19 research outputs found


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    Java island is inhabited by two forest pig species, namely, Sus verrucosus (javan wild pig) and Sus scrofa (common forest pig). The first species is jaw origin which is decended ITomits ancestor Sus maeroganthus (already extinct since the last period of Pleistoisen) whereas the other entered Indonesia during Holosoen period along with massive migration of vertebrate ITomAsia land to Indonesia. Recenty, the distribution of S. verrucosus is limited to Java island whereas that of S. Scrofa expands ITomJava to many other islands. Hunting and habitat ITagmentationresults in the decrease of the two species populations. The population size of S. verrucosus is more critical because the range of distribution is narrower. If pressures on the population proceed continuously, it may extinct in a relatively short time. If this happens, the evolution process of the species would be stopped which means that there would be no new species of wild pig in Java. In contrast, the declining population of S. scrofa is less worrying because of its wider range of distribution which expands ITomAsia to Europe. To prevent ITomextinction or et least to reduce the risk of extinction, S. verrucosus should be considered as a protected species and a protected area should be designated for the species. Extension measures to increase the awereness of the importance of protection to the species to hunters and forest managers should be encouraged

    Penggunaan Ruang Terbuka Hijau di Hotel Bintang Lima di Yogyakarta Sebagai Habitat Burung

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    The presence of green open space in a city plays an important role in ecological functions, one of which has the potential to become a birds habitat. Plant composition in GOS plays an important role in the use of habitat by birds. Studies on the presence of GOS as birds habitat are still growing. In this study, the use of GOS in five-star hotels in Yogyakarta as birds habitat is examined. The study was conducted in February-March and June 2020 at the GOS of Royal Ambarrukmo Hotel, Sheraton Mustika Resort & Spa, and the edge of the Hyatt Regency Yogyakarta property. The method used is IPA, birds identification using Mac Kinnon's guidebook, and taking vegetation data using the quadratic plot method. Based on research, total of birds species that were found are 22 species from 14 families. Plant species were found are 59 species from 33 families. Based on research found that the more diverse types of plants in a habitat, the more diverse species of birds found. The composition of birds is dominated by graminivorous groups. The use of GOS in the three hotels acts as a bird habitat to support all its activities including foraging, perching, and nesting

    KOLONI BURUNG CANGAK ABU (Ardea cinerea LINNAEUS) DI AREA BANDAR UDARA INTERNASIONAL ADISUTJIPTO YOGYAKARTA (Grey Heron Colony (Ardea cinerea Linnaeus) in Yogyakarta Adisutjipto International Airport Area)

