The Move of Teacher Talk in the Productive Skill Classes at the English Education Department of Muria Kudus University


Interaction betwen teacher and students occurs mostly in the classroom when the teaching learning process is happening. The interaction appears in the teacher talk and student talk. Teacher talk is the speech done by the teacher that is aimed at the teudents with particular goal. In the context of instructional settings, teacher talk is significant because teacher talk can be an aid to learning. Moreover, the appropriate teacher talk might generate the students to do the activities the teacher expects. This in turn will enhance the students' comprehension. This research aims at finding out the moves of teacher talk in the productive skill calsses at the English Education Department of Muria Kudus University. Thise productive skill classes are Advance Speaking and Genre Writing taken by the third semester students. The method used in this research is qualitative that belongs ti discourse analysis. The data were collected through cideo-recording during the teaching learning process was occuring. The record was then transcribed and analysed using Sinclair's and Coulthard's moves IRF (Initiation, Respond, Feedback). The result of the research shows that the highest move of teacher talk in both productive skill classes in the Initiation move. Meanwhile, teh lowest move found is teh Respond move. Therefore, the teachers are suggested to giive more respond to the students as well as give chance for the students to initiate move

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