137 research outputs found

    Naiset Ylen Teksti-TV:n käyttäjinä

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    Tämä opinnäytetyö käsittelee Ylen Teksti-TV:n naiskäyttäjiä. Tutkielman päätarkoituksena on selvittää, kuinka usein naiset käyttävät Ylen tekstitelevisiota, mitä tietoa he sieltä hakevat ja mitä tietoja he kaipaisivat sinne lisää. Tarkoituksena on myös selvittää, voisiko julkisen palvelun Yleisradio palvella naispuolista väestöä entistä paremmin ja monipuolisemmin tekstitelevision avulla. Vastaukset tutkimuskysymyksiin saadaan käyttäjäkyselyn avulla, joka toteutettiin Webropol 2.0. -ohjelmalla kahden viikon aikana helmi−maaliskuun vaihteessa vuonna 2012. Tutkimuskysely on samalla tilaustyö Ylelle. Opinnäytetyössä käsitellään yleisesti, millainen rooli tekstitelevisiolla on ollut vuosien varrella Suomessa, millainen rooli sillä tänä päivänä on ja miltä teksti-tv:n tulevaisuus näyttää. Tutkielmassa paneudutaan nimenomaan Ylen Teksti-TV:hen ja sen 30-vuotiseen historiaan. Työssä luodaan myös katsaus maamme muihin tekstitelevisioihin ja ulkomaiden tilanteeseen. Teksti-tv-osuuden jälkeen tutkielmassa käsitellään naisia median käyttäjinä. Opinnäytetyössä katsastetaan naisten roolia ja asemaa median käyttäjinä sekä kuluttajina. Tutkielmassa tehdään selkoa myös Yleisradion toimintatavoitteista julkisen palvelun yhtiönä. Tutkielmaa varten on käyty läpi kirjallisuutta ja aikakausilehtiä sekä muutamia opinnäytetöitä. Näiden lisäksi opinnäytetyötä varten on haastateltu asiantuntijoita, jotka ovat olleet tekemisissä teksti-tv:n kanssa. Käyttäjäkyselystä käy ilmi, että teksti-tv on internetin aikakaudellakin edelleen tärkeä osa ihmisten elämää. Kyselystä käy ilmi, että keskimääräinen Ylen Teksti-TV:tä käyttävä nainen asuu Uudellamaalla ja on iältään 35–49-vuotias. Ylen Teksti-TV:tä käytetään ensisijaisesti uutisten sekä urheilutulosten katsomiseen. Tämän tutkimuskyselyn perusteella näiden tietojen saamista teksti-tv:stä pidetään helppona. Valtaosa kyselyyn vastaajista on myös varsin tyytyväisiä Ylen Teksti-TV:n tämänhetkiseen tilaan. Vastaajat antoivat palvelulle arvosanaksi 4,04 viiden ollessa paras.This bachelor’s thesis converses on women as users in Finland's national public broadcasting company Yle´s text-tv channel. The object of the thesis work is to clarify how often women use Yle’s text-tv channel, what text-tv information is searched for and what information is additionally desired by women. Our main objective is to study whether the public broadcasting company Yleisradio is capable of meeting the needs of feminine population in greater lengths and more diversely through its text-tv service. The answers to our problem setting were summoned by a user inquiry which was executed with a software, Webropol 2.0. The user inquiry is simultaneously a customization for Yle. The thesis in general presents what kind of role text-tv has played in Finland during the years, what its role is today and what the future has in store for text-tv in Finland. The thesis concentrates especially on Yle’s text-tv channel and its three-decade history. The customization carries out an overview about the other Finnish text-tv services and text-tv services popularity abroad. After the basic text-tv part the thesis focuses on women as media users. Notably the thesis also reveals the role and status of women in media field. The thesis explores and explains Yleisradio’s aspirations as a national public-broadcasting company. The material for the thesis consists of printed works, numerous magazines since the early days of text-tv in Finland and some other published thesis's on text-tv. Furthermore some text-tv experts have been interviewed for this thesis. The user inquiry results show that text-tv is despite the Internet era an integral part of people’s lives. The inquiry reveals also that an average woman using Yle’s text-tv lives in Uusimaa region and is 35–49 years old. Firstly Yle's text-tv channel is used for checking news headlines and sports results. According to the inquiry the easy usability is the main reason why Yle text-tv channel is still in use in the 2010s. The majority of answerers are quite satisfied with the state of Yle’s text-tv services today. The users graded the service with a 4,04 rating, five being the maximum

    The Digital Anatomist Information System and Its Use in the Generation and Delivery of Web-Based Anatomy Atlases

