141 research outputs found

    Women\u27s status and fertility rates : results from national level data

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    The rapid increase in human population makes the study of fertility rates an area of imminent concern. Understanding the relationship between women\u27s status and fertility rates is important because providing women with access to adequate health services, educational opportunities, occupational opportunities, and political power will give them greater control over their lives. With increased control over their lives women are more likely to limit the number of children they have to their desired amount as they gain access to the resources to limit child bearing and to find fulfillment in other areas of their lives. This study contributes to the literature on fertility rates by investigating the relationship between women\u27s status and fertility by exploring multiple dimensions of women\u27s status using cross-national data while controlling for variables that have been identified as important in previous research. Ordinary least squares regression was used to test the relationship between four dimensions of women\u27s status and fertility rates. These dimensions included women\u27s health status, women\u27s political status, women\u27s educational status, and women\u27s occupational status. Though this research failed to demonstrate a significant relationship between women\u27s political status and women\u27s occupational status with fertility rates, and it was unable to test the relationship between women\u27s educational status and fertility rates due to issues with multicollinearity, it did demonstrate that women\u27s health status had an effect on fertility rates that approached statistical significance and contributed significantly to the explanation of the variance in fertility rates. Furthermore, two of the indicators that made up the women\u27s health status index (births attended by skilled health personnel and mandatory paid maternity leave) had significant effects of fertility rates once they were considered as single indicators. This research demonstrates that creating policies that enhance women\u27s health status can have a dramatic effect on the number of births per woman. According to this study, nations that have social policies that provide skilled health personnel at 100% of births, mandate a full year of paid maternity leave, and provide contraception to the entire population will have an average of 2.33 less births per woman than nations that do not have any skilled personnel attending births, do not mandate any days of paid maternity leave, and in which there is no contraception available

    The Effect of Serostatus on HIV Risk Behaviour Change among Women Sex Workers in Miami, Florida

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    HIV prevention and risk reduction are especially salient and timely issues for women, particularly among those who are drug-involved or who exchange sex for drugs or money. Studies suggest that HIV-prevention measures can be effective with highly vulnerable women, and have the potential to produce significant reductions in risk behaviours among both HIV-negative and HIV-positive women. Within this context, this paper examines risk behaviours and HIV serostatus among 407 drug-involved women sex workers in Miami, Florida, and investigates the effects of participation in HIV testing, counselling, and a risk-reduction intervention on subsequent behavioural change among this population. Overall, at follow-up, the HIV-positive women were 2.4 times more likely than the HIV-negative women to have entered residential treatment for drug abuse, 2.2 times more likely to have decreased the number of their sex partners, 1.9 times more likely to have decreased the frequency of unprotected sex, 1.9 times more likely to have reduced their levels of alcohol use, and 2.3 times more likely to have decreased their crack use. These data support the importance of HIV testing and risk-reduction programmes for drug-involved women sex workers

    The Connections of Mental Health Problems, Violent Life Experiences and the Social Milieu of the \u27Stroll\u27 with the HIV Risk Behaviors of Female Street Sex Workers

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    This paper examines the connections of mental health, victimization, and sexual risk behaviors among a sample of 278 street-based female sex workers in Miami. Using targeted sampling strategies, drug-using sex workers were recruited into an HIV prevention research program. Data were collected by trained interviewers, and focused on drug use and sexual risk for HIV, childhood abuse, recent victimization, and mental health. More than half of the participants reported histories of physical (51.1%) or sexual (53.1%) abuse as children, 37.4% were classified with moderate or severe anxiety symptoms, and 52.9% had symptoms of moderate or severe depression. Logistic regression analyses demonstrated significant associations between mental health issues and engagement in recent unprotected vaginal and oral sex. The program development and policy implications of these findings are discussed

    Measurements of Isoprene-Derived Organosulfates in Ambient Aerosols by Aerosol Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometry—Part 2: Temporal Variability and Formation Mechanisms

