382 research outputs found

    A user-centred approach to affective interaction

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    We have built eMoto, a mobile service for sending and receiving affective messages, with the explicit aim of addressing the inner experience of emotions. eMoto is a designed artifact that carries emotional experiences only achieved through interaction. Following on the theories of embodiment, we argue emotional experiences can not be design in only design for. eMoto is the result of a user-centered design approach, realized through a set of initial brain-storming methods, a persona, a Laban-analysis of body language and a two-tiered evaluation method. eMoto is not a system that could have been designed from theory only, but require an iterative engagement with end-users, however, in combination with theoretical work. More specifically, we will show how we have managed to design an ambiguous and open system that allows for users’ emotional engagement

    eMoto - Affectively Involving both Body and Mind

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    It is known that emotions are experienced by both body and mind. Oftentimes, emotions are evoked by sub-symbolic stimuli, such as colors, shapes, gestures, or music. We have built eMoto, a mobile service for sending affective mes-sages to others, with the explicit aim of addressing such sensing. Through combining affective gestures for input with affective expressions that make use of colors, shapes and animations for the background of messages, the interac-tion pulls the user into an embodied ‘affective loop’. We present a user study of eMoto where 12 out of 18 subjects got both physically and emotionally involved in the interac-tion. The study also shows that the designed ‘openness’ and ambiguity of the expressions, was appreciated and under-stood by our subjects

    A Foundation for Emotional Expressivity

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    To express emotions to others in mobile text messaging in our view require designs that can both capture some of the ambiguity and subtleness that characterizes emotional interaction and keep the media specific qualities. Through the use of a body movement analysis and a dimensional model of emotion experiences, we arrived at a design for a mobile messaging service, eMoto. The service makes use of the sub-symbolic expressions; colors, shapes and animations, for expressing emotions in an open-ended way. Here we present the design process and a user study of those expressions, where the results show that the use of these sub-symbolic expressions can work as a foundation to use as a creative tool, but still allowing for the communication to be situated. The inspiration taken from body movements proved to be very useful as a design input. It was also reflected in the way our subjects described the expressions

    Forest students views on the professional role of timber purchasers – a comparison between women and men

