543 research outputs found

    Enhanced user performance in an image gallery application with a mobile autostereoscopic touch display

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    In this study, we explored how stereoscopic depth affects performance and user experience in a mobile device with an autostereoscopic touch display. Participants conducted a visual search task with an image gallery application on three layouts with different depth ranges. The task completion times were recorded, and the participants were asked to rate their experiences. The results revealed that the image search times were facilitated by a mild depth effect and that too great a depth slowed search times and decreased user-experience ratings. © 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    Upwelling events, coastal offshore exchange, links to biogeochemical processes - Highlights from the Baltic Sea Sciences Congress at Rostock University, Germany, 19-22 March 2007

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    The Baltic Sea Science Congress was held at Rostock University, Germany, from 19 to 22 March 2007. In the session entitled"Upwelling events, coastal offshore exchange, links to biogeochemical processes" 20 presentations were given,including 7 talks and 13 posters related to the theme of the session.This paper summarises new findings of the upwelling-related studies reported in the session. It deals with investigationsbased on the use of in situ and remote sensing measurements as well as numerical modelling tools. The biogeochemicalimplications of upwelling are also discussed.Our knowledge of the fine structure and dynamic considerations of upwelling has increased in recent decades with the advent ofhigh-resolution modern measurement techniques and modelling studies. The forcing and the overall structure, duration and intensity ofupwelling events are understood quite well. However, the quantification of related transports and the contribution to the overall mixingof upwelling requires further research. Furthermore, our knowledge of the links between upwelling and biogeochemical processes is stillincomplete. Numerical modelling has advanced to the extent that horizontal resolutions of c. 0.5 nautical miles can now be applied,which allows the complete spectrum of meso-scale features to be described. Even the development of filaments can be describedrealistically in comparison with high-resolution satellite data.But the effect of upwelling at a basin scale and possible changes under changing climatic conditions remain open questions

    Evolutionary relevance and experience contribute to face discrimination in infant macaques (Macaca mulatta)

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    In human children and adults, familiar face types—typically own-age and own-species faces—are discriminated better than other face types; however, human infants do not appear to exhibit an own-age bias but instead better discriminate adult faces, which they see more often. There are two possible explanations for this pattern: Perceptual attunement predicts advantages in discrimination for the most experienced face types. Additionally or alternatively, there may be an experience-independent bias for infants to discriminate own-species faces, an adaptation for evolutionarily relevant faces. These possibilities have not been disentangled in studies thus far, and these studies did not control infants’ early experiences with faces. In the present study, we tested these predictions in infant macaques (Macaca mulatta) reared under controlled environments, not exposed to adult conspecifics. We measured newborns’ (15–25 days; n = 27) and 6- to 7-month-olds’ (n = 35) discrimination of human and macaque faces at 3 ages—young infants, old infants, and adults—in a visual paired comparison task. We found that 6- to 7-month-olds were the best at discriminating adult macaque faces; however, in the first few seconds of looking, tthey additionally discriminated familiar face types—same-aged peer and adult human faces—thereby highlighting the importance of experience with certain face categories. The present data suggest that macaque infants possess both experience-independent and experientially tuned face biases. In human infants, early face skills may likewise be driven by both experience and evolutionary relevance; future studies should consider both of these factors

    Phonological development of Finnish speaking children at 3;6 and associations to previous and simultaneous lexical ability

