95 research outputs found

    Gaya angkat air terhadap Bendung

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    ABSTRAK Bangunan air melintang sungai pada umumnya bertumpu pada tanah fondasi yang !otos air hingga akan terjadi rembesan air di bawah bangunan tersebut. Keadaan ini akan menyebabkan tekanan hidrostatis yang akan memperlemah stabilitas bendung dan kemungkinan dapat pula terjadi piping yang dapat menyebabkan tanah dasar fondasi keropos. Dalam analisis stabilitas konstruksi bangunan tersebut perlu dipilih diagram tekanan yang dapat dihitung dari berbagai metode. Dalam tulisan ini diuraikan teori dasar serta berbagai asumsi dari metode Bligh dan Lane yang berpijak pada asumsi bahwa lintasan berupa salu garis pada batas bangunan dengan tanah fondasi, Khosla beranggapan bahwa aliran melalui se/uruh tampang tanah di bawah bangunan dan menyelesaikan¬nya dengan cara sketching method serta Har memanfaatkan transformasi Schwartz-Christoffel. Untuk melihat perbedaan hasil dari berbagai metode tersebut diuji dengan simulasi numerik dengan data masukan untuk bangun dan dimensi konstruksi yang cukup sederhana namun memenuhi tingkat kepantasan dalam pelaksanaan. Keywords: sketching method

    Optimasi kerapatan bangunan pengambilan air pada daerah irigasi sederhana studi kasus di Kabupaten Sleman.

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    Pertanian merupakan tulang punggung perekonomian negara sedang berkembang dan salah satu komoditi pertanian yang berperan besar dalam tata ekonomi Indonesia adalah beras. Beras yang balk secara kualitas maupun kuantitas berasal dari padi dengan sistem pertanian dengan irigasi yang baik pula. Semua sistem irigasi ini tidak terlepas dari sumber air, yang salah satunya adalah sungai. Untuk menyadap air dari sungai diperlukan bangunan pengambilan air (BPA) yang merupakan bangunan terdepan dari suatu sistem irigasi. Dalam makahih ini dikaji kerapatan jarak BPA untuk daerah irigasi (DI) sederhana dikabupaten Sleman Prop!nsi Daerate Istimewa Yogyakarta (DIY) yang jumlahnya melebihi 2000 buah dan pada umumnya dibuat dengan jarak yang terlalu dekat antara satu dengan lainnya, hingga dengan adanya optimasi kerapatan akan didapatkan penghematan jumlah biaya dalam mempermanenkan bangunan-bangunan yang sebagian besar masih berupa bangunan semi permanen dan sementara


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    West Tulang Bawang is one of the new regencies in Indonesia which was a new expanded area that continues to grow. It is followed by population growth rates resulting in increased volume of waste. The landfill (TPA) is an important component of any waste management system. A good waste has several characteristics. To ensure the appropriate selected land, a systematic process must be developed and followed.The study of the selection of the landfill (TPA) is aimed at finding feasible area as the location of the landfill, so that the allocation of the new landfill will be in accordance with local policies in regional spatial planning and meet the criteria of ISO No. 19-3241-1994. The role of Geographic Information System (GIS) in the management of solid waste is important because many aspects of planning and operations are highly dependent on the spatial data. The landfill selection process consists of three stages of filtering, i.e., the feasibility of the environment by utilizing Geographic Information System (GIS) to map the location of viable landfill, regional filtering phase based on the regional policy and the elimination filtering using SNI 19-3241-1994.The results of the study showed that with an estimated population in 2033 which is 330 807 people, the amount of waste that will go to the landfill through the 3R principle reached 309.36 m3 / day or 61.87 tons / day so that the area of the required land for the sanitary landfill pattern with a 20 year planning is 17.70 Ha. The alternative location was selected by with a priority level which is located on the Panaragan Jaya Utama of Central Tulang Bawang sub-district with a land of 99.68 hectares, Tulang Bawang village districts Panaragan Central with a land area of 136.26 ha and the Kagungan Ratu village of Tulang Bawang sub-district of 74 , 65 Ha

    Penanaman Karakter Disiplin Siswa Selama Kebijakan Belajar Dari Rumah (BDR) Pada Masa Pandemi Coronavirus Disease (Covid-19) (Studi Kasus di SD Negeri 5 Besole)