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    AbstrakBird strike merupakan peristiwa tabrakan antara burung baik secara berkelompok maupun tunggal dengan pesawat terbang pada proses penerbangan. Kejadian bird strike dapat menyebabkan kecelakaan ringan hingga serius yang sangat merugikan secara ekonomi Sekalipun telah dilakukan bird control secara maksimal berdasarkan panduan yang tersedia, namun bird strike juga terkadang masih terjadi di Bandar Udara Internasional Adisutjipto Yogyakarta (JOG) dengan tingkat kerusakan pesawat dari berat sampai ringan. Salah satu jenis burung penyebab kejadian bird strike di kawasan ini adalah cangak abu. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui besaran dan prilaku koloni burung cangak abu (Ardea cinerea) pengunjung area. Pengambilan data besaran koloni burung pengunjung dilakukan dengan penghitungan langsung (sensus); perilaku selama di lokasi antara lain waktu dan arah datang dan pergi serta aktivitas yang dilakukan burung cangak abu selama di area bandara diamati dan dicatat secara langsung. Semua data yang diperoleh dianalisis secara deskriptif-kualitatif dan diperbandingkan burung lain dan hasil penelitian lain sehingga dapat diperoleh gambaran yang jelas tentang mengapa koloni cangak abu tersebut menjadi pengunjung area bandara. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan. Keberadaan burung cangak abu di Bandara Adisutjipto berpotensi relatif terbesar menimbulkan kejadian bird strike dibanding burung jenis lainnya karena jumlah individu harian yang datang terbanyak, frekuensi kedatangannya tertinggi kedua setelah burung wallet, ukuran tubuhnya yang  relatif terbesar, terbang rendah, terbang pelan dan manuvernya juga lamban serta terbang menyilang landasan. Kondisi lingkungan area runway bandara yang luas, lapang terbuka, ditutupi hijauan rerumputan, berangin, aman dari predator, sepi jauh dari kegiatan manusia dan lokasinya yang strategis diantara zona roosting/nesting dan zona foraging/feeding menjadi lokasi yang ideal bagi koloni cangak abu untuk melakukan kegiatan harian loafing. Pengelola bandara JOG perlu meningkatkan kewaspadaan terhadap kemungkinan peningkatan kehadiran burung cangak abu, dan perlu memperluas jangkauan pengelolaan populasi cangak abu di luar wilayah bandara.AbstractBird strike is a bird collision event both in groups and singly with an aircraft in the flight process. Bird strike events can cause minor to serious accidents which are very detrimental to the economy. Although maximum bird control has been carried out based on the available guidelines, bird strikes also sometimes occur at Yogyakarta Adisutjipto International Airport (YAIA) with the level of aircraft damage from heavy to light. One type of bird that causes the bird strike incident at YAIA is grey heron. The purpose of this study was to determine the dayly individual number and behavior of the grey heron (Ardea cinerea), visitors to the YAIA area. Data collection on visitor bird colony size is carried out by direct count (census); behavior while in YAIA, including the time and direction of coming and going, and what the grey heron did during the airport area was observed and recorded directly. All data obtained were analyzed descriptively-qualitatively and compared to other birds and other research results so that a clear picture of why the colony of grey heron can be obtained as a visitor to the YAIA area. The results showed. the presence of grey heron (Ardea cinerea) at Adisutjipto Airport has the highest relative potential to cause bird strike events compared to other types of birds because the highest number of daily individuals, the second highest frequency of arrival after a glossy swiftlet, the largest relative body size, low flight, slow flight and maneuvers are also slow and fly across the runway. The YAIA runway area, which is wide, open and covered with grasses, windy, safe from predators, is quiet away from human activities and a strategic location between the roosting / nesting zone and the foraging / feeding zone makes it an ideal location for grey heron colonies to conduct colony of grey heron daily loafing activities. In conclusion, the manager of YAIA needs to increase awareness of the possibility of increasing the presence of grey herons, and it is necessary to broaden the scope of management of the grey heron population outside the YAIA region

    Jenis-Jenis Tikus (Rodentia: Muridae) Dan Pakan Alaminya Di Daerah Pertanian Sekitar Hutan Di Kabupaten Banggai, Sulawesi Tengah The Species Of Rats (Rodentia: Muridae) And Their Foods In Agricultural Area In Surounding

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    Abstract: The species diversity of rats (Rodentia: Muridae) differs on each island in Indonesia. There are at least 16 genera of 41 species of rats in Sulawesi Island. Recently it has been reported that rats attack relatively new paddy field surrounding forest, but the identity of the species is still unknown. The objectives of this research are to assess the rat\u27s diversity and the guilds of rats living around the forest. The research was done in agricultural area surrounding forest in Siuna, foothill of Tompotika Mt, Banggai Regency, Central Sulawesi. Rats in the forest and coconut plantation were captured using Sherman traps, which were randomly situated. Rats in paddy field were captured by trap barrier system (TBS). Habitat condition and the presence of predators were recorded. All rat specimens were identified to their scientific names using Corbert & Hill (1992). Their stomach contents was put in 70% alcohol, taken 5 samples for each stomach, and analyzed under a.microscope to determine their feed. The data were interpreted descriptively, which was emphasizing its potency as a pest. The result shows that there are 7 genera i.e. Bunomys, Maxomys, Taeromys, Paruromys, Tateomys, Mus, Rattus and 18 species of rats. Bunomys sp., B. penitus, B. prolatus, Maxomys sp., M. musschenbroekii, M. dollmani, Taeromys sp., T. callitrichus, T. celebensis, T. rhinogradoide Paruromys ursinus, P. camurus, and P. dominator occupy the forest. B. heinrichi, B. prolatus, M. musschenbroekii, P. camurus, Mus musculusand Rattus nitidus ocupy coconut plantation. R. argentiventer, R. exulans and R. nitidus occupies the paddy field. The stomach content examination shows that B. prolatus, M. musschenbroekii, R. exulans, R. nitidus, and T. rhinogradoides eat mostly animal materials, especially member of Phylum ArthropodaR. argentiventer mostly eat plant material, especially member of Family Graminae (grass family). Unfortunately the stomach contents B. heinrichi, B. pemtus, M. musculus, and T. callitrichus couldn\u27t identified since it was either empty and or severely damaged. The field data and literature study, suggest that R. argentiventer and R. exulans are pests or at least potential pests in the paddy field. B. heinrichi, B. penitus, B. prolatus, M. musschenbroekii, M. musculus, R. nitidus, and T. callitrichus are potential pests, since those species are basically omnivorous. However M. musculus prefers to eat grains. Meanwhile T. rhinogradoides is not potential to be a pest since it is carnivorous. Key words:TBS, omnivorous, predato


