9 research outputs found

    Quantitative Assessment of Desertification Using Landsat Data on a Regional Scale – A Case Study in the Ordos Plateau, China

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    Desertification is a serious threat to the ecological environment and social economy in our world and there is a pressing need to develop a reasonable and reproducible method to assess it at different scales. In this paper, the Ordos Plateau in China was selected as the research region and a quantitative method for desertification assessment was developed by using Landsat MSS and TM/ETM+ data on a regional scale. In this method, NDVI, MSDI and land surface albedo were selected as assessment indicators of desertification to represent land surface conditions from vegetation biomass, landscape pattern and micrometeorology. Based on considering the effects of vegetation type and time of images acquired on assessment indictors, assessing rule sets were built and a decision tree approach was used to assess desertification of Ordos Plateau in 1980, 1990 and 2000. The average overall accuracy of three periods was higher than 90%. The results showed that although some local places of Ordos Plateau experienced an expanding trend of desertification, the trend of desertification of Ordos Plateau was an overall decrease in from 1980 to 2000. By analyzing the causes of desertification processes, it was found that climate change could benefit for the reversion of desertification from 1980 to 1990 at a regional scale and human activities might explain the expansion of desertification in this period; however human conservation activities were the main driving factor that induced the reversion of desertification from 1990 to 2000

    Impact of the Levels of COVID-19 Pandemic Prevention and Control Measures on Air Quality: A Case Study of Jiangsu Province, China

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    In order to control the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic, the prevention and control measures of public health emergencies were initiated in all provinces of China in early 2020, which had a certain impact on air quality. In this study, taking Jiangsu Province in China as an example, the air pollution levels in different regions under different levels of pandemic prevention and control (PPC) measures are evaluated. The implementation of the prevention and control policies of COVID-19 pandemic directly affected the concentration of air pollutants. No matter what level of PPC measures was implemented, the air quality index (AQI) and pollutant concentrations of NO2, CO, PM10 and PM2.5 were all reduced by varied degrees. The higher the level of PPC measures, the greater the reduction was in air pollutant concentrations. Specifically, NO2 was the most sensitive to PPC policies. The concentrations of CO and atmospheric particulate matter (PM10 and PM2.5) decreased most obviously under the first and second level of PPC. The response speed of air quality to different levels of PPC measures varied greatly among different cities. Southern Jiangsu, which has a higher level of economic development and is dominated by secondary and tertiary industries, had a faster response speed and a stronger responsiveness. The results of this study reflect the economic vitality of different cities in economically advanced regions (i.e., Jiangsu Province) in China. Furthermore, the results can provide references for the formulation of PPC policies and help the government make more scientific and reasonable strategies for air pollution prevention and control

    The Development of a Hybrid Wavelet-ARIMA-LSTM Model for Precipitation Amounts and Drought Analysis

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    Investigation of quantitative predictions of precipitation amounts and forecasts of drought events are conducive to facilitating early drought warnings. However, there has been limited research into or modern statistical analyses of precipitation and drought over Northeast China, one of the most important grain production regions. Therefore, a case study at three meteorological sites which represent three different climate types was explored, and we used time series analysis of monthly precipitation and the grey theory methods for annual precipitation during 1967–2017. Wavelet transformation (WT), autoregressive integrated moving average (ARIMA) and long short-term memory (LSTM) methods were utilized to depict the time series, and a new hybrid model wavelet-ARIMA-LSTM (W-AL) of monthly precipitation time series was developed. In addition, GM (1, 1) and DGM (1, 1) of the China Z-Index (CZI) based on annual precipitation were introduced to forecast drought events, because grey system theory specializes in a small sample and results in poor information. The results revealed that (1) W-AL exhibited higher prediction accuracy in monthly precipitation forecasting than ARIMA and LSTM; (2) CZI values calculated through annual precipitation suggested that more slight drought events occurred in Changchun while moderate drought occurred more frequently in Linjiang and Qian Gorlos; (3) GM (1, 1) performed better than DGM (1, 1) in drought event forecasting

    Contribution of the Northeast Cold Vortex Index and Multiscale Synergistic Indices to Extreme Precipitation Over Northeast China

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    Abstract The northeast cold vortex (NECV) is one of the major synoptic systems affecting Northeast China. The activity of NECV is an important reason for severe convective storms. However, research on extreme precipitation over Northeast China and their associations with the northeast cold vortex index (NECVI) is limited. Based on nonstationary generalized extreme value models, we analyze and quantify the contribution of the NECVI and the multiscale synergistic indices. Then, we verify the necessity of the NECVI by the likelihood ratio test and the blank control experiment, and further verify the impact of the NECVI on the extreme precipitation over Northeast China in combination with the climate index atmospheric circulation analysis. Results suggest that the models established with East Asian summer monsoon index, Southern Oscillation Index, and NINO3.4 index as covariates the most common. The NECVI and the synergies also make significant contribution and have passed the likelihood ratio test at 80% confidence. Especially in late summer, accounting for 18.69% of the 10 selected best models and 29.41% of the nine selected best nonstationary models. Based on the blank experiments, the models with the NECVI have a maximum reduction of 4.72% than those without the NECVI in the Akaike information criterion values in late summer. In early summer and late summer, the center of the high values of the water vapor anomaly is mainly located in southwestern in the strong NECVI years. These findings help to understand the genetic mechanism of extreme precipitation over Northeast China and provide reference for risk management