83 research outputs found

    Pengujian 15 Genotipe Kedelai Pada Kondisi Intensitas Cahaya 50% Dan Penilaian Karakter Tanaman Berdasarkan Fenotipnya

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    The Examination of 15 Soybean Genotypes at 50% Light Intensity and Evaluation of Crop'sPhenotypic Characters. Sunlight is one of the important plant growth requirements. In orderto understand morphological character changes in the crops due to different light intensity, 15genotypes of soybean consisted of Willis, D3578-3/3072-11, Seulawah, Aochi/W-62, Kaba,IAC 100/Brr-1, MLGG 0081, MLGG 0059, MLGG 0120, 9837/Kawi, D-6-185, IAC 100, MLGG0383-1, Pangrango, MLGG 0069 and MLGG 0122 were tested. The research was conducted inKendalpayak (grey Alluvial soil type, 450 above sea level, C3 climate type), Malang at dryseason in 2006. The research design was Randomize Complete Block under two differentenvironmental conditions, with three replications. The experiment was conducted under fulland 50 %light intensity. The results indicated that the reduction of light intensity as much as50 % resulted in some changes in phenotypic characters such as size and lifespan of the 15genotype being tested, included the increase of plant height, the longer distance betweennodes, the decrease in node number, the smaller size of stem diameter, the decrease on thenumber of leaves, the narrower of the leaf ‘s width and the decrease in pod number. Lessenedseed weight, the low weight of 100 seeds, the lowering level of the leaf's greenness, and theaccelerate age of flowering and harvesting. IAC 100, MLGG 0383-1 and IAC 100/BBR-1 producedhigh under 50% of light intensity

    Perubahan Karakter Agronomi Aksesi Plasma Nutfah Kedelai di Lingkungan Ternaungi

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    Excessive shading during plant growth is one of the factors that might decrease the productivity of crops. The aim of this study was to determine agronomic characters of soybean germplasms grown under shaded environment. The research was carried out at Kendalpayak experimental station (grey Alluvial soil, 450 m above the sea level with C3 climate type) during dry season in Malang, from February to April 2006. The experimental design used was Randomized Complete Block Design with three replications. The genetic material observed were 120 accessions of Balitkabi's soybean germplasm; the treatments were without shading and 50% shading using shading net. The results showed that 50% shading decreased plant age to harvest, increased plant height, and reduced the number of pods and seed weight compared to those in no shading environment. Based on Stress Tolerancy Index (STI) analysis on the seed weight per plant, fi ve accessions i.e. MLGG 0845, MLGG 3335, MLGG 0010, MLGG 0771, and Wilis demonstrated high tolerance on 50% shad

    Optimized Inter Prediction for H.264 Video codec

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    Transmisja wideo w wysokiej jakości jest jeden z głównych współczesnej komunikacji. Zmieniające się możliwości dostosowania się do oferowanych rozwiązań przez standardy kodeków. H.264 wymagania dotyczące kompresji wideo. W tej pracy poszukito próbę optymalizacji wzajemnego proponowania wraz z ulepszeniem prognozy wewnętrznej, aby zapewnić dostępność danych portyfikacyjnych, a tym samym poszerzoną szerokość pasma standardowego, co jest poprawne w aplikacji w aplikacji. W intrapredykcji, wygoda 9 trybów z blokami luminancji 4 * 4 wybierany jest tylko tryb predykcji DC, opłata licencyjna złożoność kodowania w kierunku optymalnego wykorzystania logiki w celu obsługi typowej płytki FPGA do implementacji sprzętowej. Najbardziej najbardziej zaawansowany,Przewidywaniesystemowe jest przeprowadzane z zastosowaniem efektywnie bloków M9K z odpowiednią synchronizacją taktowania w celu opóźnienia operacji kodowania. Układ eksperymentalny składający się z dwóch płytek Altera DE2-115 połączonych kablem Ethernet zademonstrował transmisję wideo. Te analityczne etapy predykcji intra i predykcji pośredniej spowodowały poprawę poprawy kompresji wideo przy dobrej jakości subiektywnej i zwiększonej kompresji wideo

    Optimized Inter Prediction for H.264 Video codec

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    Transmisja wideo w wysokiej jakości jest jeden z głównych współczesnej komunikacji. Zmieniające się możliwości dostosowania się do oferowanych rozwiązań przez standardy kodeków. H.264 wymagania dotyczące kompresji wideo. W tej pracy poszukito próbę optymalizacji wzajemnego proponowania wraz z ulepszeniem prognozy wewnętrznej, aby zapewnić dostępność danych portyfikacyjnych, a tym samym poszerzoną szerokość pasma standardowego, co jest poprawne w aplikacji w aplikacji. W intrapredykcji, wygoda 9 trybów z blokami luminancji 4 * 4 wybierany jest tylko tryb predykcji DC, opłata licencyjna złożoność kodowania w kierunku optymalnego wykorzystania logiki w celu obsługi typowej płytki FPGA do implementacji sprzętowej. Najbardziej najbardziej zaawansowany,Przewidywaniesystemowe jest przeprowadzane z zastosowaniem efektywnie bloków M9K z odpowiednią synchronizacją taktowania w celu opóźnienia operacji kodowania. Układ eksperymentalny składający się z dwóch płytek Altera DE2-115 połączonych kablem Ethernet zademonstrował transmisję wideo. Te analityczne etapy predykcji intra i predykcji pośredniej spowodowały poprawę poprawy kompresji wideo przy dobrej jakości subiektywnej i zwiększonej kompresji wideo