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    Bali Myna (Leucopsar rothschildi) is Bali’s endemic bird. Their number is decreasing gradually in the wild (Balen et al., 2000). Its bright color of white feather and blue skin that surrounded its eye have made them easy to be hunted when it perched on abranch. Bali Myna was classified as endangered species by International Union of Conservation and Natural resources (IUCN) in 1977 (Whitten et al. 1999). There is a captive breeding in Tegal Bunder, Bali Barat National Park (BBNP) called Bali Myna Guidance Centre to increase wild population as an effort to prevent extinction. There, its conditions should be monitored regularly to keep them in prime condition, before being released for breeding purpose. Their condition could be controlled by monitoring their daily activities

    Variasi Morfologi Burung Perkutut Berdasarkan Ras dan Warna Bulu yang Diternakkan di Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta

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    The zebra dove (Geopelia striata) has been a long-time favorite of many people for bird-keeping and birdsong competition which are common pastimes in Southeast Asia. The diversity of zebra doves below the species level still needs to be investigated in terms of breeding, projecting the development of internal or external bird-keeping markets, and conservation for populations in the wild as potential damage-control of the captured bird market. This study aimed to study the morphologically significant differences between the main groups of zebra doves (Local, Bangkok, Cemani Majapahit, Cemani, and Golden) and certain coat colors (silver, mocca, white striated, white cotton, cream, and black) which are traded in Special Region of Yogyakarta. The research was divided into two stages, namely surveys to breeders and hobbyists and morphometric and qualitative data collection, namely color. The results of the morphometric measurements of each individual were then grouped using SPSS Statistics and the Unweighted Pair Group Method with Arithmetic (UPGMA) method to determine whether the variables tested are significantly different. To see the clustering and distribution of the tested variables, Principal Component Analysis was performed. The results obtained show the amount of overlap in the scree plot, this proves that there is no significant difference between the race and color variants of zebra doves grouped by traders in the Special Region of Yogyakarta

    Relief jenis-jenis fauna dan setting lingkungannya pada pahatan dinding Candi Borobudur (Fauna and Environmental Setting Reliefs on Sculptured Wall of the Borobudur Temple)