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    Pendidikan karakter merupakan sistem penanaman nilai karakter kepada warga sekolah. SD Negeri 5 Besole merupakan salah satu lembaga pendidikan formal jenjang Sekolah Dasar yang menjunjung tinggi nilai-nilai karakter kedisiplinan. Kabupaten Tulungagung belum diijinkan untuk menyelenggarakan proses pembelajaran tatap muka yang disebabkan oleh pandemi Covid-19 dan mengharuskan menyelenggarakan kegiatan Belajar Dari Rumah (BDR), termasuk SD Negeri 5 Besole. Penanaman karakter pada siswa di masa pandemi seperti ini penting untuk tetap dilaksanakan dan guru tetap bertanggung jawab atas penanaman pendidikan karakter pada siswa meskipun pembelajaran jarak jauh. Salah satu penanaman pendidikan karakter adalah karakter disiplin. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui proses dan peran guru dalam penanaman karakter disiplin siswa serta untuk mengetahui pentingnya pendidikan karakter selama kebijakan Belajar Dari Rumah (BDR) pada masa pandemi Coronavirus Disease (Covid-19) di SD Negeri 5 Besole. Penelitian yang dilakukan oleh peneliti dengan menggunakan pendekatan penelitian kualitatif. Pendekatan yang digunakan adalah bersifat studi kasus. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penanaman pendidikan karakter disiplin pada siswa di SD N Besole 5 selama kebijakan Belajar Dari Rumah (BDR) dilakukan secara online dengan bantuan perangkat elektronik HP dengan memanfaatkan WA group dan zoom meeting. Proses penanaman pendidikan karakter disiplin pada siswa di SD N Besole selama kebijakan Belajar Dari Rumah (BDR) dilakukan oleh guru dengan pengerjaan tugas yang dilakukan oleh siswa. Peran guru dalam pendidikan karakter yaitu sebagai pengajar, pendidik, teladan atau contoh yang baik, evaluator, penasehat, motivator, konselor, dan fasilitator. Pendidikan karakter disiplin pada siswa perlu dilaksanakan agar siswa terbiasa dengan hal-hal yang baik dan tidak menunda pekerjaan


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    East Semarang District deals with a very serious problem for flood and robs threat. Rob is caused by high tide in the sea, while flooding caused by heavy rainfall. Banger River conveys run off flow from East Semarang District to the sea. Banger Polder System comprises dike surrounding Banger Polder and also dam aimed to protect it from rob attack, pump Station to control the water level, and retention pond used also as fishpond. To maintain urban polder management and flood protection system, society participation is highly. The purpose of this research was to determine the willingness and capability of communities to pay the operational and maintenance of polder system. Research focused on Banger Polder Area located at 10 Sub Districts in East Semarang District with the scope of discussion is to assess the society willingness-capability to pay the operational and maintenance of polder system. Primary data were collected by Contingent Valuation (CV) sample survey method using closed ended referendum elicitation format (Bidding game format), or closed questions by providing an alternative of answers choice. Society willingness in funding the operational and maintenance of polder can be determined by maximal costs that have been paid by society required to cope with flood and inundation problem in Semarang District. Society capability in funding polder operational and maintenance can be showed as a relation between total income and maximal capability of society in funding polder operational and maintenance. Result of data analysis showed that 87% society is categorized as capable society, and 12.67% society is incapable in funding polder operational maintenance. Result of data analysis showed that 81.33% society having the willingness, and 18.67% as the rest in paying the operational and maintenance of polder. Percentage of society which has the willingness and capability is approximately 72%. Income, building and land asset were used as decision variable in estimating participatory rates, fair, equitable, and independent which is expected to be sustained.Keywords: Social willingness, social capability, polder operational and maintenance costs

    Teknik Konservasi AirI Pada Kawasan Pemukiman

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    ABSTRAK Masalah air secara kualitas maupun kuantitas makin meningkat dewasa ini. Secara kuantitas di musim penghujan air melimpah berlebihan menimbulkan banjir sedang pada musim kemarau kelangkaan air terjadi di daerah rentan air, yang biasanya diikuti dengan masalah kualitasnya. Hasil penelitian Direktorat Bina Program Pengairan Departemen Pekerjaan Urnurn (1984) menyimpulkan , bahwa pada tahun 2000 naafi pulau Jawa dan Madura akan defisit air sebesar 50% bila usaha konservasi air tidak segera dilaksanakan selain pengaturan pola konsurnsi air serta pengendalian pertambahan penduduk dan usaha penyebaran penduduk secara merata tidak segera dibenahi mulai sekarang. Pada umumnya teknik konservasi air sekaligus sebagai usaha konservasi tanah walau tidak berlaku secara mutlak rnaka di sini dibaha,s secara umum teknik konservasi air dan secara khusus untuk kawasan pemukiman. Key words: konservasi air, kawasan pemukiman, penghujan Key words: teknik konservasi air, konservasi tana

    SISTEM PENGELOLAAN SAMPAH PERKOTAAN DI KOTA BIMA PROVINSI NUSA TENGGARA BARAT (System of Municipal Solid Waste Management in Bima City West Nusa Tenggara Province)