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    Skogsbranschen i Sverige har under lĂ„ng tid dominerats av mĂ€n. Detta pĂ„ grund av att ett skogligt yrke historiskt sett har varit fysiskt krĂ€vande och dĂ€rmed ansetts passa bĂ€st för mĂ€n. I dag har andelen kvinnor som Ă€r yrkesverksamma inom skog eller som lĂ€ser en skoglig utbildning ökat. Trots detta utgör kvinnor fortfarande en liten del av de aktiva i skogsnĂ€ringen. Ett av mĂ„len för den svenska regeringen Ă€r att öka jĂ€mstĂ€lldheten och mĂ„ngfalden inom skogsbranschen. JĂ€mstĂ€lldhet och mĂ„ngfald inom en organisation leder bland annat till att arbetsmiljön förbĂ€ttras och att kompetensen ökar, vilket i sin tur leder till en större konkurrenskraft för företaget. Holmen Skog AB Ă€r den fjĂ€rde största skogsĂ€garen i landet med ett verksamhetsomrĂ„de frĂ„n Oskarshamn till PiteĂ„. Köp av virke frĂ„n privata skogsĂ€gare Ă€r en viktig del av Holmens virkesförsörjning. Köporganisationen bestĂ„r av 83 virkesköpare varav endast Ă„tta procent av dessa Ă€r kvinnor. Holmen anser att det Ă€r svĂ„rt att rekrytera kvinnor till virkesköparyrket och upplever att kvinnor som studerar skog har ett bristande intresse för yrkesrollen. Syftet med studien var att undersöka hur skogliga studenter ser pĂ„ yrkesrollen som virkesköpare och om denna syn skiljer sig nĂ„got beroende pĂ„ vilket kön studenten identifierar sig som, eller vilken skoglig utbildning denne lĂ€ser. Vidare skulle identifieras om synen pĂ„ yrket förĂ€ndras nĂ€r studenter kommer ut i yrkeslivet inom den skogliga sektorn. För att fĂ„ ett dataunderlag anvĂ€ndes dels en kvalitativ metod i form av en intervjustudie samt dels en kvantitativ metod i form av en enkĂ€tstudie. Urvalet för intervjustudien var sju nyanstĂ€llda, eftergymnasialt skogligt utbildade vid Holmen Skog AB. För enkĂ€tstudien bestod urvalet av studenter som lĂ€ser sitt andra eller tredje Ă„r pĂ„ nĂ„gon av Sveriges skogliga högskoleutbildningar. Resultatet av studien visar att studenter har en bristfĂ€llig uppfattning kring vad en virkesköparroll innebĂ€r, vilket Ă€r en följd av att de fĂ„r för lite information om yrkesrollen. Även brist pĂ„ praktik och möten med yrkesverksamma virkesköpare under studietiden Ă€r anledningar till att flertalet studenter har en dĂ„lig uppfattning om vad yrkesrollen innebĂ€r. Vidare indikerar resultaten att yrkesstatusen för virkesköpare Ă€r högre hos skogsmĂ€starstudenter och skogsteknikerstudenter Ă€n hos jĂ€gmĂ€starstudenter. Dessa instĂ€llningar till yrket förĂ€ndras mycket dĂ„ studenterna kommer ut i arbetslivet och dĂ€rmed fĂ„r en bĂ€ttre uppfattning om vad ett arbete som virkesköpare innebĂ€r. Resultatet av studien visar ocksĂ„ att betydligt fler mĂ€n Ă€n kvinnor vid de skogliga utbildningarna Ă€r intresserade av en virkesköpartjĂ€nst efter studierna, 27 procent av mĂ€nnen jĂ€mfört med Ă„tta procent av kvinnorna. Den huvudsakliga orsaken till kvinnors ointresse för virkesköp verkar bottna i ett ointresse för affĂ€rsförhandlingar.The forest industry in Sweden has for a long time been dominated by men. This is due to the fact that a forestry profession has historically been physically demanding and thus considered best suited for men. Today, the proportion of women who are employed in forestry or who study forestry has increased. Despite this, women still make up a small proportion of those active in the forestry industry. One of the goals of the Swedish government is to increase gender equality and diversity in the forest industry. Gender equality and diversity within an organization lead, among other things, to an improvement in the work environment and an increase in competence, which in turn leads to greater competitiveness for the company. Holmen Skog AB is the fourth largest forest owner in the country with a business area from Oskarshamn to PiteĂ„. Purchase of timber from private forest owners is an important part of Holmen's timber supply. The purchasing organization consists of about 90 timber buyers, of which only eight percent of these are women. Holmen believes that it is difficult to recruit women to the timber buying profession and feels that women who study forestry have a lack of interest in the professional role. The purpose of the study was to investigate how forestry students view the professional role of timber buyer and whether this view differs somewhat depending on which gender the student identifies as, or which forestry education he or she is studying. Furthermore, it must be identified whether the view of the profession changes when students enter working life in the forest sector. To collect data for this report, a qualitative method in the form of an interview study and a quantitative method in the form of a questionnaire study were used. The sample for the interview study was new employees, post-secondary forestry graduates at Holmen Skog AB. For the questionnaire study, the sample was students studying their second or third year at one of Sweden's forestry higher education programs. The results of the study show that students have a lack of understanding of what a timber buyer role entails, which is a consequence of them receiving too little information about the professional role. Lack of internships and meetings with professional timber purchasers during the study period is also one of the reasons why most students have a bad attitude to the professional role. Furthermore, the occupational status of timber purchaser is higher among students at skogsmĂ€starprogrammet and skogsteknikerprogrammet than among students at jĂ€gmĂ€starprogrammet. These attitudes to the profession change a lot when students enter working life and get a better idea of what a job as a timber buyer entails. The results of the study also show that significantly more men than women in forestry educations are interested in a timber purchaser service after their studies, 27 per cent of men compared with eight per cent of women. The main reason for women's lack of interest in timber purchases is business negotiations

