697 research outputs found

    Layered identity infrastructure model for identity meta systems

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    There are several Identity Meta Systems emerging in the identity management field, such as CardSpace and Higgins Trust Framework. The goal of an Identity Meta System (IMetS) is to integrate existing or new Identity Management System (IMS) to provide users with seamless interoperability and a consistent user experience. IMetS is a complex system that tries to integrate the already complicated IMS services. With such a complex system, we need a way to assess IMetS in order to determine how well an IMetS integrates the various IMS services. However, as IMetS is a rela- tively new concept, there is no framework to identify the properties that an ideal IMetS should have. The contribution of this paper is to introduce the Layered Identity Infrastructure Model (LIIM) that can be used as a framework to assess IMetS. In addition, the LIIM framework can also be used to identify the missing components of an IMetS, to guide and improve the design of an existing IMetS, to serve as a design benchmark for a new IMetS, as well as to aid the understanding of a complicated IMetS

    Analysis Of Harmonics Current Minimization On Power Distribution System Using Voltage Phase Shifting Concept [QC446.3.H37 S961 2006 f rb].

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    Beban tak linear seperti pembekal kuasa mod pensuisan dan pemacu kelajuan boleh kawal yang disambungkan kepada sistem pengagihan elektrik kuasa tiga fasa tiga dawai boleh menyebabkan arus talian sistem mengalami herotan yang menghasilkan komponen arus harmonik tertib ke-5 dan ke-7 yang sangat ketara. Non linear loads such as switch mode power supply and adjustable speed drive in three phase three wires power distribution system can causes line current system distorted. The non linear loads on three phases three wires power distribution system were produced dominantly 5-th and 7-th order harmonic currents

    Peningkatan Kinerja Melalui Supervisi Akademik pada Guru SDN 118/X Pangkal Kemang Tahun Pelajaran 2019/2020

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    This School Action Research aims to improve teacher performance outcomes at SDN 118/X Pangkal Kemang Kel. Rano, West Muara Sabak Sub-district, East Tanjung Jabung Regency, Jambi Province. This research is a School Action Research with the research subjects being teachers at SDN 118/X Pangkal Kemang Kel. Rano, Kec. Muara Sabak Barat, Tanjung Jabung Timur Regency, which amounted to 8 people. At the initial stage, planning is carried out to be implemented and observed and reflected, the results of the reflection are used as a reference for planning cycle II. The results of the first cycle show the average value of teacher performance with a percentage of completeness of 60%. When converted to the achievement of school KKM, the value does not meet the standard, and the percentage of completeness has not reached classical completeness. Based on the input from the observers, a second cycle plan was prepared. The results of the supervision in cycle II showed the average value of the teacher's performance results with a 91% completeness percentage and had reached classical completeness. Comparison of cycle I with Cycle II there is an increase in teacher performance results 31%. Based on these results, academic supervision of teachers at SDN 118/X Pangkal Kemang can improve teacher performance outcomes


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    Artikel ini membahas tentang pemikiran pendidikan perpektif al-ghazali. Pendidikan merupakan komponen penting dalam kehidupan. Hal ini menjadi pembahasan para ulama tak terkecuali Imam al-Ghazali. Untuk itu, penelitian ini membahas pendidikan Islam dalam perspektif al-Ghazali. Hasil penelitian ini adalah bahwa pendidikan menurut Al Ghazali menekankan pada pendidikan agama dan akhlak. Menurutnya pengertian dan tujuan pendidikan Islam yaitu pendidikan yang berupaya dan bertujuan dalam proses pembentukan insan paripurna. Adapun dalam membuat sebuah kurikulum, Al Ghazali memiliki dua kecenderungan, yaitu kecenderungan terhadap agama dan kecenderungan pragmatis. Adapun aspek-aspek materi pendidikan Islam menurut pemikiran Al Ghazali adalah meliputi: pendidikan keimanan, akhlak, akal, sosial dan jasmani. Menurutnya guru yang baik itu selain cerdas dan sempurna akalnya, juga harus memiliki sifat-sifat yang terpuji. Adapun sifat yang harus dimiliki oleh seorang murid yaitu rendah hati, mensucikan diri dari segala keburukan taat dan istiqamah. Sementara yang menjadi evaluasi pendidikan adalah semua bentuk aktifitas yang terkait dengan tugas tanggung jawabnya masing-masing dalam proses pendidikan


