231 research outputs found

    DjurÀgare och djurhÀlsopersonals upplevelse av djurÀgarcompliance vid tandvÄrdsrÄd - likheter, skillnader och möjliga lösningar

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    The extent by which pet owners follow health care instructions falls within the confines of “compliance”. The success of any given treatment is in part due to the way in which the owner complies with the instructions received from the advising veterinary professional. Studies abroad have found that the preventative dental care sphere suffers from a low compliance rate. Together with the fact that veterinary staff commonly issue advice on preventative dental care, this provided the impetus for undertaking the current research. In conjunction with a review of the relevant literature this study has, by focussing on advice concerning tooth-brushing and complements to tooth-brushing, sought to investigate: the experiences of both pet owners and veterinary staff with regard to pet-owner compliance; the symptoms behind incomplete compliance; and the measures which can be adopted to make it easier for pet owners to follow the advice received. The ultimate objective of this investigation is to produce a tool (or, at least, lay the groundwork) for improving the consultative quality of veterinary staff and, thereby, compliance levels of pet owners. Utilising a straightforward grading scale (1-5), owners were asked to estimate their level of compliance and how difficult they thought it was to follow the advice they had been given by the advising veterinary professional. Owners were also asked what hindered compliance and what could make compliance easier. For these two questions owners were instructed to mark a minimum of one to a maximum of five of the listed options. Participating staff members were asked the same questions and to mark what they believed corresponded to the majority of the owners they had advised. Data was collected through paper and web-based surveys. Concerning both compliance levels and how easy-hard it was to implement the advice given, the results revealed significant differences between the medians of the groups. In both cases the median for the staff group was 3 and for the owners, 2. This supports other studies which have similarly found both low compliance levels of pet owners and the overestimation of owner compliance by veterinary staff in preventative dental care. Moreover, through analysis of the written responses, a slight difference was found between the views of the owners and the views of the veterinary staff regarding the causes of non-compliance and what could be done to facilitate future compliance. Ultimately, the key to securing increased pet-owner compliance lies in improving relations and communication between advising veterinary staff and owners. The method of communication and the information relayed must be adapted by veterinary staff to the receiver, especially when concerning risks. For the findings of the current study to be statistically significant however further research would be required to be undertaken. Further research would also be required to compare compliance levels between veterinary areas. The results of this study do however resemble those found in studies abroad and ought therefore to be considered at least indicative of compliance levels of pet owners across Sweden

    EU-jÀsenyyden vaikutus Suomen hallinnon toimintaan

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    Trust Shaping in Forced Migrants’ Institutional Encounters in the Finnish Welfare State

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    This article examines institutional encounters in the light of trust in the contemporary welfare state context of Finland from the perspectives of young forced migrants. Young persons with a forced migration background constitute a growing group in Nordic welfare societies, and institutional encounters are an essential part of their everyday life. Still, little is known about how trust is shaped and experienced in this context. Drawing on 12 interviews with young forced migrants, I examine how trust and distrust is shaped in the series of institutional encounters. In my analysis, I identify two dimensions of facework interactions affecting trust: the administrative and emotional dimension. Thus, the study contributes to a deeper understanding of how the dynamic, multifaceted, contextualized concept of trust is shaped in the series of institutional encounters migrants face as part of migration governance

    Nitrogen removal in marine environments: recent findings and future research challenges

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    Respiratory reduction of nitrate (denitrification) is recognized as the most important process converting biologically available (fixed) nitrogen to N2. In current N cycle models, a major proportion of global marine denitrification (50–70%) is assumed to take place on the sea floor, particularly in organic rich continental margin sediments. Recent observations indicate that present conceptual views of denitrification and pathways of nitrate reduction and N2 formation are incomplete. Alternative N cycle pathways, particularly in sediments, include anaerobic ammonium oxidation to nitrite, nitrate and N2 by Mn-oxides, and anaerobic ammonium oxidation coupled to nitrite reduction and subsequent N2 mobilization. The discovery of new links and feedback mechanisms between the redox cycles of, e.g., C, N, S, Mn and Fe casts doubt on the present general understanding of the global N cycle. Recent models of the oceanic N budget indicate that total inputs are significantly smaller than estimated fixed N removal. The occurrence of alternative N reaction pathways further exacerbates the apparent imbalance as they introduce additional routes of N removal. In this contribution, we give a brief historical background of the conceptual understanding of N cycling in marine ecosystems, emphasizing pathways of aerobic and anaerobic N mineralization in marine sediments, and the implications of recently recognized metabolic pathways for N removal in marine environments

