17 research outputs found

    Dinámica estacional de comunidades de peces en una marisma intermareal de Sundarbans indio

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    In the present study, the seasonal and inter-annual fish assemblage structure of intertidal mudflats of Indian Sundarbans was analysed during tidal cycles. A total of 31 fish species belonging to 22 families and 9 orders were collected during high tide, whereas only 12 were recorded during low tide. Fish assemblage descriptions were based on several community descriptors, namely diversity (H′), species richness (S), species dominance (D), and species evenness (J) and on an ecological guild classification. A canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) was performed to evaluate the relationship between estuarine habitat and fish assemblages in the mudflat habitat during inundated and exposed conditions. All the diversity indices showed marked seasonal and inter-annual variations. Temporal variations were also found in fish assemblage structure in both tidal conditions. Estuarine species were the most important ecological guild of the mudflats during both high and low tides. Of all the abiotic variables examined, CCA showed that salinity, pH and nutrients were the most important influencing fish assemblage during high tide. Total dissolved solids, water temperature and salinity were significant during low tide. Considering the importance of mudflats in supporting fish diversity, the present study emphasizes the increased efforts for conservation of this habitat in the Indian Sundarbans.En el presente estudio, la estructura estacional e interanual de comunidades de peces en el intermareal fangoso de Sundarbans se analizó durante ciclos de marea. 31 especies pertenecientes a 22 familias y 9 órdenes fueron recogidas durante la marea alta, mientras que sólo 12 se registraron durante la marea baja. Las comunidades se describieron varios descriptores: diversidad (H′), riqueza de especies (S), dominancia de especies (D) y uniformidad de especies (J) y una clasificación ecológica de comunidad. Se realizó un análisis de correspondencia canónico (CCA) para evaluar la relación entre hábitat estuárico y comunidades de peces durante condiciones inundadas y expuestas. Todos los índices de diversidad mostraron marcadas diferencias estacionales e interanuales. También se encontraron variaciones temporales en la estructura del conjunto de peces en tanto las condiciones de la marea. Especies estuarinas (ES) fue el grupo ecológico más importante de las marismas de Sundarbans tanto durante la marea alta como en la baja

    Cambios temporales en la diversidad de los cangrejos braquiuros a lo largo de un hábitat heterogéneo del manglar indio de Sundarban

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    The present study investigates the effect of different habitat attributes on brachyuran crab diversity in two different study sites in the Sundarban mangrove, India. The two sites differ in the level of anthropogenic intrusion and in the age of the mangrove forest. Seasonal changes in the environment and in brachyuran faunal abundance were recorded for three years. Species composition varied between the two habitats irrespective of season. The habitat heterogeneity and the recorded crab community was analysed by several univariate and multivariate statistical techniques. The newly replanted mangrove site showed lesser diversity than the natural one. Ocypodid crabs, mainly Uca rosea, dominated both study sites, whereas Uca triangularis was totally absent from the replanted site. Canonical correspondence analysis showed that the total acidity, total alkalinity, pH content of water, total dissolved solids, inorganic phosphate content of water, soil specific gravity, soil density and the physical constructions of the habitat play a crucial role in moderating the crab community structure. This study reveals that brachyuran crab diversity can be used as a potential indicator of the alterations of mangrove habitats.El presente estudio investiga el efecto de las diferentes características de hábitat sobre la diversidad de los cangrejos braquiuros en dos lugares diferentes del manglar Sundarban, India. Los dos sitios difieren en el nivel de intrusión antropogénica, así como en la edad del bosque de manglar. Se registraron cambios estacionales en el medio y en la abundancia de la fauna de braquiuros durante tres años. A pesar de las diferencias estacionales, la composición de especies difiere en los dos hábitats. Se analizó la heterogeneidad del hábitat y la comunidad de cangrejos mediante técnicas estadísticas univariantes y multivariantes. La zona de manglares replantada recientemente mostró menor diversidad que la zona natural. Los cangrejos ocipódidos, principalmente Uca rosea, dominaron en ambas zonas de estudio, mientras que Uca triangularis estuvo totalmente ausente en la zona replantada. El análisis de Correspondencia Canónica (CCA) mostró que la acidez total, la alcalinidad total, el contenido de pH del agua, los sólidos totales disueltos (TDS), el contenido de fosfato inorgánico del agua, el peso específico del suelo, la densidad del suelo, junto con las construcciones físicas del hábitat desempeñan un papel fundamental en la estructura de la comunidad de cangrejos. Este estudio revela que la diversidad de los cangrejos braquiuros puede ser utilizada como un potencial indicador de las alteraciones de los hábitats de manglares