    FörÀndringar i serumglukos och plasmainsulin vid experimentell endotoxinemi hos hÀst

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    HĂ€star riskerar att drabbas av endotoxinemi framförallt vid olika typer av kolik men Ă€ven vid andra sjukdomstillstĂ„nd. Stressen och inflammationen som uppstĂ„r vid endotoxinemi, liksom vid vissa andra typer av akuta skador eller allvarliga sjukdomstillstĂ„nd, kan leda till utvecklandet av insulinresistens, glukosintolerans och hyperglykemi. Dessa metaboliska rubbningar Ă€r i sig skadliga och inom humanvĂ„rden behandlas intensivvĂ„rdspatienter vid behov med insulin för att förbĂ€ttra tillfrisknande och överlevnad. För att inhĂ€mta mer kunskap om de metaboliska rubbningarna, som sker hos hĂ€star med endotoxinemi gjorde vi en prospektiv experimentell försöksstudie av hĂ€star som infunderades med endotoxin och provtogs för analys av serumglukos och plasmainsulin. De 8 hĂ€starna som anvĂ€ndes i försöket infunderades med Escherichia coli endotoxin (SigmaAlderich L5418, O55:B5) i en total dos pĂ„ 500 ng/kg kroppsvikt under 6 timmar. Provtagning och analys av glukos och insulin skedde frĂ„n och med ett dygn innan endotoxininfusionen och upp till 36 timmar efter dess start. HĂ€starna undersöktes kliniskt under och efter endotoxininfusionen och samtliga uppvisade symtom pĂ„ endotoxinemi. Ökad andnings- och hjĂ€rtfrekvens, minskade bukljud, förhöjd kroppstemperatur, nedsatt aptit och tecken pĂ„ smĂ€rta var symtom som noterades hos samtliga hĂ€star. Även fĂ€rgförĂ€ndringar i munslemhinnan utvecklades hos alla hĂ€star frĂ„n och med cirka en timme efter endotoxininfusionens start. Resultaten visar att hĂ€starna under infusionen drabbades av hyperglykemi och hyperinsulinemi vid provtagningen 2 timmar efter endotoxininfusionens start. InsulinvĂ€rdet var signifikant förhöjt Ă€ven vid tiden 16 till 24 timmar efter endotoxinfusionens start och nedsatt insulinkĂ€nslighet kunde ses under hela provtagningsperioden efter endotoxininfusionens slut. InsulinkĂ€nsligheten utvĂ€rderades med hjĂ€lp av berĂ€kning av proxies (QUICKI, RISQI) och genom berĂ€kning av MIRG bedömdes den uppkomna insulinresistensen som icke-kompenserad