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    Advances in network and imaging technology, coupled with the availability of 3-D datasets such as the Visible Human, provide a unique opportunity for developing information systems in anatomy that can deliver relevant knowledge directly to the clinician, researcher or educator. A software framework is described for developing such a system within a distributed architecture that includes spatial and symbolic anatomy information resources, Web and custom servers, and authoring and end-user client programs. The authoring tools have been used to create 3-D atlases of the brain, knee and thorax that are used both locally and throughout the world. For the one and a half year period from June 1995–January 1997, the on-line atlases were accessed by over 33,000 sites from 94 countries, with an average of over 4000 ‘‘hits’’ per day, and 25,000 hits per day during peak exam periods. The atlases have been linked to by over 500 sites, and have received at least six unsolicited awards by outside rating institutions. The flexibility of the software framework has allowed the information system to evolve with advances in technology and representation methods. Possible new features include knowledge-based image retrieval and tutoring, dynamic generation of 3-D scenes, and eventually, real-time virtual reality navigation through the body. Such features, when coupled with other on-line biomedical information resources, should lead to interesting new ways for managing and accessing structural information in medicine

    The use of proteomics in identifying differentially expressed serum proteins in humans with type 2 diabetes

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    BACKGROUND: The aim of the study was to optimize protocols for finding and identifying serum proteins that are differentially expressed in persons with normal glucose tolerance (NGT) compared to individuals with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM). Serum from persons with NGT and persons with T2DM was profiled using ProteinChip arrays and time-of-flight mass spectra were generated by surface enhanced laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry (SELDI-TOF MS). RESULTS: Mass spectra from NGT- and T2DM-groups were compared. Fifteen proteins ranging from 5 to 79 kDa were differentially expressed (p < 0.05). Five of these proteins showed decreased and ten showed increased serum levels in individuals with T2DM. To be able to identify the proteins, the complexity of the sample was reduced by fractionation approaches. Subsequently, the purified fractions containing biomarkers were separated by one-dimensional SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) in two identical lanes. Protein bands of the first lane were excised and subjected to passive elution to recapture the biomarkers on ProteinChip arrays. The corresponding bands of the second lane were subjected to peptide-mass fingerprinting (PMF). Using this approach four of the differentially expressed proteins were identified as apolipoprotein C3 (9.4 kDa), transthyretin (13.9 kDa), albumin (66 kDa) and transferrin (79 kDa). Whereas apolipoprotein C3 and transthyretin were up-regulated, albumin and transferrin were down-regulated in T2DM. CONCLUSION: Protocols for protein profiling by SELDI-TOF MS and protein identification by fractionation, SDS-PAGE and PMF were optimized for serum from humans with T2DM. With these protocols differentially expressed proteins were discovered and identified when serum from NGT- and T2DM-individuals was analyzed

    Knowledge-Based Client-Server Approach to Structural Information Retrieval: The Digital Anatomist Browser

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    Structural information can be defined as data and knowledge about biological objects ranging in size from molecules to the whole body. A framework is described for organizing structural information around a well-defined set of terminology and semantic relationships, and for disseminated multimedia structural information by means of a wide-area information server that is accessible over the internet. A Macintosh-based client of this server, called the Digital Anatomist Browser, has been used to teach neuroanatomy for the last 2 years. The client-server approach provides each student unlimited access to a rapidly growing knowledge base of structral biology that, while immediately useful for anatomy teaching, has the potential to be an organizing framework for other kinds of medial knowledge as well

    Role of MAPK in apolipoprotein CIII-induced apoptosis in INS-1E cells

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Individuals with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) have elevated levels of circulating apolipoprotein CIII (apoCIII). ApoCIII plays an important role for plasma triglyceride levels and elevated levels of the apolipoprotein have been connected with dyslipidemia in T2DM subjects. In addition, apoCIII has been linked to enhanced β-cell apoptosis. The present study was undertaken to investigate apoptotic mechanisms induced by the apolipoprotein.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>ApoCIII (10 μg/ml) enhanced apoptosis 2-fold in insulin-producing INS-1E cells after 24 hours exposure to the apolipoprotein. At this time point phosphorylation of mitogen activated protein kinase (MAPK) p38 had doubled but ERK1/2 and JNK were not activated. Instead, ERK1/2 showed rapid and transient phosphorylation (2-fold after 0.5 hour). No JNK phosphorylation was observed. In support of a role of activation of not only p38 but also ERK1/2 in apoCIII-induced apoptosis, inclusion of p38 inhibitor SB203580 (10 μM) or ERK1/2 inhibitor PD98059 (100 μM) normalized apoptosis. Whereas influx of Ca<sup>2+ </sup>was linked to apoCIII-induced ERK1/2 activation, pro-apoptotic protein CHOP/GADD of the unfolded protein response (UPR) was not affected by apoCIII.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>It is suggested that elevated circulating apoCIII levels may contribute to β-cell apoptosis via activation of p38 and ERK1/2 in individuals with T2DM. Therapies aiming at normalizing levels of apoCIII could be beneficial not only for the function of the β-cell but also for cardiovascular protection.</p

