261 research outputs found

    Keberadaan Angka Kuman Ikan Bawal Bakar dan Peralatan Makan Bakar

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    Masalah penelitian adalah faktor apakah yang berhubungan dengan jumlah angka kuman pada ikan bawal bakar dan jumlah angka kuman peralatan makan di kawasan wisata Pantai Depok. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui faktor yang berhubungan dengan jumlah angka kuman pada ikan bawal bakar dan jumlah angka kuman peralatan makan. Metode penelitian observasional analitik, dengan desain cross sectional, menggunakan total sampling. Populasi penelitian adalah semua rumah makan yang ditemukan di kawasan wisata Pantai Bantul. Total jumlah populasi adalah 43 rumah makan dan hanya 31 yang memenuhi kriteria inklusi dan eksklusi. Alat penelitian menggunakan tes laboratorium dan check list penelitian. Analisis data menggunakan chi square. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan faktor yang berhubungan dengan jumlah angka kuman pada ikan bawal bakar adalah perilaku penjamah makanan (p=0,0001) dan pengolahan makanan (p=0,0001). Faktor yang berhubungan dengan jumlah angka kuman peralatan makan adalah fasilitas sanitasi (p=0,004) dan pencucian alat makan (p=0,037). Simpulan penelitian, ada hubungan yang signifikan antara perilaku penjamah dan pengolahan makanan dengan jumlah angka kuman pada ikan bawal bakar. Ada hubungan fasilitas sanitasi dan pencucian peralatan makan dengan jumlah angka kuman peralatan makan The research problem was whether the factors related to the number of microorganism of bawal grilled fish and grilled feeding equipment in the tourist area of Depok Beach. Purpose research was to determine the factors related to the number of microorganism of bawal grilled fish and grilled feeding equipment. Observational study method by cross-sectional design, using total sampling. Population research were all restaurants that found in the Beaches area of Bantul. Total number of population were 43 restourant and only 31 who include inclusion and exclusion criteria. Instrument research were laboratory tests and research check list. Data analysis by chi square. The results showed that factors related to the number of microorganism on bawal grilled fish were the behavior of food handlers (p=0.0001) and food processing (p=0.0001). Factors related to the number of microorganism on grilled feeding equipment were sanitary facilities (p=0.004) and washing utensils (p=0.037). The conclusions, there were relationship between behavior of food handlers and food processing with the number of microorganism on bawal grilled fish. There were relationship between sanitary facilities and washing utensils with the number of microorganism on grilled feeding equipment


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    This study an Inventory of Basidiomycetes in Mount Talang, Solok, West Sumatra. This study was done from April 2019 to June 2019 in Mount Talang and at Microbiology Laboratory, Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science, Andalas University. The aim of this study to inventory the macrofungi from class Basidiomycetes. This study used direct survey method to collect macrofungi from the field and identified at Microbiology Laboratory. The result of this study identified 26 genera which belong to 10 families in 7 orders with total 52 specimens, all of them from sub-class Hymenomycetidae, most of the fungus found at altitude 1700 M asl- 1900 M asl and the most genera that found is Hygrocybe, Trametes and Russula


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    Background: Public places such as public baths and swimming pools are used as a gathering place by many people have potency to be a medium of disease transmission. Direct contact among visitors can transmit disease germs from one to the other visitors. Moreover, the contact can be a deployment medium of a disease. This study aimed to determine the relationship between chlorine residue with the complaints of skin and eye irritations of swimmingpool users in Yogyakarta hotels.Methods: The research was an observational analytic study by using cross sectional design. Sampling of the research uses systematic random sampling and consists of 48 respondents. Research tools used are questionnaires and laboratory tests. Data analysis uses univariate and bivariate analysis with a statistical test ChiSquare (X2).Results: Results of the study showed that 28 respondents (58.3%) have complaints and 20 respondents (41.7%) do not have complaints. From six water samples taken from swimming pool, 4 samples (66.7%) do not qualify and 2 samples (33.3%) are eligible. Bivariate analysis found that there was a significant relationship between chlorine residue with the complaints of skin and eye irritations of swimming pool users in Yogyakarta hotels (p = 0.038) smaller than alpha (? = 0.05), RP = 1,83. Conclusion: There was a relationship between residual chlorine with the complaints of skin and eye irritations of swimming pool users in Yogyakarta hotels.Keywords: Chlorine Residue, Skin and eye irritation complaints, Swimming Poo

    Intention on food safety among food handlers at the beach culinary tourism area

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    Food safety remains a public health issue in developing countries. The theory of planned behavior (TPB) was applied to predict food handlers' intentions to perform safe food-handling practices in food processing. This was a quantitative research with observational analytic methods, using cross sectional approach. The sample consisted of 80 food handlers of locally-run seafood stalls along the coast of Bantul Regency, Special Region Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Data analysis employed Chi-square test. The results showed a very strong relationship between attitudes, subjective norms, and self-efficacy with the food handler's intention to perform hygienic food safety. This study suggested that food handlers must have a strong intention to perform safe food-handling practicing in processing food to protect consumers from potential foodborne diseases

    Factors Influencing Nurses’ Compliance Level in the Application of Hand Hygiene in Inpatient Wards of Muntilan General Hospital