    VÀxtval för prefabricerade vegetationsmattor odlade i Sverige

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    Vad ligger bakom vÀxtvalet hos de företag som producerar prefabricerade sedummattor och torrÀngsmattor i Sverige? Vad sÀger forskningen om de utvalda arterna och deras lÀmplighet i svensk natur och klimat? Detta Àr frÄgor som jag undersökt i denna uppsats. För att vÀrna om den inhemska floran och faunan i Sverige Àr det viktigt att veta vilka vÀxter som anvÀnds. Det finns flera arter som anvÀnds idag som kan komma att bli, eller har börjat visa sig vara, invasiva arter. Det Àr dÀrför intressant för landskapsingenjörer och andra yrkesroller, som kan komma att arbeta med gröna tak, att kÀnna till de vÀxtval som anvÀnds. Företagens webbsidor har anvÀnts för att fÄ fram artsammansÀttningarna. Kontakt togs med företagen via epost och en intervju gjordes med ett av företagen. Underlag till uppsatsen har hÀmtats frÄn SLU Artdatabanken, SKUD, SMHI, Skogsstyrelsen, NaturvÄrdsverket, Boverket och Jordbruksverket. TvÄ företag Àr de huvudsakliga tillverkarna i Sverige. ArtsammansÀttningarna frÄn företagen Àr framtagna, antingen genom Är av tillverkning och erfarenhet, eller genom rÄdgivning frÄn specialiserat företag inom omrÄdet. Varje prefabricerad sedummatta har hÀrdiga sedum- och fetbladsarter i sin artsammansÀttning. UngefÀr hÀlften bestÄr av frÀmmande arter, resterande Àr inhemska. Av dessa frÀmmande arter finns riskklassade arter. Bland de prefabricerade torrÀngsmattorna finns fÄ ej inhemska arter. En Àngsmatta har en art som Àr med pÄ rödlistan. NaturvÄrdverket och SLU Artdatabanken har klassat tvÄ av fetbladsarterna invasiva, och man övervÀger bestÀmmelser om hur arterna skall hanteras och om undantag ska göras för grönataksektorn. NaturvÄrdverket bestÀllde en samhÀllsekonomisk analys dÀr de tvÄ fetbladsarterna ingick. DÀr kom man fram till att det inte blir samhÀllsekonomiskt fördelaktigt att förbjuda dessa tvÄ arter, dock fördelaktigt för den inhemska biologiska mÄngfalden. SGRI, som har en av vÀrldens största demonstrationsanlÀggningar av gröna tak-lösningar, sÀger att det inte finns arter som skulle kunna ersÀtta dessa tvÄ idag. KlimatförÀndringarna gör att fler frÀmmande arter riskerar att bli invasiva. Det Àr dÀrför viktigt för alla inom grönataksektorn att hÄlla koll pÄ SLU Artdatabankens uppdateringar och se över de arter man anvÀnder sig av. Utfasning av riskklassade arter Àr att föredra och hjÀlp skulle behövas för att hitta ersÀttningsarter. En undersökning av hur och om riskklassade arter spridit sig frÄn gröna tak, i regioner dÀr utsatt naturtyp finns, skulle vara behjÀlpligt underlag för att se hur risken för spridning Àr i dessa omrÄden. Man skulle, som i Norge, kunna införa förbud mot specifika arter i vissa utsatta regioner, och lÄta företagen ta fram specifika vegetationsmattor för dessa omrÄden.What is behind the plant selection of the companies that produce prefabricated sedum mats and dry meadow mats in Sweden? What does the research say about the selected species and their suitability in Swedish nature and climate? These are questions that I investigated in this essay. In order to protect the native flora and fauna in Sweden, it is important to know which plants are used. There are several species used today that may become, or started showing invasive tendencies. It is therefore interesting for landscape engineers and other professional roles, who may work with green roofs, to know the plant choices used. The companies' websites have been used to find out the species compositions. Contact was made with the companies via e-mail and an interview has been done with one of the companies. Material for the essay was obtained from the SLU Artdatabanken, SKUD, SMHI, Skogsstyrelsen, NaturvÄrdsverket, Boverket och Jordbruksverket. Two companies are the main manufacturers in Sweden. The species compositions from the companies are developed, either through years of manufacturing and experience, or through advice from specialized companies in the field. Each prefab sedum mat has hardy sedum and broadleaf species in its composition. About half consist of alien species, the rest are indigenous. Of these alien species, there are risk-classified species. Among the prefabricated dry meadow mats there are few non-native species. One meadow mat contains a species that is on the red list. NaturvÄrdverket and SLU Artdatabanken have classified two of the stonecrop species as invasive, and regulations are being considered on how the species should be handled and whether exceptions should be made for the green roof sector. NaturvÄrdverket commissioned a socio-economic analysis that included the two stonecrop species. It was concluded that it will not be economically beneficial to ban these two species, however beneficial for the domestic biological diversity. SGRI, which has one of the world's largest demonstration facilities for green roof solutions, says there are no species that could replace these two today. Climate change causes more alien species to be at risk of becoming invasive. It is therefore important for everyone within the green roof sector to keep track of SLU Artdatabanken's updates and review the species used. Phasing out risk-classified species is preferable and help would be needed to find replacement species. An investigation of how and if risk-classified species spread from green roofs, in regions where vulnerable nature types exist, would be a helpful basis to see how the risk of spread is in these areas. One could, as in Norway, introduce bans on specific species in certain vulnerable regions, and let the companies produce specific vegetation mats for these areas

