591 research outputs found

    The Microbial Community of a Terrestrial Anoxic Inter-Tidal Zone: A Model for Laboratory-Based Studies of Potentially Habitable Ancient Lacustrine Systems on Mars

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    Evidence indicates that Gale crater on Mars harboured a fluvio-lacustrine environment that was subjected to physio-chemical variations such as changes in redox conditions and evaporation with salinity changes, over time. Microbial communities from terrestrial environmental analogues sites are important for studying such potential habitability environments on early Mars, especially in laboratory-based simulation experiments. Traditionally, such studies have predominantly focused on microorganisms from extreme terrestrial environments. These are applicable to a range of Martian environments; however, they lack relevance to the lacustrine systems. In this study, we characterise an anoxic inter-tidal zone as a terrestrial analogue for the Gale crater lake system according to its chemical and physical properties, and its microbiological community. The sub-surface inter-tidal environment of the River Dee estuary, United Kingdom (53°21'015.40" N, 3°10'024.95" W) was selected and compared with available data from Early Hesperian-time Gale crater, and temperature, redox, and pH were similar. Compared to subsurface ‘groundwater’-type fluids invoked for the Gale subsurface, salinity was higher at the River Dee site, which are more comparable to increases in salinity that likely occurred as the Gale crater lake evolved. Similarities in clay abundance indicated similar access to, specifically, the bio-essential elements Mg, Fe and K. The River Dee microbial community consisted of taxa that were known to have members that could utilise chemolithoautotrophic and chemoorganoheterotrophic metabolism and such a mixed metabolic capability would potentially have been feasible on Mars. Microorganisms isolated from the site were able to grow under environment conditions that, based on mineralogical data, were similar to that of the Gale crater’s aqueous environment at Yellowknife Bay. Thus, the results from this study suggest that the microbial community from an anoxic inter-tidal zone is a plausible terrestrial analogue for studying habitability of fluvio-lacustrine systems on early Mars, using laboratory-based simulation experiments

    Data compression for the microgravity experiments

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    Researchers present the environment and conditions under which data compression is to be performed for the microgravity experiment. Also presented are some coding techniques that would be useful for coding in this environment. It should be emphasized that researchers are currently at the beginning of this program and the toolkit mentioned is far from complete

    The Role of Responsive Library Makerspaces in Supporting Informal Learning in the Digital Humanities

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    Makerspaces make a unique contribution to the partnership between academic libraries and digital humanities by providing a creative, informal space for learning skills and new knowledge, sharing materials and equipment, and exploring and experimenting through an problem-solving, inquiry-based learning approach. The concept of the makerspace as a "liminal" space, containing inherent contradictions and tensions between formal and informal learning, structure and agency, forms a basis for understanding the role the makerspace plays in shaping, and being shaped by, a digital humanities community of practice. This chapter discusses particular experiences that demonstrate some of the ways in which the Curtin Library Makerspace in Western Australia has been involved in digital humanities since it was established in 2015. It has nurtured a creative environment for informal learning through facilitating maker activities; fostered collaborations with teaching academics to support the curriculum; and supported the development of longer-term research projects. We discuss the issues particular to each of these experiences, as the Makerspace negotiated the challenge of retaining the informality of the makerspace, while at the same time recognizing the need for infrastructural support to enable it to participate as an equal partner in digital humanities research projects

    Synergistic Antitumor Activity of Vitamins C and K3 on Human Bladder Cancer Cell Lines

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    Copyright © 2013 Karen McGuire et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. Exponentially growing cultures of human bladder tumor cells (RT4 and T24) were treated with Vitamin C (VC) alone, Vitamin K3 (VK3) alone, or with a VC:VK3 combination continuously for 5 days or treated with vitamins for 1 h, washed with PBS and then incubated in culture medium for 5 days. Co-administration of the vitamins enhanced the antitumor activity 12- to 24-fold for the RT-4 cells and 6- to 41-fold for the T24 cells. Flow cytometry of RT4 cells ex-posed to the vitamins revealed a growth arrested population and a population undergoing cell death. Growth arrested cells were blocked near the G0/G1-S-phase interface, while cell death was due to autoschizis. Catalase treatment abro-gated both cell cycle arrest and cell death which implicated hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) in these processes. The H2O2 production resulted in a moderate increase in lipid peroxidation and depletion of cell thiol levels. Analysis of cellular ATP levels revealed a transient increase in ATP production for VC and the VC:VK3 combination, but decreased ATP levels following VK3 treatment. Lipid peroxidation, thiol depletion and ATP modulation occurred at a 17-fold lower concentration in the vitamin combination than with either vitamin alone. These results suggested that the increased cy-totoxicity of the vitamin combination was due to redox cycling and increased oxidative stress

    Thin endometrial lining during frozen embryo cycles: a case-control study of risk factors and natural history

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    Objective: To identify predictors of thin endometrial lining in the first frozen embryo transfer cycles and to characterize the natural history of this condition over subsequent cycles. Design: Retrospective case-control study Conclusions: This study shows that prognosis after a diagnosis of thin endometrial lining is favorable. Lower weight and thinner fresh cycle lining are predictors of thin endometrial lining in FET cycles. Most importantly, women with a diagnosis of thin endometrial lining have similar live birth rates as those with adequate endometrial lining, although their time to achieve live birth is slightly longer