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    Indikator keberhasilannya adalahmeningkatnya kompetensi pengetahuan danketerampilan kepala sekolah binaandalam menerapkan kepemimpinan pendidikandi sekolahnya.Pendekatan yangdigunakan adalah keterampilan proses, dan andragogi, metodenya adalah workshop,dan tekniknya adalah diskusi. Waktu dan tempat pelaksanaannya adalah pada bulanSeptember 2017 di SMP binaan-1. Artikel ini menyimpulkan bahwa workshopberbasis bahan bacaan ternyata mampu meningkatkan kompetensi aspekpengetahuan dan aspek keterampilan kepala sekolah dalam menerapkankepemimpinan kependidikan dengan indikatornya adalah (1) kompetensi aspekpengetahuan kepala sekolah meningkat dari nilai rata-rata 55 menjadi 93,75 atausebesar 38,75; dan (2) kompetensi aspek keterampilan kepala sekolah meningkatdari nilai rata-rata 40 menjadi 70 atau sebesar 30. Artikel ini merekomendasikanagar (1) kepala sekolah sebagai pemimpin pendidikan menerapkan kepemimpinanpendidikan dalam memimpin sekolahnya, dan (2) pengawas manajerial melakukan workshop berbasis bahan bacaan bagi kepala sekolah binaannya dalam menerapkankepemimpinan pendidikan


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    Abstract   Problem statements in this research are: how much is the cost incurred by farmers in tomato farming in Waklii Village, Kapontori Sub-district, Buton Regency and how much is the income obtained from tomato farming in Wakuli Village, Kapontori Sub-district, Buton Regency. This study aims to determine how much the average cost received by farmers from tomato farming in Wakuli Village, Kapontori Sub-district Buton Regency and how much the average income received by tomato farmers in Wakuli Village, Kapontori sub-district, Buton Regency, this research was carried out in Wakuli Village, Kapontori Sub-district of Buton Regency for two months from June to July 2015. The population of this study was existing tomato farmers, the research sample took 30 tomato farmers. Data were collected through interviews using questionnaires and data analysis using cost and revenue analysis. The results showed that the costs incurred by farmers in conducting tomato farming activities with an average land area of 1 ha with an average cost of IDR 5,715,983 and the average acceptance of IDR 14,303,667, with the average income of the respondent farmers, is IDR 8,587,983. Recommendations Local governments, especially at the regency level, need to establish regulations relating to the tomato marketing system, especially determining basic prices.   Keywords: cost and acceptance analysis, tomato farmin

    Internalization of Tasawuf Values in Learning Fiqh at Madrasah Aliyah Sambas Kalimantan

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    This study was aimed in order to uncover and discover the efforts of teachers in internalizing the values of Sufism in learning Fiqh in MAN (Madrasah Aliyah Negeri/ State Islamic Senior High School) Sambas Regency, West Kalimantan Province. This research was conducted using qualitative descriptive analytic approach. Meanwhile, to collect the necessary data used in this study in-depth interview techniques, observation, and documentation study. This study led to the conclusion: the techniques used by teachers to internalize the values of Sufism in learning Fiqh is to link subject matter of Fiqh with the values of Sufism, reveal hikmat at-tasyri’, assignment, and imitation, factors that support the internalization of the values of Sufism in learning Fiqh are the internal factors of teachers that includes knowledge and insights, learning strategies, learning facilities such as mosques, dormitories and libraries, and constraints faced by teachers are class size, social environment, and the influence of the mass media.


