123 research outputs found

    Current trends in the history of crime and criminal justice: some conclusions, with special references to the Swedish experience

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    Der vorliegende Essay resümiert teilweise den Ertrag der Beiträge des vorliegenden Sammelbands für das Forschungsthema 'Quantifizierung und die Geschichte des Strafrechtswesens in internationaler Perspektive'. Darüberhinaus werden einige neuere schwedische Studien zum Thema vorgestellt. Diese Arbeiten verstehen sich als eine Herausforderung von Elias' 'Modernisierungsthese', d.h. das über die Jahrhunderte die Gewalttätigkeiten in Gesellschaften abnehmen und Diebstahlsdelikte sich häufen. Im Großen und Ganzen läßt sich solch ein Trend (zumindest für Schweden) nicht bestätigen. (pmb)'This essay serves as a kind of conclusion to the present volume on 'Quantification and Criminal Justice History in International Perspective'. Also it provides some specific mention of recent and significant Swedish studies on this theme, particularly those of the author and of Eva Österberg. These studies challenge the 'modernisation thesis' of Norbert Elias and others which posit that over the centuries societies become much less violent and much more theft ridden. Whereas various local studies in Sweden do point to a trend toward decreasing violence since the late middle ages, there was no apparent and sustained rise in theft offences until after the Second World War.' (author's abstract

    Cooperation, conflict solution and social control: civil and ecclesiastical justice in preindustrial Sweden

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    In dem Beitrag werden die Veränderungen von einem lokal organisierten System sozialer Kontrolle im vorindustriellen Schweden hin zu einem zentralisierten, professionelleren System, das sich langsam in den vorigen Jahrhunderten herausbildete, untersucht. Es werden einige Versuche gemacht, die Konsequenzen zu analysieren, die diese Veränderung auf die Kriminalität haben könnte, entweder auf die 'reale Ebene' kriminellen Verhaltens oder auf die Ebene verfolgten Verbrechens, obwohl es schwierig ist, die Wirkung der 'Kontrolle' von anderen Faktoren zu isolieren, die in der gleichen Periode einen Wandel durchmachten. (KWübers.)'This article discusses the change from a local system of social control in pre-industrial Sweden to a more centralized, professional system which emerged slowly during the centuries preceding the present one. Some attempts are also made to analyze the consequences this change might have had on crime, either the 'real level' of criminal behaviour or the level of prosecuted crime, although it is difficult to isolate the impact of 'control' from other factors undergoing change during the same period. (1)' (author's abstract

    Computer analysis of life histories from Swedish church records: a case study from the demographic data base at Umea University

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    Die Autoren geben einen Überblick über die Arbeit der Demographic Data Base an der Universität Umea, die auf Basis der Kirchenregister individuelle Lebensgeschichte über Computer erfassen. Die Quellenlage wird unter zeitlichen und regionalen Aspekten dargestellt. Die Verarbeitung der Quellen in computergerechte Daten, die aufgenommenen Informationen, die Datenorganisation und die Auswertungsmöglichkeiten werden in weiteren Schritten dargestellt. Nach Ansicht der Autoren ist das Projekt beispielhaft für die analytischen und methodischen Möglichkeiten der computergestützten Datenverarbeitung in diesem Bereich. (BG

    Mutation of the inducible ARABIDOPSIS THALIANA CYTOCHROME P450 REDUCTASE2 alters lignin composition and improves saccharification

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    ARABIDOPSIS THALIANA CYTOCHROME P450 REDUCTASE1 (ATR1) and ATR2 provide electrons from NADPH to a large number of CYTOCHROME P450 (CYP450) enzymes in Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana). Whereas ATR1 is constitutively expressed, the expression of ATR2 appears to be induced during lignin biosynthesis and upon stresses. Therefore, ATR2 was hypothesized to be preferentially involved in providing electrons to the three CYP450s involved in lignin biosynthesis: CINNAMATE 4-HYDROXYLASE (C4H), p-COUMARATE 3-HYDROXYLASE1 (C3H1), and FERULATE 5-HYDROXYLASE1 (F5H1). Here, we show that the atr2 mutation resulted in a 6% reduction in total lignin amount in the main inflorescence stem and a compositional shift of the remaining lignin to a 10-fold higher fraction of p-hydroxyphenyl units at the expense of syringyl units. Phenolic profiling revealed shifts in lignin-related phenolic metabolites, in particular with the substrates of C4H, C3H1 and F5H1 accumulating in atr2 mutants. Glucosinolate and flavonol glycoside biosynthesis, both of which also rely on CYP450 activities, appeared less affected. The cellulose in the atr2 inflorescence stems was more susceptible to enzymatic hydrolysis after alkaline pretreatment, making ATR2 a potential target for engineering plant cell walls for biofuel production

