28 research outputs found

    Move Analysis of the English Bachelor Thesis Abstracts Written by Indonesians

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    Due to the global era, bachelor thesis abstracts written by non-native English speakers (Indonesians) from non-English departments in Indonesia are usually written in two languages, i.e. Indonesian and English. The English bachelor thesis abstracts are mostly the translated ones from Indonesian and do not always follow the features of abstract genre. This study aims  at examining the rhetorical moves of English bachelor thesis abstracts written by students from non-English departments. The data consisted of twenty abstracts selected randomly from hard and social science departments of Universitas Muria Kudus. The analysis employed Hyland’s five rhetorical move model. The study reveals that most English bachelor thesis abstracts did not follow the five rhetorical moves. The absence of some rhetorical moves in the English bachelor thesis abstracts may lead to the communicative purposes not achieved and thus might cause difficulty for readers to understand the study.Keywords: move, English bachelor thesis abstract, Indonesian

    The effect of microteaching lesson study on the beliefs of EFL student teachers

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    Microteaching lesson study, that is a variation of lesson study applied by student teachers in microteaching course, provides the environment for EFL student teachers to collaborate, engage, and reflect on their ideas, beliefs, and teaching experiences. Such condition is a fertile ground that enables the student teachers' beliefs of language learning to change. Recent studies show that some education programs have changed the beliefs of student teachers. However, no studies have discussed the changes of beliefs of English as a Foreign Language (EFL) student teachers experienced in microteaching lesson study. This present study aims to investigate the effect of microteaching lesson study on EFL student teachers’ beliefs. The data were collected using a questionnaire on Beliefs About Language Learning Inventory (BALLI) adapted from Horwitz administered before and after microteaching lesson study. The participants were the EFL student teachers enrolling in a microteaching lesson study class at Universitas Muria Kudus. The study reveals that the beliefs of EFL student teachers did not change significantly after they experienced microteaching lesson study. Time seems to be one of the most influential factors in hindering the changes of beliefs of the EFL student teachers. Therefore, this study suggests that EFL student teachers be given more time to practise teaching in the microteaching course


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    Teaching practice may be done in various platforms in this modern era. The platforms enable the interaction of students and student teachers in Microteaching practice to be implemented in offline face to face class as well as in online classes. They are optionally implemented; even the current worldwide pandemic situation forces the online platforms to be implemented in higher frequency. This research is aimed at finding the best Microteaching practice platform by comparing the student teachers’ Microteaching practice achievement as well as their perception in Microteaching Class by using offline, synchronous, and asynchronous platforms of learning during this pandemic at English Education Department Muria Kudus University. Through an expose-facto design this research shows that the best Microteaching practice platform uses Zoom Meeting. This refers to the comparison of the student teachers’ best Microteaching practice achievement scores and opinion of using offline, Zoom, and WhatsApp Group platforms; and the result of the student teachers’ opinion indicates that they basically prefer having offline teaching platform; and supporting that Zoom Meeting is as the best Microteaching practice platform, they have reasons: they felt more comfortable and confident; they felt more efficient; they felt not being directly observed; and they had bigger freedom in practicing teaching


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    This study proposes to explore English Junior High School teachers’ and students’ perspectives of differentiated instruction practices in Kurikulum Merdeka. The study conducted a descriptive qualitative approach. Three teachers and 3 classes of each grade of Junior High School students were selected to become participants in this study. The data were gathered through questionnaires, semi-structured interviews, classroom observations, and document analysis. The result of this study revealed that all teachers and most of the students had positive perspectives on the use of Differentiated Instruction in the classes. That was indicated from their positive thoughts on their planning and implementation that Differentiated instruction became an effective and engaging learning practice in the classroom. The teachers planned the lesson with different stages but with the same topic. The teachers are evaluated as good practitioners for students in practicing Differentiated Instruction. And most of the students had positive feedback on their experiences and found when the teachers implemented differentiated instruction strategies in their classes, they could overcome their learning difficulties. All this result leads to the alignment of the differentiated instruction practices that should be implemented in any classroom activitie

    Improving The Students' Writing Proficiencies Through Journal Writing

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    Journal writing is a kind of diary where students can write manythings. It is useful in that it helaps improving students' writing skill in general, and a good way to practice writing. this study aims at revealing the impact of journal writing on the students' writing proficiencies. The research design used was quasi experiment of one group pretest-post test design. The subject of the research was the students of English EDucation Department joining Writing 4 Class in academic year 2008/2009. The result of the study showed that there was a significant difference of the students' writing proficiencies before the students get journal writing and after the students get journal writing

    Female and Male Students' Perspectives of the Factors in Reducing Anxiety in Learning English