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    Previous studies of Finnish children's phonological development focus mainly on children under 2;0. Earlier findings have suggested that phonological and lexical development are strongly associated at an early age. However, less is known about the longitudinal association. This study describes the phonological skills of Finnish-speaking children at 3;6 and compares them with early lexicon size at 2;0 and lexical ability at 3;6 (N = 67). The children's phonological development was measured using The Finnish Phonology Test. Lexical development was evaluated using the Finnish, long-form version of the Communicative Development Inventory at 2;0 and the Boston naming test at 3;6 At 3;6, all children mastered the vowels and diphthongs fully, and most of the children also mastered the consonants, with the exception of the phonemes/d/and/r/. Phonotactic skills had also been acquired well at this group level, although the word-medial and, especially, word-initial consonant clusters were still challenging. The percentage of phonemes correct was 95. Both paradigmatic and phonotactic skills at 3;6 were significantly associated with lexicon size at 2;0. In addition phonotactic skills correlated with naming ability at 3;6. Lexical development at 2;0 explained 21% of the variance in the phonological development at 3;6, whereas, the explaining value of simultaneous lexical skill was limited (9%). Present findings propose that associations between lexical and phonological skills weaken as phonological skills become more honed.Peer reviewe

    4 modalities of periodontal treatment compared over 5 years *

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    The purpose of the present study was to assess in a clinical trial over 5 years the results following 4 different modalities of periodontal therapy (pocket elimination or reduction surgery, modified Widman flap surgery, subgingival curettage, and scaling and root planing). 90 patients were treated. The treatment methods were applied on a random basis to each of the 4 quadrants of the dentition. The patients were given professional tooth cleaning and oral hygiene instructions every 3 months. Pocket depth and attachment levels were scored once a year. 72 patients completed the 5 years of observation. Both patient means for pocket depth and attachment level as well as % distribution of sites with loss of attachment ≥2 mm and ≥3 mm were compared. For 1-3 mm probing depth, scaling and root planing, as well as subgingival curettage led to significantly less attachment loss than pocket elimination and modified Widman flap surgery. For 4 6 mm pockets, scaling and root planing and curettage had better attachment results than pocket elimination surgery. For the 7-12 mm pockets, there was no statistically significant difference among the results following the various procedures.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/72788/1/j.1600-051X.1987.tb02249.x.pd

    Mikrobilääkeresistenssi ja -jäämät nautatilalla - vaikutukset ympäristöön ja terveyteen (NAMI)