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    Abstrak Dalam perkembangan kebudayaannya, manusia selalu akrab dengan fauna yang hidup di sekitar lingkungannya. Pada dinding gua yang pernah dihuni oleh manusia, bangunan candi, piramid, sphinx dsb. dijumpai gambaran tentang fauna. Pada dinding Candi Borobudur banyak dijumpai relief berbagai kelompok fauna, tetapi belum diketahui apakah fauna itu semuanya berasal dari India atau terdapat pula kelompok yang ada atau pernah ada di Pulau Jawa. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui relief jenis jenis fauna yang dipahat pada dinding candi Borobudur, dan mengetahui asal-usul jenis yang tergambar pada relief itu dari Pulau Jawa atau dari India. Informasi itu diharapkan dapat diungkapkan ada tidaknya gambaran setting lingkungan Palau Jawa tercermin pada pahatan di dinding Candi itu. Relief fauna pada pahatan dinding langkan, dinding utama bagian atas-bawah di tingkatan Rupadhatu dipotret, dan nama kelompok fauna diindentifikasi dengan buku-bulcu kunci identifikasi bergambar, kemudian penyebaran alami masing-masing kelompok fauna diketahui melalui kajian pustaka. Data yang diperoleh dianalisis secara deskriptif untuk mengungkap ada atau tidaknya gambaran setting lingkungan Pulau Jawa yang tercermin path pahatan di dinding Candi Borobudur. Pada dinding Candi Borobudur terdapat relief paling sedikit 25 jenis anggota Osteichthyes, Reptilia, Ayes dan Mammalia yang dipahat secara natural, dan terdapat paling sedikit 5 jenis hewan yang dipahat secara setilir. Semua jenis fauna itu terdapat di Asia Selatan, dan beberapa di antaranya secara alami tidak pemah hidup di Pulau Jawa, misalnya singa Pantera leo. Setting lingkungan India Abad VII tervisualisasi dengan baik pada relief pahatan (finding Candi Borobudur, tetapi setting lingkungan Pulau Jawa sampai sebelum masa penjajahan Belanda tidak tergambar dengan baik. Kata kunci: relief, setili

    RELIEF JENIS-JENIS FAUNA DAN SETTING LINGKUNGANNYA PADA PAHATAN DINDING CANDI BOROBUDUR (Fauna and Environmental Setting Reliefs on Sculptured Wall of the Borobudur Temple)

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    ABSTRAKDalam perkembangan kebudayaannya, manusia selalu akrab dengan fauna yang hidup di sekitar lingkungannya. Pada dinding gua yang pernah dihuni oleh manusia, bangunan candi, piramid, sphinx dsb. dijumpai gambaran tentang fauna. Pada dinding Candi Borobudur banyak dijumpai relief berbagai kelompok fauna tetapi belum diketahui apakah fauna itu semuanya berasal dari India atau terdapat pula kelompok yang ada atau pernah ada di Pulau Jawa. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui relief jenis-jenis fauna yang dipahat pada dinding candi Borobudur, dan mengetahui asal-usul jenis yang tergarnbar pada relief itu dari Pulau Jawa atau dari India. Informasi itu diharapkan dapat diungkapkan ada tidaknya gambaran setting lingkungan Pulau Jawa tercermin pada pahatan di dinding Candi itu. Relief fauna pada pahatan dinding langkan, dinding utama bagian atas-bawah di tingkatan Rupadhatu dipotret dan nama kelompok fauna diindentifikasi dengan buku-buku kunci identifikasi bergambar, kemudian penyebaran alami masing-masing kelompok fauna diketahui melalui kajian pustaka. Data yang diperoleh dianalisis secara deskriptif untuk mengungkap ada atau tidaknya gambaran setting lingkungan Pulau Jawa yang tercermin pada pahatan di dinding Candi Borsbudur. Pada dinding Candi Borobudur terdapat relief paling sedikit 25 jenis anggota Osteichthyes, Reptilia, Aves dan Mammalia yang dipahat secara natural, dan terdapat paling sedikit 5 jenis hewan yang dipahat secara setilir. Semua jenis fauna itu terdapat di Asia Selatan, dan beberapa di anlaranya secara alami tidak pernah hidup di Pulau Jawa, misalnya singa Pantera leo. Setting lingkungan India Abad VII tervisualisasi dengan baik pada relief pahatan dinding Candi Borobudur, tetapi setting lingkungan Pulau Jawa sampai sebelum masa penjajahan Belanda tidak tergambar dengan baik. ABSTRACTIn the cource of culture development, human was always close to fauna in their surrounding areas. Pictures of fauna are found in cavewalls inhabited by human, temples, pyramids, and sphinxes. Sculptures on the wall of Borobudur Temple, show fauna reliefs, but the originof the fauna are still obscure, whether or not they came from India or part of them were from Java. The objectives of this research were to determine the species of group names of the fauna picture in the reliefs on the sculptured wall of the Borobudur Temple, Their origin, and to assess whether of not Java environment settings were depicted in the wall. Pictures of fauna reliefs in sculpture wall of langkan, the main wall from top to bottom in each Rupadhatu levels were taken, the name of each fauna species or group was identified using identification books, and their origins were determined through a literature study. Data were interpreted descriptively in order to understand whether of not Java environment settings were portrayed in the sculptured wall of the Borobudur Temple. There are at least 25 species of Osteighthyes, Reptilia, aves and Mammalia classess pictured naturally in the reliefs of the wall, and at least 5 species are pictured setilirly. These entire fauna naturally found in south Asia. Some of them have never lived in Java Island, such as lion, Pantera leo. Environment settings of seventh centure India were illustrated very well in the reliefs however, those of Java until the Dutch colonial era were  not pictured at all.