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    One of the factors determine the sucess or failure in learning English i anxiety. Anxiety might be experienced not onl by female students, but also male students either they have high English proficiency or low English proficiency. Tis study aims to find out the factors in reduicng anxiety in learning English as perceived by the female and male students with low English proficiency. The method used was qualitative with the number of subjects were 15 female students and 15 male students of The English Education Department of Muria Kudus University. The data were collected using interview. The result reveals that there are similarities as well as differences in the perspectives of the female and male students on the factors reducing anxiety in learning English

    The Move of Teacher Talk in the Productive Skill Classes at the English Education Department of Muria Kudus University

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    Interaction betwen teacher and students occurs mostly in the classroom when the teaching learning process is happening. The interaction appears in the teacher talk and student talk. Teacher talk is the speech done by the teacher that is aimed at the teudents with particular goal. In the context of instructional settings, teacher talk is significant because teacher talk can be an aid to learning. Moreover, the appropriate teacher talk might generate the students to do the activities the teacher expects. This in turn will enhance the students' comprehension. This research aims at finding out the moves of teacher talk in the productive skill calsses at the English Education Department of Muria Kudus University. Thise productive skill classes are Advance Speaking and Genre Writing taken by the third semester students. The method used in this research is qualitative that belongs ti discourse analysis. The data were collected through cideo-recording during the teaching learning process was occuring. The record was then transcribed and analysed using Sinclair's and Coulthard's moves IRF (Initiation, Respond, Feedback). The result of the research shows that the highest move of teacher talk in both productive skill classes in the Initiation move. Meanwhile, teh lowest move found is teh Respond move. Therefore, the teachers are suggested to giive more respond to the students as well as give chance for the students to initiate move

    Rethorical Structure of the IMO's The Jakarta Post online

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    Readers' letters is a kind of a rubric that appears in written media. This rubric contains the letters from the readers for the media itself, particular person or company, governement, or for readers in general. Besides bridging the relationship between the readers and the media, readers' letters also functions yo give the readers a chance to state their opinion. In My Opinion (IMO) in the jakarta Post is readers' letters in online form where the other readers can comment on the readers' letters online. Thus, they can communicate one another. The way the readers communicate their purposes in the IMO is an interesting phenomenon. This study aims at analysisng the rethorical structures of the IMO in the Jakarta Post on January 2011. Rethorical structure is the organization of ideas in a text that consists of stages or steps. These stages or steps are usually called Move. The method used in this study was qualitative method with genre analysis approach. The unit of analysis in this research was Move. A total of 17 readers' letters from IMO rubric of the Jakarta Post formed the data of the study. The result revealed that the rethorical structure of the readers' letters vary as the purposes also vary. It can be concluded that to achieve different communicative purposes, writers apply different linguistic strategies

    Building Students' Soft Skills Through Hidden Curriculum

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    In higher education institutions in Indonesia, both hard skills and soft skills are given to the students to produce qualified graduates that can be accepted in the work market. Hard skills can be defined as technical skills, whereas soft skills are non technical skills that include the intra-personality and inter-personality. Soft skills can be defined as emotional intelligence quotient that characterize our relationship with ourselves as well as with others. These skills constitute such traits as discipline, honesty, communicative, friendliness, leadership, creativity, ability to work in team, etc. For student teachers, soft skills are significant since those student teachers will one day become teachers. And teachers are ones trusted by government and societies to educate the young generation. This means that they are demanded to have good soft skills. In English Education Department of Muria Kudus Unviersity, soft skills are giiven for student teachers in the form of hidden curriculum. This study aims at revealing the sfot skills achieved by student teachers in English Education Department of Muria Kudus University. The method of the study was qualitative and the data were collected using questionnaire. The result indicates that the hidden curriculum applied builds the soft skills of the student teachers


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    Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) is an approach to learning activity that uses foreign language as a medium for learning content so that the competence on the language and the subject area content can be achieved simultaneously. CLIL can be implemented in elementary level, secondary level, as well as tertiary or higher education level. In higher education, CLIL might have two significant reasons to be implemented: the globalized world and university internationalization. So far in Indonesia, nearly all universities have not implemented CLIL yet. This study aims at finding out the lecturers’ perceptions towards CLIL in higher education. The participants of the study were thirty-three lecturers from non-English departments of Universitas Muria Kudus. The intrument to collect the data was closed-ended questionnaire. The result reveals that the non-English department lecturers quite disagree for CLIL to be implemented in higher education. Their objection for having English as a medium of instruction seems to lie in their own ability of English as well as their students’ poor English proficiency. Keywords: CLIL, higher education, non-English department lecturer