17 research outputs found

    Pembuatan Sediaan Oral Nutraceutical dari Ekstrak Gambir

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     Catechin is one of bioactive compounds in gambier. Result of preliminary studies showed that catechin is active as an antioxidant and antibacterial, thus it was potential as an oral nutraceutical for prevention of dental plaque. In present study, preparation of the oral nutraceutical in the form of mouthwash was performed by variating content of catechin in the extract as formulation parameter. The contents of catechin in the mouthwash solution are 0.01-0.1% (w/v). The mouthwash products were analyzed for pH, antioxidant and antibacterial activities, also particle size. The results showed that mouthwash with catechin content of 0.01-0.08% (w/v) produced the nanoscale of the particle size of mouthwash.Katekin merupakan salah satu senyawa bioaktif yang terkandung dalam gambir. Hasil studi pendahuluan menunjukkan bahwa katekin aktif sebagai antioksidan dan antibakteri, sehingga berpotensi sebagai oral nutraceutical pencegah plak gigi. Pada studi ini, akan dilakukan pembuatan oral nutraceutical dalam bentuk obat kumur dari ekstrak gambir dengan memvariasikan kandungan senyawa aktif katekin dari  ekstrak gambir sebagai parameter formulasi obat kumur, yaitu 0,01-0,1% (b/v). Obat kumur yang dihasilkan, dianalisa pH, aktivitas antioksidan, antibakteri, dan ukuran partikelnya. Hasil studi ini menunjukkan bahwa obat kumur dengan kandungan senyawa aktif katekin 0,01-0,08% (b/v) menghasilkan obat kumur berukuran nano


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    ABSTRACT The Flavanone cpmpound with anti diabetic activity was isolated from ethyl acetate extract of Artocarpus communis leaves using column chromatography techniques. The structure of the flavanone compound was elucidated on the basic of spectroscopic evidence and comparison to published values. This compound, 8-geranyl- 4,5,7-trihydroxr"avone, showed strong anti diabetic activity on a-glucosidase inhibition assay with IC50 18.120fJgme . Keywords: Artocarpus communis,8-geranyl-4,5,7-trihydroxyflavone,anti diabetic activit


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    Pada pembuatan yogurt terjadi konversi gula susu (laktosa) menjadi asam laktat melalui proses fermentasi oleh bakteri asam laktat (BAL). Konsentrasi stater dan waktu fermentasi yang digunakan akan mempengaruhi kecepatan perombakan laktosa menjadi asam laktat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh penambahan stater dengan variasi sebesar : 1, 5, 10, 15 dan 20% dan waktu fermentasi pada 24 jam dan 48 jam terhadap asam laktat. Parameter yang diuji diantaranya adalah pH, kadar laktosa, kadar protein, kadar asam lakat, dan aktivitas antioksidan. Parameter yang diuji dari hasil proses fermentasi adalah pH, laktosa, asam laktat, protein terlarut. Pengujian laktosa dan asam laktat dilakukan dengan menggunakan HPLC, pengujian konsentrasi protein terlarut dengan menggunakan metode Lowry. Asam laktosa dan asam laktat tertinggi diperoleh dari fermentasi dengan variasi konsentrasi BAL starter 15% dalam waktu fermentasi selama 24 jam. Hasil analisis % inhibisi pada yogurt konsentrasi stater 10% dan waktu fermentasi 48 jam tanpa penambahan dark coklat dan penambahan dark coklat menunjukkan % inhibisi antioksidan paling tinggi dibandingkan dengan yang lainnya sebesar 20,84 % dan 95,58%. Hasil penelitian Variasi starter konsentrasi BAL dan lamanya proses fermentasi tidak mempengaruhi pH dan kadar protein terlarut


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    The Flavanone compound with anti diabetic activity was isolated from ethyl acetate extract of Artocarpus communis leaves using column chromatography techniques. The structure of the flavanone compound was elucidated on the basic of spectroscopic evidence and comparison to published values. This compound, 8-geranyl-4,5,7-trihydroxyflavone, showed strong anti diabetic activity on α-glucosidase inhibition assay with IC50 18.120 µg mL-1.   Keywords: Artocarpus communis, 8-geranyl-4,5,7-trihydroxyflavone, anti diabetic activit

    Synthesis of (6-Methoxy-2,5-dinitro-quinoline-4-yl)-(5-vinyl-1-aza-bicyclo[2.2.2]oct-2-yl)-methanol) and In Vitro Assay Against Plasmodium falciparum 3D7

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    Quinine, a naturally happening alkaloid initially utilized for the treatment of muscle cramps, is currently most usually utilized to treat malaria. Symptoms of poisonous quinine, called Cinchonism, include wooziness, tinnitus (ringing in the ears), blurred vision, nausea, vomiting, serious adverse reaction to excessive quinine use, vision impairment and deafness. This research aimed to obtain more polar quinine derivatives using reactions with sulfuric acid and nitric acid to reduce toxicity. The reactions were performed analogously to the procedures reported in the literature. The characterization of reaction products utilizing proton (1H) and carbon-13 (13C) nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy showed that the reaction using reagents led to nitration of the quinoline ring with the yields of 7.09 %. The IC50 value of >10.000 μg/mL was obtained from the antimalarial test against Plasmodium falciparum 3D7. The IC50 values proved that the synthesis products (6-Methoxy-2,5-dinitro-quinoline-4-yl)-(5- vinyl-1-aza-bicyclo[2.2.2]oct-2-yl)-methanol) was not potential for malaria treatment

    Study In-vitro and in-silico of ethylacetate extract and fractions of soft coral Lobophytum sp. towards Artemia salina Brine Shrim (BSLT)

