263 research outputs found
Government Strategic Policy in Agricultural Development
It is very important to implement agricultural sector policies in Indonesia. The Agricultural Census conducted by the Central Statistics Agency provides agricultural data needs both at the national and global levels. The policy in the 2023 Agricultural Census (ST2023) activities is designed so that the results obtained are of international standard. The International Standard Agricultural Census refers to the FAO program known as the World Program for the Census of Agriculture (WCA). With the realization of Food Security starting from the individual and household levels, villages, sub-districts, districts, provinces to National Food Security becomes a national goal.
Through food security policies, one of the important elements of national security can be implemented. Therefore, the government intensively cooperates to realize Food Security and Farmer Welfare. Food security targets in 2024 self-sufficiency in industrial sugar and 2026 self-sufficiency in beef, towards Indonesia's Vision in 2045 to become a World Food Barn. The food policy achievements above have also improved the welfare of farmers. This can be seen from the poverty indicator in rural areas in March 2021 at 13.10 percent, down to 12.53 percent in September 2021. (BPS, 2021). In guarding and ensuring that the structural transformation process can be carried out in a precise and directed manner, various policies that have been and will be implemented need to be supported by an accurate agricultural database.
Then strengthen infrastructure, financial institutions, farmer's markets and others. Capacity building of Human Resources (HR) to become professional and productive. The key actor in agricultural development policy is to utilize the results of the agricultural census. A strategic and sustainable agricultural data ecosystem. Then the availability and accessibility of data and awareness of data users that the data exists. The government needs to make policies that are pro-Agricultural sector right on target
Sales Proses Dalam Mengindentifikasi, Memahami Dan Membuat Prioritas Bagi Nasabah Segmen Small Medium Enterprise (Sme)
Bank Customers have become more critical in choosing banks to transact with, in line withthe increasing needs of their businesses. On the other side, Banks are faced with a moreintense competition. In managing the banking sector, then the role of a bank's staff inindentifying, understanding and prioritizing the segment to be served is of significant issue in contributing to the growth of the banking business. In the effort of retaining and tocontinuously increase the growth of lending and funding outstanding as well as the numberof customers, the company is faced with constraints in the form of decreasing lending andfunding outstanding from day to day, due to loan payoffs arising from loan maturity, excessfund or even customers moving to other banks. In this regard, strategies in prospecting newcustomers, exploring more into the customers' potential are needed.Based on the analysis of the survey result employing the descriptive survey method, in order to make sure that the process of identification of prospective customers in Small and Medium Enterprises (SME) segment by Relationship Officers (ROs) running well, focused and appeared to be truly professional in the eye of the customers, then the ROs must be equipped with a set ofstructured questions and be prepared with interview form in order to progress to the nextprospecting steps. Marketing team, i.e. ROs, in understanding and making SME customer orprospective customer priorities, need to classify SME customers or prospective customers into Porcupine, Rabbit, Rhino, Buffalo, so that the feasibility and impact (profitability) from the respected customers or prospective customers can be measured in order to contribute
Sistem Pendukung Keputusan Pemberian Modal Usaha Pinjaman Syariah Tanpa Bunga Menggunakan Metode WP