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    Infectious diseases are still the leading cause of morbidity and mortality in the world. One of the infections was a nosocomial infection. Nurses have appreciable influence regarding nosocomial infection incident because nurses have a great deal of interaction with the patient during 24 hours. The prevention of nosocomial infection can be conducted by a nurse is with hand hygiene practice. The purpose of this research is to know factors influencing nurses’ compliance level in the application of hand hygiene at in inpatient ward of Muntilan General Hospital. This was a quantitative research with research design cross-sectional. The sampling technique used was the Proportionate Stratified Random Sampling with the number of respondents was 54 nurses. The instrument of the research applied a questionnaire and checklist. Analyses of the data used were the Chi-Square test. This research indicated there was a correlation between motivation with a compliance level of nurses in application of hand hygiene (p-value 0.0000,05).There was a correlation between attitudes with a compliance level of nurses in application of hand hygiene (p-value 0.0000,05).There was no correlation between work period with a compliance level of nurses in application of hand hygiene in of Muntilan General Hospital (p-value 0.4590,05)


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    Background: Sausage was a snack with raw meat, crushed meat preserved by salting. Nitrateand nitrite salt is one of the preservatives used in meat preservation process to obtain goodcolor and prevent microbial growth. Nitrite as a preservative permitted its use, but keep in mindits use in food in order not to exceed the limits, so it does not negatively impact human health.Permenkes Republic of. 1168/Menkes/Per/X/1999 about food additives limit the maximum useof the preservative nitrite in processed meat product that is equal to 125 mg / kg. Excessiveconsumption of nitrite can cause harm to the wearer, whether they are direct, ie poisoning, orwho are indirect, ie nitrites are carcinogenic. The purpose of this study to determine the contentof nitrite in sausages at sausage distributor in the city of Yogyakarta in 2011.Method: The study was descriptive research laboratory test. The object of this study were 5brand sausage sausage found in a different distributor. Nitrite content analysis conducted by twostages of testing, the test qualitative and quantitative test. Qualitative test performed todetermine whether there is content of nitrite in sausages by using reagents sulfanilat acid-?-naftilamina, while the quantitative tests conducted to determine the levels of nitrite contained inthe sausage with a spectrophotometer. Data analysis results of research done descriptively andare presented in table and narrative.Results: The study of five brands of sausage on the distributor in the city of Yogyakarta showsthat all brands of sausage samples containing nitrite with nitrite levels varied.Conclusion: Of the 5 brands of sausage samples studied, the results showed that one samplehad higher levels of nitrite that does not meet the requirements under Decree No. Permenkes.1168/Menkes/Per/X/1999, namely the brand sausage sample E with higher levels of nitrite of211.294 mg / kg.Keywords: Analysis, sausage, nitrit


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    The Covid-19 pandemic is still not over, although there is no valid data but there are allegations that this virus has the potential to transmit through food and food packaging. Angkringan is a place to sell snack food, so it is important angkringan traders apply hygiene food sanitation to prevent this possibility. The factors that drive such actions are education, knowledge, attitudes, infrastructure facilities, training, income and working life. The purpose of this study is to find out the relationship between education, knowledge, attitudes, infrastructure facilities, training, income, working life with the application of food sanitation hygiene to angkringan traders during the Covid-19 pandemic in Kelurahan Warungboto , Umbulharjo, Yogyakarta. Quantitative research uses analytical observational methods with cross sectional design. The number of samples as many as 35 traders angkringan with the technique of totaly sampling. Data analysis using fisher's exact CI test of 95% (α = 0.05). There is a knowledge level relationship with the application of food sanitary hygiene (p-value=0.007). There is a knowledge level relationship with the application of hygiene to food sanitation (p-value = 0.000). There is no attitude relationship with the application of hygiene sanitation of food (p-value = 0.155). There is a relationship between infrastructure facilities and the application of hygiene sanitation of food (p-value = 0.006). There is no training relationship with the application of hygiene sanitation of food (p-value = 1,000). There is no income relationship with the application of food sanitary hygiene (p-value = 0.151). There is a working relationship with the application of hygiene sanitation of food (p-value = 0.003). There is a relationship of education, knowledge, infrastructure and working period with the application of hygiene sanitation of food to angkringan traders. There is no relationship between attitude, participation in training and income with the application of hygiene sanitation of food to angkringan traders

    Factors Influencing Adherence to the Utilization of Personal Protective Equipment among Healthcare Workers: A Systematic Review

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    Background: Hospitals as providers of health services for the community must be able to maintain the quality of services provided, one of which is by providing safety and comfort guarantees to officers from infectious diseases and other hazardous substances with policies regarding the use of personal protective equipment (PPE) and conducting evaluations from the behavior of officers when using PPE. Many factors affect the compliance of officers in the use of PPE. Purpose: The purpose of this study was to analyze the factors that influence the compliance of officers, especially nurses in using PPE. Method: This study uses a literature review method. Articles were collected from the online database from Pubmed from 2012 – 2023. Using the keywords “health worker compliance”, “nurse” and “personal protection equipment”. After entering the keywords, 238 articles were obtained and filtered again based on inclusion and exclusion criteria and 16 articles were obtained for review. Results: Internal factors that affect compliance of officers in the use of PPE include age, years of service, knowledge, attitudes, motivation while external factors that affect compliance are facilities, training and supervision carried out by management Conclusion: To increase officer compliance, it is necessary to have supervision and support from management in the form of facilities, ease of access and trainin
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