    A pilot evaluation of social needs among gynecologic oncology patients in inpatient versus outpatient settings

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    The WHO defines social determinants of health (SDoH) as the conditions in which we are born, grow, work, and live as well as other large systems that positively or negatively affect our health. Many healthcare systems currently lack the resources and strategies required to accurately assess and address SDoH. Action must be taken because studies have found that chronic diseases, including cancer, are affected by SDoH. The aim of this study is to identify the incidence of social needs in an inpatient gynecologic oncology population and its relation to patient demographics and clinical diagnostic data to guide and inform future intervention. Patients agreeing to participate in the study completed a needs assessment survey during their inpatient stay at the hospital between November 2020 to March 2021. The survey contained seven questions, six of which were questions screening for social needs including food and housing security, transportation means, financial stability, health literacy, and social support. Responses were considered positive if any degree of need was reported. Demographic and cancer diagnosis data were then collected and included zip code, race, cancer stage and age at diagnosis, treatment history, and number of hospital admissions and length of stay over the past 12 months. The most substantial reported needs across all gynecologic malignancies were social support (65%), health literacy (37%), and financial need (22%). Less need was reported in the categories of food (11%), housing (7%), and transportation (4%). SDoH have been studied in the outpatient gynecologic population and the needs seen in this study are similar to the needs of that population. However, there are likely different challenges and frequencies of unmet need in the different types of gynecologic cancers that may affect the stage at which their cancer is diagnosed as well as the number of hospital admissions related to their cancer care

    Reading incest: tyranny, subversion, and the preservation of patriarchy

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    British literature is rich in stories crafted around the problem of incest. Incest has long been seen as a universal, or near-universal, taboo, yet dynasties have been founded upon it--and have fallen because of it. This dissertation explores usage of the incest theme in the medieval and early modern literary periods, and into the mid-eighteenth century, a time which saw the emergence of a new form of literature named by one of its creators as Gothic. While incest remains firmly taboo across this long period of time, writers and storytellers appropriate it to reflect some of the anxieties attendant upon their times. To understand the usefulness of incest in mirroring societal disarray across centuries, it is necessary to first understand the historical background of consanguineous relationships, a history which is full of ambiguities and contradictions. Thus incest seems a natural choice for John Gower, who relies on incest in his Confessio Amantis, and in Sir Thomas Malory's Morte Darthur, where it is used to allegorize the misdeeds of tyrannical kings who fail to rule wisely, and lead themselves and their people to misery. Given the popularity of drama in the early modern period, it is through this genre that the usage of incest best reveals the anxieties of this age, anxieties which include not only tyrannical kings but also the risks of increasing female autonomy. Incest in Shakespeare's Pericles, Beaumont and Fletcher's A King, and No King and John Webster's The Duchess of Malfi works to showcase the dangers of uncertainty when it comes to matters of inheritance, especially when the inheritance involves the throne. Added to this is the fear that rising female agency might eventually succeed in completely undermining the patriarchal and monarchical social structures that were still believed by many to be divinely ordained. By the mid-eighteenth century, changes in economic and political systems appeared to threaten the institution of the family, and incest proved to be a useful metaphor for expressing these anxieties. I conclude that reading incest across four centuries of literary works reveals that while societal threats change over time, a common desire to preserve, uphold, and defend patriarchy remains

    A Study of the Microbial Community at the Interface between Granite Bedrock and Soil Using a Culture-Independent and Culture-Dependent Approach

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    The dissolution of minerals plays an important role in the formation of soils and sediments. In nutrient limiting soils, minerals constitute a major reservoir of bio-essential cations. Of particular interest is granite as it is the major rock type of the continental land mass. Although certain bacteria have been shown to enhance weathering of granite-forming minerals, little is known about the dissolution of granite, at the whole rock scale, and the microbial community involved. In this study, both culture-independent and culture-dependent approaches were used to study the bacterial community at the interface between granite bedrock and nutrient limiting soil in Dartmoor National Park, United Kingdom. High throughput sequencing demonstrated that over 70% of the bacterial population consisted of the bacterial classes Bacilli, Beta-proteobacteria and Gamma-proteobacteria. Bacteria belonging to the genera Serratia, Pseudomonas, Bacillus, Paenibacillus, Chromobacterium and Burkholderia were isolated from the sample site. All of the isolates were able to grow in a minimal growth medium, which contained glucose and ammonium chloride, with granite as the sole source of bio-essential elements. Sixty six percent of the isolates significantly enhanced basalt dissolution (p < 0.05). Dissolution of Si, K, Ca and Mg correlated with production of oxalic acid and acidification. The results of this study suggest that microorganisms in nutrient limiting soils can enhance the rate of granite dissolution, which is an important part of the biogeochemical cycle

    SUMMARY – living on different incomes in London: can public consensus identify a 'riches line'?

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    There is widespread public and political concern about economic inequality in the UK today but relatively little research exploring people’s opinions about high incomes, wealth and what it means to be rich. This innovative study aimed to explore what members of the public with lower and higher incomes living in London think defines higher living standards and whether there is a point at which financial resources (income and wealth) are excessive or undesirable for society. London was chosen as the location for the study because economic inequality is particularly pronounced and plainly visible in the capital