study was selected using the purposive sampling method. The data obtained was then analyzed using the SmartPLS program. The results showed that human capital had a significant negative effect on financial performance and village success, governance had a significant negative effect on village success but a significant positive effect on financial performance, financial performance had a significant positive effect on BUMDes success, financial performance had no direct effect on capital human resources and the success of village governance


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    This study aims to get a clear picture of the implementation of group guidance services, interpersonal communication of students, the implementation of group guidance services can improve student interpersonal communication at MAL UIN SU Medan. As for the informants in this study were the supervisors and students of MAL UIN SU Medan. This type of research is qualitative research that is research that seeks to find facts and reduce research findings. The results of the study can be stated that the implementation of group guidance services at MAL UIN SU Medan was carried out outside of school hours and carried out in the counseling and counseling room, meaning that students carry out group guidance services during out-of-school hours so as not to interfere with student learning activities in the classroom. This is done because there are no hours for guidance and counseling. Interpersonal communication of students at MAL UIN SU Medan as a whole is quite good. This is evidenced by students who have good communication with friends and teachers. And the school, especially the supervising teacher, strives to improve students' interpersonal communication. The implementation of group guidance services in improving student interpersonal communication is well implemented. The meaning of implementing group guidance services can improve student interpersonal communication. After giving group guidance services to students, students are increasingly enthusiastic about being good with fellow peers and communicating well with teachers when in class.Keywords: Efforts of Bk Teachers in Improving Student Interpersonal Communication at MAL UIN SU Meda


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    Humans as servants as well as khalifah on this earth must have been given by Allah SWT many potentials to be able to perform his duties as a servant as well as khalifah. The rapid flow of globalization and the increasingly demands of life that are increasingly materialistic make people fall asleep and almost forget the essence of life. Konsleing is an effort done to help a person in understanding themselves, understanding the environment, accept themselves, accept the environment, objectively, positively, and dynamically of course in accordance with the mission ketauhidan. How to make a human being truly aware of his situation, his life purpose, and how to live the life has been given guidance or guidance that is revealed through the Messenger of Allah. Therefore, how to internalize the values of ketauhidan in the process of konsleing becomes urgent thing done to realize human beings who have a healthy mental. Keywords: Tauhid, Mental health, Counselin

    Nokhtah Memimpin Prodi BKI

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    Membaca merupakan sebuah aktifitas yang dilakukan seseorang untuk mendapatkan sebuah informasi dari apa yang dibaca. Membaca merupakan halyang sangat penting dilakukan agar seseorang mendapatkan informasi ataupengetahuan baru yang belum ia ketahui sebelumnya. Minat membaca sangatdiperlukan agar seseorang bisa secara suka rela untuk terus membaca agar informasiatau pengetahuan yang ia punya bertambah banyak dan luas.Jenis penelitian yangdigunakan adalah penelitian kualitatif desktiprif dan yang menjadi informan terdiridari 8 orang dengan tekhnik yang digunakan dalam pengumpulan data denganwawancara, observasi dan dokumentasi. Sedangkan analisis data dalam penelitianini dilakukan dengan mereduksi data, penyajian data dan memberikesimpulan.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa implementasi layanan informasidalam meningkatkan minat baca siswa selama pembelajaran daring di SMK Negeri13 Medan sudah berjalan dengan baik, terdapat beberapa siswa yang menunjukkanperubahan baik dan positif meskipun belum sepenuhnya siswa menunjukkanperubahan baik setelah diberikan layanan informasi oleh guru BK mengenai minatbacaKata Kunci : Layanan Informasi, Minat Baca, Pembelajaran Darin


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    Ahlussunnah wal Jama’ah meyakini bahwa Allah itu bersifat dengan sifat-sifat yang sempurna, dan mustahil bersifat sebaliknya. Para ulama kemudian menetapkan apa yang disebut (dalam istilah Jawa, red) Aqaid Seket (akidah 50 sebagaimana diterangkan dalam beberapa kitab akidah Ahlusssunnah wal Jama'ah khususnya dalam tulisan ini kitab kifayatul awwam adalah akidah tentang sifat wajib, mustahil, dan jaiz bagi Allah; dan bagi para Nabi). Konsep sifat wajib, mustahil, dan jaiz berangkat dari kenyataan, bahwa untuk membuktikan eksistensi mayoritas sifat tersebut meskipun terdapat dalil naqli berupa Al-Qur’an dan hadits yang merupakan sumber akidah, tetap membutuhkan penalaran akal sehat, yang dalam konteks ini dikenal hukum 'aqli yang ada tiga, yaitu wajib, mustahil, dan jaiz 'aqli. Terlebih bagi orang yang sama sekali belum percaya terhadap eksistensi Allah sebagai Tuhan maupun eksistensi para Rasul. Bagaimana mungkin orang bisa menyakini kebenaran Al-Qur’an dan hadits sebagai dalil eksistensi Allah, sementara ia bahkan belum meyakini eksistensi Allah sebagai Tuhan dan para Rasul-Nya? Tentu ia tidak menerima Al-Qur’an dan hadits sebagai dalil pembuktiannya. Maka oleh sebab itu perlulah mempelajari dan mengamalkan sifat 20 ini untuk menguatkan akidah islamiyah

    Application of Morals Education towards the Family, Moral towards Neighbors and Moral towards the Environment

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    Ethical education plays a crucial role in shaping a civilized society. This research aims to design and develop an educational application focusing on three main aspects: family morality, neighborly ethics, and environmental morality. The application is designed to provide a holistic understanding of moral values and ethics that strengthen interpersonal relationships in various social contexts. Firstly, the focus on family morality education provides a profound insight into the importance of values such as understanding, justice, and love in the context of household relationships. The application offers multimedia and interactive resources that support the learning of children and parents to create a harmonious family environment. Secondly, in the development of neighborly ethics, the application emphasizes solidarity, tolerance, and mutual respect among members of the local community. Through engaging lesson modules, users are encouraged to understand their role in fostering good neighborly relations and contributing to the formation of a better community. Lastly, the application explores the concept of environmental morality, highlighting the significance of sustainability and social responsibility towards nature. The educational modules provide practical information and actions to motivate users in preserving their surroundings, promoting environmentally friendly behaviors, and supporting sustainability initiatives. Utilizing modern technology, this application offers an interactive and engaging approach to help society comprehend and internalize ethical values in everyday life. It is hoped that the implementation of this application can positively contribute to character formation and have a beneficial impact on the harmony levels within families, neighborhoods, and the surrounding environment
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