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    This research aims to analyze the amount of income earned by farmers from cocoa farming. This research was conducted from May to June 2013 in Siontapina village of Lasalimu Sub-district of Buton Regency. The research sample is determined by sample random techniques (Simple random sampling method) with 30 people. Research data obtained through direct interviews with farmer respondents using a questionnaire. While secondary data is obtained from the village office/administrative and related institutions were analyzed descriptively and quantitatively used to determine the level of income by the formula : N1 = TR- TC, TR = P x Q, TC = TFC + TVC, comparative analysis: Revenue - cost ratio for comparing the difference between the value of production and the cost of production by the formula RC ratio : R/C = Revenue (TR) / Total Cost (TC). The results showed that the income earned by farmers from cocoa farming with land area ranges between 1 to 3 ha of IDR 8,109,000 - 35,437,000/year, with income per capita monthly average IDR 675,750,00 so that Siontapina village had not been considered poor, the average income earned by farmers in cocoa farming with land area- average of 2,05 hectares of IDR 18,426,767/year. Cocoa farming by farmers still does because based on the results of feasibility analysis obtained a value of 5.7. This illustrates that every cost IDR 1.00 incurred by farmers will gain acceptance by IDR 5.7. So, farmers are expected to carry cocoa farming is more responsive and responsive to the presence of new technologies that can increase cocoa production.   Keywords: revenue, cost of production, cocoa

    Peran Media Sosial dalam Meningkatkan Brand Awareness dan Kesadaran Berderma Generasi Milenial pada Lembaga Kemanusiaan Aksi Cepat Tanggap

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    Penggunaan social media memiliki peran significant pada era yang disebut hyper connected society. Penelitian ini bertujuan utuk mengetahui apakah penggunaan media sosial memiliki peran dalam meningkatkan brand awareness dan kesadaran berderma generasi millenial pada lembaga kemanusiaan Aksi Cepat Tanggap. Penelitian ini menggunakan metodologi deskriptif kualitatif. Metode penelitian kualitatif dipilih karena memiliki penekanan pada lingkungan yang alamiah, induksi, fleksibel, pengalaman secara langsung, kedalaman, partisipasi aktif dari partisipasi dan penafsir. Dalam penelitian ini digunakan, yang menekankan pada analisis deskriptif yang di dasarkan pada hasil interaktif sosial secara langsung dalam pembahaman atas simbol-simbol yang digunakan terhadap seluruh narasumber, lingkungan dan situasi dimana penelitian dilakukan. Aksi Cepat Tanggap merupakan lembaga sosial yang concern akan penggunaan media sosial untuk mengedukasi dan membangun awareness. Aksi Cepat Tanggap memiliki akun media sosial seperti facebook dengan followers 2.195.996. Instagram 899riu followers. Twitter 384,5ribu followrs. Yutube 334ribu subscribers. Linkedhin 8.811followers. ACTNews 1000dowloaders. ACTTV 5.000 downloaders. Dari hasil interview dan data dari tim Integrated Digitl Marketing ACT disebutkan bahwa jumlah donors terbanyak yang menyalurkan donasinya melalui ACT berada pada rentang usia 35 tahun, jika merujuk pada klasifikasi dan kategori generasi millenial bahwa generasi millenial lahir dari rentang tahun 1980 hingga tahun 1995. Maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa media sosial memiliki peran signifikan dalam meningkatkan brand awareness dan kesadaran berderma generasi millenial. Kata Kunci: Media Sosial, Brand Awareness, Derma, Millenial, AC

    Mainstreaming Meretas Bias Jender in Islamic Education Practices

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    Issues of gender bias in the practice of a new Islamic education from five to ten years the attention of several drivers in the country feminism. Previously, the problems surrounding the disparaging attitude of female students' abilities, or assume the behavior of female students who are too active, or even aggressive vocals seem to deny its very nature is considered, until the problems are not given equal opportunities to women learners in developing and accessing knowledge and experience learning to be the sad story of gender bias in the practice of Islamic education. This paper describes the root of this issue, a gender discourse in Islam, gender bias in the practice of Islamic education and dialogue to find a way out of this problem. &nbsp