    Distribución espacial y estructura de la población de cangrejos violinistas en manglares de Sundarban, India

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    Brachyuran crabs constitute the most abundant faunal component of mangrove ecosystems and support a wide range of ecosystem services. In the present study, seasonal variation of population density and biomass along with demographic categories and sex ratios of four species of fiddler crabs (Uca rosea, Uca triangularis, Uca dussumieri and Uca vocans) from Jhorkhali Island in the Sundarban mangrove were studied in relation to some major environmental parameters (salinity, nutrient content, soil organic carbon, dissolved oxygen, total dissolved solute, etc.) during bimonthly sampling for three consecutive years (2010-2012). Maximum population density and biomass of the ocypodid crabs were recorded during the pre-monsoonal month and minimum values during the monsoon. Different peaks in reproductive activity were observed among seasonal breeders (U. triangularis, U. dussumieri). For U. vocans, the sex ratio peaks declined during the ovigerous period. All four populations were characterized by significantly more males than females. Multiple regression analysis suggested a cumulative effect of several ecological parameters on seasonal fluctuations of the crab population. Breeding periodicity might be controlled by a combination of factors, including temperature, quality of the substratum, food availability for the adult and larval stages, and intertidal zonations.Los cangrejos braquiuros constituyen el grupo más abundante de la fauna de los manglares y aportan una amplia gama de servicios en los ecosistemas. En el presente trabajo se estudia la variación estacional en la densidad y biomasa de la población, junto con aspectos demográficos y proporción de sexos en cuatro especies de cangrejos violinistas (Uca rosea, U. triangularis, U. dussumieri y U. vocans) del manglar Sundarban en la isla de Jhorkhali. Estos datos se relacionan con algunos parámetros ambientales (salinidad, contenido de nutrientes, carbono orgánico del suelo, oxígeno disuelto, materia disuelta etc.). El muestreo se realizó durante 3 años (2010-2012) y con periodicidad bimensual. La máxima densidad y biomasa poblacional se observaron durante el mes pre-monzón y mínima durante el monzón. Se observaron picos distintos en la actividad reproductora entre los reproductores estacionales (U. triangularis y U. dussumieri). En U. vocans, los máximos en el sex-ratio disminuyeron durante el período de puesta. Las cuatro especies se caracterizan por un mayor número de machos que de hembras. Los análisis de regresión múltiple indicaron un efecto acumulativo de varios parámetros ambientales. La periodicidad de la puesta puede estar relacionada con varios factores incluyendo temperatura, tipo de sustrato, disponibilidad de alimento y la zonación intermareal

    Callicera PANZER 1809

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    Genus <i>Callicera</i> Panzer, 1809 <p> Type species: <i>Bibio aenea</i> Fabricius</p> <p>Diagnosis: Body metallic shiny black in colour. Eyes completely covered with hairs, Antennae normally longer in size than normal shape. Long terminal arista present. Scutellum bears hair fringe on ventral side.</p>Published as part of <i>Sengupta, Jayita, Naskar, Atanu, Parui, Panchanan, Homechaudhuri, Sumit & Banerjee, Dhriti, 2020, A New Record From The Genus Callicera Panzer, 1809 (Insecta: Diptera: Syrphidae) From India, pp. 140-144 in Munis Entomology & Zoology 15 (1)</i> on page 141, DOI: <a href="http://zenodo.org/record/3761950">10.5281/zenodo.3761950</a&gt