    Brand experience : how is VĂ€derstad-Verken AB perceived by the customer

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    Tanken med detta examensarbete var att ta reda pÄ hur VÀderstad beskriver sitt varumÀrke och sedan jÀmföra detta mot hur kunder uppfattar företagets varumÀrke. MÄlet var att kunna ge VÀderstad en indikation pÄ om de lyckats med sin föresats eller inte. Som metod till detta examensarbete anvÀndes intervjuer och det intervjuades 18 lantbrukare samt för att kunna jÀmföra intervjuades Àven Bo Stark (Àgare). Arbetet avgrÀnsades till lantbrukare som var verksamma i SkÄne och att de hade investerat i en maskin frÄn VÀderstad Ären 2011 och 2012. Uppsatsen behandlar Àven frÄgan vad ett varumÀrke Àr för samt vad varumÀrkesupplevelse innebÀr. d.v.s. att information tas in pÄ olika sÀtt sÄsom informationssökning, inköpstillfÀlle och anvÀndande samt att under dessa mötestillfÀllen utsÀtts kunden för varumÀrkesspecifika stimuli det Àr viktigt för företagen att vÄrda dessa mötesplatser och lÀgga minst lika mycket resurser som man gör pÄ annonsering. VarumÀrket underhÄlls dÀremot inte genom annonsering som mÄnga tror. Den intervjuade fick frÄgan om han eller hon var nöjd med sitt köp och dÄ rangerades detta i en 5-gradig skala, dÀr 5 - var mycket nöjd, 4 - nöjd, 3 - varken nöjd eller missnöjd, 2 - missnöjd och 1 - mycket missnöjd. Resultatet pÄ den frÄgan blev att 56 % av de tillfrÄgade var mycket nöjda, 39 % av de tillfrÄgade var nöjda och 5 % av de tillfrÄgade var varken missnöjd eller nöjd. Detta ger en indikation pÄ hur varumÀrket upplevs.The idea of this thesis was to find out how VÀderstad describes their brand and then compare this to how customers perceive the company's brand. The goal was to provide VÀderstad indicate if they succeeded in their intention or not. As a method to this thesis interviews was used and a total of 18 interviews were conducted as well as an interview with Bo Stark (owner). The work was limited to farmers who were active in SkÄne and that they had invested in a machine from VÀderstad years 2011 and 2012. The paper also addresses the question of what a brand is and what brand experience means. I.e. the generation of information in different ways such as information search, purchase and use and that during these meeting times exposed customer for brand -specific stimuli. It is important for companies to nurture these communities and put at least as much resources as they do on advertising. The brand maintained but not through advertising, as many believes. The interviewee was asked if he was satisfied with his purchase and then rank was that of a 5 -point scale , where 5 - were very satisfied, 4 - satisfied, 3 - neither satisfied nor dissatisfied , 2 - dissatisfied and 1 - very dissatisfied . The results on this question were that 56 % of respondents were very satisfied, 39 % of respondents were satisfied and 5 % of respondents were either satisfied or not satisfied. This gives an indication how the brand is experienced