    Ротаційно–ударна обробка спіралей шнеків

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    Forskningsinriktningen vid den historiska avdelningen vid Linköpings universitet har sedan länge en stark socialhistorisk profil. kollektivens vardag studeras på en rad områden, på olika nivåer och över sinsemellan skilda tidsperioder. Det gäller inom såväl agrara som industriella miljöer, på samhällelig liksom på grupp-, familje- och individnivå samt över tid som omspänner senantiken till det sena 1900-talets historia. Hur identiteter skapas, tillägnas och förändras är en alltmer växande inriktning, liksom anknytningen till socialpolitiska ideer, normsystem, attityder, värderingar och mentaliteter. Även den  rättshistoriska och ekonomiskhistoriska forskningen ryms inom detta fält. Den historiska demografin utgör också traditionellt en stark del av det socialhistoriska fältet. Studier av arbeta och ohälsa, sjuklighet, dödlighet och hälsopolitik ligger långt framme. Bredden i den socialhistoriska profilen morsvaras av en mångfald melodologiska inslag. Skriftserien Socialhistoria i Linköping uppmärksammar denna profil och vilka uttryck den tar sig i grundutbildningen. I serien publiceras i första hand uppsatser skrivna på C- och D- nivå, men även bidrag från lärare och doktorander vid avdelningen förekommer. Detta nummer av Socialhistoria i Linköping är en specialutgåva till Svenska historikermötet i Linköping 23-25 april 199

    Working in group living homes for older people with dementia: the effects on job satisfaction and burnout and the role of job characteristics

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    ABSTRACT Background: Group living homes are a fast-growing form of nursing home care for older people with dementia. This study seeks to determine the differences in job characteristics of nursing staff in group living homes and their influence on well-being. Methods: We examined the Job Demand Control Support (JDCS) model in relation to 183 professional caregivers in group living homes and 197 professional caregivers in traditional nursing homes. Multilevel linear regression analysis was used to study the mediator effect of the three job characteristics of the JDCS-model (demands, control and social support) on job satisfaction and three components of burnout (emotional exhaustion, depersonalization and decreased personal accomplishment). Results: Demands were lower in group living homes, while control and social support from co-workers were higher in this setting. Likewise, job satisfaction was higher and burnout was lower in group living homes. Analysis of the mediator effects showed that job satisfaction was fully mediated by all three psychosocial job characteristics, as was emotional exhaustion. Depersonalization was also fully mediated, but only by control and social support. Decreased personal accomplishment was partially mediated, again only by job characteristics, control and support. Conclusion: This study indicates that working in a group living home instead of a traditional nursing home has a beneficial effect on the well-being of nursing staff, largely because of a positive difference in psychosocial job characteristic

    Integrating isotopes and documentary evidence : dietary patterns in a late medieval and early modern mining community, Sweden

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    We would like to thank the Archaeological Research Laboratory, Stockholm University, Sweden and the Tandem Laboratory (Ångström Laboratory), Uppsala University, Sweden, for undertaking the analyses of stable nitrogen and carbon isotopes in both human and animal collagen samples. Also, thanks to Elin Ahlin Sundman for providing the δ13C and δ15N values for animal references from Västerås. This research (Bäckström’s PhD employment at Lund University, Sweden) was supported by the Berit Wallenberg Foundation (BWS 2010.0176) and Jakob and Johan Söderberg’s foundation. The ‘Sala project’ (excavations and analyses) has been funded by Riksens Clenodium, Jernkontoret, Birgit and Gad Rausing’s Foundation, SAU’s Research Foundation, the Royal Physiographic Society of Lund, Berit Wallenbergs Foundation, Åke Wibergs Foundation, Lars Hiertas Memory, Helge Ax:son Johnson’s Foundation and The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences.Peer reviewedPublisher PD