    Slakthusparken : a design of a disused metro line

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    SlakthusomrĂ„det i Stockholm Ă€r en plats med rik historia som kommer byggas om till följd av Stockholm stads nya planer för omrĂ„det. Nybyggnationen i omrĂ„det innebĂ€r att en ny tunnelbanestation byggs mitt i SlakthusomrĂ„det och tunnelbanestationerna Globen och Enskede gĂ„rd stĂ€ngs av. Hela spĂ„rstrĂ€ckan mellan Sockenplan och Gullmarsplan sĂ€tts dĂ€rmed ur funktion. Stockholm stads planer för Globens tunnelbanestation och tillhörande spĂ„rstrĂ€cka Ă€r exploatering för byggnader. Syftet med examensarbetet Ă€r att undersöka ett alternativ till Stockholm stads planer pĂ„ den nedlagda spĂ„rstrĂ€ckan mellan Globens tunnelbanestation och Lindeparken. Marken som nu kommer anvĂ€ndas till byggnader hade istĂ€llet kunnat förstĂ€rka omrĂ„dets grönstruktur. SlakthusomrĂ„dets ombyggnation till en modern stadsdel följer den rĂ„dande trenden inom stadsbyggnad med förtĂ€tning av stĂ€der. Vi vill i det hĂ€r arbetet ifrĂ„gasĂ€tta förtĂ€tningstrenden och undersöka alternativ till exploatering pĂ„ Globens stationsomrĂ„de. Genom att arbeta med ett grönt alternativt istĂ€llet för exploatering ser vi en möjlighet att skapa en plats för rekreation för invĂ„narna samtidigt som grönstrukturen förstĂ€rks. FörtĂ€tning i stĂ€der leder inte bara till att grön- och blĂ„struktur minskar utan Ă€ven till att industriella omrĂ„den byggs om. Ambitionen med det hĂ€r arbetet Ă€r att belysa vikten av det industriella kulturarvet och arbetar med att bevara SlakthusomrĂ„dets karaktĂ€r. Arbetet har utförts med en gestaltningsprocess vilket resulterade i ett gestaltningsförslag som namngetts “Slakthusparken”. Gestaltningsförslaget har anpassats efter platsen dĂ€r viktiga Ă€mnen som ekologisk hĂ„llbarhet, social hĂ„llbarhet och bevarande av kulturhistoriska vĂ€rden har arbetats in i förslaget. Trender inom stadsplanering betraktas ofta som normer som alltför sĂ€llan ifrĂ„gasĂ€tts eller underordnas andra alternativ. Med tanke pĂ„ den ökande förtĂ€tningen och den pĂ„gĂ„ende omvandlingen av industrimiljöer belyser arbetet hur viktigt det Ă€r som landskapsarkitekt att arbeta med bevarande av de kulturvĂ€rden som industrimiljöer innehar. Vi vill med arbetet Ă€ven belysa vĂ€rdet av grön- och blĂ„struktur i staden för dess ekosystemtjĂ€nster och biologiska mĂ„ngfald, men Ă€ven för mĂ€nniskans fysiska och psykiska hĂ€lsa.“SakthusomrĂ„det” in Stockholm is a neighbourhood with a rich history which will be rebuilt according to the municipality’s plan for the area. The rebuilding will result in a new metro station in the middle of SlakthusomrĂ„det, which means that the current metro stations “Globen” and “Enskede gĂ„rd” will be shut down. The area of train tracks between the stations “Sockenplan” and “Gullmarsplan” will be put out of function as a result. The plans that Stockholm’s municipality has for Globen metro station is exploitation for buildings. The purpose of this master thesis is to create a different proposal for the municipality’s plans for the disused train track area between Globen’s metro station and Lindeparken. The land that will be used for buildings could have been used to strengthen the blue and green structure in the area. The new plans for SlakthusomrĂ„det to become a modern neighbourhood follows the ongoing trend of densification within urban planning. With this master thesis we want to question the densification trend and investigate an option for exploitation for the train track area by Globens metro station. By working with a green proposal we see an opportunity for this area to become a place for recreation as well as a reinforcement of the surrounding green structure. Densification of cities does not only lead to a reduction of green structure but leads to the rebuilding of old industrial neighbourhoods as well. The ambition with this thesis is to shed light on the importance of preserving the cultural heritage of industrial neighbourhoods such as SlakthusomrĂ„det. The result of this master thesis is a design proposal called “Slakthusparken”. The design proposal has been adapted to the site with important subjects as ecological sustainability, social sustainability and preservation of cultural and historical values incorporated into it. Trends within urban planning are often regarded as norms and are not questioned enough. With densification and rebuilding of industrial areas in mind, this thesis want to show the important role landscape architects have in working with preserving the cultural and historical values of industrial areas. In this thesis we also want to show the great importance of green and blue structure in the city for its ecosystem services and contribution to biodiversity as well as humans’ mental and physical health