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    The article aims to describe the findings of chemical and pharmaceutical aspects of Lobophytum sp. from Southeast Sulawesi, Indonesia. Ethylacetate extract was fractionated by Vacuum liquid chromatography (VLC). Toxicity was evaluated by BSLT test, and the phytochemical screening and LCMSMS method were used to determine the chemical composition and molecular docking for in-silico study. The results showed that the ethylacetate extract was produced seven fractions namely Fraction A-G. The weight of each fraction was A (12.8% w/w), B (9.7%), C (10.1%), D (2.0%), E (7.0%), F (25, 3%) and G (11.5%). The toxicity potency of Fraction B is the most toxic with LC50 (mg/L) 26.70 ± 0.58. LCMSMS data indicated that the fraction B contains 19L-glukocyl-14-deoxy-11,12-didehydrographoside, 3-isoazmalicine, abietraticine, arachidonic acid, neociwujiaphenol, oxyphyliacinol, saurufuran B and some unidentified compounds with molecular formulas C37H46O7, C35H44O5, and C20H26O2. Based on computational simulations, Ar-Abietatriene and 3-Isoajmalicine have the potential to inhibit CDK-6. These compounds hinder the progression of the cell cycle and the proliferation of cancer cells by forming molecular interactions with residues Ile19, Val27, Ala41, Val77, Phe98, Val101, Leu152, and Ala162. This suggests their potential as anticancer agents. Thus, Fraction B can be continued for the anticancer evaluation

    Andrographolide undergoes modification after illumination by blue laser in the presence of sodium bicarbonate

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    1384-1387Andrographolide is the marker compound of Andrographis paniculata (Kalmegh), a herb that constitutes many traditional Asian remedies. In the present photochemical approach to modify its 12-en-14-hydroxyl moiety into 13-enone, a methanol solution of andrographolide has been illuminated with blue laser for 6 hours in the presence of sodium bicarbonate. After the illumination, it has been discovered that the 12-en-14-hydroxyl moiety undergoes modification into the 11-enone


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    Gambier (uncaria gambier) is known to have antioxidant properties and some studies attributed to the presence of polyphenols. The objective of this study was to investigate the potential of various gambier available in Indonesian market as free radical scavenger and to evaluate its antihyperglycemic potency as α-glucosidase inhibator. Isolation of catechin was carried out by extraction with distilled ethyl acetate as solvent. Analysis of catechin in the gambier dried extracts were carried out by TLC method. The molecular weight and catechin content of gambier dried extracts were determined by analyzing mass spectra and spectrophotometry, respectively. The free radical scavenging aactivity ofextracts were measured by using 1, 1-diphenyl1-2-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) as stable free radical compound. The antihyperglycemic potency of gambier dried extracts were asseyed, as α-glucosidase inhibator. The results showed that various gambier available in the market were very active as antioxidant, indicated by the IC50 vvalues of gambier dried extracts were 4.6 to 18.2 µg/mL. Whilst th IC50 for glucosidase inhibition varies from 40.45 to 52.43 µg/mL, and classified as a moderate antidiabetic.Gambir (Uncaria gambier) telah diketahui mempunyai aktivitas antioksidan karena mengandung polifenol. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui aktivitas penangkapan radikal bebas dan potensi antihiperglikemik sebagai inhibator  α-glukosidase dari gambir yang dikoleksi dari beberapa pasar Indonesia. Isolasi katekin dilakukan dengan cara ekstraksi dengan menggunakan pelarut etil asetat. Analisis awal katekin yang terkandung dalam ektrak kering gambir dilakukan dengan KLT. Evaluasi berat molekul dan kandungan katekin pada ekstrak kering gambir dilakukan masing-masing dengan spektroskopi massa dan spektrofotometer. Aktivitas penangkapan radikal bebas diukur dengan menggunakan 1, 1-difenil-2-pikrilhidrazil (DPPH) sebagai sumber radikal bebas. Potensi antihiperglikemik ekstrak kering gambir dianalisis sebaga inhibator α-glukosidase. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa beberapa gambir yang ada di pasar Indonesia sangat aktif sebagai antioksidan, yang ditunjukkan dengan nilai IC50 dari 4,6 sampai 18,2 µg/mL. Nilai IC50 untuk inhibisi α-glukosidase bervariasi antara 40,45 sampai 52,43 µg/mL, dan diklasifikasikan sebagai antioksidan moderat

    The Free Radical Scavenging and Anti-Hyperglycemic Activities of Various Gambiers Available in Indonesian Market

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    Gambier (Uncaria gambier) is known to have antioxidant properties, and some studies have attributed it to the presence of polyphenols such as catechin. The objective of this study is to investigate the potential of various gambiers available in Indonesian market as a scavenger of reactive free radicals and evaluate its anti-hyperglycemic activity as α- glucosidase inhibitor. Isolation of catechin was done by extraction method with technical grade of ethyl acetate as solvent. Analysis of catechin in the dried gambier extract was carried out with TLC method. The molecular weight and content of catechin of dried gambier extract was determined by analyzing its mass spectra and spectrophotometer, respectively. The free radical scavenging activity of catechin of the resultant extracts was measured by using 1,1- diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) as stable free radical compound. The anti-hyperglycemic activity of catechin of ethyl acetate extracts was analyzed as α-glucosidase inhibitor. The result showed that various gambiers available in the market are very active as antioxidant, indicated by IC50 of catechin of ethyl acetate extracts which were 4.6 to 18.2 μg/mL for DPPH inhibition. The IC50 for α-glucosidase inhibition is ranged from 40.45 to 52.43 μg/mL, so they can be classified as anti-diabetic.&nbsp