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    ABSTRAKSistem pengelolaan sampah perkotaan di Indonesia pada umumnya masih menerapkan metode konvensional. Lain pihak volume sampah terus mengalami peningkatan seiring dengan meningkatnya jumlah penduduk dan pola hidup masyarakat. Hal itu juga terjadi di wilayah Kota Bima Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Barat, di mana sistem pengelolaan sampah belum berjalan dengan baik. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui karakteristik sampah dan sistem pengelolaannya, serta membuat rencana pengembangan sistem pengelolaan sebagai suatu solusi penanganan permasalahan sampah. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan rasional dengan teknik analisis yang digunakan adalah analisis kualitatif dan kuantitatif yaitu berdasarkan standar normatif dan distribusi frekuensi. Hasil dari penelitian tersebut menunjukkan bahwa komponen sistem pengelolaan sampah di Kota Bima masih di bawah standar pengelolaan sampah perkotaan. Hal itu diperoleh dari hasil analisis pendapat masyarakat dan analisis berdasarkan standar normatif. Perencanaan sistem pengelolaan sampah perkotaan di Kota Bima dengan konsep non-konvensional mampu mengurangi timbulan sampah yang dibuang ke TPA sebesar 46,23% dan memperoleh keuntungan yang dimulai pada tahun ke 13 umur proyek dengan keuntungan total pada hingga akhir periode proyek sebesar Rp. 78.949.779.000. ABSTRACTCommonly, Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) management in urban life, Indonesia still applies conventional system. Otherwise, solid waste volume gets higher as population and lifestyle, but not supports its management well. It also occurs in Bima City West Nusa Tenggara Province, where the waste management system has not gone well. The purpose of this study is to find out the characteristics of waste and its management system, as well as to make a plan for developing a management system as a solution for handling waste problems. This research applies rational approach with the analysis techniques used are qualitative and quantitative analysis based on normative standards and frequency distribution. The results of this study indicate that the components of the waste management system in the city of Bima are still below the standard of MSW Management. This was obtained from the results of the analysis of public opinion and analysis based on normative standards. The planning of MSW management system in Bima City with non-conventional concept can reduce the amount of waste disposed to the landfill by 46.23% and earn profits starting on the 13th year of project age with total profit at the end of the project period of Rp. 78,949,779,000

    Sustaining Water-Related Heritage Infrastructures as Part of An Integrated Water Resource Management Program

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    The history of the water resources development in the world is generally inspired by the physical, climate and socioenvironment conditions such as geographical, culture and civilization at the local level. For many years, humans have spent tremendous efforts and time improving the quality of life through adequate water utilization. This research, therefore, aims to analyze the ancient water-related infrastructures as cultural heritages in creating a functional and adequate design. Data were obtained from the Mataram Canal in Yogyakarta Province which was selected due to the success story and various benefits associated with the Indonesian history of water resources in Central Java provinces. Today, some places along the canal have become tourist destinations, and it is more popular in Yogyakarta due to its architectural history. However, the diversification of water utilization in fishery ponds along the canal and the shift in land utilization from rice field to housings, and government buildings may undermine the function of the canal. The factual condition associated with the periodic decrease in irrigation command does not make the Mataram Canal useless. Therefore, efforts to maintain its function through restoration, and revitalization, can enhance water supply for irrigation and other purposes such as fish ponds and, pollutant dilution. The Strength-Weakness-Opportunity-Threat (SWOT) method with some key performance indicators was adopted to access the necessity of the sustainability program of the Mataram Canal as the heritage infrastructure. Some key performance indicators related to Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) program in Indonesia were introduced and utilized to prioritize the necessary actions. The results showed that the SWOT analysis promotes various actions to support the IWRM-related program of Mataram Canal. Furthermore, the implementation of the promoted actions would contribute to the longer sustainability of the Mataram Canal

    Social Construction of School Committee for Quality Education in Elementary Schools

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    This study aims to analyze the social construction of the school committee in efforts to improve the quality of education in Public Elementary Schools (SDN) in Tulungagung Subdistrict, Tulungagung Regency. This research employs a qualitative approach by collecting data through observation, interviews, and document analysis. The findings of this study indicate that the school committee, in its role of providing considerations, support body, control body, and mediator in the school, has made a significant contribution to improving the quality of education in SDN. The school committee is involved in lesson planning, school budget decision-making, and educational program development. Additionally, the school committee acts as a mediator between the school, parents, and the community in conveying aspirations, input, and socialization related to school programs. Supportive factors such as cooperation among the school, committee, and parents, as well as accountability reports on community assistance, also contribute to the improvement of education quality. The school committee actively participates by providing financial support, manpower, and intellectual support, as well as supporting school facilities, infrastructure, and financial procurement. The implications of this research highlight the importance of the school committee's role as an actor influencing the quality of education in SDN, emphasizing the need for good collaboration among the school committee, school authorities, parents, and the community to achieve optimal educational quality improvement


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    Due to the population growth, economic development, increasing the consumption of  products patterns in Indonesia and activities of citizen, MSW has generated by 384 Indonesia cities was about 80,235 ton  per day (or 320,940m3 per day). The plastics solid waste (PSW) become to the major concern after organic waste and significantly impact to in environment. In order to solve the problem this research is conducted to identify the potential raw material from plastics, in order to replaces the pure material of plastics pellets that is made from crude oil and minimize the effect bring to environment. This compendium is presented the concept of the appropriation technology for plastics recycling, it emphasize the typical method  by converting  plastics waste of thermoplastic  type Polyethylene terephthalate (PET), High density polyethylene (HDPE), Low density polyethylene (LDPE) and Polypropylene (PP) into plastics pellets. Whereas thermoplastics chemical structure possible for recyclable , the mechanical  recycling  method  is played as the best technology  and common used in recycling of conventional plastic waste material into new raw material without changing basic structure. The quality of pellets that reprocess from the plastics waste is based on the effective factors of sorting, washing, drying and temperature of melting in each zones of extruder machin
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