11 research outputs found

    Tribologia-lehti 40 vuotta, Still Going Strong

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    TRIBOLOGIA - Finnish Journal of Tribology -lehden ensimmäisen päätoimittajan juhlakirjoitus

    MyData muutosvoimana: Julkishallinnon henkilötiedon ihmiskeskeisen hyödyntämisen mallit ja vaikutukset

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    Valtio sekä kunnat ylläpitävät tehtäviään varten henkilötietorekistereitä, joista monet ovat sisällöltään ainutlaatuisia ja monikäyttöisiä. Joillakin hallinnonaloilla henkilöitä koskevan tiedon hyödyntämiseen liittyvät säännöt ovat sallivia, mutta henkilötiedon käyttöä rajaavat laissa määritellyt käyttötarkoitukset sekä tarvittaviin lupiin liittyvät monimutkaiset käytännöt. MyData-periaatteet kuvaavat ajatusta, että ihmisillä on määräysvaltaa heitä koskevaan tietoon. Niihin liittyy toimintamalli, jossa ihmisille tarjotaan käytännön keinoja hallita omien tietojensa käyttöä ja jakaa tietojaan eri palveluihin antamiensa lupien perusteella. Tällaiset keinot hyödyntää tietoa voisivat pienentää uusien palveluiden kehityskustannuksia ja tukea nopeiden kokeilujen tekemistä sekä yksityisellä että julkisella sektorilla. Samalla ne vahvistaisivat julkisten palveluiden ymmärrettävyyttä ja yksilöiden oikeuksia omaan tietoonsa. MyData-periaatteet voidaan toteuttaa useammalla erilaisella tavalla. Raportissa vaihtoehtoja jäsennetään luokittelulla, joka sisältää viisi eri vaatimustasoa, sekä käytännön ratkaisuilla näiden saavuttamiseen. Selvityksessä ehdotetaan, että alustoja ja työkaluja tuotettaisiin niin, että rekisterinpitäjät voisivat valita tilanteeseensa sopivat keinot tehdä henkilötieto saatavaksi. Julkishallinnon tulisi pyrkiä myös synnyttämään luottamusta ja helpottamaan yksilöiden sekä palveluntarjoajien kanssakäymistä, esimerkiksi yleisillä malleilla käyttöehdoille sekä yhteisillä ymmärrettävillä keinoilla kuvata henkilötiedon käytön tapoja. Raportissa kuvataan MyData-periaatteiden soveltamisen vaikutuksia julkishallintoon ja muihin sidosryhmiin kolmen tapaustutkimuksen kautta. Tiedon parempi saatavuus mahdollistaa yksilöityjä palveluita ja uudenlaisia sovelluksia, muun muassa ennaltaehkäisevän terveydenhuollon sarall

    Ion plating as a deposition method for tribology coatings:Dissertation

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    Metallien ja muovien kuluminen liukuvassa voitelemattomassa kosketuksessa

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    Metallien ja muovien kuluminen liukuvassa voitelemattomassa kosketuksessa

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    Functionality of Poly(α-hydroxyacrylic acid) as H2O2 stabilizing agent

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    International audienceThe functional properties of the polymeric hydrogen peroxide stabilizing agent, Poly(α-hydroxyacrylic acid) (PHA) were defined. In order to gain information on the stabilization mechanism and the optimal liquid phase properties, the stabilizing effect of PHA in liquid phase was determined over a wide range of pH and temperature. The effects of hydrogen peroxide and PHA concentrations as well as those of ferric and manganese ions were also accounted for. The experiments were conducted analyzing the escaping oxygen content by on-line gas-phase mass spectrometry. Based on the measurements a statistically significant regression model with good fit describing the system was developed and its response surfaces were generated. Also a pseudo-second order kinetic expression was established for a system including the effect of PHA. It was found that without the presence of the stabilizer, the prevailing species of the added ferric ions at pH > 7.7 seemed to slow down the decomposition of hydrogen peroxide. This is probably due to the solubility properties of iron. PHA was found to have a stabilizing effect over hydrogen peroxide in the presence of 2 mg/kg metals Fe and Mn at pH 10 but the stabilization ability is limited to temperatures below ca. 60°C. Under typical bleaching conditions for mechanical pulp, i.e., pH 9 and T=70 ºC, a slight optimum of approximately 150 mg/kg in PHA content can be seen. Introduction of PHA generally exposes the system more to the effects of pH and temperature. However, in the presence of PHA and Mn, the contribution of iron to the decomposition is very small. Considering the net charge of the prevailing iron species as well as the minor effect of temperature, an interaction mechanism based on shielding is suggested to occur between PHA and iron. The ability of PHA to stabilize also pure peroxide with no added metals also promotes the shielding mechanism. However, the enhanced sensitivity of H2O2 decomposition to pH in the presence of manganese and PHA justifies the existence of an ionic interaction mechanism, too

    History of Tribology in Finland 1881–2023 and the Finnish Society for Tribology 1977-2023

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    The field of Tribology defined as the “science and technology of interacting surfaces in relative motion, that is friction, lubrication and wear” was introduced to the scientific community in a UK governmental report 1966. UK experts and scientists introduced this new approach to solve industrial problems in engineering design, material technology and lubricant chemistry to Finnish colleagues in the late 1970s. The foundation of the Finnish Society for Tribology 1977 boosted academic and technological activities in the area. Tribology as a topic was introduced in the Finnish universities. Investments were made in collaborative research activities with universities, research centers and industry involved. The international collaboration expanded and the Finnish tribologists initiated and started the 1st NORDTRIB regional tribology conference series in Tampere 1984 and hosted the worldwide 5th EUROTRIB International Tribology Congress in Helsinki 1989. The Finnish Journal of Tribology was established 1982. Large joint research activities were generated especially with the Nordic and European countries, Soviet Union and China. Internationally recognized top research groups were initiated and flourished in Tampere and Helsinki on the topics of abrasive, slurry-erosion and fretting wear; engineering ceramics; thin coating tribology; biotribology; computational modelling in tribology; and calculations on global economic and environmental impact of tribology.</p

    Neoplastic extracellular matrix environment promotes cancer invasion in vitro

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    The invasion of carcinoma cells is a crucial feature in carcinogenesis. The penetration efficiency not only depends on the cancer cells, but also on the composition of the tumor microenvironment. Our group has developed a 3D invasion assay based on human uterine leiomyoma tissue. Here we tested whether human, porcine, mouse or rat hearts as well as porcine tongue tissues could be similarly used to study carcinoma cell invasion in vitro. Three invasive human oral tongue squamous cell carcinoma (HSC-3, SCC-25 and SCC-15), melanoma (G-361) and ductal breast adenocarcinoma (MDA-MB-231) cell lines, and co-cultures of HSC-3 and carcinoma-associated or normal oral fibroblasts were assayed. Myoma tissue, both native and lyophilized, promoted invasion and growth of the cancer cells. However, the healthy heart or tongue matrices were unable to induce the invasion of any type of cancer cells tested. Moreover, when studied in more detail, small molecular weight fragments derived from heart tissue rinsing media inhibited HSC-3 horizontal migration. Proteome analysis of myoma rinsing media, on the other hand, revealed migration enhancing factors. These results highlight the important role of matrix composition for cancer invasion studies in vitro and further demonstrate the unique properties of human myoma organotypic model. (C) 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.Peer reviewe