Latar Belakang : Modal merupakan sesuatu yang sering digunakan dalam mendirikan atau menjalankan sebuah usaha. Ada dua sumber modal yaitu modal dari diri sendiri dan modal pinjaman. Salah satu contoh modal pinjaman yaitu bantuan modal yang diberikan Kepala Dinas Koperasi, Usaha Kecil dan Menengah (UKM) Kota Tangerang.. Modal usaha yang diluncurkan oleh Kepala Dinas Koperasi, Usaha Kecil dan Menengah (UKM) Kota Tangerang ini berbentuk pinjaman syariah tanpa bunga. Tujuan : Sistem Pendukung Keputusan merupakan sistem yang dapat mendukung kerja seseorang maupun sekelompok orang dalam memecahkan beberapa masalah dengan cara memberi informasi ataupun saran menuju pada sebuah keputusan tertentu. Metode : Weighted Product (WP) merupakan metode Fuzzy Multi Attribute Decision Making (FMADM) yang menggunakan perkalian untuk menghubungkan setiap rating atribut, dimana setiap rating rating atribut itu harus dipangkatkan terlebih dahulu dengan bobot atribut yang bersangkutan. Metode ini di ambil karena dapat melakukan proses seleksi alternatife terbaik. Kesimpulan : Dalam hal ini alternatife yang dimaksudkan yaitu masyarakat penerima dana usaha berdasarkan beberapa kriteria yang telah ditentukan antara lain Jumlah Anggota, Status Pernikahan, Surat Izin Usaha Menengah Kebawah, Surat Keterangan Usaha, Usia Rata – rata dan Kepemilikan Kartu Rekening. Sehingga dapat membantu Dinas Koperasi dan UMKM dalam memberikan modal kepada para calon penerima moda
The Role of Teachers in Improving Competency Standards for Graduates of SMPN 129 Jakarta Students
National education standards are the minimum criteria that must be met in the implementation of education. national education standards include content standards, process standards, graduate competency standards, educator and education staff standards, infrastructure standards, management standards, financing standards, assessment standards. The purpose of this study is to reveal efforts to improve graduate competency standards by teachers and other parties. This research uses descriptive qualitative. The research was conducted on December 12 2022 at SMPN 129 Jakarta. The results of the study show that the KL Standards of SMPN 129 Jakarta related to Spirituality, mastery of Science and Technology, and further education can be fulfilled by the teacher's role in developing each national standard and implementing programs outside of class hours
Tahapan dan Strategi dalam Mengakuisisi Perusahaan, Studi Kasus: Akuisisi Hikmah Grafika oleh PT Salmand
This acquisition can have a positive impact on the creative industry as a whole. However, the process of integrating and merging companies is also not free from challenges. Combining company culture, operational systems, and work teams requires good planning and coordination to be implemented successfully. The activity method for the acquisition of Hikmah Graphics by PT Salmand consists of 2 major activities, namely a transition program that lasts for 1 year which is supported by the application of main management principles, namely realistic planning, proper organizing, agile actuating, real-time monitoring, and strong control. The acquisition strategy of Hikmah Graphics by PT Salmand using a 9 series transition program method supported by the application of good management principles, using the canvas business model as a program approach, has succeeded in bringing Hikmah Graphics Barokah into a stable and strong company, and ready to carry out expansion or business expansion
Helai Kertas
Merupakan karya seni pertunjukan berupa Drama, dengan judul Helai Kertas karya dari Eko Supendi, S.Sn., M.Sn
Kota Sukabumi merupakan salah satu daerah yang memiliki jumlah indutri tahu rumahan yang cukup banyak. Salah satu jenis industri yang memeliki peran besar terhadap penurunan kualitas air adalah indutri tahupembuatan tahu dilakukan dengan cara menggumpalkan protein kedelai dengan asam, ion kalsium atau bahan penggumpal lainnya. Pada proses produksinya selain menghasilkan endapan protein berupa tahu konsumsi, industri tahu juga menghasilkan limbah padat, limbah cair dan limbah gas. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh limbah cair pabrik tahu terhadap penurunan kualitas air dan melihat keterkaitan antara pencemar tersebut terhadap keanekaragaman ikan air tawar di Sungai Cipelang kota Sukabumi. Pengumpulan data kualitas air baik parameter fisika dan kimia dilakukan secara langsung di lokasi penelitian. Beberapa parameter fisika dan kimia yang akan diukur dalam penelitian ini adalah COD, BOD, Bahan Organik, Total N dan TOM, Sedangkan untuk survey ikan, dilakukan dengan metode sweept area method. Hasil dari penelitian ini menemukan hanya sekitar 10 jenis ikan dari 6 famili. Nilai indeks keanekaragaman berkisar 1,5 – 1,8 (sedang – rendah). TOM, pH, TDS dan suhu merupakan parameter kualitas air penciri utama yang diduga memberikan pengaruh signifikan terhadap penurunan jenis ikan pada masing-masing stasiu
Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui pengaruh hasil belajar siswa setelah diberikan pengelompokan dalam pembelajaran aktivitas aquatik kelas VIII B SMP Advent Cimindi Cimahi. Populasi dan sampel siswa kelas VIII B di SMP Advent Cimindi Cimahi berjumlah 24 siswa. Metode penelitian menggunakan eksperimen dengan desain one group pre-test post-test design. Instrumen berupa tes kemampuan kognitif, afektif, psikomotor renang gaya bebas. Teknik analisis data menggunakan SPSS (Statistical Package for the Social Science) ver 23 Uji Beda Dua Mean Dependen/Berpasangan. Dari hasil penelitian diketahui nilai rata-rata hasil belajar ke dua kelompok pada akhir perlakuan mengalami peningkatan, kelompok A nilai pre-test rata-rata 74 dengan Sd 4,70 dan post-test rata-rata 84,24 dengan Sd 3,67. Sedangkan kelompok B nilai pre-test rata-rata 58,42 dengan Sd 5,88 dan post-test rata-rata 74,19 dengan Sd 6,54. Berdasarkan hasil analisis data pada kelompok A memiliki nilai Sig.(2-tailed) 0,0001 sedangkan kelompok B memiliki nilai Sig.(2-tailed) 0,0001. Karena nilai sig.(2-tailed) kedua variabel pada kelompok A dan B < α (0,05) maka Ho ditolak dan Ha diterima. Dengan demikian dapat di simpulkan bahwa terdapat pengaruh yang signifikan dari pengelompokan siswa dalam pembelajaran aktivitas aquatik terhadap hasil belajar siswa kelas VIII B di SMP Advent Cimindi Cimahi.;--- The study aimed at measuring of the effect student grouping in learning aquatic activities to student learning outcomes junior high school grade VIII B Advent Cimindi Cimahi. The population and sample of grade VIII B Advent Cimindi Cimahi is twenty four students. The method and design that used in this study is experimental method, that is one group pre-test post-test design. Instrument in this research is cognitive ability test, affective and psychomotor of the crawl learning. Data analysis using SPSS (Statistical Package for the Social Science) ver 23. Two Mean Dependent Different Test/Pairs. The SPSS is analysis showed that the mean learning outcome into two groups of the treatment increased at the end, group A can be proven that the mean score of pre-test is 74 the standard deviation is 4,70 and the mean score of post-test is 84,24 the standard deviation is 3,67. Meanwhile group B that the mean score of pre-test is 58,42 the standard deviation is 5,88 and the mean score of post-test is 74,19 the standard deviation is 6,54. Based on the result, the data analysis on the effect student grouping in learning aquatic activities to student learning outcomes junior high school grade VIII B, group A it found that the significance value 0,0001 meanwhile group B it was found that the significance value 0,0001. The significance value two dependent variable in group A and group B < α (0,05) thus Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted. In conculsion, there is a significant effect on the student grouping in learning aquatic activities to student learning outcomes junior high school grade VIII B Advent Cimindi Cimahi
A method of predicting hydrocarbon reservoirs by using seismic survey and
analysis has been implemented over decades. This method has shown pretty good
approach of locating the presence of hydrocarbon layer especially in vertical
dimension (thick well). The problem is that this method is not quite suitable for
locating the hydrocarbon layer in lateral dimension (thin layer). Engineers came up
with technique called Seabed Logging to complete the technique. It uses the fact that
the hydrocarbon layer has much higher resistivity than its surroundings. The
objective of this Final Year Project is to study and simulate one way of doing Seabed
Logging by analyzing the direct wave and the scattered wave from the hydrocarbon
layer. An Oil and Gas Journal by Statoil published in 2002 is studied and referred as
the main source. A solution of scattering by dielectric cylinder of arbitrary cross
section shape published by Jack H. Richmond in his IEEE Transactions on Antennas
and Propagation journal is also employed. Mathematical model is used as
approximation since it is difficult and expensive to do experiment or to get the exact
complete data of reservoir maps and structures. The scope of this project is limited to
combining these techniques to calculate the direct wave and the wave scattered from
the hydrocarbon layer modeled as dielectric cylinder. By working inversely, the
signal received from the antennas is analyzed to yield information about the
characteristics of the seabed and the hydrocarbon layer. The contrast between the
hydrocarbon layer (relatively high resistivity) and seabed (relatively low resistivity)
gives different wave responses and provides information of the presence of
hydrocarbon reservoir beneath seabed. Combining the seismic technique and Seabed
Logging would yield a higher preciseness in predicting and locating the presence of
hydrocarbon reservoirs and thus reducing the costs of drilling uneconomical or dried
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