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    Tässä Ruokaviraston (ennen Elintarviketurvallisuusvirasto Evira), Luken ja SYKEn yhteisprojektissa tutkittiin mikrobilääkejäämien ja resistenttien suolistobakteerien kulkeutumista lääkityistä lypsylehmistä navettaympäristön kautta lantavarastoihin. Lisäksi arvioitiin niiden leviämistä lannan peltolevitysten välityksellä luonnon eliöihin sekä elintarviketuotantoketjussa. Projektissa tutkittiin myös anaerobisen mesofiilisen mädätyksen vaikutuksia lannassa oleviin mikrobilääkejäämiin ja resistentteihin suolistobakteereihin sekä toisaalta lannan mikrobilääkejäämien vaikutusta mädädysprosessin toimintaan. Lisäksi arvioitiin erilaisten lannan prosessointitapojen elinkaarisia ympäristövaikutuksia sekä vaikutuksia mikrobilääkejäämiin ja -resistenssiin. Resistentit ja moniresistentit suolistobakteerit kulkeutuivat lypsykarjatilalla lantavarastoihin, mutta ne eivät rikastuneet lantaketjussa. Lypsykarjan lietelannasta mitattiin hyvin pieniä pitoisuuksia mikrobilääkkeitä. Lääkittyjen eläinten sonnasta ja virtsasta taas mitattiin hoidon aikana hyvin korkeita pitoisuuksia mikrobilääkejäämiä, jolloin niistä muodostuvissa (kuivissa) lannoissa voi olla korkeita paikallisia pitoisuuksia mikrobilääkkeitä. Suomessa myös mikrobilääkkeillä lääkittyjen eläinten lannat levitetään pääosin käsittelemättöminä kasvinravinteiksi pelloille, jolloin lannan mukana voi levitä mikrobilääkejäämiä ja resistenttejä suolistobakteereita. Luonnon eliöt voivat altistua lannassa oleville mikrobilääkkeille ja resistenteille suolistobakteereille myös Suomen olosuhteissa. Lääkittyjen eläinten lantojen lannoitekäyttöä käsittelemättömänä tulisi arvioida kriittisesti. Mesofiilinen anaerobinen mädätys voi vähentää mikrobilääkejäämiä lannasta, mutta ei välttämättä hajota niitä. Se vähentää elävien suolistobakteerien määrää lannassa, mutta merkittävää vaikutusta resistenttien E. coli -bakteerien osuuteen ei havaittu. Erilaiset lannankäsittelytavat voivat kuitenkin soveltua – ravinteiden kierrätyksen ja energiantuoton lisäksi – mikrobilääkejäämien ja resistenssin torjumiseen, ja niitä tulisikin tässä tarkoituksessa tutkia tarkemmin Suomessa.I detta samprojekt mellan Livsmedelsverket (före detta Livsmedelssäkerhetsverket Evira), Luke och SYKE undersöktes spridningen av resthalter av antimikrobiella läkemedel och resistenta tarmbakterier från behandlade mjölkkor till gödsellager via ladugårdsmiljön. Därtill uppskattades spridningen till organismer i naturen via gödselspridning på åkrar samt i livsmedelskedjan. I projektet undersöktes även effekten av anaerob mesofil rötning på resthalter av antimikrobiella medel i gödsel och resistenta tarmbakterier samt även effekten av resthalter av antimikrobiella medel på rötningsprocessen. Dessutom analyserades livscykeln för miljöpåverkan av de olika gödselbearbetningsmetoderna samt effekterna på resthalter av antimikrobiella medel och resistens. Resistenta och multiresistenta tarmbakterier spreds på mjölkgården till gödsellagren, men anrikades inte i gödselkedjan. Mycket små halter av antimikrobiella medel uppmättes i mjölkkornas flytgödsel. Men mycket höga resthalter av antimikrobiella medel uppmättes i gödsel och urin medan djuren behandlades, och då kan det finnas höga lokala halter av antimikrobiella medel i deras (torr)gödsel. I Finland sprids gödsel även av antibiotikabehandlade djur till största delen obehandlad som växtnäring på åkrar, och då kan resthalter av antimikrobiella medel och resistenta tarmbakterier spridas med gödseln. Organismer i naturen kan utsättas för antimikrobiella medel i gödsel och resistenta tarmbakterier även i finländska förhållanden. Användningen av obehandlad gödsel från medicinerade djur borde utvärderas kritiskt. Mesofil anaerob rötning kan minska på mängden resthalter av antimikrobiella medel i gödseln, men bryter inte nödvändigtvis ned dem. Den minskar på mängden levande tarmbakterier i gödseln, men ingen betydande effekt på andelen resistenta E.coli-bakterier påvisades. Olika sätt att behandla gödsel kan ändå, utöver återvinning av näringsämnen och energiproduktion, lämpa sig för bekämpning av antimikrobiella resthalter och resistens, och de borde undersökas mera detaljerat i Finland i det syftet.This study was conducted by Finnish Food Authority (formerly Finnish Food Safety Authority Evira), Natural Resources Institute Finland Luke and Finnish Environment Institute SYKE in 2015–2018. The aims of the study were to examine how antimicrobial residues and antimicrobial-resistant E. coli bacteria spread via the manure chain from the dairy cows treated with antimicrobials to the farm environment and manure storages. Furthermore, the dissemination routes to the surrounding environment, ecosystems and back to the food chain in Finnish conditions were profiled. The effect of mesophilic anaerobic digestion process on the level of antimicrobial residues and antimicrobial-resistant E. coli was examined and, conversely, the effect of antimicrobial residues on the process as well. Finally, the life-cycle of different manure handling and processing methods, and their potential effects on nutrient recycling, energy production, antimicrobial residues and resistant bacteria were evaluated. Resistant and multi-resistant E. coli spread to the manure storages, although enrichment in their proportion over the manure chain was not detected. Only minor concentrations of antimicrobial residues were measured from the liquid manure. Instead, very high concentrations of antimicrobial residues were measured from the faeces, urine and milk of dairy cows medicated with antimicrobials, which may lead to high local concentrations in (dry) manures composed of them. In Finland, there is no withdrawal period for manure of medicated animals to be used as a fertilizer. Therefore, manures may contain antimicrobial residues, as well as resistant bacteria, which disseminate to the environment when applied to the fields. Animals and plants may be exposed to antimicrobial residues and resistant bacteria in agricultural and natural ecosystems in Finnish conditions as well. Therefore, fertilizer usage of faeces, urine and milk excreted by animals treated with antimicrobials should be subjected to critical assessment. Treating the manure with mesophilic anaerobic digestion may reduce the concentration of antimicrobial residues but does not necessarily destroy them. Furthermore, the process reduced the number of total E. coli bacteria, although it did not have an effect on the proportion of resistant E. coli. Along with energy production and nutrient recycling, different manure handling and processing methods may, however, be suitable for destroying and reducing antimicrobial residues and resistant bacteria from manure, and substantially reduce the emission of antimicrobial residues and resistant bacteria to the environment, as well as to the food chain. The aspect of tackling the spread of antimicrobial resistance is to be considered when manure processing methods are developed in Finland