    The light subunit of mushroom Agaricus bisporus tyrosinase:Its biological characteristics and implications

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    The light subunit of mushroom Agaricus bisporus tyrosinase (LSMT) is a protein of unknown function that was discovered serendipitously during the elucidation of the crystal structure of the enzyme. The protein is non-immunogenic and can penetrate the intestinal epithelial cell barrier, and thus, similar to its structural homologue HA-33 from Clostridium botulinum, may be potentially absorbable by the intestine. LSMT also shares high structural homology with the ricin-B-like lectin from the mushroom Clitocybe nebularis (CNL), which has been shown to display biological activity against leukemic cancer cells and dendritic cells. Therefore, we evaluated the biological activity of LSMT. An in vitro assay suggested that LSMT presentation to most of the cancer cell lines studied has a negligible effect on their proliferation. However, inhibition of cell growth and a slight stimulation of cell proliferation were observed with breast cancer and macrophage cells, respectively. LSMT appeared to be relatively resistant against proteolysis by trypsin and papain, but not bromelain. Challenges with gastric and intestinal juice suggested that the protein is resistant to gastrointestinal tract conditions. This is the first report on the biological characteristics and implication of LSMT. (C) 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    Maternal mortality in the rural Gambia, a qualitative study on access to emergency obstetric care

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    BACKGROUND: Maternal mortality is the vital indicator with the greatest disparity between developed and developing countries. The challenging nature of measuring maternal mortality has made it necessary to perform an action-oriented means of gathering information on where, how and why deaths are occurring; what kinds of action are needed and have been taken. A maternal death review is an in-depth investigation of the causes and circumstances surrounding maternal deaths. The objectives of the present study were to describe the socio-cultural and health service factors associated with maternal deaths in rural Gambia. METHODS: We reviewed the cases of 42 maternal deaths of women who actually tried to reach or have reached health care services. A verbal autopsy technique was applied for 32 of the cases. Key people who had witnessed any stage during the process leading to death were interviewed. Health care staff who participated in the provision of care to the deceased was also interviewed. All interviews were tape recorded and analyzed by using a grounded theory approach. The standard WHO definition of maternal deaths was used. RESULTS: The length of time in delay within each phase of the model was estimated from the moment the woman, her family or health care providers realized that there was a complication until the decision to seeking or implementing care was made. The following items evolved as important: underestimation of the severity of the complication, bad experience with the health care system, delay in reaching an appropriate medical facility, lack of transportation, prolonged transportation, seeking care at more than one medical facility and delay in receiving prompt and appropriate care after reaching the hospital. CONCLUSION: Women do seek access to care for obstetric emergencies, but because of a variety of problems encountered, appropriate care is often delayed. Disorganized health care with lack of prompt response to emergencies is a major factor contributing to a continued high mortality rate

    Mapping ergonomics application to improve SMEs working condition in industrially developing countries: a critical review

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    In industrially developing countries (IDC), small and medium enterprises (SMEs) account for the highest proprotion of employment. Unfortunately, the working conditions in SMEs are often very poor and expose employees to a potentially wide range of health and safety risks. This paper presents a comprehensive review of 161 articles related to ergonomics application in SMEs, using Indonesia as a case study. The aim of this paper is to investigate the extent of ergonomics application and identify areas that can be improved to promote effective ergonomics for SMEs in IDC. The most urgent issue found is the need for adopting participatory approach in contrast to the commonly implemented top-down approach. Some good practices in ergonomics application were also revealed from the review, e.g. a multidisciplinary approach, unsophisticated and low-cost solutions, and recognising the importance of productivity. The review also found that more work is still required to achieve appropriate cross-cultural adaptation of ergonomics application. Practitioner Summary: Despite continuous efforts in addressing ergonomics issues in SMEs of IDC, workers are still exposed to poor work conditions. We reviewed factual-based evidence of current ergonomics application to inform future strategies of ergonomics in IDC, using Indonesia as a case study

    A bibliography of parasites and diseases of marine and freshwater fishes of India

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    With the increasing demand for fish as human food, aquaculture both in freshwater and salt water is rapidly developing over the world. In the developing countries, fishes are being raised as food. In many countries fish farming is a very important economic activity. The most recent branch, mariculture, has shown advances in raising fishes in brackish, estuarine and bay waters, in which marine, anadromous and catadromous fishes have successfully been grown and maintained