    Elektrodimateriaalit jÀtevesien sÀhkökemiallisessa hapetuksessa

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    TiivistelmÀ. JÀtevesien puhtausvaatimusten tiukentumisen seurauksena perinteisten puhdistusmenetelmien teho ei usein riitÀ vaatimusten tÀyttÀmiseen. TÀmÀn vuoksi tulee etsiÀ uusia tehokkaita menetelmiÀ perinteisten menetelmien rinnalle. TÀssÀ työssÀ tutustutaan kirjallisuuskatsauksen avulla sÀhkökemiallisen hapetuksen eli EO:n (electro-oxidation) mahdollisuuksiin jÀtevesien puhdistuksessa. Tiukentuneiden puhdistusmenetelmien myötÀ kiinnostus EO:ta kohtaan on viime vuosina kasvanut, joka nÀkyy tutkimuksien mÀÀrÀssÀ. Tutkimustietoa EO:sta siis löytyy hyvin, mutta menetelmÀ ei ole vielÀ vakiintunut kÀyttöön. TÀmÀn vuoksi tutkielma on hyvin ajankohtainen. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena on antaa riittÀvÀt tiedot, jotta sen pohjalta voidaan suunnitella laboratoriomittakaavan EO-laitteisto. EO:n avulla saadaan jÀtevesistÀ puhdistettua orgaanisia epÀpuhtauksia elektrolyyttisesti. Puhdistuminen voi tapahtua, joko suoraan anodin pinnassa, jota kutsutaan suoraksi sÀhkökemialliseksi hapetukseksi tai epÀsuoran sÀhkökemiallisen hapettumisen avulla liuoksessa. EO:ssa on monia tekijöitÀ, jotka vaikuttavat vesien puhdistuksen lopputulokseen. KeskeisimpiÀ ovat olosuhteiden optimointi ja oikea elektrodimateriaalin valinta. Olosuhteiden optimoinnissa keskeisimpiÀ tekijöitÀ ovat pH, virrantiheys sekÀ reaktioaika. Hapetus aloitetaan usein neutraaleista tai happamista olosuhteista. Parhaisiin puhdistustuloksiin pÀÀsy suhteellisen lyhyessÀ ajassa vaatii korkean virrantiheyden. TÀstÀ seuraa suuri energiankulutus, joka on yksi EO-menetelmÀn haasteista. Yleisesti kÀytetty puhdistusaika laboratoriomittakaavan laitteistolle on kaksi tuntia. Elektrodimateriaaleja on tutkittu useita erialaisia. NÀistÀ keskeisimpiÀ ovat boorilla seostettu timantti (engl. boron-dobed diamond, BDD), sekoitetut metallioksidit (engl. mixed metal oxide, MMO), jalometallit kuten platina, lyijyoksidi elektrodit sekÀ hiili- ja grafiitti elektrodit. TÀssÀ työssÀ lÀpikÀytyjen tutkimusten perusteella parhaita ovat BDD- ja MMO-materiaalit. Molempien avulla on saatu hyviÀ tuloksia vÀriaineiden poistossa sekÀ orgaanisen aineen hajottamisessa. Joissain tutkimuksissa BDD-materiaalit osoittivat myös hyviÀ tuloksia typpiyhdisteiden poistumiseen jÀtevesistÀ.Electrode materials in electrochemical oxidation of wastewaters. Abstract. As a result of the tightening quality requirements for wastewater, the efficiency of traditional treatment methods will not be sufficient. Therefore, new effective methods must be sought alongside traditional methods. This work will explore the possibilities of electrochemical oxidation in wastewater purification. Along with the tightened cleaning requirements, interest in EO has grown in recent years, which can be seen in the number of published studies. Research information on the electrochemical oxidation method is therefore well founded, but the method has not yet been established in large-scale use. Consequently, this literary survey is very topical. The target of the study is to provide sufficient data to build an experimental scale EO hardware. Organic compounds in wastewaters can be removed electrolytically by electrochemical oxidation. Removing can occur either directly on anode surface, which is called direct anodic oxidation, or by indirect electrochemical oxidation in solution. There are many factors in EO that influence the outcome of water purification. The most important are the optimization of conditions and the correct choice of electrode material. The central factors in optimizing conditions are pH, current density, and reaction time. Oxidation often begins from neutral or acidic conditions. To achieve good treatment results in a relatively short time requires a high current density. This causes high energy consumption, which is one of the EO method challenges. Treatment time for EO is typically two hours. Different kind of electrode materials have been researched. Among these the most central are boron dropped diamond (BDD), mixed metal oxide (MMO), noble metal like platinum, lead oxide electrode, and carbon or graphite electrodes. Materials, which give the best results based on this thesis, are BDD and MMO. Both give good results in colour removal and removal of organic compounds. Some research shows also good results in nitrogen removal by BDD material