    Neonatal face-to-face interactions promote later social behaviour in infant rhesus monkeys

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    In primates, including humans, mothers engage in face-to-face interactions with their infants, with frequencies varying both within and across species. However, the impact of this variation in face-to-face interactions on infant social development is unclear. Here we report that infant monkeys (Macaca mulatta) who engaged in more neonatal face-to-face interactions with mothers have increased social interactions at 2 and 5 months. In a controlled experiment, we show that this effect is not due to physical contact alone: monkeys randomly assigned to receive additional neonatal face-to-face interactions (mutual gaze and intermittent lip-smacking) with human caregivers display increased social interest at 2 months, compared with monkeys who received only additional handling. These studies suggest that face-to-face interactions from birth promote young primate social interest and competenc

    Efficiency of split-mouth designs

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    . The purpose of this paper is (1) to investigate the similarity of the amount, distribution, and, severity of periodontal disease of the within-patient experimental units, (2) to estimate the relative efficiencies of split-mouth designs when compared to whole-mouth designs, and (3) to discuss how stratification on initial pocket depth can result in large differences in the power of the test-statistics in the different disease categories. Periodontal disease characteristics are not always homogeneously distributed over the within-patient experimental units and this heterogeneity can reduce the efficiency of split-mouth designs. In particular, if analyses are stratified on initial pocket depth, sites with an initial probing depth deeper than 6 mm may be small in number and asymmetrically distributed when compared to sites with an initial probing depth less than 6 mm. This may result in large differences of the power of the test statistics among the different disease categories and should lead to a careful interpretation of the statistical significance tests. When disease characteristics are symmetrically distributed over the within-patient experimental units and a sufficient number of sites is present per experimental unit, the split-mouth design can provide moderate to large gains in relative efficiency. In the absence of a symmetric disease distribution, wholemouth clinical trials may be preferable.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/75701/1/j.1600-051X.1990.tb01060.x.pd

    Capuchin monkeys display affiliation toward humans who imitate them

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    During social interactions, humans often unconsciously and unintentionally imitate the behaviors of others, which increases rapport, liking, and empathy between interaction partners. This effect is thought to be an evolutionary adaptation facilitating group living, and may therefore be shared with other primate species. Here we show that capuchin monkeys, a highly social primate species, prefer human imitators in a variety of ways: they look longer at imitators, spend more time in proximity to imitators, and choose to interact more frequently with imitators in a token exchange task. These results demonstrate that imitation can promote affiliation in nonhuman primates. Behavior matching that leads to prosocial behaviors towards others may have been one of the mechanisms at the basis of altruistic behavioral tendencies in capuchins and in other primates including humans