    Callicera nitens Coe 1964

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    <i>Callicera nitens</i> Coe, 1964 (Figs. 1 A-1F) <p> 1964. <i>Callicera nitens</i> Coe. Bull. Brit. Mus. Nat. Hist., 15: 287.</p> <p> <b>Type location:</b> Nepal.</p> <p> <b>Material examined:</b> 3 ♂♂, Tukpa Valley, Kinnaur district, 2530 mt, 31°25'59"N, 78°14 '36"E, 15.iv.18, coll: J.Sengupta.</p> <p> <b>Diagnosis: Head</b>: Shining black in colour, covered sparsely with golden orange hairs. Antennae comparatively long with basoflagellomere having excessively long terminal arista. Arista terminal in appearance. Frons less densely haired than face. <b>Thorax</b>: Entirely shining black in colour and covered with dense hairs. Hairs predominantly black on notopleuron, posterior anepisternum and on scutellum rim. <b>Abdomen</b>: Shining black in colour and highly covered with pubescences. 1 st and 2 nd abdominal segments covered with dense white pubescences. Whereas hairs covering rest of the segments are brown yellow to black in colour. <b>Legs</b>: Dark brown to yellow brown in colour. Tibia covered with white coloured pubescences. Trochanters entirely brownish orange, claws usually bicolored. <b>Wing</b>: Clear in appearance, brown suffusion across the middle of wing. Wing venation normal. Microtrichia present in very few abundance. All veins yellow orange in appearance.</p> <p> <b>Distribution: India:</b> Himachal Pradesh: Kinnaur: Tukpa Valley.</p> <p> <b>Distribution: Elsewhere:</b> Oriental Region (Nepal).</p>Published as part of <i>Sengupta, Jayita, Naskar, Atanu, Parui, Panchanan, Homechaudhuri, Sumit & Banerjee, Dhriti, 2020, A New Record From The Genus Callicera Panzer, 1809 (Insecta: Diptera: Syrphidae) From India, pp. 140-144 in Munis Entomology & Zoology 15 (1)</i> on pages 141-142, DOI: <a href="http://zenodo.org/record/3761950">10.5281/zenodo.3761950</a&gt

    Callicera PANZER 1809

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    <p> Key to species of Genus <i>Callicera</i> Panzer, 1809</p> <p> 1. Legs entirely clear orange reddish in colour except for coxa and trochanter……… ……………………………………………………….…………………………….... <i>robusta</i>, Coe, 1964</p> <p>- Tarsi area of legs are blackish, legs never orange red in colour…….………………….2</p> <p> 2. Hairs on mesonotum portion of thorax blackish at posterior end……………………. ………………………………………………………………………………….……….. <i>nitens</i> Coe, 1964</p> <p> - Hairs on mesonotum portion of thorax wholly yellowish whitish colour……………. ………………………………………………………………………….… <i>christiani</i> Ghorpade, 1994</p>Published as part of <i>Sengupta, Jayita, Naskar, Atanu, Parui, Panchanan, Homechaudhuri, Sumit & Banerjee, Dhriti, 2020, A New Record From The Genus Callicera Panzer, 1809 (Insecta: Diptera: Syrphidae) From India, pp. 140-144 in Munis Entomology & Zoology 15 (1)</i> on page 141, DOI: <a href="http://zenodo.org/record/3761950">10.5281/zenodo.3761950</a&gt

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    Amylase and protease activity in shrimps and prawn of Sundarbans, West Bengal, India

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    53-59Comparative assessment of amylase and protease activities in the gut and hepatopancreas extracts of Macrobrachium rosenbergii, Penaeus monodon, P. indicus and Metapenaeus monoceros, collected from Sundarban creeks along West Bengal, India, was done. α-amylase activity in gut and hepatopancreas was highest in M. rosenbergii followed by P. indicus, M. monoceros and P. monodon and the levels of α-amylase activity was found elevated in gut of all four crustacean shrimp species as compared with hepatopancrease. Increased level of protease activity in gut and hepatopancreas were observed in P. indicus followed by P. monodon, M. monoceros and M. rosenbergii and the protease activity level was found highest in hepatopancrease of all four crustacean species as compared to levels of gut. Increased level of α-amylase activity in M. rosenbergii showed that carbohydrates are the principal substrates used for energy production in M. rosenbergii and gut might play an important role in the digestive process of carbohydrate in shrimps and prawn