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    Organosulfate species have recently gained attention for their potentially significant contribution to secondary organic aerosol (SOA); however, their temporal behavior in the ambient atmosphere has not been probed in detail. In this work, organosulfates derived from isoprene were observed in single particle mass spectra in Atlanta, GA during the 2002 Aerosol Nucleation and Characterization Experiment (ANARChE) and the 2008 August Mini-Intensive Gas and Aerosol Study (AMIGAS). Real-time measurements revealed that the highest organosulfate concentrations occurred at night under a stable boundary layer, suggesting gas-to-particle partitioning and subsequent aqueous-phase processing of the organic precursors played key roles in their formation. Further analysis of the diurnal profile suggests possible contributions from multiple production mechanisms, including acid-catalysis and radical-initiation. This work highlights the potential for additional SOA formation pathways in biogenically influenced urban regions to enhance the organic aerosol burden

    Measurements of Isoprene-Derived Organosulfates in Ambient Aerosols by Aerosol Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometry - Part 1: Single Particle Atmospheric Observations in Atlanta

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    Organosulfate species have recently been identified as a potentially significant class of secondary organic aerosol (SOA) species, yet little is known about their behavior in the atmosphere. In this work, organosulfates were observed in individual ambient aerosols using single particle mass spectrometry in Atlanta, GA during the 2002 Aerosol Nucleation and Characterization Experiment (ANARChE) and the 2008 August Mini-Intensive Gas and Aerosol Study (AMIGAS). Organosulfates derived from biogenically produced isoprene were detected as deprotonated molecular ions in negative-ion spectra measured by aerosol time-of-flight mass spectrometry; comparison to high-resolution mass spectrometry data obtained from filter samples corroborated the peak assignments. The size-resolved chemical composition measurements revealed that organosulfate species were mostly detected in submicrometer aerosols and across a range of aerosols from different sources, consistent with secondary reaction products. Detection of organosulfates in a large fraction of negative-ion ambient spectra − ca. 90−95% during ANARChE and ~65% of submicrometer particles in AMIGAS − highlights the ubiquity of organosulfate species in the ambient aerosols of biogenically influenced urban environments

    Hygroscopic Growth of Ammonium Sulfate/Dicarboxylic Acids

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    Recent studies have shown that tropospheric sulfate aerosols commonly contain 50% by mass organic species. The influence of these organics on the chemical and physical properties of sulfate aerosols is not fully established. We have measured the water activity of pure dicarboxylic acids and eutonic mixtures of ammonium sulfate/dicarboxylic acids at 25°C and have calculated van\u27t Hoff factors for each individual system. We have also used the vapor pressure data to determine the hygroscopic growth curves for pure dicarboxylic acids and eutonic mixtures and provide power law fits to the data. For the systems studied we find that the presence of soluble dicarboxylic acids at the eutonic proportion depresses hygroscopic growth when compared to pure ammonium sulfate. In addition, we find that the presence of low-solubility dicarboxylic acids at the eutonic proportion has no effect on the hygroscopic growth when compared to pure ammonium sulfate. To model the hygroscopic growth curves of the eutonic solutions, we employed the Zdanovskii, Stokes, and Robinson method. It was found that this approximation was accurate to within 17% for all the systems studied

    Characterization and Quantification of Isoprene-Derived Epoxydiols in Ambient Aerosol in the Southeastern United States

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    Isoprene-derived epoxydiols (IEPOX) are identified in ambient aerosol samples for the first time, together with other previously identified isoprene tracers (i.e., 2-methyltetrols, 2-methylglyceric acid, C5-alkenetriols, and organosulfate derivatives of 2-methyltetrols). Fine ambient aerosol collected in downtown Atlanta, GA and rural Yorkville, GA during the 2008 August Mini-Intensive Gas and Aerosol Study (AMIGAS) was analyzed using both gas chromatography/quadrupole mass spectrometry (GC/MS) and gas chromatography/time-of-flight mass spectrometry (GC/TOFMS) with prior trimethylsilylation. Mass concentrations of IEPOX ranged from ~1 to 24 ng m^(−3) in the aerosol collected from the two sites. Detection of particle-phase IEPOX in the AMIGAS samples supports recent laboratory results that gas-phase IEPOX produced from the photooxidation of isoprene under low-NO_x conditions is a key precursor of ambient isoprene secondary organic aerosol (SOA) formation. On average, the sum of the mass concentrations of IEPOX and the measured isoprene SOA tracers accounted for about 3% of the organic carbon, demonstrating the significance of isoprene oxidation to the formation of ambient aerosol in this region