    Combining GPR and historical aerial photographs to investigate river channel morphodynamics, Oldman River, southern Alberta

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    River channels are dynamic landforms that play an important role in regulating riparian ecosystems. At a fundamental level, river erosion and deposition produce changes in the riparian zone that lead to the creation of new habitat or reworking of existing habitat. Despite considerable riparian research along the Oldman River in southern Alberta, little is known about historical channel dynamics and the resulting implications for riparian habitat. This research paper documents long term dynamics of a segment of the Oldman River at Fort Macleod, AB. Specifically, historical aerial photographs and a ground penetrating radar (GPR) were used to reconstruct how the river channel and bar features evolved over the last 70 years. Results from the aerial photographs indicate that the channel has undergone pronounced changes since 1938, with a trend of increasing meander curvature and decreasing wavelength. Channel bank reinforcement at Fort Macleod will likely constrict further meander development and force continued downstream meander migration. Subsurface imaging of a channel bar with GPR reveals a dominant mode of vertical accretion by bedload deposition at high flow stages, indicating a compound feature formed by overlapping unit bars. Observations of other bars along the Oldman River indicate similar modes of emplacement. Overall, results from this case study provide important context for assessing recent changes in riparian habitat. Application of this approach to other river segments will be of value in assessing whether similar patterns of channel and bar dynamics exist throughout the Oldman watershed

    Localized-Statistical Quantification of Human Serum Proteome Associated with Type 2 Diabetes

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    BACKGROUND: Recent advances in proteomics have shed light to discover serum proteins or peptides as biomarkers for tracking the progression of diabetes as well as understanding molecular mechanisms of the disease. RESULTS: In this work, human serum of non-diabetic and diabetic cohorts was analyzed by proteomic approach. To analyze total 1377 high-confident serum-proteins, we developed a computing strategy called localized statistics of protein abundance distribution (LSPAD) to calculate a significant bias of a particular protein-abundance between these two cohorts. As a result, 68 proteins were found significantly over-represented in the diabetic serum (p<0.01). In addition, a pathway-associated analysis was developed to obtain the overall pathway bias associated with type 2 diabetes, from which the significant over-representation of complement system associated with type 2 diabetes was uncovered. Moreover, an up-stream activator of complement pathway, ficolin-3, was observed over-represented in the serum of type 2 diabetic patients, which was further validated with statistic significance (p = 0.012) with more clinical samples. CONCLUSIONS: The developed LSPAD approach is well fit for analyzing proteomic data derived from biological complex systems such as plasma proteome. With LSPAD, we disclosed the comprehensive distribution of the proteins associated with diabetes in different abundance levels and the involvement of ficolin-related complement activation in diabetes

    Från spänning till glädje : en kvalitativ studie om ambulanspersonalens upplevelser vid prehospital förlossning

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    Syftet med denna kvalitativa intervjustudie är att beskriva ambulanspersonalens upplevelser vid en prehospital förlossning, vilka tankar, känslor och erfarenheter som uppkommit vid en sådan händelse. Som datainsamlingsmetod användes intervjuer och skribenterna intervjuade nio stycken som alla arbetade inom ett räddningsverk. Intervjuerna analyserades med hjälp av kvalitativ innehållsanalys. I resultatet framkom det att ambulanspersonalen hade varierande upplevelser av prehospitala förlossningar. Gemensamma drag var att denna sorts utryckningar leder bl.a. till en rädsla och oro hos ambulanspersonalen och att en osäkerhet kan ses beträffande ämnet eftersom utbildningen för ambulanspersonal inom förlossningsvård är begränsad. Studiens resultat stöds av tidigare forskningar och relevant litteratur. Framtida utvecklingsbehov inom detta område är att mera utbildning, framför allt praktisk sådan, borde ordnas för ambulanspersonalen.The aim for this qualitative interview study is to describe the ambulance staff’s experience at a prehospital delivery, what kind of thoughts, feelings and experiences that have arisen at such an event. As data collection method interviews were used and the authors interviewed nine persons that all worked at a rescue workplace. The interviews were analyzed using qualitative content analysis. In the result it emerged that ambulance staff had varied experiences of prehospital deliveries. Common traits were that this kind of extortion leads, among other things, to a fear and concern for the ambulance staff and that an uncertainty can be se en regarding the subject, because the training for ambulance staff in childbirth care is limited. The results of the study are supported by previous research and relevant literature. Future development in this area are more education, especially practical , that should be arranged for the ambulance staff