    Non-radioactive in situ Hybridization Protocol Applicable for Norway Spruce and a Range of Plant Species

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    The high-throughput expression analysis technologies available today give scientists an overflow of expression profiles but their resolution in terms of tissue specific expression is limited because of problems in dissecting individual tissues. Expression data needs to be confirmed and complemented with expression patterns using e.g. in situ hybridization, a technique used to localize cell specific mRNA expression. The in situ hybridization method is laborious, time-consuming and often requires extensive optimization depending on species and tissue. In situ experiments are relatively more difficult to perform in woody species such as the conifer Norway spruce (Picea abies). Here we present a modified DIG in situ hybridization protocol, which is fast and applicable on a wide range of plant species including P. abies. With just a few adjustments, including altered RNase treatment and proteinase K concentration, we could use the protocol to study tissue specific expression of homologous genes in male reproductive organs of one gymnosperm and two angiosperm species; P. abies, Arabidopsis thaliana and Brassica napus. The protocol worked equally well for the species and genes studied. AtAP3 and BnAP3 were observed in second and third whorl floral organs in A. thaliana and B. napus and DAL13 in microsporophylls of male cones from P. abies. For P. abies the proteinase K concentration, used to permeablize the tissues, had to be increased to 3 g/ml instead of 1 g/ml, possibly due to more compact tissues and higher levels of phenolics and polysaccharides. For all species the RNase treatment was removed due to reduced signal strength without a corresponding increase in specificity. By comparing tissue specific expression patterns of homologous genes from both flowering plants and a coniferous tree we demonstrate that the DIG in situ protocol presented here, with only minute adjustments, can be applied to a wide range of plant species. Hence, the protocol avoids both extensive species specific optimization and the laborious use of radioactively labeled probes in favor of DIG labeled probes. We have chosen to illustrate the technically demanding steps of the protocol in our film

    Induced immune responses in Formica fusca (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)

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    Parental immune experience can enhance offspring defence mechanisms towards prevalent pathogens in the surrounding environment. This process of inherited resistance from one generation to another is known as trans-generational immune priming (TGIP) in invertebrates. In sedentary and dense insect societies, such as ant colonies, TGIP can influence colony survival and fitness upon pathogen outbreaks. However, TGIP appears to depend on species and environmental stressors and therefore can vary in intensity, as well as in the molecular mechanisms leading to resistance. Here, we stimulated the immune system of queens of the ant Formica fusca (LINNAEUS, 1758) by wounding or injecting dead conidia of the entomopathogenic fungus Beauveria bassiana (BALS.-CRIV.) VUILL. (1912). The offspring were subsequently infected with B. bassiana, and the effect of this priming on survival was evaluated. Furthermore, we investigated whether immune challenge of the mother queen induces changes in the expression of immunity-related genes in queens themselves and their brood. We combined this information with measurements of offspring size and number. Larvae produced by untreated queens had a significantly higher mortality after infection with B. bassiana, whereas those produced by immune-primed queens survived no worse than unexposed ones. Adult worker offspring from sham-control mothers showed a protective effect of queen treatment, consistent with transgenerational immune priming. Thus, the effects of queen priming appear to manifest themselves slightly differently in larval and adult offspring. No differences were detected in offspring number or size, but immune gene expression levels showed changes, both in queens and their offspring.Peer reviewe