    Keanekaragaman jenis kelelawar buah (Megachiroptera) dan pakan alaminya di Kecamatan Kokap, Kulon Progo, Yogyakarta

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    ABSTRACT: Penelitian tentang keanekaragaman jenis kelelawar buah (Megachiroptera) dan pakan alaminya di Kecamatan Kokap, Kulon Progo, Yogyakarta telah dilaksanakan pad bulan Mei-Juni 2001. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahiu jenis-jenis kelelawar buah dan jenis-jenis tanaman yang dikonsumsi oleh kelelawar buah. Metode yang digunakan untuk menangkap kelelawar adalah menjebak dengan menggunakan jaring (mist net) dan untuk mengetahui jenis tanaman pakan dengan analisis serbuk sari yang terdapat dilambung dan moncong kelelawar buah. Disemua desa kecamatan Kokap dijumpai tiga jenis kelelawar pamakan buah sejati, anggota subfamilia Pteropodinae , yaitu Cynopterus branchyotis, Cynopterus horsfieldi dan Rousettus amplexicaudatusdan satu jenis kelelawar pemakan nektar, anggota subfamilia Macroglossinae, yaitu Macroglossus minimus.C.bracyotis adalah jenis yang relatif paling sering dijumpai dan paling banyak jumlah individu yang tertangkap di Kokap. Kata kunci: Kelelawar Buah, Chiropterophilus, pakan alami, serbuk sari, mist net

    Tingkat kesejahteraan burung paruh bengkok di Taman Satwa Taru Jurug Surakarta

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    Burung paruh bengkok sebagian besar sudah termasuk dalam daftar satwa yang rentan terhadap kepunahan, sehingga perlu dilakukan upaya konservasi baik secara in situ maupun ex situ untuk melindungi satwa dari ancaman kepunahan. Tingkat keberhasilan konservasi tolok ukurnya berupa peningkatan jumlah satwa yang bertahan hidup dengan tingkat kesejahteraan yang baik. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui jenis dan status konservasi, serta tingkat kesejahteraan burung paruh bengkok di Taman Satwa Taru Jurug Surakarta. Pengumpulan data berupa jenis dan status konservasi serta tingkat kesejahteraan burung paruh bengkok dilakukan dengan metode observasi, wawancara dan studi literatur. Penilaian tingkat kesejahteraan burung paruh bengkok dilakukan oleh kedua pihak yaitu peneliti dan pengelola. Langkah yang dilakukan yaitu memberikan skor untuk setiap aspek kesejahteraan satwa dan menghitung nilai akhirnya, tingkat kesejahteraan satwa diklasifikasikan berdasar Perdirjen Nomor P.6/IV-SET/2011. Hasil akan dianalisis secara kualitatif dan dijabarkan dalam narasi deskriptif untuk setiap aspek kesejahteraan satwa burung paruh bengkok di TSTJ. Hasil yang diperoleh dari penelitian ini yaitu satwa koleksi burung paruh bengkok di TSTJ terdiri dari 4 spesies dengan total 24 individu, spesies tersebut termasuk satwa yang dilindungi menurut Peraturan Menteri LHK No. 106 tahun 2018. Tingkat kesejahteraan burung paruh bengkok di TSTJ berdasarkan penilaian peneliti menunjukkan nilai akhir 71,35 dan pengelola 71,95. Hal tersebut menunjukkan hasil akhir tingkat kesejahteraan satwa burung paruh bengkok di TSTJ dari kedua pihak masuk ke dalam kategori “Baik”. Aspek kesejahteraan satwa yang perlu ditingkatkan adalah bebas dari ketidaknyamanan dan bebas berperilaku normal