    The Crystal Structure of H-2Dd MHC Class I Complexed with the HIV-1-Derived Peptide P18-I10 at 2.4 Å Resolution Implications for T Cell and NK Cell Recognition

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    AbstractThe structure of H-2Dd complexed with the HIV-derived peptide P18-I10 (RGPGRAFVTI) has been determined by X-ray crystallography at 2.4 Å resolution. This MHC class I molecule has an unusual binding motif with four anchor residues in the peptide (G2, P3, R/K/H5, and I/L/F9 or 10). The cleft architecture of H-2Dd includes a deep narrow passage accomodating the N-terminal part of the peptide, explaining the obligatory G2P3 anchor motif. Toward the C-terminal half of the peptide, p5R to p8V form a type Iâ€Č reverse turn; residues p6A to p9T, and in particular p7F, are readily exposed. The structure is discussed in relation to functional data available for T cell and natural killer cell recognition of the H-2Dd molecule

    Diversity of habitats and bacterial communities support landscape-scale multifunctionality differently across seasons

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    Abstract In this study, we demonstrate how changes in the diversity of habitat and bacterial communities affect landscape multifunctionality. Habitat diversity may beget species diversity by increasing niche availability and resource complementarity. Species diversity, in turn, generally promotes multifunctionality, i.e. the simultaneous performance of multiple ecosystem functions. However, the relationship between habitat diversity and functioning remains to be explicitly explored. In order to test the relationship between habitat diversity and multifunctionality we constructed experimental landscapes of four different habitats common in shallow-water sediment ecosystems: cyanobacterial mats, Ruppia maritima meadows, silty mud and sandy beach. We manipulated the diversity of these habitats over three consecutive seasons and measured bacterial diversity, benthic microalgal diversity and four functions related to marine nitrogen cycling (gross primary production, nitrogen fixation, denitrification and uptake of dissolved inorganic nitrogen). Our results showed that higher habitat and bacterial diversity, but not benthic microalgal diversity, increased landscape multifunctionality. However, the relative importance of habitat and bacterial diversity varied with season. Habitat diversity was generally the strongest driver, affecting multifunctionality directly in summer and indirectly via bacterial diversity in autumn. In spring, neither of the two aspects of diversity was important. Our study demonstrates the importance of considering temporal differences in both habitat and species diversity for landscape multifunctionality, and the importance of direct and indirect effects in mediating ecosystem functions. Habitat homogenization in concert with loss in biodiversity can thus be a driving force of declining ecosystem functioning and the services they underpin

    The microphytobenthos of Königshafen — spatial and seasonal distribution on a sandy tidal flat

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    A microphytobenthic species composition of a tidal flat in the northern Wadden Sea was analysed regarding cell numbers and biomass (in carbon units). The three sampling sites differed in tidal inundation from 15 cm to about 90 cm water depth at high tide. The sediment was sandy at all three stations. A cluster analysis revealed a separation of the benthic diatoms into three areas: aNereis-Corophium-belt, a seagrass-bed and theArenicola-flat. Small epipsammic diatoms were most abundant and dominated the microalgal biomass. A microphytobenthic “spring bloom” even started beneath the ice cover of the flat in January. Lowest values of cell numbers and biomass of benthic microalgae were found in summer. Highest values were measured in the uppermost area (Nereis-Corophium-belt), and only here was an autumnal increase of benthic microalgae found. Further cluster analysis within each of the three areas revealed seasonal differences although the majority of species were present all year round. Many species were most abundant in spring, and some showed a bimodal distribution (spring-autumn) in the year of investigatio