    Szenci Molnár Albert epigrammája a Scandell-antológiában

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    The composition of secondary organic aerosol (SOA) from the ozonolysis of C5−C8 cycloalkenes and α-pinene, as well as the effects of hydrocarbon precursor structure and particle-phase acidity on SOA formation, have been investigated by a series of controlled laboratory chamber experiments. A liquid chromatography−mass spectrometer and an ion trap mass spectrometer are used concurrently to identify and to quantify SOA components with molecular weights up to 1600 Da. Diacids, carbonyl-containing acids, diacid alkyl esters, and hydroxy diacids are the four major classes of low-molecular-weight (MW \u3c 250 Da) components in the SOA; together they comprise 42−83% of the total SOA mass, assuming an aerosol density of 1.4 g/cm3. In addition, oligomers (MW \u3e 250 Da) are found to be present in all SOA. Using surrogate standards, it is estimated that the mass fraction of oligomers in the total SOA is at least 10% for the cycloalkene systems (with six or more carbons) and well over 50% for the α-pinene system. Higher seed particle acidity is found to lead to more rapid oligomer formation and, ultimately, to higher SOA yields. Because oligomers are observed to form even in the absence of seed particles, organic acids produced from hydrocarbon oxidation itself may readily promote acid catalysis and oligomer formation. The distinct effects of carbon numbers, substituent groups, and isomeric structures of the precursor hydrocarbons on the composition and yield of SOA formed are also discussed

    Organosulfate Formation in Biogenic Secondary Organic Aerosol

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    Organosulfates of isoprene, α-pinene, and β-pinene have recently been identified in both laboratory-generated and ambient secondary organic aerosol (SOA). In this study, the mechanism and ubiquity of organosulfate formation in biogenic SOA is investigated by a comprehensive series of laboratory photooxidation (i.e., OH-initiated oxidation) and nighttime oxidation (i.e., NO3-initiated oxidation under dark conditions) experiments using nine monoterpenes (α-pinene, β-pinene, d-limonene, l-limonene, α-terpinene, γ-terpinene, terpinolene, Δ3-carene, and β-phellandrene) and three monoterpenes (α-pinene, d-limonene, and l-limonene), respectively. Organosulfates were characterized using liquid chromatographic techniques coupled to electrospray ionization combined with both linear ion trap and high-resolution time-of-flight mass spectrometry. Organosulfates are formed only when monoterpenes are oxidized in the presence of acidified sulfate seed aerosol, a result consistent with prior work. Archived laboratory-generated isoprene SOA and ambient filter samples collected from the southeastern U.S. were reexamined for organosulfates. By comparing the tandem mass spectrometric and accurate mass measurements collected for both the laboratory-generated and ambient aerosol, previously uncharacterized ambient organic aerosol components are found to be organosulfates of isoprene, α-pinene, β-pinene, and limonene-like monoterpenes (e.g., myrcene), demonstrating the ubiquity of organosulfate formation in ambient SOA. Several of the organosulfates of isoprene and of the monoterpenes characterized in this study are ambient tracer compounds for the occurrence of biogenic SOA formation under acidic conditions. Furthermore, the nighttime oxidation experiments conducted under highly acidic conditions reveal a viable mechanism for the formation of previously identified nitrooxy organosulfates found in ambient nighttime aerosol samples. We estimate that the organosulfate contribution to the total organic mass fraction of ambient aerosol collected from K-puszta, Hungary, a field site with a similar organosulfate composition as that found in the present study for the southeastern U.S., can be as high as 30%